
A Place I haven't Been

The CEO of a Web design company fell into a horrible sickness. Boredom! He started thinking of ways to entertain himself while working. Then this damn guy realized his net worth is practically infinite! He earns more than what he could spend in a day! Realizing this, he decided to take a long, hard-earned vacation where he met a young and beautiful woman in a small country.

Jr_indisputable · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

A Vacation

Chapter 4

'What?' This can't be real. No way! I don't do such stuff!

I pleaded for answers, my gaze deep in her eyes, "That can't be real, right?" I saw her lips shuffle into a slight frown, her eyes full of empathy. No. 

She broke eye contact and looked at her phone, "The incident was recorded." And yet again, my heart dropped, making my stomach churn, "It was uploaded online with her face visible for everyone to enjoy." She sounded mad, an oddity in her personality, but anyone would be; I am too

I fell on my bottom, and I felt a slight sting when I realized that I had not fallen on the couch. It was then that she asked. 

"Would you like to see the video?" 

I vigorously shook my head, not wanting any more of this feeling. I am wretched, my stomach couldn't take any more of it. 


After vomiting my guts out, I decided to get up and go to the restaurant we went to last night, hoping to catch that girl. It was then that I was struck with a realization. The girl, could it be the green-eyed woman? 

Thinking along that line only made me more eager to rush there.

Hearing my shoes clack wildly, my employees started whispering to each other. I couldn't make up what they were talking about nor do I care. As I rushed, I felt my legs wobble.

My head was throbbing as my vision blurred in a haze. I can't understand. Why am I having this kind of reaction? Am I sick? 

I realized, "I can't drive like this," I spotted the closest person next to me and threw my car keys to them, "You, drive me to Richin's bar," I stumbled, using the person as a cane.

The person seemed flustered. I hope he's one of my employees, otherwise it'd be awkward. 

They hurriedly obliged, to my delight, and we got into the car and sped through traffic. They are a good driver. I couldn't make out the details, but we overtook cars by cars, and in mere minutes, we arrived. 

I rushed out the door, still nauseous and wobbly, like I was still drunk from last night. A chime rang when I aggressively pushed the door, garnering stares in my direction. 

"Manager!" I demanded, my hands shaking, cheeks crusted with vomit. I looked crazy. 

Someone rushed to me, a familiar silhouette, "Sir Eth? What brings you here?" He stayed professional, but the tone in his voice couldn't be hidden from me. He was baffled, skeptical almost.

"What happened?" I barely wheezed out, and my voice cracked, "What did I do?"

He pulled me, and I let him. I did not register the way we came from or we came to. When I came to my senses, I realized I was in his office, "What trouble did I cause?" My voice echoed empty. 

He shook his head with a pained expression, "It's not you, Eth, I know you—" 


My first throbbed in numbness, "Yes, you know me, Dave! You know well what I have done! And this is no different!" Even to myself, I sounded pathetic, bringing up old traumas. 

"Eth, calm down! It wasn't you who did it! And just for fuck's sake, listen to me!" Veins were visible on his forehead. And I realized, he's probably dealing with guilt as well.

I appreciated him deep down, but I ignored what he was saying, "Where is she now?" I asked and he flinched. 

He leans back on his chair, "I cannot tell you that," Crossing his arms, he averted his gaze, looking out the dark sky outside.

"Ah," So he does think I'm partly responsible. A spark lit up in my head. It reminded me, "By any chance, was it the green-eyed girl?" I was hoping it wasn't. For some reason, I was fond of that person. 

She brings a smile to my face whenever I come here. I wouldn't deny that she's one of the biggest reasons that this came to be my favorite bar.

"Yes. It was her." 

At this point, I was numb. I didn't register this as reality. I deny it.

Getting up from the chair, I waved him goodbye, "I'll get going, I…I have a vacation to go to." Yes, that's right, vacation. My previous giddiness and excitement were quenched, but I have decided, I will go to that place. 

"Let me drive you," He offered but I politely declined.

"I brought a driver with me," I didn't look back and just walked out of the office. I was pretty calm when I walked out, though my feet were still heavy. I wasn't sure if it was the numbness or the hard slap of reality that woke me up from my panic attack.

When I got out of the office, I noticed gazes on me. Familiar servers, regulars that I frequently chat with, and most of all…an employee of mine. He wore a wrinkly button-up with a clumsily tied necktie. Looking down, wrinkly slacks, and unpolished black shoes.

I pointed at him, "You, aren't you the newly hired receptionist?" I beckoned him as I walked back to the car. The door chimed again as we walked out.

"Yes, sir, my name is Adam," He was very polite and didn't seem too curious about what happened. 

I got into the passenger seat of the Maserati, he took on quickly. He drove me as I pointed in a random direction. It wasn't exactly random since it was the way to the airport. Deciding not to worry about anything, I made up my mind.

My voice became a bit more like a human's, "Okay, Adam, we're going on a vacation."

"Sir?" I smiled at his confused voice. 

"A vacation."