
A Prefect Lie.

Princess Aurora is a powerful hybrid of werewolf and vampire. She is also an orphan. Her father handed her over Alpha Orion of the werewolf Kingdom to protect her from power-hungry men who wanted her for her powers and beauty. Princess Aurora is currently in the mortal realm and she is to go through some challenges. Darko, evil prince of the Vampire Kingdom. He has always wanted to be ruler of all supernaturals; he wants to overpower King Orion, who is the Alpha of the werewolf’s and has been so for years. When his spy informed him of the princess being in the mortal realm, he immediately went there with hopes of finding the princess and talking about her sacred fruit so he can make use of her powers. King Orion, who has always loved the princess, followed her there with hopes of protecting her from Darko. Coming into the mortal realm, all three have lost their memories and are now on earth with no ideas of who they are. Princess Aurora now turned. Arianna is the complete opposite of who she is in the supernatural world and so are Prince Darko and Alpha Orion. Alpha Orion now turned Zeke is a playboy, man whore and a bully. He was everything he was not as King Orion. He met Aurora on the first day of school. They both had a clash, resulting them to hating each other. The princess met Darko in a bookstore and they both became friends when he joined her school the next day. In the human realm, Princess Aurora has a step foster sister who hated her and was jealous of her beauty. When two new extremely handsome students joined the school, she wanted them both on her side. She wanted them to follow her around and pay attention to her. But they payed attention to Arianna instead. Zeke wanted to get back at her for their clash while Darko now turned. Jason was her friend as they both shared the same love for art and book. Jason and Arianna got closer and closer while she and Zeke become bigger enemies. Before her 18th birthday, she saw a book in a store and purchased the book after she felt a connection with it. The book was all about her life in the supernatural world. Days before her birthday, she started seeing flashes of her memories. She always has beautiful memories of her and Alpha Orion together while she also sees terrible memories of her and Darko, but in her dreams she never sees their faces. Arianna knew once that the book was about her. The book states that she will meet 2 boys’ days before her birthday and one of them is her light while the other is her darkness. Arianna knew the boys where Zeke and Jason has she met them on the same day, but she was confused about who was who. Her dreams were not helping in identifying who is who between Zeke and Jason. Neither is the book. Arianna and Jason, who were still friends, were having a friendly talk and Jason had called her Rora, which King Orion always called her in her dream. Arianna assumed he was her light and was very happy, as she was developing feelings for him already. Zeke, who has also started having flashes about Arianna, quickly put two and two together and he recovered his memories. At once he changed towards Arianna and even apologize to her in hopes of being her friend, but Arianna already pictured him as her darkness and refused to have anything to do with him. Zeke watched as Arianna and Jason started dating and was very public about it. Jason, who has also recovered his memory, started convincing Arianna to stay away from Zeke and she listened to him as she was madly in love with him. When Jason regained his memory, he started changing. They started having issues in their relationship as he started pressuring her for lying with him and have big fights about it. Jason went as far as cheating on her with her sister without her knowing.

Falohun_Aaliyah · perkotaan
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5 Chs

chapter 3

Arianna's hands trembled as she walked through the doors of the school. She was filled with nervous energy, her heart racing and her stomach in knots. She was worried about finding her classes, making new friends, and fitting in. It was her first day willbrow high school after her expulsion and she was dreading the long, unfamiliar day ahead. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves, reminding herself that she could do this. She just had to take it one step at a time, but it felt like it did not bother Arizona in case she just kept on walking like she knew the school around.

As Arianna and her sister walked down the long, crowded hallway, they both felt distinct sense Arianna was nervous, but Arizona just kept on grinding it. They had never been to this school before, and it was all so unfamiliar. They saw the sign for the principal's office and headed in that direction, hoping to get their schedules and find their classes. As they walked, they saw groups of students chatting and laughing, making Arianna feel even more out of place. But she held their head high and tried to act confident, even though she was terrified inside.

"Good morning principal Edward," Arizona greeted as she and Arianna take their seat. Arianna just kept looking around.

"Morning," principal Edward smiled. "How may I help you?" Principal Edward asked, still smiling.

"Yeah, I am Arizona and my sister Arianna freewill, just resumed, so we were thinking you help with her files," Arizona said boldly.

Arizona has always been the bolder one for sure, so Arianna didn't even need to bother.

"Yeah, your files," principal Edward said, looking for the files. "Oh yes, here it is. Looks like it is your final grade before college, but you both got expelled." Principal Edward stopped to clear his breath and see a clearer version of the girls. "Your health here, asthmatic for Arianna and non for Arizona," Principal Edward said, stamping a book folder."take I can add this to the school hospital so you to the appointment list," principal Edward said, holding over the folder to Arianna.

"thank you sir" Arianna muttered.

"Arizona class A1 And Arianna class A2 locker 255 for Arianna and 345 for Arizona These are your files," principal Edward gave them the files. "When you get to your class, your class president will explain your schedule and classes," principal Edward said.

"Thank you so much sir, we would leave now" Arizona said, and they both left to find their classes and lockers.

Arianna stood in front of the locker, spinning the dial and trying to remember the combination. She heard a smacking sound nearby. Turned to see two students standing by the wall, kissing passionately. She turned away, feeling embarrassed and out of place. She didn't want to be caught staring, but she also didn't want to look like she was being rude. She looked down at her feet, feeling even more self-conscious. This was not how she had imagined her first day of high school would go.

"What are you looking at?" Zeke asked as he let the girl he was kissing go. "Do you want to taste it, too? You know everyone wants to taste my lips," Zeke whispered proudly.

"No am sorry, I was just looking for my locker," Arianna replied shakily.

"That good. Don't just spill the beans, weirdo," Zeke giggled and left.

"That piece of shit" Arianna mummer med as she started growing hatred for him.


Arizona walked through the classroom door with her head held high and a smile on her face. She was determined to make a good first impression. As she scanned the room, she saw faces of all shapes and sizes, all staring back at her. But she didn't let that phase her. She stood tall and walked to the front of the class, introducing herself with confidence. She knew that this was just the beginning, and that she had a long road ahead of her. But she was ready to face it head on, with a smile and a positive attitude.

"Hey am Arizona freewill" Arizona paused expecting her class mates to clap, but they didn't so she continued "I live at number 1167 oak street few minutes drive from here" Arizona concluded.

"That lovely Arizona. I am miss Ava smith but please call me miss Ava ok, go seat beside Lila and Mia," the teacher said as she continued her teacher.

"Hey, I am Lila Wilson," Lila whispered.

"And I am Mia mile," Mia whispered.

"We can define history as the study of past events, people, and places. It is a way of understanding and interpreting the world around us, and how it has changed over time. By studying history, we can learn from the mistakes and successes of the past, and we can make informed decisions about the future. In short, history is all about learning from the past to create a better future," Miss Ava continued.


Arianna walked into the classroom, a knot of nervousness in her stomach. She had never been very good at making friends, and she felt sure that this new school would be no different. But then, a girl sitting in the front row looked up and smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Stormi," she said, "and I think we're going to be great friends!" Arianna couldn't help but smile back. Stormi was beautiful, with long, dark hair and sparkling eyes. She seemed so confident of herself, and Arianna felt herself warming to her immediately.

"Can I seat here?" Arianna asked, pointing to a seat beside Stormi.

"Yeah, of course, I sit all alone," Stormi answered.

Arianna sat down and started arranging her things on her desk. When she brought out her medications and inhaler, Stormi was so curious, she asked Arianna.

"You are asthmatic?" Stormi asked, wide eyed.

"Yeah," Arianna said, looking confused.

"Have you gone to the school hospital to register?" Stormi asked, concerned.

"I will do that tomorrow," Arianna answered, still arranging her desk.

The classroom door opened, and in walked a tall, confident girl with a radiant smile. Her dark hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, and her knee length dress was impeccably ironed. All eyes were on her as she majestically walked to the front of the class.

"Good morning, is Arianna here?" the class president asked.

"Yeah," Arianna quickly answered.

"I am Priya Priya khan," Priya said, walking up to Arianna.

"Oh, you already know my name," Arianna giggled.

"Yeah, please see me when the last bell goes," Priya said and turned to Stormi, who just kept staring at her.

"Hi, Stormi" Priya greeted.

"Ooh, you know my name," Stormi asked, beaming with smiles.

"I know all the names of my classmates," Priya said to Stormi and left.

"Babe," Zeke said to Priya, hugging her and lifted her from the floor.