
A piece of Hope(Makoto x Everyone)

Makoto Naegi is an ordinary boy who studies in abnormal school... however despite being an average and normal he is surrounded by people who will fight in order to get at least a millimeter of his attention. Makoto x Everyone.

Jumbo_Ignir · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 3


The bell rang with its voice spreading all over the school noticing students that it was break time. For many students, this bell indicated relaxing time after the lessons while for certain luckster it meant only one thing...

"Hey, Makoto! Me and the boys are going fishing this weekend you comin' with us?" Mondo called for Naegi while Chihiro was beside him.

"Yes, Makoto-kun come with us. You are free this weekend, right?" Chihiro asked trying to convince the Luckster to come with him and Mondo.

"Oh, alright I will be gla—" he never had a chance to finish his sentence as Kuwata Leon stepped in between them.

"Yo, Makoto! Better come with me! This time I am sure that I will hook up with that girl in a beauty salon."

"The fuck!? Can't you see that Makoto is going with me and Chihiro?" Mondo growled because of interference between his and Makoto's conversation.

"Student, Kuwata! Student, Mondo! Please refrain from fights! It contradicts our school policy. Makoto-kun's privacy should be considered as well!" This time it was Kiyotaka who stepped in to defend Makoto...or so the poor lucky boy thought. "That's why it would be great if Makoto-kun will help me clean the school this weekend."

"I respect your choice, bro, but Makoto is comin' with me."

"Shut up! He is going with me to hook up some girls."

"Don't fight!"

Makoto stepped back while the argument between Mondo, Kiyotaka, and Leon was beginning to grow in loudness by each second...and all while Chihiro was trying to calm them down.

He was going back trying to not attract any attention but...


He felt a soft sensation of something pressing against his back.

"A-Aoi-san?" Needless to say, when he recognized that it was Asahina Aoi he turned towards the Ultimate Pro Swimmer.

"Naegi...I heard you are free this weekend...maybe you will come with me to a swimming pool?"

He scratched his back happy for an invitation. "Of cour—" and course before he could even continue he felt someone tag his sleeve. Upon turning towards the unknown person he Immediately recognized that face.

"M-Maizono-san!" He exclaimed greeting his classmate. The Ultimate Pop Sensation didn't stand silent as spoke up. "So the rumors of you being free this weekend were true? If so, maybe you will see me and the girls while we are practicing for the upcoming concert?"

This of course made an ultimate swimmer growl at her rival."Hey! I was the first to call out for him." Aoi was seemingly displeased with the attitude of her rival in love. Sayaka of course smiled with the most political smile she could muster seemingly trying to hide her twitching eye."I see...too bad that Makoto still decided to—" She stopped mid-sentence as tried to find the luckster but to no avail."Where did he go?" She asked looking towards Aoi... Asahina shrugged not knowing as well.





While practically the whole class was arguing for the person who gets to spend time with Makoto he was tied up while laying on cold ground.

He looked around nervously while thinking;('D-Don't tell me...') he had an idea of who might have come up with the idea of kidnapping him. He looked forward to seeing the black figure staying on the dark side of the room to not reveal their identity. "It seems you woke up, peasant!" Makoto noted that it was a female voice...and a demanding one at that. He seemed to already figure out who was the mysterious kidnapper X.

"J-Junko-san?" He sheepishly asked as the figure who was hiding in the shadow stepped in with two of her hands on her waist while the crown was laying on her head as if it was the fanciest thing in the world. The person was non-other than Enoshima Junko, the Ultimate Fashionista of class 78. "Oh, Makoto~!" She tuned playfully while placing her finger on his chin slightly pulling his head towards herself. "As cute and hopeful as ever~"

"Wh-Why am I tied up, Enoshima-san??" Trying to forget the fact that he was kidnapped he decided to ask as to why he was tied up. Surely he would have just come with her if she needed him, there was no need for tieing him down. "I mean...I would have come with you anyway so—"

"You just don't understand, Makoto-chan!" She got even closer to him before burying his face onto her chest. "If you are not tied then I can't do the 'stuff' I want to do with you."

This was getting scary...of course, Makoto was glad that this girl was much happier than she used to be in the past and of course, it was all because of his friendliness towards her but it didn't make the fact that she was acting scary loosen up in between his thoughts.

And what did she mean by the so-called 'stuff' he wondered.

The blonde girl, while looking at him, had a look of a predator seeing fresh meat of high-class value...a year ago she hated him, but now...now she loved him... she craves for him and she wanted him and only him. His hope of course was boring but he...he was more than just interesting to her. Being an Ultimate Analyst she was sure she could read anyone and figure out their thoughts but Naegi...when it came down to him the term 'Unpredictable' made a whole new sense.

She felt like everything was boring in this world and nothing could entertain her but now...this little brown-haired guy was more than just an interesting guy.

"U-Umm...What do you mean by 'stuff', Junko-san???" His questions made her snap out of a trance while she giggled and looked at him with a gaze that he will surely remember for some time. "By 'stuff' I surely mean 'stuff'~" saying that she started to strip(starting with tie)

"Ehhhh!? Wha-What...What...What are you doing!?" He closed his eyes with eyes as red as a fresh tomato out of the garden. Junko smugly smiled. "I won't do anything serious....just a little rape."

"How the hell is this not serious!?" At that moment Naegi started to pray to any god which came into his mind hoping that he will be saved somehow.

"No need for some miraculous interference...your luck is unpredictable but I bet even your luck won't help you." While saying that her mouth was drooling with a trace of her saliva...it was one of her personalities but to Makoto, this seemed as if a lioness spotted the very delicate and yummy-looking piece of meat."....Now, Bon Appetite!" She said jumping towards his direction while he closed his eyes ready for 'stuff'.



"Eh?" He opened his eyes and he was alright... shortly after, his attention switched towards Junko.

She was held by Mukuro who single handly held her in a tight grip.

"I was worried that Makoto was missing and Immediately understood that he was kidnapped." She said while looking towards Junko's eyes. "And the only person who came to my mind was you, Junko."

"Dammit! I was close! Why Muku-nee should interfere so much???" She threw a punch towards Mukuro but she dodged it easily while letting go of her and Immediately ran towards Makoto.

"Are you alright, Makoto-kun?" She worriedly started to look for any major injury on his body but thankfully he was alright.

"Yes, Mukuro-san, I was just a bit...s-scared." The last sentence was said at the time when he decided to look towards Mukuro's back seeing Junko giving him a glance which was saying;' It is not the end~'

He yelped silently while quickly looking towards Mukuro with pleading eyes. She closed her eyes and sighed in silent remorse it seems she understood what he was about to say...she Immidietly held him up in a bridal style as jumped up away from Junko.

'You think you can run away? Upupupu! Hardly, my dear hope bagel!'




Back to Makoto and Mukuro.

He was thankful that Mukuro helped him out and he looked towards her with a soft smile. "Mukuro-san...You saved me again." He said getting her attention. She looked towards him with a bit confused look. "What do you mean by that?"

Makoto jiggled as he scratched the back of his neck. "You saved me last time and you saved me now...I am thankful to god that I got such a good friend...you are the best out of the best! You are strong, beautiful, and carrying! If I ever will want a wife...I think she should be like you." With a soft smile and pure look, Makoto took Mukuro completely off guard.

"Huh? Wha-Wha-Wha...Wha-Wha!!!?!?!" She stopped. She was in a trance...Makoto was unaware but his words were like bullets...they had quite an impact on people. In some way, it was safe to say that he was Ultimate Rizzer. He made Mukuro, the Ultimate Soldier, become silent and dive into the Mukuro.exe state.

He got off of her hands waving his hands near her face but she was too deep in her thoughts.

He sighed not understanding anything. "Did I say something wrong?" He sighed again while awaited for her to wake up.

Unknown to him he was being watched.

A tall man in a black suit with abnormally long hair looked at him with his red eyes nearly piercing Makoto's soul.

"Interesting." He said before turning away. Suddenly his eyes switched their colors as the hair grew back and instead, an abnormally big Ahoge took its place.

The boy was resembling Makoto but was somehow more taller and Muscular than the luckster. "What do want from Naegi, Kamakura!?"He exclaimed towards thin air. Suddenly his eyes changed color again."Nothing...just think that he is interesting."


Yo, Author-san is here! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Strangely this fic got many views but no comments so far...I just wonder whether my story is good enough to pick your interest or maybe my grammar is as poor as my bank history.

If you do have some suggestions you are more than welcome as I read every comment to make you, readers, happy.

If I am making something wrong sure to say what exactly is wrong and I will correct it...my aim in the story is not my interest but yours as I wanna give you all a good time and story so you all would have an enjoyable time that's why I will handle any criticism but in a gentle manner;)

Hope ya all well being.

Piss and Care))