
A Psychic From Another Universe

In the world of 3020, another earth was discovered. It says the other one mirrors the real earth. It has the same time, gravity, energy and humans. Scientists call the twin earth “Threa” in reverse to earth. Superhuman abilities were relevant during this time. Schools and Universities developed a new curriculum to enhance human with psychic abilities. Despite the similarities, threa was an alien planet to the earth. People have bizarre skin color, language and perspective of the world. They never experienced daylight due to the distance of the sun. The people of threa uses satellite and clairvoyance to imitate and adopt life on earth. They are able to perform shape-shifting and copy faces of humans from earth. Athena, a psychic from the mirror planet fell in love with a charming boy who lived on earth. She was a goddess and believed to have clairvoyance stronger than the rest. She can see the future from million years. She sent him letters every day about her predictions of his future accidents, dangers and threats he could face to avoid them. She was so in love with him that she sees him as her possession. One day she saw a vision of him getting married to another girl. She decided to travel to earth to terminate the wedding and stop him from meeting her.

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To unlock the doors to her heart

"He's mine!" She gawped on the wall. She was cursing and surreptitious to the woman on portal to be gathered to her father. The ambiance changed into a hot wind blowing from the Sahara dessert. Athena took up the gauntlet, "If the only way for us to be together is for me to go to earth then I will be there."

"Be careful majesty. Earth is too dangerous for a woman like you." Her voice was sluggish. The worrisome agony on her voice struck her but then ignored it.

"Hogwash! I can't let any lowly girl take him from me!" The surly remark was evident on her voice. Her ablaze anger seemed to come out from her eyes.

"But it never happened yet. It'll still be six months before he'll move to his new job and meet her." Her voice was pell-mell.

"Just by the thought of it boils my blood!" The persistence of her plan was insurmountable that it outshines the seemingly endless beauty she possessed.

"Matilda you're my servant and my friend. You've known me since I was a little girl. I loved him when I was only nine years old. I don't see him as my husband or a lover. He's something that I've owned like a possession. He's mine. I will bring him here. I promise you." She basked in daydreaming about him. Her hope was for her to bear it out.

"I know your intentions my majesty. My only concern was your safety. Earth and Threa are two similar worlds but what if they find out who you are and where you came from? They'll force you to speak about our world. You know it's prohibited to leave our planet without your father's consent."

Athena assented to her.

"You're right but I will die if he got married to her. Who is she? She's nothing compared to me. I can make him happy. We can live a happy life in our planet. That land was a toxic waste anyway!" her voice was maddened. She rode a rough shod over. Athena refuses to accept her concern to her.

"I will leave no matter what it takes. I can't meander here and do nothing. If this fails I will kill myself. Tell it to my father but don't tell him my plan. If only I fail, I will then suicide."

"I'm sorry my majesty but I think you're too crazy in love with that boy. This isn't a Romeo and Juliet play where Juliet drinks the potion because Romeo drank it too. You're not in the story of Shakespeare. Please find your calmness of mind before making quick decisions."

"Did you just rebuke me?"

"No majesty but to kill yourself for him is not right. He doesn't know you at all. Stop flogging a dead horse!" She mollycoddled her.

"I love him!" Her eyes were filled with tears. She brazenly covered her face with pillow. She sobbed.

Athena lived in a castle away from the urban life. She was raised by her father alone when her mother died from giving birth to her. Her house was much of a muchness similar to Buckingham palace in London. It was surrounded by bodyguards and maids working for their family. They are called the Royal family of Threa. She suffered a rough childhood and was mousy around other kids until she discovered her power. She had clairvoyance. She then met a boy from earth similar to their planet and fell in love with him.

"It's a moot point to pick a direction that is literal uncertain. It's nerve-racking to meet him not knowing the environment he belong"

"You're wrong Matilda, I have clairvoyance. I can see people in the future and I can read people's mind too. I practiced to learn telekinesis. A monk from another town taught me how to do it"

Her hands and feet were crystalized. The curtains flowed like strong wind breathed on it. The moon was shining bright and it reflects on the water. The statue and paintings starts to move. At twelve midnight Threa became a place of magic.

"What are you doing my majesty, you can't leave me here!"

"I will be back in few days. I'm travelling to earth now. I'm so sorry Matilda there's no time. Remember what I told you." Athena quickly disappeared to the portal. The portal then disappeared.

Matilda was left crystalized at her room. She can't speak to anyone or leave the place to tell it to the King. She planned her run away very well. It was a slick goodbye and she used reverse psychology to trick her. For days no one will know where they were and it will be less suspicious to the King.

It was only five seconds and Athena arrived on Earth.

She covered her face with his hands. The sun shone bright on her. She never experienced it. The uproarious sound of cars and motorcycles bangs on her ears. She was brought to the street of Costa Brava where he lives. Finding him is a bit tricky but she was far more powerful to overcome it.

"Where are you my love? You can't be far from here. I only have few days to bring you to my planet. My Andrew! I will find you just wait for me. "Athena's heart was filled with unexplainable melancholy.

"Excuse me. Did you come from a costume party?"

A boy holding a soccer ball approached me. He is twenty years old and he has big curly hairs.

"Costume party? This is my dress! An expensive one you can never afford!" I backed it up showing him the brand.

"Oh I see Gucci. Real expensive dress my lady but it looked like a self-made dress designed by my grandma"

"You stupid fashion ignorant! How could you disrespect me like that! Do you have a death wish?"

Suddenly the boy kissed him on her lips. It was a quick snog.

"The culture in my country is giving a free kiss to a young beautiful girl" Her anger exploded into a fire of ball tornado.

"You don't know my power mister. "

Little does she know, her power in Threa doesn't work on earth not even a little. He must find him using her own life skill to survive on earth without any magic or power.

"Please I need to leave here.This can't be why are my powers not working?" She said inside her head.

"Hey! I need your help"

"I thought you will kill me using your power. I mean we have people in here that does have supernatural abilities but I'm not a believer of it. What a skepticism is it? I'll never fell for any of it. It's 3020 I don't know if this world was ever real. If I can leave this place and go somewhere like they consider and accept magic and superpower as real then I will go there and disappear in this world."

"I think I know a place similar to what you're talking about. I've seen that place already"

He scratched his head.

"Are you kidding me? Are you one of those weirdos on TV show? HAHAHAHA!" he sniveled of too much laughing.

"I'm serious! I'm not into masochism so shut up!" She was pissed off again.

"Where do you live? In heaven or probably that planet Threa people are so obsessed about. They keep on saying it was real. If you don't know Threa, it was a mirror planet of earth. IT WAS SO UNBELIEVABLE! SO WOULD THAT MEAN I HAVE A TWIN SELF ON THREA OR YOU COULD HAVE A TWIN THERE TOO. PROBABLY YOU'LL HAVE SAME AGE AND SAME FACE BUT DIFFERENT SKIN COLOR. WHAT A JOKE!" his voice was perplexed. It was enthralling for her to hear him speak with a wide range of knowledge about her planet even if some information he got was wrong.

"No you don't have a twin self on Threa. Its people have the ability of shape-shifting but it depends on few. Not everyone is lucky to be who they want to be."

Athena wriggled to remember where the place was on her portal. It has bougainvillea and houses painted blue and white. It became harder for her to recall her visions on Threa.