
A piece of Hope(Makoto x Everyone)

Makoto Naegi is an ordinary boy who studies in abnormal school... however despite being an average and normal he is surrounded by people who will fight in order to get at least a millimeter of his attention. Makoto x Everyone.

Jumbo_Ignir · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a normal day in Hope's Peak Academy…or so it might seem…


A loud explosion sound erupted throughout the school. It was indeed a loud and really disturbing sound of an exploded wall of the classroom.





A bunch…no…a horde of voices calling out for luckster had been out of the mouths of people shortly after the explosion. Indeed. It was a normal day in Hope's Peak Academy…explosions, loud voices, and the never-ending fight for Makoto's attention was part of the everyday life that Naegi Makoto faced every day.

'I should run! I should run! I should run!' Naegi was internally screaming inside his mind while trying his best to avoid the hands of his classmates, his upperclassmen, and his underclassmen.

"Makoto, let's play dying light 3…I think."

"Nonsense! Makoto-chan is going to listen to Ibuki's  new song!"

"Hmph! You a lot of dirty peasants dare to interrupt our philosophy time with Makoto…ain't been right? Makoto tell them!"

Being constantly under the pressure of his classmates along with classes 77 and 79 was a part of his daily life if not everyday routine…he didn't mind it but sometimes it did get out of hand.

"Makoto join my organization and both of us would take over the world!"

"Oi, Makoto! Come with me and Peko we want to introduce you to our family I don't give a fuck about anything else."

"As young master stated I-…we would like you to cooperate and come along with us."

"What the fuck!? Makoto is going with me! I and the boys in the Biker gang are going to destroy the opposing band!"

"Makoto promised that he is going to taste my new dish!"

Please give me at least a meter of space! He screamed in his mind trying to run away from them. Passing many buildings down the entrance of the school he stopped…a dead end.

'O-Oh no...'

He thought facing the wall fully made of bricks. He hesitantly looked back with a worried look seeing his friends with scary sparkling eyes ready to fight for his attention…and it wasn't even 1 percent of his admirers

"U-Uhm…guys? Let's calm down first, okay?" A futile attempt to get yourself saved…but the fact that it was named 'futile attempt' meant that it was useless to calm them down…fortunately or unfortunately he started to back down with a sweaty face pleading for help."…Let me guess now you will fight and whoever wins will take me?"

They all nodded without even an ounce of hesitation. "….damn," he said as suddenly…


The huge gust of smoke blinded them while Makoto felt air hitting his face while a tight yet gentle grip was holding the Luckster. As the smoke in his eyes cleared or the right word would be…when he got out from the smokescreen he finally realized who saved him.

"Ikusaba-san!" He exclaimed with a wide smile across his face. This of course made Ikusaba blush but she managed to calm her feelings…for now at least.

"You seemed to be in trouble, Naegi-kun." She said with a stoic face still present on her face.

Luckster just looked down biting one of his lips in the realization of what might have happened if Ikusaba wasn't there. "Actually yes…I was in huge trouble but…Ikusaba-san saved me and that's why I am glad to have such a good friend!" A smile. An ordinary smile that looked so pure that it made Ikusaba's heartthrob for a long while.

"N-No need to…thank me…"

"Eh!? No way I won't thank such a gorgeous lady like you, Ikusaba-san! My father always told me to express my gratitude, especially to beautiful girls such as you."

To say that she was red as a tomato would be an understatement. Sheepishly she glared at him for a moment with her grip becoming tighter by each second "I-I-If you say so…" With that said jumping from building to building  Ultimate Soldier didn't even dare to look towards the luckster as her heart was skipping any moment she looked towards Makoto.

It was obvious that Mukuro was madly in love with the cinnamon lucky bun.

"Hey Naegi-….oomph!"

She never finished her sentence as she hit the pole letting Makoto go off of her hand.

"Huh!?" he exclaimed surprised. He started to fall with incredible speed. "Waaaaah!" he screamed as suddenly *POMPH* he landed on something…no…it was someone. He looked towards his savor…it was Nagito Komaeda who lay on the ground with a bit of…strange face.

"To think that I became something like saving mat for Makoto-kun…Oh my god, I won't wash my back anymore!!!" his face was fully red while sparkles were all around it.

"Eek!" first it was creepy and second Makoto felt a chill running down his spine looking at Nagito…something told him that Mukuro who is known for being anything but a clumsy person hit the pole solemnly because of his senpai and in the same time Luckster of class 77 Nagito Komaeda. Makoto stood up and started to apologize for what just happened.

"No! I am utterly happy that I was able to save Makoto-kun from the hands of such a filthy and despairful woman! If you will ask I will kill anyone who will be in the way of your Hope and You!" he hugged himself with a face full of…' hope'

"I don't think it is polite to call Mukuro like that…but really because of you I didn't fall but I am worried about Ikusaba-san"He became worried for her as looked in her direction…she was completely fine and started to jump towards him. "Oh, she is fine…let's wait for her Komaeda-ku-"Suddenly he was lifted in bridal style….again but this time by Nagito. "I won't allow your hope to be dirtied by her filthy hands Makoto-kun!" with that he started to run away with Makoto in his hands and Ikusaba chasing them.

"Get back here!" she screamed towards Nagito whose attention was on Makoto's comfort.

As they were running suddenly Nagito tripped over a little stone making Makoto fly up the air…seriously just how light Makoto is.

"Why I am in the air…again!" this time he was sure that he will fall but Makoto also being lucky wouldn't hurt himself would he?

So that's why he was caught mid-air by Nekomaru Nidai and Akane Owari.

"Nice catch, Old Man!" Ultimate Gymnast exclaimed while her eyes were only plastered on Makoto who was still in shock after such an extreme fly-around session.

"I am…alive…Th-Thanks Nidai-san and Owari-san…." This made both Ultimate Team Manager and Ultimate Gymnast smile while the later blushed as well.

"No need to thank us, Makoto! Instead, let's go and train until we won't shit with blood!!!"

"Hell Yeah! And besides I can't wait to see your reaction after our today's spar with Old Man! I would make your heart tremble, Makoto-chan!"

Just as they were talking a sudden shadow grabbed Makoto by his hoodie and pulled him away from Nidai's back.

"Huh?" Ultimate Team Manager looked behind to see that his friend and as he liked to call him 'Future Sports Star and I am sure of it!!!' Makoto, on the hands of one of the only people who were strong enough to give him a beating…Oogami Sakura and her Asahina Aoi.

"It isn't fair that you are the only ones to get Makoto to train with you!" Asahina exclaimed while pouting along with her words.

Sakura nodded in agreement while holding the luckster in her hands as if he was a teddy bear. "Asahina is indeed right and I promised to make Makoto the next martial arts prodigy."

Nidai growled at it.

"No! Makoto is going to become the best sportsman in any kind of sports!" he exclaimed as ripped off his shirt. "Right here and right now, Sakura-san! I declare a battle for Makoto!" he exclaimed.

Owari smirked. "Count me in! If I will kick your asses it means Makoto is going to spar with me!"

While all of this was happening Makoto had a political smile plastered on his face while a small tear formed under it.

My name is Makoto Naegi…I am an average person with average looks and an average body…I am just a bit more optimistic than many people and…a bit too unlucky to be called an Ultimate Lucky student. Since ever I applied to Hope's Peak my life was like a giant rollercoaster with many people wanting to spend some time with me…I am glad to have such good yet…too obsessive friends nevertheless but sometimes they….

The scene shows several huge craters on the ground while Sakura, Nidai, and Owari are fighting for Makoto with him flying from one corner to another.


This story is nothing but the simple everyday life of Ultimate Luckster of class 78 and his daily life of being surrounded by his abnormal friends.


Yo! I am the author of this fic. and I am here to say that I am really glad that you my dear reader read it to this point.

Also, I had trouble making Nagito's character...no matter what I tried his speech towards Makoto always seemed kinda gay...and the fact that him knowing that Makoto is Ultimate Hope and how Nagito is simping for Hope makes me anxious.

Also this fic is fully straight. Seems some people misunderstood me. Guys here are best friends and bros towards Naegi no romantic feelings. Only girls are simping for Naegi...well Nagito is kinda canon I guess.