
A runaway experiment

Team Plasma have been known to cause a lot of trouble as of late but have they done in the past. Let's find out, shall we Pokemon is owned by Nintendo and its respective partners. I own non of the characters except my respective OCs.

Prof_Delta · Komik
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4 Chs


Team plasma is known for the protests against owning pokemon and seek to liberate all pokemon from their trainers, but also known for their numerous terrorist attacks against the Unova region.At this very moment some members are sitting in a van in a very secluded town in the outskirts of Unova

3rd person POV

Two Team Plasma grunts walk up to a door in the town while one stays in the van for surveillance. One of the grunts knocks on the door of a woman's house they know is pregnant. The lady opens the door to see the two grunts.

Lady: Hello, may I help you?

Grunt 1:Yes, and may we talk inside?

Lady: Yes of course.

She welcomes the 2 grunts in her home not knowing their evil scheme

Lady's POV

I invited the two grunts into my home and we take a seat in the living room. They were wearing black uniforms with their logo on their chest, as well as a black mask and hat, with the hat having a grey X on it. "So what was it you wanted to ask me," I question them."Right we wanted to know if you would like to join our organisation," he asked me and I replied with a hard no. "Why would I join your organisation after all the terrorist attacks on this region," I exclaimed." We will support you with funds for after your child is born, seeing as you're pregnant," he replied back. I thought long about the option but still I declined.

3rd person POV

The 2nd grunt then suddenly grabbed his pokeball and let out his pokemon Amoongus.

Grunt 2: Amoongus use spore!

The Amoongus sprayed pollen at the pregnant woman fell down unconscious, the two grunts go to pick her up and the scene goes black.

(Time skip)

Lady's POV

I woke up to see a grey ceiling above my head and I seemed to be tied down, so I decide at my surroundings only to see a large cylindrical tank with a fetus inside. On the side of the tank was some blood and trail the blood to the source only to scream in horror.My belly had been cut open! There was blood everywhere and the umbilical chord was dangling outside my body.

I hear laughing in the other end of the room and i look up to see a tall man wearing a white lab coat, glasses and has blond hair with a blue hair strip circling it. "WHO ARE YOU!?" I scream, the strange man replies after laughing at my question, "Miss my name is Colress, head scientist of team Plasma. Now miss do you know why you're here," he asks in a fiendish manner. "NO I DON'T KNOW WHY AND WHY IS MY BELLY CUT OPEN," I scream crying for my life. The scientist I now know as Colress walks up to my table slowly and stops next to the tank. "To answer both your questions, one because you are a single to be mother with little to no family and who lives in the outskirts of Unova. And two we that fetus for a little experiment that we're working on," he replies. "WHAT EXPERIMENT, WHAT DO YOU PLAN ON DOING WITH MY BABY," I stop for a moment to calm my self catch my breath while still crying. "Ah my dear, An revolutionary project, one to fuse humans with POKEMON, he reveals while shouting the last part. After calming myself I continue, "Why are you telling me any of this," I question him once again. "Well my dear, did you think we would let you leave here alive with the info I've given you," he ask in a more sadistic tone. "Haxourus!" He calls out and this large reptilian creature with axes for tusks appeared behind me.

Colress' POV

I looked at the beast of a pokemon looming over the poor woman's head. I stopped admiring it beauty and call to it, "Haxourus! Use guillotine on the woman in front of you!" It responds to command by lifting it's head slightly and turning it to the side, enlarging the axe on it's head with an energy of somekind and brings down the axe with speed cleanly cutting of the woman's head off her shoulders. I walk up to it while it relaxes itself after the attack it used and congratulate it, "Well done Haxourus, as a treat i will allow you to eat the woman you just killed," in a calm yet maniacal tone. As the pokemon proceeds to drag away it's new found prey, I walk to the table to pick up the tank and pick it up. "Welcome to your new home subject #201," I whisper to it walking to the stairs.