
chapter two

fences, and an aura of serenity, concealed a tale of envy, betrayal, and an ominous promise: "They will soon regret it."

At the heart of this story were two lifelong friends, John and Alex, who had been inseparable since their childhood. Their bond was unbreakable, as they shared dreams, joys, and sorrows. John, with his warm smile and unwavering determination, harbored the dream of opening a small bakery, and Alex, with his infectious laughter and artistic flair, aspired to become a renowned painter. But sometimes, things don't go as planned.

As the years passed, John's dream began to materialize. He opened "Sweet Delights," a quaint bakery located on the corner of Rosewood Avenue, which soon became the heart and soul of Maryland. His pastries, from buttery croissants to heavenly cakes, were simply irresistible. People from neighboring towns flocked to his bakery, and his success soared to unimaginable heights. John's dream was becoming a reality. But everything has its downside.

However, this success didn't come without consequences. Alex, though initially happy for his friend, couldn't help but feel overshadowed by John's accomplishments. His own artistic pursuits were met with admiration but also paled in comparison to the radiant success of Sweet Delights. Jealousy began to fester in Alex's heart. John noticed the recent behavior of his friend lately, and he was having trouble with one of his workers recently. He explained all these to his dad, and John's dad looked at him and said, "Have a seat, boy, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a bird flying from east to west for winter, and on the way, it got frozen and it fell from a couple of thousand feet to the ground, and it landed on a field. At this point, John was trying to figure out the meaning of the story, and a cow came by and excreted on the frozen bird and walked away while the bird was buried in a pile of dung. As time goes on, the bird became warm and comfortable under the pile of dung and started singing. Moments later, a cat was passing by, and on hearing the tweets and songs of the bird, the cat immediately rushed to the

pile of dung and dug out the bird and ate it. Now John is surprised and asked, "What's the moral of the story?" His dad replied, "Isn't everybody that covers you with excrement is your enemy? Sometimes they are protecting you, and isn't everyone that digs you up from dung your friend? Sometimes they want to betray you, just note that." After the discussion, John's dad retired to his room, and John sat there lost in thought.

One fateful evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of crimson and amber, Alex sat alone in his cozy art studio, wrestling with his emotions. The canvas before him remained blank, a reflection of his creative block and growing envy. At that moment, a dangerous idea was manufactured in the devil's workshop, and it took root in his mind. He decided to steal John's recipe book, where he had spent countless hours with John sharing dreams and aspirations. He knew every nook and cranny of the place, which made his covert mission all the more perilous. Alex managed to locate the cherished recipe book and, with trembling hands and no feeling of guilt, copied down every secret, every ingredient that made John's pastries so exceptional. His heart raced with the anticipation of finally proving himself, even if it meant sacrificing his friendship. At this point, he allowed the evil seed of envy in his mind to turn into a tree that bears fruit.

The next day, Alex unveiled his new creations to the town, baked using the stolen recipes from John's secret book. The townspeople were awestruck by the delicious pastries, unaware of their true origin. Alex's bakery, which he named "Alex Pastries," swiftly became a sensation, and it pulled men and women just like Sweet Delights. The townspeople flocked to his establishment, praising his false culinary prowess.

John, oblivious to the betrayal, visited Alex's new pastry establishment "Alex Pastries" and sampled the pastries. His face contorted with surprise and anger as he recognized his own recipes. He immediately left the pastry stand and went to confront Alex, his voice trembling with disappointment and betrayal. Now, Alex was soaked with fear and shame, and he was unable to look his friend in the eye, confessed to his actions, and the room fell silent, except for the heavy weight of regret that settled upon both of them.

The news of Alex's betrayal spread like wildfire through Maryland, and the town's harmony was shattered.

The community found itself divided between Sweet Delights and Alex Pastries, as they had the best pastries at that time, and lifelong friendships strained under the weight of deceit. The once serene town became a battleground of loyalty and choice. At this point, John and Alex's friendship was held by a thin thread or an invincible line because they were now distant from each other.

As time passed, Alex's initial joy turned to sorrow. The stolen recipes had brought him temporary success, but they had also stripped him of his integrity and the respect of those who mattered most to him. The townspeople, once enamored by Alex Pastries, now began to feel the weight of Alex's betrayal. At this point, the phrase "they will regret it soon" seemed to ring

true, but the regret was now engraved and written all over Alex, and it haunted him in his sleep every night. But should Alex apologize? Or should John have helped Alex's career to reach his standard? Let's continue the story.

John, with a heavy heart, decided to keep her bakery running and continue crafting delicious pastries, even without her secret recipe book. Her loyal customers stayed by her side, not just for the taste of her creations but for the integrity and honesty she represented.

The saying "they will regret it soon" echoed in the minds of both John and Alex, but mostly Alex. Regret, as an insidious guest, had taken root in Alex's heart. The stolen recipes had brought him temporary success, but they had also stripped him of his integrity and the respect of those who mattered most to him, and this made the society turn their back on him because of his Judas identity.

Over time, as the town of Maryland witnessed the stark contrast between the two bakeries (Sweet Delight and Alex Pastries), a sense of justice prevailed. Alex's customers began to dwindle as they learned the truth of his actions. Some people still patronized Alex Pastries, but they diminished with each passing day. On the other hand, Sweet Delights continued to thrive, not only because of the delightful pastries but also because of the trust and values John embodied, but she was still broken inside.

As Maryland slowly healed from the wounds of betrayal, it became evident that true success was not merely about achieving one's dreams but also about the path taken to reach them. John had lost her secret recipes but kept pushing, and because of that, he retained his integrity and the love and trust of everyone in the community. Alex, on the other hand, had achieved his dream of being famous but through deceit and at the cost of his reputation and friendships. Literally, Alex lost on both sides.