
A path to Godhood

A newly dead soul discovers that he has a chance at godhood

ironpriest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Non named Main Character

As I floated there reading the few pages telling me about KARMA, I sighed and figured I would get a lot of dark KARMA because I was a soldier and then a mercenary, I had taken quite a lot of lives some I have accidentally killed and some on purpose. I had touched a lot of lives from what it sounds like this is the requirement to generate KARMA.

As I floated there in thought I already knew I was not willing to go back to earth so no matter how much or how little KARMA I got I was going the soul warrior path. Not for any bad reason I like being me I am a first lifer not rare but also not common my memories make me… me I do not want a second life affecting me later, but the question becomes do I have enough KARMA to earn godhood. I truly hope so I would not mind being a servant to some god but if you had a choice of serving or being the master, everyone wants to be the master.

As I hear my name being called, I head to the room that will tell me how much KARMA I have. I see a being standing in the room wearing a full clock and face mask. I float up in down in greeting for every soul was taught how to emote as it were with no mouth and was not that a thing to get used to. I look around the room and notice a ritual circle on the ground.

"welcome little souls please into the center so we can get your KARMA reading" the being spoke and the only reason I am calling him a being is because souls can shape their bodies like anything. I have seen some weird things angels' demons even a dog at one point the only thing we have in common is that everyone started as a human being except for some gods there the only thing that can truly breed in soul land.

I float slowly into the center more nervous than I thought this is a make or break. I listen as he chants a series of words and I cannot help but wonder if there truly needed or if this is for show. There is a bright flash of light and I slowly blink, afterward, I see he Is holding An envelope and he hands it to me, I move showing in a way to show a question.

"your KARMA readings are in the envelope and I did not look as will all testers use this method so you KARMA is only known to you if you wish to keep it a secret" the being informed me meaning he must get asked this question a lot

As I engulf the envelope, I was able to read my results and allowing me to destroy it afterward giving me a small boost in power. As I peer in my KARMA count, I am happy genuinely happy I have 122 units with a grade 4 dark meaning I made it to be able to jump to a medium god with only training and no followers meaning I won't really have to worry about followers.

At level 7 you are a small god at 14 you are a medium god and at level 28 you can get to a high god. To put that in perspective a high god can create a continent the size of North America half that by a medium god and half again by a small god so a medium god can make part of Russia and all of Europe. Only supreme gods can create planets, some supreme gods sell this for a favor because supreme gods under heavy restrictions by creation deities' being's that make universes for the world creation gods.

Most being's pick new names when they become souls' warriors or asked to be given one, I wonder what I should choose because I am going to be able to become a medium warrior god my name must be memorable, and I wonder what shape I should take when I create my body. I float slowly behind my examiner as he escorts me to a class to build my body.

"I wonder what color and how much KARMA you have little soul" the being mused out loud I could tell he wasn't asking me a question because from what I could tell it was rude to ask these kinds of questions, speculating, on the other hand, was seen as a game almost you never had to confirm if a person was right or wrong, in fact, the more often people guessed meant they were curious about how strong they would become.

It looks like you're not allowed to pick reincarnation or soul warriorhood until you learned how to create a body which just seems weird in my mind but at the same time made sense, because you can spend KARMA on your reincarnation making it better or worse. So I guessed the reincarnation gods needed to talk to you so you could spend your KARMA… never mind this makes a good deal of sense now that I thought about it.

"We are here little soul; I hope to see you again one day my name is Azure Mist" I could see the beings smile it had two teeth going up and down over his lips making me think Chinese or something Indian. I investigate the classroom and float to an open seating area before stopping and floating up and down at the being saying my goodbyes. Then moved quickly to my spot and set myself to listen to this feminine being.