
A piece of Hope(Makoto x Everyone)

Makoto Naegi is an ordinary boy who studies in abnormal school... however despite being an average and normal he is surrounded by people who will fight in order to get at least a millimeter of his attention. Makoto x Everyone.

Jumbo_Ignir · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 5

Once again, it was a bright day and the calming sounds of chirping birds could be heard. Everything seemed normal. People were working, students were studying, and Naegi...well, Naegi was getting kidnapped yet again.

"Junko! Get back here!!!" Mukuro shouted as she chased after the Ultimate Fashionista. It was surprising that the Ultimate Soldier had trouble keeping up with her in the first place; it seemed that the despair-filled girl was much stronger than she initially appeared.

"No way! Muku-nee is being so mean. Why won't you let me help take care of Makoto-chan?"

This was his everyday life, filled with numerous problematic people; he had already become accustomed to it by this point.

"U-Umm...why is it so important for you to kidnap me all the time, Junko-san?"

She looked at him with confusion. "Isn't this too boring?"

Yep. Totally normal day.

She ran away until...


The car crashed into the tree.

She saw a car flying towards her and barely dodged it, holding Makoto in her arms.

"What the fuck?!" Both Naegi and Junko exclaimed in unison as they saw the car shrink due to the impact of being thrown.

"I heard Naegi was kidnapped!!" Nidai cried out while Makoto and Junko understood that it was totally his doing. "Whoever it is...I will crush him myself!!!" His tone was furious, and his eyes were wild with electricity flying around them.

"N-Nidai-san! I'm alright!" Naegi tried to calm him down, and it was effective.

"Naegi-kun!" he cried out as he grabbed him away from Junko. "Thank God you're okay...now let's go get something to eat before—"

Suddenly, without warning and seemingly teleporting, Owari had grabbed Makoto and started running away.


"Hey, Naegi! Let's go grab something to eat," she exclaimed, already looking eager to start eating as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

Neagi chuckled at this. "Alright. I will be glad to accompany you."

"That's great!!" With pride and eagerness in her voice, she sprinted towards the cafeteria... obviously, she didn't notice that Naegi had fled while she sprinted with all her might.

Now, as Naegi was crying, tears were rolling down his face.

"I bet something will happen and I will get out of this situation alive," he said as he slowly waited for his supposed 'luck' to work.

The car crashed into the tree.

He was right. Something had really happened and he landed on Nagito…again.

"Nagato-senpai, are you alright?" He worriedly asked, giving a helping hand to his upperclassman.

He was wrong...Nagito actually enjoyed it...his face was literally...strange.

All red with saliva dripping out of its mouth. "I saved Ultimate Hope...twice!!!" he shouted. "I am so thankful to be alive in the same world as you! Naegi-kun, let's go and spread hope to other people!" He didn't finish his sentence as he was hit by the hilt of a sword from behind.

Naegi immediately recognized the person who saved him from his fellow Lucster.

"Pekoyama-senpai!" he ran towards her as if a little puppy seeing its owner return home from work. "You really saved me. Thank you!"

Pekoyama waved off his thanks. "No need to thank me, Komaeda can be... strange at times."

Naegi scratched his cheek while chuckling and agreed with her. "He sure is...I mean, why does he think of me as the Ultimate Hope?"

Peko turned towards him and lowered herself. "Hmm...maybe because you are giving everyone hope?"

"Who? Me? Hahaha No way! I just speak my mind; that's all."

"Maybe you do, but I think that's the best thing about you."

"Pekoyama-senpai...why are you trying to tie me up??"

While saying all of this, Peko was secretly wrapping Makoto up in the rope.

"The young master said that he would grant me time to spend with you if I brought you to him."

"What? What's wrong?"

She held him up and carried him in bridal style. "We are going to the Kuzuryu household."

"W-wait! Peko!"


Yo! Jumbo is here! I know this chapter is short, but believe me…I have a reason. I'm taking my IELTS test tomorrow, so I need to practice…wish me luck!