
The end.

Alexa stood in the middle fo the study. Not daring to move.

"Again", he said. His voice neither loud or soft but had a cold air.

Alexa shivered. Not saying anything in reply.

"Go to your room", he said.

Alexa had tried to run away again, but still he brought her back. Neither keeping her as lover nor a friend. She was merely a permanent resident in his villa, someone that was that was never allowed to leave. An ornament to his home.

"Why? Why won't you let me leave?" her voice cracked as tears welled in her eyes.

All Alexa had ever longed for these 3 years was freedom.

"Go to your room" he whispered before returning to his work.

Alexa walked to her room. She was so tired and worn. She was only 19 but she felt as if she had lived a million years. She was so tired. She just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up.

She showered and got dressed quickly. She wore a black dress and back pair of heels. She walked out onto her balcony. The view from her room was the most beautiful. It looked out onto a vast landscape an lake and trees and a mountain in the far distance. It was sunset at the time.

Such a nice view is a the best thing to see last. She closed her eyes. Painting the image of the landscape in her mind. She walked back into the bathroom and ran a bath. She was crying again. What else would you do if you knew you were going to die soon? She wore wrote a letter. A story actually, it went like this.

Once upon a time there a lived a little girl. She loved in a beautiful world that was bright and happy. One day this girl lost he parents. Although was very sad she remained optimistic and went to live with her grandfather. Her grandfather was very old and owned his own business, he had retired but due to the death of his son he had to look after it. One day the business went bankrupt. He had offended a very important person. By this time the girl was 16, she didn't know what the her grandfather had done to offend the rich man. To pay the debt back the rich man took the girl , her grandfather could do nothing. 2 years later her grandfather died, one day while waiting in her grandfathers hospital room she heard him whisper, "He wanted to have you, I said no but in the end he has you anyway", the girl knew what he meant and was immediately filled with grief. The next day her grandfather had passed away in his sleep. The following years the girl had tried to escape many times from he rich man. One day she realized that the only escape she had was to join all her loved ones. After all they had all left her alone.

This is my goodbye. - Alexa Kingsley.