
Key Locations [Slight Spoilers]

[All the places mentioned here are fictional locations that exist only in this story]

The Psychic Island -

It was located somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean. The exact location was not specific as it was invisible and had a Psychic aura that made it shift from time-to-time.

This island was once a part of the mainland and in the empire of Ozyllus.

Orland Union of States (or simply Orland Union)

It is a small but highly advanced nation in western Europe.

Its capital city lies in its northern parts and is called Ruri. The Vampire Kingdom have a base set up in this city and are monitoring the war from here.

About a 1000 kilometres south of Ruri is Kesley, the economically most advanced city in the entire nation. Ruri is where the headquarters of Vermillion is set up.

And about 350 kilometres to the east of Ruri is Frilis, a fairly developed urban area where the protagonist had lived in for many years. The neighbouring city to Frilis is Gorto, a more popular city with respect to Frilis. It was the place the second-to-the-MC had lived for many years.

On the very eastern parts of the nation are mountains which is one of the many places where the Aural groups generally like to stay.