
Unfortunate Reinforcements

Inside the main castle building, there were hundreds of shouts, screaming about what to do, hundreds of people bunched up into a small brick room,

" We can't send all of our forces to fight that strange monster, The appleians will land at this castle soon and we don't know if their friendly or not, " screamed out an orange man wearing a purple tunic,

" If the galactic patrol is helping them, there's a good chance they are friendly so we can save the princess, " yelled out a woman standing behind him,

The screaming contained until a man wearing a crown walked into the room, he had a white tiger pelt used for his robe, and he wore a standard black cape,

" Galatic patrol are not our allies, they hold a grudge against us since we did not approve their governing of this planet, so there is a possibility these appleians are our enemies, but we need to save my daughter as soon as possible, " the man glanced at the woman before walking into the center of the room,

The crowd dispersed away from him, leaving him surrounded by sodaians, "Here is our plan we are going to send 70 percent of our forces to kill that monster, and the other 30 percent can stay here and guard this kingdom, " The man waved his hand every man, woman, and child nodded their head to him before leaving the room...


Twenty minutes later:

Inside the city, echoed hundreds of explosions, the cloaked man was firing blasts into buildings, destroying and killing hundreds of men and women, he had no remorse on his face whilst doing so, even a small grin appeared on his face,

Theres about only twenty buildings left in this city, " Come down here and face me you coward, " screamed out the woman barely holding onto her sword, all of her men were killed off only she remains, I ignore her before aiming my blast towards to a building on the far side of destroying it completely,

I look down to see her reaction, but she places her hand on the ground before firing a flame blast barely launching herself toward me, she thrust a sword at me but I dodge before hitting her with a hook to the body and then to the head, she flies back until a bright aura shoots off of her, she just used the majority of her energy to stay afloat in the air, she flies to me swinging her sword rapidly, she thrusts then slashes, I contort my body dodging all of them, I create a blast directly in her face, she quickly swipes her hand in front of my blast, blocking it with a flame, her vision is covered in smoke, I fly forward slamming my fist into her chin sending her flying, she spins through the air, crashing into a burning building,

" I'll kill you, " she screams out pushing a collapsed wooden beam off of her, I reach and press my scouter scanning her power level, and at the same time she reaches to ground firing a flame blast loosely gripping her sword, she propels herself just above me, she reaches back gripping her sword with both hands, " This will kill you monster! " her sword gets covered in bright blue flame,

She swings her sword to my chest, I eye the sword slowly getting closer to my chest, It finally hits my chest but nothing happens the flame-covered sword doesn't slice through my cloak she looks at me with shock, her eyes protruding out her sockets, I grab the blade lifting it off of my chest, I headbutt the woman sending her flying back, she barely stays floating in the air, she stood their wobbly with her eyes barely open, I let go of her sword dropping it to the ground,

" You shouldn't have shot that blast to launch yourself towards me, " I fly to her grabbing her by the throat, she doesn't react until five seconds later, she grips my arm trying to break my grip, " You have run out of energy your power level is only at 10 now, " I let go of her throat before throwing her an overhand it hits her spin in the air, with her facing away from me, I grab the collar of her vest yanking her back towards me, I load back my leg kicking her high into the air,

I spike my energy covering myself in a yellow aura and dash into the sky, I fly above her clenching my fist together to form a ball, and slam it into her stomach, she goes flying back to the ground but she hits it appear under slightly kneeing her in the back, she bounces up slightly, I grab her leg yanking her down to my face, I throw an overhand launching her head back, I throw a hook to her chin, Her eyes begin to leak blood,

I extend my hand out firing a barrage of blasts into her sending her flying through the air, she crashes into the pub of this city, she lays there unconscious, I extend both of my hands together conjuring a huge blast, I fire the blast it was mere moments away from hitting her until a huge fire spear pierces my blast destroying it, The sheer wind of the explosion makes the corner of the pub crash down to the ground,

I look where the spear was shot from and see hundreds of sodiains standing there with flames circling around them, " I was expecting a monster not a person " said a tall man wearing chainmail armor with a tiger pelt surrounding his shoulders,

Tch, there's no way I can beat that, I instantly flew higher into the air, reaching the top of the atmosphere, as soon as I reach there I hear things above me, I look up and see twenty ships entering the atmosphere, I look closer and see a small blue child looking out a window, A few seconds later a plan form into my head, I instantly spiked my energy and flew above the ship, I descended down before sitting on top of one of the ships,

I need to find the perfect time to sneak off of this ship and hide...
