

,,He is now in a dingy prison cell. In some stinking medieval dungeon or something. My both hands are chained to the wall. And my body looks like someone has run over it several times.You probably ask? How the fuck got here ... Listen carefully ... It'll be a damn funny story.

My name is Kira, this is short for my name ... But who the fuck cares.

Immediately I say I'm not handsome. I didn't have a girlfriend until I was twenty-five. Well ... girls. But after him we will go to the fun part, I will say a little about my Origin.

I have been unattractive on my face since I was young, not to the extent that I can't look at me. nor do I have a distorted face ... Just if you looked at me, you wouldn't call me handsome. And even medium is a bit too much.

And for this reason and a few smaller ones.Like the fact that I wasn't interested in what my peers were.Or what they like or what is fashionable now. I was harassed at school for most of the years, but I was post-Soviet with it. Despite this little hell I've gone through. I lived on and after years of suffering. I finished school and started working in the company.

Then and today, I believe that with hard work you can get everything. And honestly it works, but the background is not always colorful. I started as one of many "robots" in the company and I didn't stand out. I tried very hard for someone to see me ... And this "someone" was my fat nasty boss. Who, seeing all the employees working in his company, in the department in which I worked. He came to us and announced that he was looking for his right hand.

So idiots who will work for him when he has sex with the secretary.

And you can imagine my childish joy. When the boss called my name ... Hehe ... I almost fell off my chair.

(Boss)-Kiran Boneless.....Kiran Boneless....Stand up, damn you, when I ask you to!!!!

Slightly shaking your nerves. I stood up. I can feel the tension all over the floor, I felt it. That everyone except me and the boss. She began to feel hatred and jealousy. I advanced from "air" to "sworn enemy of all."

Everyone did not like it, but most tried to control it. In order not to expose the boss and the potential unofficial boss to anger.

However, not everyone thought twice before speaking. One of the most popular employees in our department. Handsome, funny and liked by everyone but me. Why ... Because when he lacks jokes to increase his popularity. He uses me and makes fun of me. And hearing that the person he thought was worse and less important than him. He's supposed to be the boss in this company. James, because that's his name. He couldn't stand it.

(James)-The boss is kidding the truth ... After all, you will not take this ugly on the right hand of the company ... He can at most become the head of janitors, not the whole company.


For a moment only a loud bang was heard in the room. And no one could say a word. If you think my eggs grew me two sizes up. You're wrong ... thew grew up two years later.

The perpetrator of James's humiliation was none other than my former boss. Who, taking the opportunity, wanted to buy my loyalty. And he succeeded ... Such a gesture as in my defense was enough.

It ended up being degraded and ... hehe ... he became a janitor on our floor.

James couldn't give up ... He had a choice to pick up a mop or be unemployed. Because the boss would try, to make was he not find employment in other companies.

Later I became ... how to put it ... The dog of the boss ... Yes, exactly. Over time, in addition to my duties with running the company. It turned out that my boss. He was also the head of a mafi and quite powerful. And this company is a covert. And an additional source of financing. And when the boss began to trust me. He began to implement me in details and I became his right hand not only in this company. I did a lot of nasty things and I did a lot of deals. Which I am ashamed of now. Which was hard as hell.

I knew when and with whom the boss had sex. Because my office is next to him and I can see everything. Strangely, the boss did not ignore the fact that I am next door and I have to listen to all this.

Instead, he came into my office wearing a shirt ... which was terribly gross.

(Boss)-Listen to Kira ... Thanks to you I can live as I like it ... As you know ... So give me a second. - Then he took the phone out of his shirt pocket and called.

And strangely, he called for two whores for me. Both were beautiful and sexy. When the girls arrived, he pointed at me. And they knew what she meant. And smiling like cats in the heat, he came to me. I could still hear the boss's voice with the girls.

He said: now we both will make noise and it won't bother anyone.

And so I lost my virginity.

And so the situation repeats several times a week. Every time when the boss stays in the evening in the company, by the way I have always been in it. The boss in the evening brings us four whores, always different. Two for me and two for him.

And honestly, even though my boss is a bad man ... I thought about it and consider him my best friend. The boss had a bottom, he governed the mafia. He took part in illegal things ... and I knew all his activities, and often helped him. But for him I decided to sacrifice myself lightly. And without thinking.

Then time passed and the company earned more and more. And hence me too. Maybe not so much as the boss, but I was right after him. And everyone knew it. Especially James, who heard about me every day from the company's employees.

And when the company earned and I managed to earn a small fortune. I was happy, all I missed was a beautiful wife.

And here again, my boss enters the stage. He invited me to his birthday. Which he organized on one of his luxury boats.

At this party, I met her ... Once a goddess ... Now a demon.

She was dazzling. Beautiful red hair ... A beautiful face that would make a homo has changed hetero.

A slim figure that excites every man.

Her name was Lili Lolie. Don't let her name confuse you, she wasn't loli.

We talked all night ... I was more than happy and because of that I didn't think about the whole situation. Why would such a beautiful woman talk to someone as ugly as me ... The answer is simple ... it's about money.

Lili has enamor me for years. I like it more and more ... The boss told me that it would end badly. He tried to save me without telling my face the truth. However, I was too stupid, I fell in love for the first time.

And after less than half a year he moves in with me ... Stupid, right.

,,It only took a few months and good sex for me to have it in one finger."-she probably thought so.

I really loved her ... in those days I would be ready to give my life for her. And I gave, but not only my own.

As our relationship developed, in my opinion. I was happy enough with her. That I decided to marry her, even if a few days after the wedding, that she would break up and take half my property. I didn't care at the time.

I decided to leave work early. The boss told me. That he is my friend. And he wants the best for me. He told me many times. I wouldn't trust her. I would think with my head. And not with the heart. But without success.

But I didn't listen how stupid. After a year, in connection with her. I was ready to marry her.

I went home halfway through my normal business hours. I went on the way to the jeweler and bought the most expensive ring they had. With a diamond the size of a small ping pong ball.

Then holding the box with the ring which I had in my hands all the time. I drove up to my house. It was a great white villa with a pool. And whatever you want. I didn't save on comfort.

I saw unknown car in front of the house. But I thought that some friend came to her and he wasn't very rich. Because this a car, it looked like a wreck. ... I don't know, I went to check.

However, what happened after that changed me forever ... it opened my eyes.

I entered the house and what I saw caused a terrible thrill. I saw a path made of my girlfriend's and some guy's clothes from the front door to my bedroom.

My heart was pounding ... my breath sped up. And I barely walked on this damn path with my clothes.

I'm going slowly ... every step is difficult for me ... Just in case I sent a text to the boss. In which I described the situations with difficulty. He told me not to enter ... he promised he would be in 5 minutes and he would take care of it.

But I didn't listen.

I went to the door of my bedroom and heard what I never wanted to hear in this situation.


I hear the groans of my girlfriend who is shouting the name of another man.

However, before I came in I heard another exchange of opinions. Which really killed me and changed my psychology by 180 degrees.

(James)-Hmm....say it one more time.

(Lili)-I don't give a fuck about it. Just for money love me more ... I'm your bitch James.

Now I really felt like Snape from Harry Potter. But in contrast to him, I did something before I died.

I took the ring and put it on like the kastet on of my right hand.

I ran into the room and when James saw me and thought I would fall to the ground and he be able to emphasize how naive I was.

But he didn't know what I became during those few years. What monster I have become

I threw myself at him, pushed him to the ground. And before Lili who observe everything out of bed. I started massacring James.

I Lunging at James with a diamond ring as a brass kastet.And I began to slowly massacre his head. My blows were so strong that the first two blows were enough. To knock out all his teeth and stick his nose inside. I hit him with such fury that slowly his skull began to crack. And the face slowly collapsed inside.

Lili looked at me in horror. Because the expression on my face was different than you'd expect. I smiled so widely that I felt pain in my mouth.

Then I died mentally and was born again.

Physically I died moments later when I had grabbed the paper-knife located on the shelf next to me.

However, I didn't manage to do it because Lili shot me. She shot straight at my head.

And I fell dead, but James survived. Just my attack ... hehe ...

I don't know how, but before I left it forever. In a strange way I saw everything around my body.I felt like Doctor Strange from Marvel.

I saw her raise him from the ground. And wraps his face with a piece of cloth. Made of his T-shirt, which was on the corner of the bed.

I saw their panic .... their fear. When they looked at my body. I heard their conversation about what to do with my body.

And finally I saw, when they were to drag my body to the car.

My boss arrived when they pulled my body out in front of the villas next to the car. And unfortunately, me boss saw what they were doing perfectly.

My boss's name was Victor and what I saw after my death. I really appreciated him.

Victor, furious, ordered his men to capture Lili and James. And he ran up to my body and shed tears while cuddling them.

(Victor)-No..No.Nnnooo.Just not you. Brother.

He called me that for the first time. I made , I would like to come alive and compensate him.

Victor was crying over me in front of Lily, James, Me and Victor's people. For a good half hour.

And what happened next was the beginning of hell for Lily and James. What happens when you kill a close family member. Leader of the largest gang in Europe. Who controls everything from police to politics.

Then I watched .... I saw Lily and James were gagged and taken away.

But I didn't follow them .... not immediately.

I stayed with Victor and saw him ordering people who would take me. And when they arrived. It was Victor who put my body in a medical bed. He arranged my body carefully, crying like a child.

Then he ordered the most expensive casket he could find. And he buried me the same day in his family cemetery. Near his parents.

After the funeral, Victor went to one of the many places. In which I or he or one of our people overwhelmed. I have tortured many people more than once, and Victor more. But he treated these two specially.

Victor tried all the tortures known to him on them. From injecting, pouring many substances. For very detailed stripping them first. From pulling teeth, nails, eyes, individual bones ... In short ... The view was beautiful .... I mean no .... although ... revenge tasted delicious.

When they finally died, I saw. Their souls, which come out of the remains of their bodies.

And when they saw me. The sight they gave me. He said one "Monster". Why? .... I smiled at them with satisfaction in my eyes.

Especially when their souls began to draw in a red portal. Which appeared under their feet.

And the demonic hands that came out of him. And pulled them in faster.

After they disappeared, I heard a squeak behind me. I turned and see... What I saw? For a split second before I lost consciousness.

She was more beautiful than you can imagine. I saw holding a giant scythe and wearing strange bikini armor. White skin and white hair woman. And her name ... Death.

I did the prologue. Because an idea came to me. If you have an idea what world would he go to. Then give me an idea in the comments.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kriuswercreators' thoughts