
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasi
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69 Chs

Chapter 50: Trial Completion

Considering the extremely of this case it is going to be given an immediate decision. We were all permitted to remain inside this court house until the verdict was decided. With this in mind, Judge Ian banged his gavel, and freeing the room to allow a wave of murmurs and conversations to start up once again.

Alpha Andrews was immediately cuffed and taken away by the bailiff along with a few guards that were police men. As we stayed in the court room, I felt a tug on my shirt from Leo who gestured for me to sit up and follow him out of this room.

I followed and once the big door closed behind us as we stepped back into the white marble hallway with the light coming in from the glass above. It felt nice just being out of that room to think. Now that there wasn't anybody watching me, I finally allowed my body to tremble. My feet felt rooted again and I couldn't stop myself from being stuck leaning against one of the four white pillars. But before I knew it I felt Leo moving to wrap his arms around my shoulders with one hand holding the back of my head.

The way he spoke effected me more than I thought it could have. His cold and sickening voice made chills run threw my very being. I felt myself trying to stop my lip from quivering as I felt the tears I had been trying to hold back started to fill me as I started to hold onto Leo with every bit of strength I could muster. And then, I let the tears I had been holding back fall onto his left shoulder as I buried my face into it. My cries of anguish sounding louder as the sound reverberated off of the walls.

He didn't say anything and just let me get it all out as his chin rested on the back of my left shoulder touching my nape. After I started to calm down more he started to whisper to me with his hands moving to holding middle and small of my back

" I'm very proud of you, Autumn. " I tried sniffling and rubbing my eyes into his coat he had on with his suit and tie. He lifted his face to have his lips near my ear saying trying to sound light-hearted " I promise you, that now you will never have to go through that again. " but then he said rubbing up and down my back comfortingly

" I'll also have a word with the Press and Alpha Ian to have the information they might have gotten be private. Or possibly get them to summarize and have as little details as possible. " With that thought in mind I didn't want to see a newspaper headline with what happened. I'd die if it was on the news. I tried to be as little specifics as possible because I wasn't going to tell everyone what I told Dr. Isabelle and Leo.

His words did ease my mind a bit and made me say steadily taking in a small breath in as I lifted my face out of his shoulder.

" Thank you. " but then I felt him pull away from the hug and said with a effortless look on his face " Your welcome.. " I noticed his eyes were for a second looking at my lips. It made it clear what he was thinking about and made me hesitate before slowly moving my face closer with my lips just above his. It was more of my way of welcoming him to kiss me if he wanted.

He got this then moved and kissed my lips which felt strangely hesitant but just as I started to kiss back more passionately he started to pull away. When he pulled away I felt strangely confused and disappointed. But then I felt his left hand went to hold my right hand as his right brushed some of my hair behind my ear as he said

" I'd love to kiss you baby, but right now. I think we both should be alert and stay focused. " I understood that we can't let our guards down, but the kiss was a good distraction. Who knows what's to come next. I gave him a nod and he leaned his forehead on mine rubbing against mine while I felt his right hand gingerly brushing my cheek with his eyes half-lided.

After a bit we both went to the door and Leo was still holding my right hand in his left as we ended the court room again. The murmurs and silence were still thick in the air. As we walked we stopped by the row that Jay, Summer, and the others were sitting. We stood by the end asking them quietly

" How are you guys doing? " they all looked at us giving us a response. Jay said " Well things got kinda boring real quick. " then Luke used this opportunity to make the mood awkward with a mischievous smirk with his eyes closed

" Well, I'm surprised the only person to curse this whole trial wasn't Alpha Leo here! " he directed towards him making the corners of his mouth move downwards at the comment. I was relieved that after what Alpha Andrews said that he didn't curse for make a scene like I worried he would after Alpha Andrews was taken away from our pack. I think Leo was very aware how emotional he got and made it a point to restrain such outbursts of emotion so as to not seem " too emotional " in order to be a witness. Otherwise, he might have been charged with being too close to the case and his statements seen as based on personal relations.

But then Luke continued looking at Summer who was slumped back in her seat as he said with slight amusement in his voice " Seriously, who knew your sister had such dirty retorts in her arsenal. " Randell hand given him a piss off look as he had his left hand on her left shoulder holding her to comfort her. But when me eyes went to Summer...I couldn't help but wonder.

How much pain was she going through? I hoped that she wouldn't feel hurt but I guess I didn't consider that hurt to turn into rage. I had sad look on as I looked at her as I asked quietly remembering the burning tears that were in her eyes not so long ago that made her eyes a little puffy " Are you alright? " but when her eyes do meet mine next thing I know, I feel her arms wrapped in a hug around my neck tightly with her saying sounding a little sad

" I am alright. I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have acted like that, but I couldn't take anymore of all of them ganging up on you like that. " I held her and looked down saying softly

" It's alright, I get it. " I kept looking down as I reciprocated my younger sister's hug understanding that we are going through a hard time right now taking everything that happened in. We pulled away from each other but then I herd Leo on my right saying walking to my right looking at me

" Come on, we should head back to our seats while we wait. " I understood and nodded saying okay and saying bye to the others as I followed him up. A part of me wanted to just stay sitting with our friends. At least then I wouldn't feel like we were so secluded from them. I guess, that separation or rather the line between ranks has been blurred from the very beginning when it came to all of us at home. I just forgot it, but now it bothers me a little how clear it is in front of me.

Once we sat down I told Dad that we just stepped out a bit for some fresh air and to get away from the room before coming back. He understood and said he wouldn't mind getting some too.

We waited in our seats, and waited. Then waited some more, and it felt like time was stretching on just to make wait all the more agonizing. I can't emphasize how long we waited. Trying to pace around and making the occasional awkward conversation. Hearing the complaints from other people even from the back of the room. None of us in this court house was in the mood for small talk, and at the same time we were all begging for there to be a distraction from the tension. Both me and my wolf even agreed that we'd had much rather made out with Leo outside than enduring this and make good use of the hours that had already passed.

Granted, I think everyone knew that Alpha Andrews was not getting off the hook with this one. I guess it's just because of the frustration we all feel, being cooped up in a stuffy government building, over business we all would much rather forget. Eventually, once all of my nerves and energy ran out, I found myself laying my head on Leo's shoulder and started to doze off a little. I even felt his left arm wrap around me and holding me making me even more comfortable. His calm steady breathing and heartbeat lulling me to sleep. Letting me escape this stuffy room, building an illusion of peace for me to escape to.

" Hey, Autumn. " Leo's soft voice and soft shaking rouses me from sleep. " It's time, baby. " I was feeling to comfortable to deal with the stress of this trials outcome. I wanted to drown all the senses that reminded me where I was and what was going on pulling me back to reality.

" No..." I groaned nuzzling closer from his arm to resting in the crook of his neck putting my left hand on his chest as my fingers grazed his tie. " I don't want to wake up yet.." this made him smile and let out a light-hearted chuckle, making him move but as make me happy. So I gave in and said raising my head off of him trying to comply.

" Alright, alright I'm up. I'm..up. " I stretched my arms moving my seat over to the left slightly and yawned softly into my right hand feel the sleep I got made me feel the energy that was draining from early this morning I got back. It also gave me more energy that had been draining me since the beginning of this trial. I felt surprised when I saw that the jury was back and had just finished raising their hands to vow as that bailiff started to walk across the room.

They all seated in the jury box as my eyes shot up to the clock that said it was 3:50 pm which made my eyes widen at how much time had passed. My Dad was looking glad to see me awake and all three of us had to stand up along with everyone else which made my legs feel fatigued having to stand so quickly. My Dad said as we stood

" I think we'll all be happy to see you more at ease and more at peace, after this, " then he looked forward " and so will the rest of us. " the sincerity in his words along with the small amount of stern propelled me back in the mindset of having both my guard up and my need to portray myself as a Luna. Making me remember it's not over quite yet, and that I'm still in this dreaded court room. They brought Alpha Andrews back into the room where he sat down again.

There were more boring procedures before we even got close to hearing about a verdict. Judge Ian was here and said that we all could be seated. Once we did I whispered to Leo and Dad taking in a deep breath " Here we go, " with this they both smiled weakly and started to have us join hands in solidarity to support each other. I prayed for the first time directly to the Moon Goddess as Judge Ian asked the jury if they had reached a verdict.

' Please, let us get the verdict we're expecting. I don't know what path you're creating for Alpha Andrews. I don't question why you guided him into our lives, but send him down a better path than this one that is better for everyone.' for a brief moment I finished ' And if you can..save him. Or find a way for someone to save him if you can't. ' I surprised myself a little. I guess, even now I think with everything put up against him. I at least think he needs salvation as much as we do from him being put away.

I hoped for the outcome we're all expecting. Then this time the jury foreperson stood and it was actually Luna Wendy who spoke

" We have, your Honor. " then Judge Ian asked " What say you? " then we herd the verdict.

" We the jury, in the case of The Green Mountain pack versus Alpha Andrews, find the defendant..guilty of the charge of multiple first degrees of rape and sexual abuse. " with this I felt like I opened my eyes and felt the breath I was still holding like I was still waiting to hear the verdict. It was like I didn't know whether I imagined what I wanted or not.

Judge Ian then said " Thank you, Jury, for your service today. You may be seated. " then he looked towards the Prosecution table after banging his gavel silencing the rush of murmurs and gasps and said " The defendant will rise. " with this Alpha Andrews stood up from his chair.

" Alpha Andrews, you have been tried by a jury of your peers and found guilty of first degrees of rape and accounts of sexual abuse. The Law prescribes the capital punishment for these offenses. But being the matter yet again endangering the stability of another packs future heirs and rulers the sentence will be added to the rest of your sentences. " from that point on I felt it sinking in that we won. As Judge Ian continued he said that in total that he was sentenced to a total of five life sentences without parole, and that he was to have his title and rank stricken away. Placed in the most secure prison in all the world, the prison in the Alpha King's private penitentiary. There will be heightened security to ensure he would never escape- or hold any power- again.

When the bailiff came over with handcuffs and told Alpha Andrews to stand was when I felt a half stifled exasperated cry of relief escaped my lips and I felt like I was starting to breathe again. The faces of everyone even in the pews and here of relief were causing smiles to cross our faces as I hugged Leo who swooped in his arms in a big hug. I was startled for a moment before hugging back and trying to get him to release me to hug my Dad which took a bit because he seemed ecstatic and wanted to keep holding me. Eventually he let go and I hugged my Dad who I could tell had a look I remember well. The look that said that moments like this was why he believes in this worlds justice system, and the same look that he gets when he says it's why he's a police officer for.

I glanced at the others who were celebrating happily in the back trying not to make too much noise. As started to feel myself smile so much that I started to felt tears start to escape and I tried to wipe them away quickly but felt Leo's arms wrap around my waist and started to hold me close again. This time I felt him pecking my neck and face trying to make me stop crying and making me slowly stop as I started to laugh as he tried to clear my tears away. I loved him trying to celebrate and make me feel better. But for once the thought of him going to prison actually felt permanent and that our future was assured the chance to heal.

[ Autumn's Dad P.O.V ]

Before when we were waiting for the verdict. I worried after hearing my other daughter curse to defend her sister. Of just how hard this whole thing must be on Autumn. When her and Leo left without a word..I felt worried and wondered how her future must look and how depending on what happens today whether or not she can find happiness again once all this is over.

I waited in my seat and glanced at their empty seats and after they came back. I could tell that Autumn had cried not too long ago. After a while when I noticed Autumn sleeping against Alpha Leo I felt surprised since I hadn't seen her sleep so calmly since when she was little. Looking at Leo holding her, it made me realize just how safe she felt with him.

I knew she was much more happy and was content, but he feeling so comfortable that she is able to sleep in the court room surprised me. In a way, it was like seeing your little girl being protected and cared for just like her own father would. In a way, when I first met Leo when she brought him home with her. I could tell that he was an honest man and had good intentions. Something that felt too forced and like a front when Alpha Andrews came to our house.

In a way, when we held hands together like a chain. I knew that we still had close bonds and that she has both a partner and a father who will be here for her. It made me both happy and slightly sad when her and Leo hugged before Autumn hugged me. But I was reassured once again time and time again. That in this crazy messed up world of werewolves and humans and those in between. That there is law and order that is still keeping this world from spiraling into chaos.

[ Alpha Andrews P.O.V ]

Once I was brought in for the verdict, I knew this was going to be the last trial I'd have to face. They took the cuffs off me and I sat down in my seat I looked at the jury. They had deliberated for three hours in that time I knew they were also deciding what to do about my pack. Who would be given my title as Alpha when my only Beta is dead? If I was to be serving life sentences there had to be a more..prosperous future for the packs ruler.

I looked at each of the jury's faces each in turn, but none of them looked back at me. I was alone here. I sighed deeply as Mike my lawyer was the only one sitting at the table to my left. A sudden rush of apathy seeped into me. I knew what the foreman had to say before she even parted her lips. I stared straight ahead. I was as still as an old man awaiting death. As I heard the foreman begin, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as I leaned in my chair.

I stood quietly, my face set, as the foreman read out ten other charges, all with the same verdict from the other trials from the other days. My consciousness had left the scene. I had spent my last couple of days getting threats and yelled at by the rogues who were convicted because of each trials outcome. Each time they were given their sentences, I knew mine would be no different.

I looked at Autumn in the Defense table, and found that she seemed almost in a daze of disbelief, but had hugged Alpha Leo once he hugged her and I could hear that she was starting to cry as she hugged her father. The emotion of watching the sentencing of the final trial against me must have been overwhelming. It made me feel both a little angry at Alpha Leo when he was holding her and kissing her. Even when she was crying she had stopped and was laughing because in the end he knew how to make her happy. In that moment, the last of sense of feeling in me knew that it broke my heart and that I truly had given up. I still hated him, but he could do the one thing that in the end counts.

A large guard made his way over to me, who slowly put my hands behind my back. I

kept my head and eyes fixed on the front of the courtroom, never once looking behind

me to see the family of her Dad the police officer's family. I winced as the cuffs

closed around my wrists. The sound of something metal grazing along a vintage wash board mimicked the sound of when the cuffs clasped on my wrists and the officer and bailiff began to walk me out of the room.

They placed their hands on me and shuffled me through the door we'd come in from. From now on I know that my fate and what happens to me are in the hands of other men. That the hands of the Alpha King would stay on me for the rest of my life. That in a way, my fate was decided by my own hands and now my fate will always be the hands of everyone else's but my own.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

After everything was calmed down Judge Ian finally called directing towards everyone " Thank you everyone for your compliance. The court is adjourned. " with the final bang of the gavel it was all over and we could finally leave and hopefully never have to go to a courtroom again.

Maybe now...we can continue to try and heal and move on.