
A piece of Hope(Makoto x Everyone)

Makoto Naegi is an ordinary boy who studies in abnormal school... however despite being an average and normal he is surrounded by people who will fight in order to get at least a millimeter of his attention. Makoto x Everyone.

Jumbo_Ignir · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Morning. A normal morning in Naegi's household. Makoto's mom preparing breakfast, his Dad who is probably gone to work already, and Makoto who is sleeping like a log....oh and there was one more resident of the Naegi family...a holder of the title 'The Best little sister in the world' or so she liked to address herself the self-proclaimed 'Protector of brother's V-card' Naegi Komaru.

Where she is right now, you ask?

Of course near Makoto... near...a bit too near.

Komaru Naegi was on top of her big brother while breathing heavily.

"Nii-chan is so defenseless in his sleep~," she said tilting her head near towards her brother. Her heavy breathing was getting as intense as her lips which were about to collide with Makoto's lips.

Many people may ask...' Komaru-chan isn't it a bit too much?' But she will only answer with 'My duty as his little sister is to protect him from anyone but me...and as a little sister I should take care of his knowledge in ''this'' kind of thing.' strangely her face while saying 'this' is always one of the twisted and perverted ones."Ehehehehe~! Nii-chan you are not fair at all...to.have such a cute face and sleep so defenseless when there are so many people who will take the opportunity of getting your first kiss...so that's why I will take it from you first as it's my duty as your little sister." She rushed forward with a surprisingly high amount of speed for a middle schooler like her but her attempt on raping her brother's first kiss was disturbed by a hand wearing a black glove.

"Taking opportunity of your brother, I see." A calm and cold voice belonged to non other than Ice Queen of class 78 Kirigiri Kyouko.

"Hmph! Failed one more time...wait. Why are you here?"

Kirigiri looked at her as if it was normal for her to appear in nothing but thin air. "I need to be sure that Makoto is alright. That's why I have a duplicate of your house key which I happened to 'borrow' from Makoto while he was distracted in class." This kind of answer made Komaru frown...was it that Makoto was so naive or Kyouko was a bit too bold either way it didn't change the fact.

"....And why do you need a duplicate of our house key...?"

"Obviously to look out for Makoto in case of danger. Besides considering how many people are stalking him it won't be a surprise if he was one day kidnapped...again." the last part was said with a bit of annoyance as it was probably not the first time the luckster was kidnapped.

Komaru looked towards Kyouko while the Ultimate Detective glared back at her...eyes filled with a competitive aura they were about to jump at each other any time but fortunately Makoto started to wake up.

"Uhh...um...Komaru-chan?" He asked with a face mixed with question marks and exclamation marks."Wh-Why are you on top of me and...why Kyouko-san is also here??"

The girls looked...err no... the better word would be 'glared' at each other for a brief moment as averted their eyes in different directions with a 'tch' sound.


"That's a long story!" they both exclaimed.





Shortly after, Naegis' along with Kyouko were having breakfast.

"I am really glad that Kyouko-chan is having breakfast with us." Mother of the Naegi family, Naegi Honoka, smiled while looking towards the Ultimate with a soft glare of a mature woman.

"No, I am the one who should be grateful for your kindness, Mother." The last word 'Mother' made Naegi choke on his juice.

Honoka's eyes widened. "M-Mother?" She exclaimed in surprise "M-Makoto-kun...d-don't tell me that Kyouko-chan is your g-girlf—"

"Ahem!" Komaru annoyed coughed disturbing her mother's sentence "Mother is a bit exaggerating at times Kyouko-san... after all I am the only one who is needed for Makoto-kun."

"Oh my... Makoto-chan is such a chick magnet."

"Pfft!" Makoto yet again spits out his juice. "C-Chick Magnet???"

"Oh don't pretend dear. The way you act with women is so polite and delicate that it even made your sister too 'protective' of you and besides you are not blood related so there is no problem with that is it? But still, I am worried about your well-being with all those strange people around you."

"M-Mom!" Makoto exclaimed again.

Komaru for the first time in the world was thankful that they are not blood-related...than again she would act like this even if they were but for the sake of the author and a great amount of desire to not put the tag incest we will forget about it.

"Don't worry, Mother, I will make sure that Makoto will be safe. I swear upon my title as a Detective."

"Oh my!"

'God...will there be a day when I will eat normally?'

Probably no.


After an exhausting breakfast, Makoto went to school...while Kyouko was following him by his side.

"I-I am sorry Kirigiri-san. Mom sometimes can be bold about some topics."

"Don't worry. I think she is a good person and...when I was saying that I will make sure that you will be safe I meant it."

She got closer to Makoto and grabbed his chin up.

"K-Kirigiri-san!?" He exclaimed all flustered and red as if he was a kettle of hot water which was about to boil.

"Shhh." She placed her index finger on his lips while getting closer by each second. "Do you want to solve some cases with me today?" The way she was saying those words was anything but the business of a detective.

Makoto felt similar to a small rabbit who is cornered by a predator.

'She said she will protect me from danger but I fill that she is the most dangerous in here...'

With her lips getting closer by each second Makoto closed his eyes...as Kyouko got close enough Makoto felt a cold air blow against his face and a loud sound...a loud sound of something similar to an engine.

When he opened his eyes instead of Kyouko he saw himself laying on a giant hand of a giant robot who was flying up the buildings.

"Yo, Makoto!" Souda the Ultimate Mechanic exclaimed with the grin which was revealing his Sharp teeth. "I thought you were in a bit of trouble there so decided to help ya!"

"Y-You saved me Souda-kun...I thought my first kiss would be a goner..."

"Hahaha! Sucks to be you... Anyway, since I managed to sneak you out it means it's time to show you my new inventions!"

"Wow! You would show me them!? Yes! I will be glad to see your amazing machines!" Makoto's eyes were sparkling in awe while the Ultimate Mechanic couldn't help but be happy to have such a good friend who is eager to see his inventions.

"Hell yeah! Then let's see how fast this thing is!" Souda exclaimed as hit the red button, but instead of a huge speed, it was replaced with an alarm sound.

"S-Souda-kun? Wh-What's with this alarm sounds???"

Souda was silent as realization hit him way too late. "U-Ugh...well Makoto...it seems that I forgot that this robot doesn't have something like a speed booster and instead of it the self-destructing button in there....haha..."

"S-Self destructing...? Wait you mean....we are going to explode along with a robot!?"

Souda laughed while being a bit nervous. "S-Seems so..."


The countdown started.

{Emancing self-destruction in 1...2...}

"I DON'T WANNA DIE YET!!!" Souda was starting to freak out.

"Me neither!" Makoto continued. He was ready for an upcoming death from an explosion but.... suddenly two shadows dragged both boys out of the robot while it exploded in the air.

"Damn you, Bastard! Why do you make me so worried every time!?" Sakakura Juzo the Ultimate Boxer exclaimed while holding Naegi with his stomach laying on Juzo's shoulder.

"S-Sorry, Juzo-san..." Was the only thing Makoto said before turning to Souda who was already on the ground while beside him was a tall and Bulky man with a cow mask covering his face.

"It was a reckless thing to do, you both." He said while patting Souda's back.

Not long after Juzo left with Souda in his hands saying that the punk need a good beating for putting his kohai in danger.

Makoto sighed as now he was sure that no one will grab him again...right?






Yo, author-san is here! I am extremely glad that people liked this fic and I am in a dilemma...do you want this fic to follow a certain plot or do you want it to be a dumb everyday slice of life?

I am on the plot side as I prepared interesting shit which also co-exists with the fact that everyone likes Makoto. I will repeat, boys think of Makoto as the best of the best friends while girls think of him as their crush even Peko, no gays only straight ships.

And as for the plot...well let's say that the main villain is crazy as fuck Yandere but things won't get dark this fic is a funny fanfiction that is directed to a family view.