
A piece of Hope(Makoto x Everyone)

Makoto Naegi is an ordinary boy who studies in abnormal school... however despite being an average and normal he is surrounded by people who will fight in order to get at least a millimeter of his attention. Makoto x Everyone.

Jumbo_Ignir · Komik
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Well...hello I guess.

My name is Izuru Kamakura. I am Ultimate Hope... I was supposed to be Ultimate Hope. However, I don't feel anything. Everything is boring once you possess every talent in the world. I can predict anything and know what is going to happen.

I am stronger than anyone and everyone is boring think I found someone interesting.

Makoto Naegi. Average in everything. Average look, and average personality...the music he listens to is also average...by far the only thing which is not normal about him is his luck and ability to befriend anyone...even me.

Surprisingly I find it amusing to chat with him. He never ceases to surprise me...I can't predict him. This kid was able to befriend Junko Enoshima which was the most surprising thing to me.

She was the most despairful person I ever met...I thought she was also interesting but then he appeared. His hope broke even Enoshima.

That's why I find him amusing maybe he is my only 'friend'.

But well this story isn't about 'me' this story is about 'him'




School ended and Naegi barely made it out.

Sneaking around he tried his best to escape from his friends' hands.


"Come out! We just wanna play!"

He seriously loved his friends but sometimes they were scary... especially when it came to decide on who will spend time with him.

"Maybe I will find Hajime-kun in here?" He said trying to find a certain Ahoge boy like him.

Hinata Hajime... was hard to befriend as he thought of Naegi as a person who looked down on him because of him being talentless and being part of the Reserve Course... obviously, he was wrong.

As time passes Hajime understood that Chiaki and Makoto were his only true friends who were with him because of him not because of his talent.

"Maybe he is here—"


He felt that he hit something rough. As he cleared his eyes he saw that he stumbled onto someone.

The certain someone was tall...he was tall wearing a suit and he had a bit too long hair.

"Sorry!" Makoto quickly exclaimed bowing down.

The man looked at him for a brief second and turned his gaze away saying; "Boring."


"I am saying that the thing you did was predictable and boring."

"Oh...if it was predictable then why didn't you dodge?"

"I was lazy."

Now that Naegi looked at the guy he stumbled upon he noticed his glowing red eyes and abnormally long hair. "Whoah! Your hair is so long...I thought you were a girl."


"Ah! S-Sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! I just mean that it is pretty long and wanted to ask why you don't cut it."

"No. I just think that it's boring to cut it and it perhaps defines me as a person." The black-haired guy said while touching his hair which seemed funny to Naegi.

"Define you as a person. How though?"

He looked at Naegi seeing his eyes which were impatient to know the answer...why was this kid acting so friendly in the first place?

"Well... let's say I wanna cut off your Ahoge. How would you react?"

"Oh.....I will feel sad probably. So you mean you are not you without your long hair and monotone personality?"

Kamakura wasn't sure what to say...this boy is trying to be polite? Or is he trying to be rude?

"Whatever you think." He turned his gaze to another direction and started to walk away.

"You know...you look like you are bored."

"Because I am."


"Everything is predictable... people are boring creatures."

"Then make your entertainment."

"I did and it doesn't work."

"Maybe you didn't try hard enough?"

"...I can't understand."

Naegi got closer to Kamakura and grabbed his wrist.

"I mean...maybe you didn't find anything suited for you?"

"I don't understand and where are you dragging me?"

"To a gaming mall."


"To find something that will make you entertained."

"Why are you bothering?"

"Maybe because I can't leave someone who is bored?"


With that said Makoto as enthusiastic as he can be dragged Kamakura into a gaming center.

"Which game do you like?"

"I don't know."

"Than...how about Takken 7?"

They sat at the table and started to play.

Naegi chose Jun Kizama while Kamakura chose Kizuya Mishama.

"You know...you will lose."

"Can't figure out unless I try."

The game started. Naegi was the first to attack. Using intensive combos he tried to hit Kamakura who with a nonchalant look dodged every punch which was sent.

"Predictable." Saying that the movements of his hand became much more intense as his character started to deliver a 100x combo.

Makoto's character had no chance and lost without landing a hit.

"Whoah! You are so strong!"

"It was predictable and boring—"

"Let's play more!"

Naegi once again started to drag Kamakura they played many games and in all, Makoto lost without a chance.

They played everything.



In every aspect, Kamakura was the best while Makoto was average.

"Are you tired yet?"

"Of course not! It's so fun to play with you...erm..."

Kamal sighed realizing that he never introduced himself. "Kamakura... Kamakura Izuru"

"Yes! It's super fun playing with you Kamakura-san!"

"How though?"

"I mean you are like... really strong! And it's so incredible considering your technique."

"Hmm... hearing that I understand that only you got entertained."

"What...you didn't enjoy the games?"

"No. They all were easy and boring." He was op. In every game, he predicted everything...well strangely it was hard to predict Makoto's movements and he put in a bit of effort but regardless he won and it was boring.

"Then what about enjoyment? Did you enjoy playing with someone else?"

"Obviously I did not—" Wait...Now that he thinks about it...he never said that Naegi was boring...he surely said that his actions were boring but these words weren't directed personally. He never felt a boring sensation while he spend time with Makoto...it was strange.

Makoto grinned looking towards Kamakura.

"See? Games are no fun when you play them alone. Maybe you just needed a friend?"

He? A friend? Why did he need someone weaker than him? Why did he need someone so hopeful and so predictable why did he... didn't felt bored?

Makoto was smiling as raised his hand towards him. "I am Makoto Naegi! And I will be glad to spend time with you whenever you will feel bored!"

Kamakura glanced at him for a brief moment and then he shook Naegi's hand...he had a faint smile on his face and it was also surprising...he thought that he couldn't feel emotions but he was smiling.

"I will surely nag you then, Makoto."




This is how I met this kid...oh and till now I still nag him whenever I want, forcing him to play with me.

"Kamakura? Are you alright?" Naegi asked me curious.

"Yes, I am...Just needed to narrate something."




Yo! Jumbo is here! Well, one of the readers suggested opening up the characters and explaining how they met our luckster...so yeah I decided to make it like this.

One chapter will be about a character becoming a friend of Naegi and after that will be a daily life chapter of Naegi interacting with everyone.

With that said I am flushing myself into a toilet while saying...Byeeeee~!