
A Prefect Lie.

Princess Aurora is a powerful hybrid of werewolf and vampire. She is also an orphan. Her father handed her over Alpha Orion of the werewolf Kingdom to protect her from power-hungry men who wanted her for her powers and beauty. Princess Aurora is currently in the mortal realm and she is to go through some challenges. Darko, evil prince of the Vampire Kingdom. He has always wanted to be ruler of all supernaturals; he wants to overpower King Orion, who is the Alpha of the werewolf’s and has been so for years. When his spy informed him of the princess being in the mortal realm, he immediately went there with hopes of finding the princess and talking about her sacred fruit so he can make use of her powers. King Orion, who has always loved the princess, followed her there with hopes of protecting her from Darko. Coming into the mortal realm, all three have lost their memories and are now on earth with no ideas of who they are. Princess Aurora now turned. Arianna is the complete opposite of who she is in the supernatural world and so are Prince Darko and Alpha Orion. Alpha Orion now turned Zeke is a playboy, man whore and a bully. He was everything he was not as King Orion. He met Aurora on the first day of school. They both had a clash, resulting them to hating each other. The princess met Darko in a bookstore and they both became friends when he joined her school the next day. In the human realm, Princess Aurora has a step foster sister who hated her and was jealous of her beauty. When two new extremely handsome students joined the school, she wanted them both on her side. She wanted them to follow her around and pay attention to her. But they payed attention to Arianna instead. Zeke wanted to get back at her for their clash while Darko now turned. Jason was her friend as they both shared the same love for art and book. Jason and Arianna got closer and closer while she and Zeke become bigger enemies. Before her 18th birthday, she saw a book in a store and purchased the book after she felt a connection with it. The book was all about her life in the supernatural world. Days before her birthday, she started seeing flashes of her memories. She always has beautiful memories of her and Alpha Orion together while she also sees terrible memories of her and Darko, but in her dreams she never sees their faces. Arianna knew once that the book was about her. The book states that she will meet 2 boys’ days before her birthday and one of them is her light while the other is her darkness. Arianna knew the boys where Zeke and Jason has she met them on the same day, but she was confused about who was who. Her dreams were not helping in identifying who is who between Zeke and Jason. Neither is the book. Arianna and Jason, who were still friends, were having a friendly talk and Jason had called her Rora, which King Orion always called her in her dream. Arianna assumed he was her light and was very happy, as she was developing feelings for him already. Zeke, who has also started having flashes about Arianna, quickly put two and two together and he recovered his memories. At once he changed towards Arianna and even apologize to her in hopes of being her friend, but Arianna already pictured him as her darkness and refused to have anything to do with him. Zeke watched as Arianna and Jason started dating and was very public about it. Jason, who has also recovered his memory, started convincing Arianna to stay away from Zeke and she listened to him as she was madly in love with him. When Jason regained his memory, he started changing. They started having issues in their relationship as he started pressuring her for lying with him and have big fights about it. Jason went as far as cheating on her with her sister without her knowing.

Falohun_Aaliyah · perkotaan
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5 Chs

chapter 5

Arianna was walking down the street, lost in thought, when she bumped into someone. She looked up to apologize, and was met with the most striking eyes she had ever seen. They were a deep brown, and they seemed to peer right into her soul. She couldn't help but feel drawn to him, and as she got a better look at him, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. He was tall and muscular, with dark hair and a charming smile. She was frozen in place, completely captivated by this stranger.

When she first saw him, she felt something she had never felt before. It was like her heart stopped and her breath caught in her throat. She couldn't take her eyes off him, and she felt a sudden warmth rush through her body. She knew it was silly to feel this way about a complete stranger, but she couldn't help it. She felt like she had been struck by a bolt of lightning, and she knew that her life would never be the same again. She had fallen in love at first sight, and she knew she would do whatever it took to be with him.

"Am sorry," he smirked at Arianna.

"No need. I wasn't watching," Arianna said, chuckling.

"Still sorry," he said, leaving.

"Ooh yeah," Arianna said as she vitiated him leave.

With butterfly still in her tummy, Arianna walked into the bookstore. She tried to put the image of the stranger out of her mind, focusing instead on the books on the shelves. She loved reading and found comfort in the pages of a good book. She walked around the store, browsing the different sections, until she found the perfect book. It was an old classic, one that she had always wanted to read. She took it to the register to pay for it.

"Hey, I would like to pay for this book," Arianna said, placing the book on the counter.

"Only this, oh Game of love, you would really enjoy it," the register said as Arianna paid for it.

Arianna was about to leave when she heard the door chime as someone entered the store. She looked up and saw the stranger she bumped into walking through the door. Her heart started racing, and she quickly looked back down at her book, hoping he hadn't noticed her staring. She quickly left.

Arianna walked through the door of her house, still lost in the image of the stranger. She headed up to her room, eager to go find him on Facebook. But as she reached the top of the stairs, she heard shouting coming from her mother's room. She paused, wondering what was going on. She crept closer, and heard her mother yelling at Arizona, her twin sister. Arizona was pleading with their mother, but their mother wouldn't listen. Arianna felt torn, not sure if she should intervene or not.

"I just said you not leaving this house, now go to your room and remain there," Clara shouted at the top of her voice.

Arizona stomped out of her mother's room hissed as she saw Arianna at the stairs.

Arianna entered her room and sat on her stool.

"Alexa, do love at first sight exist?" Arianna asked, still thinking of the stranger.

"Some say that love at first sight exists, while others remain skeptical. But in the end, it's up to each individual to decide what they believe." Alexa said formally.

"I think I love him," Arianna calmly said.

"Love takes time, but infatuation is instant. Give yourself time to get to know him before making assumptions." Alexa said formally.

"Really," Arianna exclaimed.

"Yeah, will sometimes it can be lust," Alexa formally said.

Third person POV.

Arianna couldn't stop thinking about the boy she had met. She wondered if she would ever see him again, and what would happen if they did meet again. As she laid in bed, her mind filled with possibilities and questions. She knew it was probably silly to get so caught up in thoughts of someone she barely knew, but she couldn't help it. Something about him had drawn her in, and the mystery intrigued her.


The physical education teacher stood at the edge of the field, his whistle in hand. The students on the field looked up, eager to start the day's activities. As the teacher blew the whistle, they all began to move, running, jumping, and playing. It filled the air with the sounds of laughter and the thud of feet hitting the grass. The students were having a great time, and the teacher smiled, pleased that his students were enjoying themselves.

"Do you see Zeke as a jerk?" Arianna asked Stormi.

"I thought I was the only one," Stormi giggled.

The girls on the field let out a collective cheer as Zeke stepped onto the grass. He was easily the most popular boy in school, and all the girls had a crush on him. He had a way of making himself feel special, and he always had a srimk on his face. As he joined the game, the girls watched him with adoring eyes, hoping that he would notice them. They all wanted to be the one that he chose, but they knew that it was unlikely. Still, they couldn't help but dream.

"But why do they stare at him lovingly?" Arianna asked as she and Stormi kept on jogging, pointing to the group of girls staring at Zeke.

"What is more annoying, his the way the class president" Stormi hasn't completed her sentence when the class president showed up.

"Class president what? " Priya asked from behind, looking so neat and beautiful in her joggers and bra top.

"Nothing," Stormi quickly said.

"Looks like you found a friend already," Priya said to Stormi indirectly, facing Arianna. "you didn't come meet me the other day" Priya said disappointed.

"Skipped my mind," Arianna apologizes.

"That okay, I had you are an asthmatic patient, so why don't we start from the school hospital?," Priya said as they walked to the school hospital.

Arianna, Stormi, and Priya walked into the school hospital, not sure what to expect. But as they entered, Arianna saw a familiar face sitting behind the desk. It was the boy from the street, the one she bumped into, the one Arianna had been thinking about. He looked up from his paperwork and smiled at them, and Arianna felt her heart skip a beat. He introduced himself, "I am Jason" as the head of medical for students, and explained that he was there to help with any injuries or illnesses. Arianna felt like she was in a dream, and she couldn't believe her luck.

"No, no, where do we register?" Priya inquired.

"Yeah, that still me, at my desk ladies," Jason politely said. "So, who is to register?" Jason asked.

"She," Priya said, pointing to Arianna.

"Ok good. Will you like to follow me? " Jason said as the girls followed. "No, just the patient. " Jason stopped Stormi and Priya.

Jason led Arianna into the consulting room, closing the door behind them. He asked her to sit down and then pulled up a chair next to her. He looked at her with a kind and understanding expression on his face.

"Now write your name, age and your condition on the paper. I will also ask some questions and might examine you, ok," Jason said.

"Ok fine," Arianna said as she quickly jotted them on the paper.

"Good, now let's start. Were you born with asthma or did you develop it?" Jason asked as he kept on jottering.

"Are you medication and inhaler with you?" Jason asked as Arianna quickly showed them to him.

"Do you feel pains anywhere?" Jason asked.

"Yes, I do," Arianna lied.

"Ooh ok where?" Jason asked.

"My airway to my chest," Arianna pretended.

Jason conducted a physical exam, listening to Arianna breathing, and performing lung function tests.

"Thank you." Arianna said and left him.