
A Rift Between Time and Space

Ever curious about what's between Time and Space? What is neither time nor space? A place without Time and Space? Two Main protagonists named Flame and Doom will go on an unpredictable journey to find answers to seek. Flame will find a path to Space. He will travel to different dimensions to discover the mystery of this world. Doom is a demon that escapes into this world as he finds a non-normal companion of multiple races. Doom will find a path to Time. He needed to fix his major problem. However, things aren't expected to be the way he wanted to be. But what's between Time and Space? The answer you seek, you will need to find it.

Flamefalco · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


Flame suddenly woke up as he sat up only to be inflicted from a headache. Where am I? The first thing to notice that there is a campfire in this dark cave. He sees some strange grey pillar filled with symbols and drawings. The room itself is big, but there is no way out of it. We might've fallen onto the bottom of the dungeon. Then next thing he knew that he should've died from a fall, and yet, there's no traces of blood and broken bones.

Kashi on the other side of the room is fixing the tool. Flame squints his eye only to notice that Kashi trying to fix the weapon that Flame use. Flame stands up as his headache gets worse.

He slowly walking trying not to worsen the effect. Kashi has a bunch of tools lying around making a mess. He notices the empty backpack assuming that is full of tools and essential item.

Kashi suddenly turns around looking for different tools, he is wearing a safety goggle that he has always worn got startled since Flame just suddenly right next to Kashi, "Whoa! You scaring me! When did you get up?" Flame did not respond as he only looks at his weapon. Kashi just realize as he said it in his head, "Crap! Right, I forgot that he can't hear." Then Flame picks up the weapon. "Wait! This weapon is not finished!" Then Flame smiles, the first time he did since the beginning.

As Flame examines the weapon, Kashi can fix the weapon, which he can improve to make it sturdy, harder to break. This will last long. Then he puts down the weapon glancing at Kashi and nods showing signs of approval. Then he sits quite a distance from Kashi only to meditates fixing his headache problem. Kashi was stumped, not knowing what his intention are.

After a while, this room is awfully peaceful almost too calm. You can only hear Kashi smashing sound echos across the room. "Yes! I've finished." Kashi stands up abruptly as he holding on to Flame's weapon. Flame noticed the sudden movement as he looks at Kashi with his completed work. Then Kashi walks toward Flame giving the weapon back.

Then it got awkward between them. Kashi was wondering how to communicate with him. At the same time, they wanted to get out of the dungeon knowing it had failed due to the incident from that person. Speaking of that person, who is that? He has the power to destroy anything. Why does he have that much power? Countless thoughts spiral through Kashi's mind. Then Flame taps his shoulder to snap out his mind as he was gesturing. He was confused at first, then after a while, he been asking for paper and something to write with. Kashi goes through his backpack only to find some scrap paper and a pen. Then he shows it to Flame, He quickly snatches it as he begins to write. After some scribbling, He showed it to Kashi only to said

"I'm hungry."

Kashi was surprised but not surprised since he's also hungry.

Since the beginning, they brought food for breaks and such, he was well prepared for any situation. Now almost everyone died, the food he brings is enough to hold for two days. He brought some food that can easily cook over the fire.


Kashi pats his belly, "Phew... I'm full." Then he glances at Flame as he writes on the paper. "How did we survive the fall?" Yeah, no doubt that anyone could die from the fall. He thought for a second and he takes the paper and pen.

"Luck." He shrugs, then he added, "I don't know but all that matters that we survived." He can felt that Flame is doubting. "Do you know the way out of here?" Now that we survived we really need to get out of here.

Flame looks around, only to see walls with no doors, which is weird. Why would they make a room with no doors? "I'm going to take a look" He got up as he starts a fire from his hand. He looks at the symbols on the wall. From what he saw that these are words, but there's no way he can understand these words. Kashi handed a paper to Flame.

"I don't think we can get out anytime soon. We might have to dig our way out." He suggests. Though it wasn't a bad idea however the wall surrounding is very sturdy I doubt it will break. Flame continues to scan the wall only to be noticed there's a crack on the wall, giving a slight breeze as fire reacts to it. He puts down the fire and grabs the note. "We can get out of here if we go through this wall."

Kashi tightens his brown glove as he touches the wall with palm on his hand. It bends the earth removing the wall like clay making it big enough for our pathway. Flame eyebrow lifts as he scribbles on the paper. "I thought you don't have any abilities."

Kashi shook his head "That's an Enhancement I added an ability to manipulate Earth and Metal. It is useful for blacksmithing. That's why I'm able to fix your weapon." Enhancement is the one that ordinary people can possess. As long you have a crystal and a decent blacksmith, you can do anything according to the color of the crystal. This is very useful for everyday things and fighting. Crystals nowadays are common. You can find those in various dungeons or the wild.

Now that he mentioned it, is he the one that causes the room to collapse to escape our death? More like, why he's hiding his useful tools from the group of people. We would've moved around the dungeon easily.

As soon they're done packing, a bunch of undead crawling through the hallway as it heading our way. "Now there's a monster of all time. Six of them, it going to be hard to get out." Kashi sighs.. Flame brings out his chained dagger as they dash towards them defeating all of the undead in an instant. "Never mind." Kashi holds on to his backpack as he ran toward Flame.