
A Place To Call Home// Akatsuki X OC // Naruto Fandom

18+ ONLY WARNING. Explicit content. A simple girl named Tila Kurama is forcefully taken from the her home located out-skirting the village hidden in the waterfall and is forced to adapt quickly if she has any chance of keeping her sanity throughout the twisted journey awaiting her. What path will she take? Will she find her purpose in this god-forsake shinobi world? What will she encounter on her long heart filled epic journey? And will she ever find a place to call home?

Gasaii · Komik
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67 Chs

51. Every Second That Ticks By

Sasori sits up in his new room and looks around at the bare walls aimlessly.

What else could he expect- Sasori presumed all of his belonging would still be at the old hideout given that no one had stolen his things. He had been laying down all night, deep in thought about Tila and the predicament that loomed above him and the rest of the Akatsuki at the present time.

It seemed as though the situation was a dire one with there not being many leads or answers to go off. Sasori sighed to himself under his breath as he got up and threw his black and red cloak on - the time had come to meet up with Itachi and Kakuzu so they could set off on this mission.

As he briskly made his way down the winding staircase from the 3rd to the 2nd floor of the high rise building he soon laid eyes on Itachi and Kakuzu, who, were standing beside the balcony across the spacious yet dull room.

"It's not like you to keep people waiting." Kakuzu said as Sasori made his way towards the two. The puppeteer gave Kakuzu a grumpy look, not in the mood to argue with either of them right now - his thoughts were solely of Tila and how to rescue her.

"Let's just get going" Sasori said. They both nodded and the three of them walked out onto the balcony which hung over the rest of the gloomy and clouded city. They jumped off without hesitation and started to run down the sides of the building, their Chakra focused in their feet as they jumped across building roofs, hastily making their way towards the old hideout.

As the three rouge criminals moved quickly, silently across the land no words were spoken. None were needed, because, amidst the silence the anticipation grew heavily as they drew nearer to their destination.

Sasori, Kakuzu and Itachi came to a halt as they entered a nearby clearing - the sight of colourful flowers centred the space. Itachi's eyes instantly fell the familiar grave stones.

Grave stones Tila had placed down for her lost comrades.

"Itachi" Sasori mumbled, stoping beside him. Gaze finding the origin of his comrades focus, instantly realising where he was standing. Kakuzu followed, falling in place on the other side of the Uchiha.

"Did Tila do this?" Sasori blankly asked. Three pairs of pained eyes unable to look away from the rocks. A name for each engraved upon them.

"She was badly broken when you died" Itachi faintly replied. Kakuzu turned his back on the graves.

"Let's just get this done, the sooner we contact Kisame.. the sooner we will get Tila back." Kakuzu grunted, his back still turned to Itachi and Sasori who stared in his direction.

"He's got a point, there's no use in wasting time - I'm sure you agree Sasori" Itachi reasoned.

"Yes, I think this location may just be the perfect place. Itachi let us begin," Sasori agreed.

Itachi nodded before sitting down cross legged and closing his eyes. The other two watched intently. Itachi had doubts about whether this plan would work- his ability to cast such a long ranged Genjutsu had never been attempted but he had no choice but to try. Every minute that ticked by was another closer into the unknown of what Tila was enduring.


"Samehada, there's no point in spooking about it now!" Kisame's voice cooed in Itachi's mind.

"Geuhahehrha" Samehada grumbled back. Itachi could feel Kisame's Chakra and with one large sweep Itachi grabbed a hold of it tightly.

"Kisame, it's me, Itachi. Can you hear me?" He asked into the depths of his mind. There was a small silence.

"Itachi? What is your voice doing in my head?" Kisame replied sounding quite perplexed!

"The dead members have been revived. Tila has been captured by Madara. We need your help to find her." Itachi explained quickly, the chances of him being caught by Madara were great seeing as he was a very skilled sensory type.

"Are you sure? Madara said that she died along with Pain and Konan at the hands of Konoha. Where are you?" Kisame asked. Itachi thought about whether or not it was wise to reveal his location.

"It's not important right now, we need to find Tila. Can you do that for us?" Itachi pressed. Suddenly Itachi felt himself being shaken violently by someone.

"We have company," Sasori's voice said abruptly. Moments later a dark figure stepped out into the clearing in which Sasori, Kakuzu and Itachi stood.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.


"So, why have you returned?" Madara's dark voice questioned as he carefully analysed the three rouge Shinobi before him.

"We've come to collect Kisame." Itachi replied, the ability to keep a poker face came naturally to him and is what pushed him to answer the Uchiha's question.

"Oh, you're after that fishy partner of yours..." Madara pressed, his eyes deadlocked on the three. Suddenly Kisame burst out from behind the shrubbery and stood beside his long lost comrades.

"I'll be going with them." Kisame then announced unexpectedly.

Kakuzu and Sasori had picked up on Itachi's plan, the members where not as daft as to give away their true motives to Madara. If Madara found out about their plan to rescue Tila then they would surely never find her and the members dreaded this factor greatly.

"And the girl?" Madara asked very slyly.

"We have no interest in her whereabouts, she was nothing more than a tool for the Akatsuki's bidding," Kakuzu interjected gruffly.

"Well, that's a relief seeing as she has already been disposed of" Madara's voice cold.

The four Akatsuki members started intently at Madara, Sasori turned around.

"We have no business with you now that we have retrieved Kisame, let us leave." Sasori said coldly. Madara raised a suspicious eyebrow and watched as Kisame, Kakuzu, Itachi and Sasori all leapt off into the depths of the forest. Madara knew better than to trust the words of criminals - his suspicions had been officially roused.


"What were you talking about back there Sasori? What in the world is going on?" Kisame asked, feeling slightly frustrated at the fact that he had been kept in the dark about everything. Sasori let out a long sigh

"Basically, Pain brought everyone who had previously perished back to life and named Tila as his successor but Madara captured her and now we're trying to figure out a way to get her back." Sasori irritably explained to Kisame.

He let out a small 'oh' as though now understanding more of the looming situation..

"Well, it would appear that now I have left Madara's side, that, there won't be a way for us to locate her. Luckily, I may already have an idea as to where she's being kept. If, in fact she is not already dead" Kisame contemplated aloud.

"Is that so?" Kakuzu's deep voice interjected as the rouges still hastily made their way back through the dense forest towards the new hideout within the hidden rain village.

"What do you mean?" Itachi asked curiously, Kakuzu huffed and blew off Itachi's question.

"Let's just get back and we can discuss it privately then," Kakuzu explained. The others fell silent again and quickened their pace, by the time they reached the base the sky had become dark and filled with dark grey clouds.


"Kisame!" Konan exclaimed as she ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Sasori, Kakuzu and Itachi followed into the meeting room behind Kisame.

"What happened? Un" Deidara asked hastily, standing up from his seat at seeing them return.

"It didn't go quite as planned, as you can see Kisame is here with us - not that it's a bad thing," Sasori told Deidara as he walked in and took a seat next to him. Hidan leaned across the table and looked at Sasori questioningly. Kakuzu took a seat down next to Hidan and Kisame beside Itachi at the end of the table.

"So what now?" Hidan asked in an incredulous tone.

"Hm, Kisame may have an idea of where Tila is being kept captive," Itachi's cold voice travelled from the end of the table. Deidara, Konan and Hidan looked in his and Kisame's direction, as usual he gave a cheeky grin - he loved to know he had the upper hand on his fellow criminals.

"Yes, I believe there is a basement located under leaders room. It would only seem natural that she would be there" Kisame explained.

"Then we have no choice but to ambush the hideout and fucking take her by force!" Hidan exclaimed.

"Hm, Hidan has a point," Sasori agreed somewhat hesitantly.

"Madara's Chakra is extremely powerful, it will take a few of us to distract him while someone else breaks into the basement and goes to get Tila" Itachi's deep sensible voice offered.

"Hm, then what are we waiting for. We should leave now!" Deidara said hastily.

"No, we should rest and attack tomorrow night. If we become impatient then there will be room for mistakes." Kakuzu deep voice boomed. The room fell silent as everyone mulled the situation over.

"Fine, rest for tonight. We all leave tomorrow." Konan had the final word. Authority to her voice. No one objected and everyone started to file out of the meeting room and proceeded to get ready for sleep. Except, of course, for Sasori.


He slowly made his way down to the lounge room and slumped down onto the couch, he grabbed the remote and lazily switched on the television. There was nothing interesting on and Sasori was too busy thinking about the same dooming questions all day.

He just couldn't seem to free himself from the worry that deeply plagued him.

Not long now. Sasori reassured himself as he sat silently - waiting for what was to come. Every second that ticked by was another second that Tila would have to endure. Sasori thought about how already he had left her for much to long.

Notes: LOL I dono about you guys but I'm such a simp for their bickering lmao, it's just so ridiculous xD Cracks me up everytime, ahhh~ God I love the Akatsuki. Tbh I feel like they're under appreciated. But, seeing as you guys are here reading this story must mean you like the Akatsuki too (^-^) Anyways~ Love you all, please stay safe, thankyou for reading and I'll see you again in a few days ! <3