
A runaway experiment

Team Plasma have been known to cause a lot of trouble as of late but have they done in the past. Let's find out, shall we Pokemon is owned by Nintendo and its respective partners. I own non of the characters except my respective OCs.

Prof_Delta · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 2 - A worthy candidate

Colress POV

I reached my office and started to figure out how to solve subject #201's health condition problem (and I had such high hopes for this one too). I start to write and mentally test some theories and come to a dead-end, either with him dying at the regular age or dying earlier.

A few days later

I sit at my desk with my head on the table and my hair a mess from all the stressful failed attempts to solve subject #201's problem. Someone knocked on the door and I answered, "You may enter."

A woman with darkened blue hair and forest green eyes; draped in a 3-quarter set of panoply (full set of knight armour without the helmet), like a uniform, with 2 capes, one white going down the back and the other black on the shoulder adorned with our organization's emblem.

"Ah, miss Adringal, for what do I owe the honour?" I ask as she closes the door behind her. She straightens herself before responding, " Lord Ghetsis summoned for me to report on your progress with the new sire's servant." Ah right, that was today.

Although she could be less serious, she no doubt is loyal to team PLASMA, one of our most loyal.

"Unfortunately, we are still at same stage we were a year ago, the subjects are still dying at a rather young age. The oldest we have gotten was one at the age of 5. The good news is that the latest batch of subjects have entered the incubation stage, but we have a slight problem with one of them." I look up notice her looking a bit worried and bring my hands up in reassurance. "Nothing to worry about though, we have that under control." "Well, if that is all, then I'll take your report to our lord," she replies.

I don't what clicked in me, but I felt as if I got an epiphany as she turned to leave. Before she could open the door to leave, I call out to her, "Wait! If I could spare a moment of your time," she turns around with full attention. "How you like to care for one of the new subjects miss Adringal?" After a second she responded in a serious tone, "It would be my pleasure, sir."

"Good I'll let the Nursing division know to deliver the child at your living arrangements, as well as negotiating terms with our lord about your duties." For a moment, I swear I saw a twinge of shock on her features. With that she turned around to take her leave, leaving me to contemplate and slightly regret my decision with all the paperwork that comes with it.

Adringal POV

I close the door behind me and walked down the hall a bit before attaching myself to the wall to relax. 'Oh. My. Arceus. What did I just get myself into? On one hand, I just got the honour of a lifetime but on the other... A child! I always wanted a kid but I'm not ready for one.' Choosing to deal with the dilemma after work today, I proceed down the hall towards the elevator when I'm stopped by a familiar face.

"Hey Dan, how's it going?" "Huh? Oh, hey April, not much although the kitchen is a bit crazy as of late. Anyways, enough from me, what you been up to? You look like someone kicked Deino across the hall. Want to talk about it later? Uh, drinks?"

In front of me, the man dressed in a lab coat with a yellow Basculin shirt underneath, Grey cargo pants with a black belt and brown office shoes to finish the look. He is Daniel Worran, one of my only friends here and a face I can be less formal around.

"Sure, I'll tell you all about it later, but right now our lord anticipates my presence," I reply, and we wave each other off with a silent agreement to our meeting place.

Before I reached the elevator, I take a peek at the 'playground' for no particular reason. A place where all the children are raised to serve this mighty organisation and assist in the liberation of Pokémon. A sad smile pastes itself on my features as I look upon all the parts of horns or armour that had broken off their owners as they were playing.

I always tell myself that this is fine, but I can't help but felt sorry for these children. Never getting to see the light of the sun and dying at such a young age.

As the only admin, you'd think that they would tell me how these children came to be, but I haven't the slightest clue. All I know is that they're Pokémon‑human hybrids and their unstable genes are causing them to die at a young age.

Turning away from the window, I make my way to the elevator, enter it and ascend to the helipad to fly to the main base as this is an off-site facility.

After a short flight

I enter his office to catch him staring out the large window in his graceful yellow and purple robe, with eye-like design features on both sides of the split.

His collar looks like the top of castle towers and has the team PLASMA emblem on its middle front. He turns around to reveal his red mirrored monocle, with a white rim. He has ash blond hair with a hairstyle all too confusing to describe (Idk his sideburns are sprouting from the sides of his head and he has the largest cowlick in history). His blood-red eyes stare into my soul before he beckons me to speak.

I get onto one knee before greeting. "Greetings my lord, it does my well to see you in good health." "Yes, and so does it I. May you disclose of Colress' progress my knight?" Ghetsis requested.

"It saddens me that no progress has been made on the servant project as of yet. Due to the failure to extend the lifetime of the children, the project cannot proceed to its next stage. The newest specimens have been born and are being put into nursing as we speak. Colress also said he will be putting in a request for one of the new specimens. I have not been told the details sadly, so we'll have to wait for the request to come in."

Ghetsis turned and put his hand on his chin in thought before turning back to me. "Well thank you, it is saddening to learn of the lack of progress. I'll have to go the labs myself and have a 'talk' to the scientists there."

Well shit. Him going personally for one of his 'talks' is never good for anyone.

"Admin Adringal, you're dismissed," he finally said. I nodded at his dismissal and turned to leave.

The rest of my day was uneventful. Just regular routines like patrol, orientation for new grunts and tending to the Pokémon here. Though the last one can be very dangerous depending on the species you're assigned to. My luck got me assigned to the dragon pens. About six pens filled with different dragon type Pokémon, nasty things I tell you.

I removed my armour, change out of my uniform and take my leave. I just got out base perimeters when I felt a buzz in my pocket, so I took out my phone and flipped it open to see Daniel's number. I press the answer button and continue walking. "Hey Daniel." "Oh, hey April, just checking to see if you're still up for drinks tonight?" "Oh riiiight, kinda forgot about that. I'll be sure to be there though. Nacrene City, right?" "(sigh) Yes, I still can't believe you still can't remember the city our favourite bar is in." "I'll meet you there at seven, sound cool?" It takes a second, but he agrees to the time and hangs up. By the time we were done I the train station was in my sights.

One train ride later

The ride home was uneventful as I made my way to my house in Nuvema Town. A small village on the outskirts of the Region. Very peaceful place with a lot of nice people. Housing is cheap here and the best part... big back yards! One of the main reasons I sought the place was for my Pokémon.

I have a Deino, Drapion, Drudigon and this cool foreign Pokémon Salamence. None of them are in pokeballs as I want them as free as possible. I liberated them from a trainer with a bad personality and they've stuck around ever since.

if you ask me, pokeballs are no good. I don't believe that pokeballs give you a true bond to Pokémon, so I don't use or have pokeball on me at all. Meaning that the bond between me and my Pokémon is more genuine as they're less domesticated.

I unlock my door and enter my house. The walls are a calming light blue and the ceiling four meters above my head is coloured the same. There are no halls as you are met with the living room immediately upon entering the building. To the right is the bathroom and three bedrooms, one of which I've repurposed for my Pokémon. The kitchen is just a bit past the living room and is combined with the dining room, so it's a fair size.

Upon entering I'm met with Deino practically jumping on me. "Hey bud, how's holding the fort going?" "Rawr" "I see, well great job Deino." I keep on rubbing its fur and pampering it when I remembered that I had a meet up later."Get the others for me, ok?"

Deino left me, and I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. The bathroom is a fair size with white tiles lining the walls and grey tiles for the floor. It's a Japanese style bath and shower, with a bathtub accompanied by a showerhead and stool next to it.

I undress and turn the bath tap on. I guide myself to the showerhead and start washing my hair while the bath fills with water. The difference in the water's temperature as it flows onto my back from my blue locks makes me shiver a bit, but nothing of note. I then move on to washing my body. The scrubber feels a tiny bit rough on my silky skin, but I don't mind it.

I rinse my hair and body, and turn the bath tap off, as I get up, I admire myself a bit in the mirror. My breasts are a nice and comfy double D and my GLUTEUS MAXIMUS I would say is a medium size; not too big where I can't sit and not too small that it would be considered flat. And let's not forget my most prized possessions... MY THUNDER THIGHS! Strong enough to crush a small melon, so come on boys~!

Anyway, off track.

I place myself in the bath and relish the feeling of the warm water as it engulfs my body. I let my body soak in the liquid and let out all the stress of the day.

It's around 20 min before I decide to get out of the tub. Standing up and getting out of the tub, I grab a towel, wrap it around myself and make my way to my room. My room is nothing special. Just all the normal things you would need in a room like a queen-sized bed, dresser with a mirror, a cupboard and a nightstand.

Anyways, I decided to wear some skinny jeans with a yellow top and a dark grey jacket, as it was going to be cold tonight. I put on makeup and made it look natural, so a natural base with mascara and lip-gloss.

Stepping out of my room, feeling BEAUTIFUL, I make my way to the counter near the door to grab my keys and purse.

I had one more thing to do before I left though, so I made my way to the backyard.

As I step outside, I see all 4 of my Pokémon waiting for me.

"Hey guys, ya feeling good today?" All 4 of them cry out in reply. I walk up to each of them petting them individually. "I know you guys missed me, but I'm gonna have to keep this short. Salamence, buddy, you up for some flying?"

Salamence lowers itself so I could get on its back. It's hard but smooth scales are nice to the touch, but they aren't very warm. "Okay, let's see if still remember the basics," I say mostly talking to myself here.

And with a sudden jerk, I'm in the sky on the dragon's back clinging on for dear life. "I FORGOT HOW SCARY THIS WAAS!

Small flight later

3rd person POV

After a horrifying trip, she had finally made it to Nacrene City! Home to many places of interest. Such as the museum and Pokémon gym, but most importantly, her favourite place, the Maractus Tavern; a place a wonder and booze.

Nacrene City is a place built out of warehouses from a century ago. The reuse of the old structure has led to the place's nickname of 'the city of art'.

Her hair has had better days though.

"Salamence, can you explore around while you wait for me, please?" She asked the large, winged lizard before her. It didn't give a recognisable response before launching itself into the air and flying into the nearby forrest.

She made her way to the bar to see Daniel waiting outside. "HEY!" she called out to him and he turned in attention.

Entering the bar her senses are filled with the smell of alcohol and sweat. Wonderful! The place was populated by different groups of people from depressed people drowning their sorrows away to friends drinking for fun and even some nicely dressed people as well.

They made their way to a secluded table, so no one could eavesdrop, and ordered their drinks. They waited in silence making sure no one was around before Daniel broke the ice.

"So, how's your day been?" "Oh, you know, same old routine, patrols, feeding some Pokémon. But let's get to the point for today," April replied. "Right. So, what did Colress talk to you about in his office?" April released all tension in her shoulders and told him what happened in Colress' office.

Hearing this Daniel took a swig at his drink before Shouting " WHAT!" Several patrons looked in their direction. "Hey, don't make a scene. Anyways yeah I may be taking care of one of the children soon." April took a sip of her beer while Daniel looked at her as if she just kicked a lillipup. "Yeah, kinda shocked me too. I had to actually force a neutral face in front of him."

Daniel looked a bit concerned for his best friend. "So, what do you think is gonna happen? I mean you still have your admin duties, right?" "I'm sure they'll remove some things from my daily tasks," reassured April. After a few seconds it was decided that the topic be dropped and that they enjoy the rest of the night.

And so the night carried on. They kept on ordering drinks for at least 2 hours before stopping due to how drunk they were. They walked out of the bar, trying to support each other and failing, making their way to the landing area for Pokémon. Waiting for them was the aforementioned Dragon.

"Hey bud. 'HIC' Do you mind giving us a slow ride," April asked. The reptile lowered its green body in answer. The two humans got on and luckily for them Salamence took off slowly.

The scene in the sky was something out of a fantasy. Being above they layer of pollution that blocked the sight; the stars shone like diamonds under thin rays of light. The sea of clouds and the lit towns below made for a beautiful shot for their memories. (not like they'll remember any of it)

Once they reached April's home.

Reaching the beautiful village on the region's cape Nuvema Town, Salamence makes a swift but steady decent towards April's home backyard. The landing was less than gentle and shook one of the riders awake. Daniel being the one to awake, slides off the Pokémon's back and promptly shakes the sleeping woman he was behind.

April slowly opens her eyes, sits up and stretches her arms over her head with a satisfied moan. She too gets off the large Pokémon and makes her way to the sliding door of her home, her little and not so little friends following greeting her drowsy form.

Not even 10 seconds after opening the door both humans make their way inside, with Deino being the only one to follow. Daniel asks April if he could stay the night and she says yes, even allowing him to sleep in her room as she's too tired to prep the spare room for him.

Upon entering the room, the two besto friendo (insert Todo and Itadori here) start getting ready for bed, removing jackets and other over shirts. April decides to sneak a peak at the other side of the room to see her male friend's slightly toned arms. Her drunk mind and pent-up body send nothing but lewd thoughts as she keeps staring in his direction.

He notices her, tries and succeeds to get her attention. "Hey, do you need something?" She's shaken from her trance and responds. "Oh nothing. Just answer this… If a woman who has invited you into her home were to ask you for some 'private time' for the night, would you take the offer?"

He stood there a bit surprised and guessed the hidden implications of what she was asking him. Daniel blushes a little and his ears turn a rose colour.

"I mean it would be a lie if I said I wouldn't consider the offer," he says looking down sideways, to avoid her slightly lustful gaze.

When he looks back up his best friend is topless with her garments removed. He can't help but stare as his is glued to the front by some unseen entity.

April starts to walk towards him lust even more present on her features. She stops two steps in front of him looking downwards. "Looks like someone packed a pokéflute today. Want me to help you take it out~" She starts to unzip his pants and guide him to the bed.

Without a word Daniel follows her lead. He's sure it's the alcohol influencing his decisions here, but he doesn't care right now. He takes his place on the sheets of the bed and waits for April to start.

Said woman pulls down his pants and takes out his 'flute' and thus begins their night of passionate fun.

After the night of drunken passion

April woke up with a yawn, stretching, her hair frizzed in all directions. Moaning a little from the hangover from the previous night's events, she looks down to see her naked bust in confusion and decides to look to the other side of the bed.

She almost screamed from what she saw. Her best friend was in her bed next to her, sound asleep. It wouldn't take a scientist to see what had taken place. She had sex with her best friend after getting drunk.

Before she could even begin to process the consequences of this her doorbell rings. Acting quickly, she grabs her underwear, a shirt and a gown and heads for the door. Scrambling to put her clothes on the bell rings again and she shouts her acknowledgement to the persons behind the door.

All clothing articles on she opens the door to be greeted by a PLASMA grunt. They say nothing as they hand a letter to April and call for some boxes to be brought in the house.

April can't even complain with her headache and just heads into the house to open the letter.

With the letter opened, she took out the paper and it read.

'Dear Miss Adringal

We are to inform you that due to our agreement over the care of subject #201, the Nursing, Incubation and higher divisions have decided that you would be given paid leave to care for the specimen at your abode. This decision was not made lightly as it did take into consideration the likely hood of outsiders discovering the child.




Well it's finally done. I probably won't post for a while as school is being a bit more taxing than I realised and Gensing Impact is just too fun. Don't expect guaranteed updates but it will still be at the back of my mind. Hope you all enjoyed this one and see you next time.

Prof_Deltacreators' thoughts