
A Problem Shinobi

A typical guy reincarnated in Naruto World with a useless system.

J_Titan · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 6 Training

The next day, I didn't run any errands since I saved much money to last a week. Taji also didn't come home since I last saw her and bastard uncle only come home to sleep and eat.

After an hour of meditation and increasing my chakra reserve, I went out to do some experiments.

Fortunately, I was able to caught a wandering chicken for both cooking and run some experiments.

First I tied the poor chicken and cut its belly a little. Without minding the poor chicken's cry, I focus my chakra on my palms and transferred it to a bleeding belly but as I expected nothing happened.

I read that I have to extract a healing chakra onto the wound. If I regulate normal chakra then it could only delay the wound then healing it.

However, before the chicken was able to die, the cut on its belly finally able to heal albeit very slowly.

"You will be late if you heal in this way."


I was surprised and saw Taji in her Jonin uniform smiling at the gate of the kitchen. She came and patted my head.

"I didn't expect my Yukio is this talented. How about I teach you the basics? Do you say wanna train with a professional?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded shyly since I have to maintain a cute nephew's personality.

"Then let's go." She said and then went towards the door. I also put the dead chicken on a tray to preserve it for the dinner.

When I came to the door, she carried me in her arms, and then she started to jump on roofs.

"Whoa!" I was jolted with excitement when fresh air hitting my cheeks and the speed she was jumping.

"It is just a matter of time before you could do that too!" Taji said a little loudly.

We then landed on a slow lake near the village.

"Let me show you how it works."

She said and started walking but I realized that she was already on the water.

It was my first time seeing a supernatural phenomenon defying the laws of physics.

"There are three exercises to control chakra namely Leaf Concentration, Tree Climbing, and Water Surface Walking. As the name suggests this is called Water Surface Walking. Just like how you focused your chakra on your palms, do the same on your feet, and walk." She said inviting me.

I nodded but as expected I was in the water before I know it.

"Hehe, don't be sad. You don't even have enough chakra to form the basic. For better chakra reserve, you have to focus on two types of training. Increasing stamina and second is the concentration of spiritual energy. For stamina, you have to run daily along with basic exercise and as for spiritual energy you have to meditate since combat is not possible."

I nodded and so my training started from that day. For full-day, I had to run all around the village but since my stamina was already better than the average kid of my age from running errands so I didn't come across any problem.

Not only that but I also did some other ordinary exercises like pushups and sit-ups 10 each. I didn't want to damage my childish body so I wasn't gonna become Saitama.

Anyway, while training, Taji was also keeping an eye on me while also guiding me. It seemed like I get the attention of Hokage but I didn't mind it.

Another thing noticed that I was gaining IPs. Not from Taji but from other people too.

"Hey system-san, can you explain why I was gaining IPs while I was not even doing anything?"

[System: As I have explained, IPs can be gained when someone expresses an impression towards you. It doesn't have to be facing you.]

"That's great. I really don't want to become eye candy for everyone. From there on, I don't have to attentively go around making fame this early."

[System: But the impression must be strong and made specifically from your actions. Otherwise, you will not get any IP.]

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the reminder…" I rolled my eyes.

I wondered who was thinking about me.

After full-day training, I and Taji finally came home. I was drench in sweat so I took the bath.

"What are you cooking?" I asked Taji while rubbing my wet hair.

"Your sacrificial chicken," Taji said with a smirk.

My head turned down when I heard what were we going to eat.

Taji smiled and patted my head, "Don't feel bad. He will be part of us. Besides your self-healing technique was a big achievement and be proud of yourself."

I wanted to correct Taji about two things.

First, except for some nutrients, the chicken we were going to eat will only stay with us for like 7 hours before leaving our body and be part of the earth's natural cycle of life.

Second, I wasn't sad that the chicken died but sad that it died too early and I didn't have time to run some more experiments.

"Thanks." I smiled and wiped my non-existent tear.

I was too lazy to explain it to her.

"Let me help you. I want to cook differently." I said since I didn't want her to ruin the fiber meal of this week. She hardly stays in the house and because of bastard Kondo I hardly had any money to eat meat.

"Yeah, I heard that you have got a cooking talent recently," Taji said clapping her hands.

"I have this talent for a while…" I said while cutting some ingredients. 'It's just that you never paid any attention.'

"…I see…" She looked down.

She knew my circumstances but she hardly ever had time to pay attention to me knowing her father very well.

I smiled and patted her… butt because of my height.

"Oba-chan, it's okay. Please don't be sad." I said using my adorable puppy eyes on Mangekyo Sharingan level while still patting her butt. Please don't misunderstand me as a pervert. I just wanted to observe a kunoichi's muscle with the perception of a doctor.

"Thanks…" Taji smiled and then added, "Do you like my butt?"

Ops busted.

"Hehe, sorry." I chuckled and then we both started to cook chicken while chatting happily.

I also guided her on how to make roasted chicken. Although the concept existed, it was majorly practiced in rich places like capital and other merchant-based civilian cities. Thankfully there was a stove in the kitchen so it was not hard to cook.

"Ah~ the scent is good. You definitely got a magic tongue." She inhaled the spicy rich aroma of roasted chicken.

Ah, God's Tongue to be precise mam. But again I was Shikamaru level of lazy to explain my abilities.

We then entered our little dining room with the main dish on Taji's hand.

"Took you long." Said my bastard uncle who was seemed to be reading a newspaper but his eyes were nailed on the dish. "Did you have some kind of promotion?" He asked and raised a brow.

"Nope. It all thanks to Yukio-chan. He caught it and then helped me to prepare it." Taji said pushing me forward.

He didn't say anything and waited for us to set the table like a lazy ass he was.

He was not a total asshole from the start. He became like this because his ninja wife died in the war along with my ambiguous parents. In short, he became an asshole tsundere.

I may sound heartless but I was glad that I didn't have a parent in my second life since the parents of my first life are irreplaceable. I know it is a fanfic cliché and I know it.

Anyway, we thanked for the food and took the first bite. Even after limited ingredients, it was very delicious.

Taji was enjoying every bite while Kondo was trying his hardest to keep his cool.

I took this opportunity to slice away half breast meat.

Within no time we finished the meal. Kondo went to his room without even thanking me while Taji was collecting plates.

"By the way do you want to help me at the hospital?" She suddenly asked.

"Why do you ask?" I knew that I got the attention of Hokage but I was thankful to him.

"I thought that you could learn better at the hospital. It is better than running errands."

Though she was being considerate, her timing was bad. If I didn't have the system, I would have agreed but I have to grind IPs and by interacting with others.

[System: It will be beneficial for you so you should consider it.]

'Why? Wouldn't it be bad if I stopped getting IPs?'

[System: Unnecessary attention will cause you trouble at this stage. At the hospitable, you can enrich your medical knowledge and may help people to get IPs in a single place. You could also use your knowledge to help patients in context after learning from books.]

'…' I was speechless.

[System: Ah, host?]

'No, I am just surprised that you could give such brilliant advice. I thought you were the same kind of stingy system as in fanfics.' I smiled.

[System: …] Now the system was speechless.

'You okay, system-san?'

[System: Just a little surpised out of sheer stupidity.]

'Wow, didn't think you were this stupid, system-san.'

[System: You are not gonna earn any IP from me.]

"Plus you will get paid too if you help. 300 Ryo per day." Taji added.

"Deal!" I immediately extended my hand.

"Fufu~ nice to be working with you." She chuckled and shook my hand.

"Likewise." I also said sincerely.

Who wants to deny daily income? With that my first day of training was ended. With few training chapters in mind, I went to sleep.