A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling, listening to Penny's song she made for me. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to be taken away by the music then my phone rang. I opened my eyes and looked at who was calling me. It was Eliza.
"Hello? Mhm...I am better after the event from a few days ago...Meet you where? You know Eliza, you give me obsessed creepy vibes when you're around me...I don't know...Mmph..fine I'll meet you at the bowling alley. See you there as well." I said then she hung up.
Now I couldn't lie, Eliza was fine as hell. Whenever I looked at her, my hormones would go crazy. I couldn't get enough of her pale skin, natural gold eyes, black hair and beautiful red lips...but she seemed to have a hidden obsession with me. Whenever I would be training with anyone other than her, she would become so hooked on watching me. She also has a serious case of narcolepsy. We were training one day and she just suddenly fell asleep out of nowhere. She's known as The Vampire out of all the agents because she's only very effective at work during nighttime.
I sighed dejectedly and got out of bed. The only two reasons I was so hesitant to hang out with Eliza was because Daytime and Eliza don't mix and she's very possessive, but I decided to get ready since I didn't want to leave Eliza waiting.
I took my shower and put on some fresh clothes. I decided to go with the skater look for the day. I left my bathroom then walked down the stairs then grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter. I noticed a note from Rebecca saying she and Rhea went out shopping together. I smiled then went into my garage. I opened the garage door and got in my car then started it up. I drove off and closed the garage door.
I drove to the bowling alley and put on some music in my car while I drove. Once I made it to the bowling alley, I turned down my music and parked my car. I stopped the engine then got out of my car. I locked the doors then walked towards the front and noticed Eliza. She wore a white tank top, blue jeans and a brown jacket. She had her hair in a bun and she was seen drinking a can of monster energy drink.
"Eliza." I said then walked to her.
"Mmm..You're finally here." Eliza smiled and threw away her can. "I'm glad you didn't bail on me."
"Nearly did to be honest, but...I didn't want to make you upset." I said then watched her touch my face.
"Ready to lose, my love?~" Eliza smirked.
"Bowling is my specialty, you should be the one getting prepared to lose." I smiled at her.
She smiled and we walked inside the building. There weren't many people in the alley since it was a Thursday afternoon. We walked to the counter to get our bowling shoes and I paid for three games for the two of us. We went to our assigned alley and put on our bowling shoes.
"You can go first, my love." Eliza smiled.
"Fine by me." I said then stepped up. I grabbed a bowling ball then took aim. I calculated then rolled the ball down the lane, knocking down nine pins. I smiled then waited for my ball to come back through the machine. Once the ball came back, I grabbed it and took aim once again then rolled it down the alley, getting a spare.
"Pretty nice, but I can do better. I'll get a strike every frame." Eliza smiled. She got up and grabbed a bowling ball. She looked at the pins then smiled.
I watched her and noticed she wasn't moving. I rose an eyebrow and tilted my head. I noticed she dropped her bowling ball and I facepalmed. The family on the alley beside us looked at Eliza. "Eliza!" I called out to her.
"Mm?" She woke up and looked around. "Oh right."
Eliza picked up the ball and went to roll the ball down the lane then fell asleep mid motion, but the ball managed to roll down the lane. As the ball rolled, it hit all the pins and I looked surprised.
"You can't be serious." I said.
"Huh?" Eliza opened her eyes and looked ahead. "Did I do it..?"
She looked at the screen and noticed it said strike. She smiled and looked at me. I facepalmed and couldn't believe my eyes. I sighed and smiled then got up to bowl.
We played all three games of bowling and Eliza ended up winning all three. Her narcolepsy really carried her through all three games and it was fine since it was fun and funny watching her constantly fall asleep. She could barely finish a single sentence before falling asleep.
We decide to drive to the park and sit outside to gaze upon the moon. The nighttime is where Eliza really shines. She never falls asleep randomly and is fully awake.
"You're aware of my nickname or code name, The Vampire, right? You want to know the real reason why they call me that?" Eliza asked.
"Why?" I asked.
Eliza scooted closer to me then licked my neck. I made a soft sound then tilted my head. She gently bit my neck and I felt her canine teeth prick my neck, drawing blood. She licked my blood and pulled away.
"What the hell..?" I asked then held my neck. "What did you do to me?"
"I'm not a human as I am an actual Vampire. The Boss and the agents know this, but if I was to be found by the people who experimented on me...They would kill me. Before I chose to work for Paid Relationships, I killed most of the scientists who used my body for their own gains. I tried to kill my brother...my father and mother..my sister.., but they managed to escape with the other scientists. They work for the Dark Web as well and I plan to kill them with my bare hands. Before this, I never had this serious case of narcolepsy. Like sure I had it when I was younger, but now.. it's pretty bad." Eliza said.
"I never suspected it. I always thought it was some dumb nickname because you liked biting or you know because you never get tired during the nighttime. I've noticed you always do your work at nighttime, putting off all your work during the day." I said.
"Well now you know, my love. I have a clear mission...and I won't stop until it is complete. I won't rest until my brother and my family are dead. Becoming a rental girlfriend also was a terrible experience. I hated it. All the fat, deadbeat losers and their sweaty Dorito powder covered fingers. They make me sick, if I could kill them I would've. Oh I just wanted to strangle those fuckers with my bare hands and watch them slowly die. Yeah...I would love to do that shit to them!" Eliza laughed and her eyes shined blood red.
I scooted away from Eliza and she stopped laughing and looked at me. I didn't make eye contact and she sighed softly.
"Sorry about that...I just hated working like that. Fuckers tried to...you know. Grape me without the g. They sexually abused me. They caught wind that I wasn't human and practically immortal so they did everything they could imagine to me until I snapped and actually killed one of them. The Boss wasn't mad, but she saw my ability to fight and promoted me to Agent." Eliza said.
"How did Rebecca react when she knew you were a vampire?" I asked.
"I swear that woman is bisexual. She was all over me when she found out. Most of the women were afraid of me. Even the other agents weren't too keen about me at first, but Rebecca was fascinated. So fascinated...that we actually experimented with each other. She found out that I had a limitless sex drive. I can have sex from night till first light. I love having sex...It is the one thing that gives me the most energy at night." Eliza said.
I listened to her and scooted closer to her again. She looked at the moon and closed her eyes. "Would you mind...having sex with me?"
She chuckled softly then opened her eyes. "Do you even have to ask..? Name the time and place. I will be there with my panties off. You're the only guy I'll willingly do it with. I can smell your energy...your lust...I need it and will be willing to take it whenever you want."
I looked at her then looked back at the moon and smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."
Eliza leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. "You know...I know things as an Agent hasn't been working well for you, but if you need anything...I am always a call away. I will always answer you."
"I know. You've told me this before." I smiled.
"I have? I don't remember saying that." Eliza said.
"You tell me almost every chance you get, but I appreciate it. I am grateful to have another version of Rebecca around me." I said.
"Heh... Whatever.." Eliza smiled.
We sat at the park for another hours before getting into our cars and driving home. Eliza's words stuck with me though. Her family experimented on her...turned her into a vampire and she did the only thing she thought was right. I wanted to know more about her so I decided that I should go to HQ tomorrow morning for more information about Eliza.