
A Place To Call Home// Akatsuki X OC // Naruto Fandom

18+ ONLY WARNING. Explicit content. A simple girl named Tila Kurama is forcefully taken from the her home located out-skirting the village hidden in the waterfall and is forced to adapt quickly if she has any chance of keeping her sanity throughout the twisted journey awaiting her. What path will she take? Will she find her purpose in this god-forsake shinobi world? What will she encounter on her long heart filled epic journey? And will she ever find a place to call home?

Gasaii · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs

62. The Plot Thickens

I sit up from my lying position in Itachi's bed where I'd fallen asleep the night before... my abrupt awakening was because suddenly I felt a soft touch brush up from my wrist all the way to my shoulder, it was so warm.

I slowly turn to face Itachi who is faintly smiling at me, those onyx eyes and handsome detailed face stood out as he too sat upright on his bed seeming quite relaxed.

"Itachi, what're you doing?" I asked hesitantly, there was something alluring about him that had pulled me towards him ever since the first time I had met him - the time he had told me that intriguing story but I'd become so much more interested since I'd seen that flash of memory which I didn't dare mention to anyone, not knowing the reactions I'd receive was enough to deter me.

"I missed the feeling of your skin against mine and I just couldn't hold it back any longer" He spoke softly, as though not feeling an inkling of shyness.

As he slowly traced his fingers back down the side of my arm I relaxed, the essence he emitted was dragging me in and I could feel the curiosity boiling inside as the seconds ticked by - as his touch made it's way from the crevice of my elbow down my forearm..

"Itachi.." I breath out softly, self control evaporating. His gaze content, he lowered his hand and limply placed it back by his side.

"I've been so curious.. I want to know something" I mumbled, I just couldn't hold it back anymore.

The desperation of knowing who Itachi truly was to me was overpowering so I took a deep breath in and plunged deep into an ocean of suspense.

"Were we.. Together?" The air I breathed in left my lungs in anticipation. Itachi gently, yet, subtly nibble on his lower lip as the question I'd been dreading to ask slipped out into the open.

I'd actually asked


I slowly started to open my eyes and realised it had all been a dream. I had awoken in Itachi's bed just as expected but..

Was everything I'd just experienced really a dream?

It felt so real.

I looked beside me to see him sitting up in bed, slowly going through a pile of loose papers. "Itachi? When did you wake up?" I asked groggily as I slowly sat up and peered over into the pile before him curiously.

"I've only been up for 20 minutes, I need to get through these Shinobi listings" He replied, seeming slightly unenthused by the large amount of paperwork.

"Oh, was I asleep this entire time?" I asked, feeling confused about the events that I now realise must've just been nothing more than a dream.

"You were, why? Is something on your mind?" Itachi asked as he put down a sheet of paper he had been holding and averted his gaze towards me.

"No, it's nothing" I quickly said, there was a fear that arose inside me at the thought of telling him what had been truly on my mind.

A fear of rejection..

Perhaps a fear of the what the answer would be, whatever the circumstances might have been in the past.. I surely didn't understand them and I didn't want to complicate things any more.

"Hn. You have a mission today don't you? Perhaps you should go and get ready" He suggested. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Thanks for reminding me, I'll see you later Itachi". He returned my small smile as his lips curled the slightest, I tried not to get too caught up in my thoughts about how cute he looked when he smiled and quickly got up and left his room and headed for my own.

I wasted no time in getting ready, I was excited at being able to do something useful around this place. Since I'd gotten here I'd felt like nothing but a burden so far.. Everyone constantly worries about me and it really makes me feel quite annoyed that they think I'm that weak.

I'm going to use this opportunity to prove them all wrong, maybe that way I'll earn a little more respect and independence from everyone. I quickly tie up my hair into a high ponytail and leave my room and head for the kitchen, as I walk in I realised the two I was looking for were right in front of me.

"Well at least I don't have to go looking for either of you" I joked to Hidan and Deidara who were talking about something as they stood face to face beside the kitchen counter. Deidara merely smirked as he turned to face me while I quickly pulled out an apple from the cupboard. Hidan on the other hand couldn't keep his mouth shut - well at least I'd learnt that much by now.

"Tila, about fucking time. Are you excited about this mission?" Hidan beamed, a red three bladed synth in hand.

"I suppose so" I replied, feeling a little worried about weather or not I should be? Was this mission really that much of a big deal?

"Hidan, we're only going to get herbs yeah, it isn't like we're capturing a tailed beast un" Deidara said as he let out a small laugh.

"Deidara you idiot. It's her first mission in fucking ages, even though it's a shit one we can at least try and make it fucking fun for her" Hidan argued back, slightly dead panning at Deidara's unwillingness to play along.

"Tila, put this on. It's yours," Hidan grabbed a black cloak with red clouds on it and threw it over my shoulders.

"This ones just like yours," I slipped my arms into the overhanging sleeves.

"Sure is un" Deidara smirked, "Let's go already, yeah?"

I could tell this was going to be a long day, these two really were an interesting pairing of characters and hopefully I'll be sane by the end of the day. Deidara and Hidan bickered as we left the village and made our way out of the rainy village and In the direction of a dry nearby farming plain.

"If these damn farmers don't give up any fucking herbs I'm going sacrifice them to Jashin" Hidan began to rant.

"You can't do that, we'll never get them that way! Kakuzu won't be happy yeah??" Deidara exclaimed as he sent Hidan and incredulous look. Hidan only laughed out loud crazily. I started to walk ahead to try and drain out their strange conversation and as I looked further out into the plains it looked like nothing I've ever seen before, it resembled a dessert.

Eventually we reached the main farming house and approached the front door, Deidara knocked on the door a few times and we all stood patiently on the porch waiting. The door finally creaked open slowly and a dishevelled looking man poked his out of the door, he looked at the three of us and then his face relaxed a little and he opened the door properly and stepped out.

"I'm Deidara. Were here on business regarding the upcoming war. We want to negotiate a way to get some medicinal herbs from your farm, un" Deidara explained as he took a step forward. The farmer gave a small look of confusion and then suddenly he frowned.

"I wish we could be of help but unfortunately our crops are dying because of the lack of rain in this region" the farmer explained.

"No fucking water? There's plenty in that god damn village" Hidan said but the farmer just shook his head in disappointment.

"It doesn't reach us here, we are too far away from the village" the farmer said.

"Well maybe we can fix it" Deidara smirked as though a stroke of genius had just hit him on the head.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Well, Tila. You use water style Jutsu, un" Deidara explained and I realised what his idea was.

"But she can't use any of her Jutsu you dipshit" Hidan sighed in annoyance.

"I'll try it again" I said confidently. These poor farmers were loosing their crops and If I could do anything to help I would. It wouldn't hurt to try again right?

"Alright un, show us to the crops?" Deidara asked the farmer, he nodded and started walking down the porch steps and out to the back of his house. Deidara, Hidan and I followed him and as soon as we turned the corner I laid eyes on the massive field behind those house.

It was enormous.. How was ever going to produce such a massive amount of water?! I let out a long relentless breath as we all stopped before the huge dry and shrivelled field.

"Okay, give me a moment" I said under my breath as I mentally prepared myself, I closed my eyes and focused on the words and actions Kisame had shown me that time.

I focused on my breathing and tried to channel in on that energy deep inside myself, I felt it ripple, I started to sign just as Kisame had demonstrated - I thought about those poor farmers, their crops.. How they would be suffering..

"Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu" I yelled.

Something I hadn't have felt in a long time because I felt it tingle as the ferocity of my Chakra ran through my veins. I opened my eyes again and saw two enormous water dragons entwining as they spiralled upwards only to turn and clash head to head causing them to crash down onto the large plains of dry dirt, the water splashed back up high and it began to head in our direction in a massive wave only to stop right before our feet. I turned to look at Hidan and Deidara, the looks on their faces was indescribable - they seemed so shocked..

I was shocked..

Suddenly my head became light, dizzy, faint.

Everything started to disappear before my eyes..

________Kakuzu's POV________

"Is she going to okay, un?" Deidara whined, for once Hidan had shut his trap and Sasori stared blankly as usual. I sighed and looked back down to an unconscious Tila who lay in the infirmary bed.

I'm really getting sick of seeing her unconscious, she's always getting into trouble, it's just who she is.. Always trying to prove herself.

"She'll be fine, Sasori and I need to examine her so will you both leave so we can concentrate" I spat at the two insolent brats. I should never have trusted them looking after her I regretted to myself. Deidara and Hidan gave me a disapproving look but I don't care, I finally felt relieved as I watched the two idiots walk out of the room.

"Finally some peace and quiet" I sighed to Sasori who nodded whilst just looking at Tila. He's probably already trying to analyse what's wrong with her, it's just like him - always so in tuned to his surroundings.

I placed my palm onto Tila's abdomen and waited until I could feel her Chakra vibration, eventually it came but when I felt it there was something off about it.

"Sasori, feel her Chakra. It feels like there's some sort of a block." I retracted my hand and watched as Sasori placed his hand on top of her abdomen too.

His lip twitched at the corner and I knew he had felt it too. "You're right, do you think Madara placed some sort of internal seal on her Chakra.. It would explain her inability to use Jutsu and.. Perhaps even her memory loss," Sasori reasoned.

I thought about it for a moment, it's a very plausible theory. But why would Madara go out of his way to block her Chakra and memories? There has to be a reason. Madara is just as old as I am, he's far from stupid like these kids I have the bad luck of working with.

Madara is cunning, very intelligent and doesn't do anything without a good reason.

"I think we should investigate further" I concluded, earning a nod of approval from Sasori.