
The Disastrous Party

The bell rang marking the end of second period and the start of lunch. I walked out of class and met up with Matt and Jaiden. They were waiting for me at the courtyard. I walked over to them and dabbed them up.

"Bro have you heard the news?" Matt asked.

"What news?" I asked.

"Tony is having a party this weekend at his beach house, we gotta go there and turn up. This would help you meet more chicks and maybe experience your first kiss. Shit I don't know you might get down." Matt said.

"Me? Get down? Nice joke Matt, you know I'm still a virgin." I said, giving him a slight smile.

"Whether you get down or not, this is our chance to get to hang out again. Just us bros picking up some hoes." Jaiden chuckled and set down his notebook of lyrics.

I looked at Jaiden and crossed my arms, smiling. "I won't be picking anyone up, I'll be bringing someone with me."

"Shit, my boy got himself a girlfriend?" Matt wrapped his arm around me and ruffled my hair.

"No I don't have a girlfriend, but it'll be better to bring someone than come alone since you two still have work on Saturday and you'll most likely be going to that party after work." I said.

"Got our schedule down to a tee huh." Jaiden chuckled and looked at me. "Yeah, I gotta hit the studio and afterwards I'm hitting that party."

"I got practice in the morning and I'm assuming you're gonna be out again?" Matt looked at me.

"Yeah, I'll be keeping myself occupied since I don't work on Saturdays and Sundays. That's why I said I'll bring someone." I smiled at them.

Jaiden closed his eyes and chuckled. "Our nerd here is growing up. He's learning to brave the wind and fly."

I chuckled and we all went to get lunch and hangout at the courtyard. Matt was checking out the women in the courtyard and even winked at some of them who looked back at him. The women giggled and waved at Matt.

"Staking out?" Jaiden asked as he was writing down some lyrics in his notebook.

"I gotta man. If Ryder is gonna bring someone, we got to as well. Plus I've figured out the formula for these women. They really want something they can't have. If we bring a fine woman, the others will be trying to get us as well." Matt said.

"I don't know about that, but whatever works for you man." Jaiden chuckled.

I looked at some of the women as well and thought about what Abby said to me three days ago. I smiled and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes, hearing some commotion going on. A flock of women swarmed around someone and I rose an eyebrow. I noticed it was Tony Rich, the upcoming movie star. I am acquainted with him, but Matt and Jaiden are the ones who are actually friends with him. Tony walked over to our table and sat down with us.

"Sup Matt, Jaiden." Tony smirked and looked at me then looked back at Matt and Jaiden.

"Uhm, our friend is here as well." Jaiden said.

"Oh right. Hey Ryder. You still going to the party this weekend?" Tony asked.

"Hell yeah." Matt said and smiled. "We are about to turn the fuck up at that party."

"Good shit and I guess the nerd is invited as well. Hope you don't...crash the party with facts or anything." said Tony as he looked at me up and down.

I fixed my glasses and closed my eyes. Matt held my shoulder and looked at Tony.

"Treat my mans with a little more respect. If it weren't for his intelligence, you wouldn't even be in this college. He practically did all your work for you. I'm cool with you and all, but my bro here is deserving of respect as well." Matt said and looked at Tony up and down.

"It's fine Matt. He doesn't have to respect me if he doesn't want to...but he better hope he can find another nerd to save his ass again." I said.

"Get 'em." Jaiden said.

"Pshh..whatever man. Oh yeah, I'm gonna have like hella bitches at the party, better hope you've got room for some action because we are finna get wasted. People are gonna be fighting for the bed, better be first." Tony smirked and stood up then walked off with the horde of women following him.

"That man is the definition of letting the fame get to you." I said.

"Yeah, don't know how I'm friends with someone who's not really humble, but don't worry we always got your back bro." Jaiden looked at me.

"Yeah, ain't no one gonna disrespect you." Matt smiled and ruffled my hair.

I smiled and the bell rang marking the end of the lunch period and the start of the next class. We got up and went to throw away our trash then parted ways to go to our next class.


The weekend finally hit after a long week of studying and work. I laid in my bed dreading the time the party starts. I felt like not going, but I didn't want to disappoint Matt and Jaiden plus I did tell them I would bring someone with me. I opened my phone and went to the old reliable app. I scrolled through the different women and stopped at a woman who had a familiar name. She had black hair that was in a ponytail, beautiful blue eyes, and wore gym clothing in her profile picture.

"Hm..? Is this the same Allie Flynn I know from Geography..?" I asked myself and sat up.

The curiosity got the best of me and I ended up renting her for the day. I texted her to meet me at the parking lot of the campus in 30 minutes. I immediately got a text back from her.

Allie: Okay, we can meet there.

I got up and got ready to meet up with Allie. I took my shower and brushed my teeth, the normal routine. I decided to go simple this time around, wearing a white hoodie, jeans, and my favorite pair of Nike shoes. I walked out of my dorm and headed towards the parking lot.

I reached the parking lot and noticed a woman standing by the college sign then walked towards her. The woman had long black hair that was down, the same beautiful blue eyes, and wore a black t-shirt with an open sweater. She wore white pants and white shoes to match. I placed my hands in my hoodie pockets and rose an eyebrow. "Allie." I said.

She looked at me and spit out her coffee then wiped her mouth. "Ryder?!"

We stared at each other for a bit then I closed my eyes and chuckled softly. She watched my movements then walked to me.

"I didn't know you were in this line of work." I said.

"I didn't know you were the one to pay for this line of work." Allie said and sighed then crossed her arms.

"It's pretty ironic taken that you rejected me a couple weeks ago." I said.

"It's nothing towards you...I promise. It's just..." She looked away.

"You're not into some nerd like me who seems straightedged. I've heard it all from different women, don't worry. I'm not taking any personal offense to it." I smiled and looked at her.

"Well...at least-"

"But you shouldn't have to lie to me. Everyone in the college knows my only redeeming trait is that I'm literally the smartest in the college. You're into more of the famous men like Matt and Jaiden. I get it, it would've been better if you just told me that." I said.

"Yeah...I know, but look at us now. We are...I guess a couple for the day." Allie said and blushed slightly then looked away.

"I mean you can always cancel my payment and refund me if you don't wanna go through with it. It's not like I'm thin on options or anything." I shrugged.

She looked at me then noticed how nonchalant I was. She closed her eyes and have a small smile. "Alright, I'm willing to give this a chance. You are kinda a cool guy, cool enough to be close friends with Matt and Jaiden so there shouldn't be an issue."

I moved my eyebrow a little and shrugged then walked to my car. "I still don't know how I became friends with them so quickly."

"You gotta tell me what all happened though. They are literally two of the most famous guys on campus for their talents." Allie said and followed me to my car.

We got into my car and I began to tell her the story on how I even became friends with Matt. Matt used to be very full of himself around me. He used to always boss me around until Jaiden came along and put Matt in his place. I became friends with Jaiden first and he taught me how to stand up against people like Matt. Although I am still a bit awkward in some sense, I can stand up for myself now.

Once I began to stand my ground against Matt he began to see me as more than a nerd who spends his time playing games, watching anime, and studying. He began to see me as a friend then things escalated from there.

Allie listened attentively to the entire story and looked out the window as I drove around. "I wouldn't have guessed. I mean Jaiden rarely is seen hanging around anyone. You and Matt are the only two he hangs around and actually shows emotion towards."

I smiled. "I'm grateful to have friends like them, but at the same time with friends like them who needs enemies?"

"I can imagine you three have your moments?" Allie asked and looked at me.

"Yeah, we have our moments where we argue, but we have always been able to resolve it in a matter of minutes. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world." I smiled.

Allie smiled and looked ahead. I decided to get our date started with a trip to the fair. I parked my car at the parking lot then we got out. I looked at Allie and held my hand out. She smiled and took my hand then we walked into the fair together.

We walked around and talked to each other about random topics, joking about the professors, and learning more about each other. We played a few of the games and I managed to win a few prizes for her;

I decided to take a break so she could rest her feet from all the walking we did. I leaned against the railing and looked at the pond while Allie was sitting on a nearby bench beside me. Allie looked at me and looked back at her shoes.

"So...How did you find the app?" Allie asked.

"I didn't search for it believe it or not. I remember the event like it was yesterday. I walked out of the arcade and saw a man in a black suit and he must've put the business card in my hand that had the name of the app and their number. The desperation got to me and I was tired of getting rejected for not being pretty or ultra talented so I just..you know." I said as I continued to look at the water.

Allie slowly swung her legs while sitting on the bench and looked at the ground. "You are talented. You saved Tony's ass from getting kicked out of school."

"Pfft...that guy could give two shits about me. He took all of the credit for my work. I'm barely noticed by anyone when I'm not with Matt and Jaiden. I'm just in their shadow basically, I feel so out of place sometimes. It's painful. Very. Painful." I said and got off the railing and walked over to Allie then sat beside her on the bench.

"Are you going to that party Tony is hosting?" She asked.

"If I didn't, Matt and Jaiden would be asking why especially after I told them I would be bringing someone." I said.

"Take me. Maybe there you can gain some form of respect. I notice you around the school, you don't even speak to anyone especially not me after I turned you down. We are still friends right?" Allie asked.

"Yes, we are. It's just...it's awkward to talk to someone who rejected you for a while. I had nearly forgotten about it until I saw your name and was like 'Hey, she's the one that rejected you'." I said then placed my hands in my hoodie pockets.

Allie looked at me and scooted closer then laid her head on my shoulder. "You seemed to take it pretty hard.."

"At the time yeah. It's whatever now. Now I'm focused on how I'm not going to embarrass myself at the party." I smiled.

"You won't embarrass yourself. After all your friends will be there and I'll be there. Just be yourself...all will be fine." said Allie, smiling a bit.

I nodded then looked at the time on my phone. The party had already started while we were on our date. We got up and headed back to my car. We got in and I started it up then drove off to Tony's house.

I parked the car in front of Tony's beach house and noticed a lot of cars in front of his house. We got out of the car and I noticed Matt's and Jaiden's car. I was relieved that they were already here. I held Allie's hand and walked towards the front door then knocked on the door. A male opened the door and noticed me and Allie. He smirked and let us in.

We walked inside and heard some loud music playing on a speaker. There were people drinking, smoking, kissing, and dancing at the party. It was a bit crowded but not enough to be called too big of a party. Matt and Jaiden walked to me when they noticed me and looked impressed that I brought Allie with me.

"Shit my guy, you keep scoring big! What is your magic?" Matt laughed a bit.

"She happened to be around and I invited her to the party." I smiled and Allie waved at Matt and Jaiden.

"Come on bro, we are playing some beer pong. You gotta come and play." Jaiden smiled.

Allie and I followed them to the area the games were and I noticed Tony playing beer pong with one of his friends. He noticed me and his eye twitched a bit then he smiled noticing Allie.

"Allie, I can't believe you made it." Tony said, completely ignoring me as if I was invisible.

Allie pointed at me with her thumb and frowned a bit.

He looked at me and sighed. "And hello Ryder. I guess I'm glad you made it, even though I don't want you here." He rolled his eyes then focused his attention back on Allie.

I walked over to Matt and Jaiden then wanted them to come closer so they could hear me. They brought their heads closer so they could hear me. "What is his issue with me..? Why does he always ignore me as if I don't exist?"

"I actually have zero idea, but it's a bit annoying if you ask me." Jaiden said.

"Yeah. His ego is over the max, it'll be unfortunate if someone brings him down to size." Matt said then walked forward and I grabbed his jacket sleeve.

"Calm down there cowboy. I don't want you to beat him up. It's whatever man, I'm not even that pressed over it. I'm here to have fun." I said.

Jaiden and Matt looked at each other then at me and smiled. We began to hang out and Allie followed us, specifically me. We grabbed a few drinks and began to play some of the games being hosted. I split my time between my friends and Allie, making sure both parties get their share of attention. Allie seemed to really like the fact I did split my attention between her and my friends. Matt and Jaiden seemed to like the fact I could as well.

An hour passed and some of the people were wasted, especially Tony. I was in the middle of a conversation with Jaiden when Tony frowned at me and walked to me.

"Hey bitch!" Tony yelled and got my attention.

I looked at him and wondered what he wanted, knowing he was talking to me. This was the first time he actually acknowledged me and didn't see me as some invisible person. Jaiden looked at Tony and frowned and was about to get up until I stopped him by placing my hand on his chest, keeping him seated.

"Yeah I'm talking to you, Ryder!" Tony yelled.

Allie stopped talking to her friends and looked at our general direction and wondered what was going on. Matt looked at our direction as well and walked through the crowd to make sure Tony doesn't try some stupid shit.

I stood up and knew he was drunk by the way he looked at me. I looked at him directly in the eye. "What's up? Did I do anything to offend you?"

"Yeah, your lame ass is still here. I would've thought you would've left by now! Look around, Ryder. Everyone here is much more successful than your bitch ass. Everyone here had a purpose here! You don't. Fucking lame ass like you doesn't even belong at our university!" Tony yelled and took a sip out of his beer.

I rose an eyebrow and blinked then closed my eyes and sighed. "Look I'll leave if it bothers you so much."

"Wait no, you're not gonna just let him kick you out like that. You didn't even do anything wrong." Jaiden stood up and looked at me.

"It's his party and his rules. If he wants me out then I'm leaving. Come on Allie." I said and walked towards her then Tony grabbed my arm.

"Just you. Allie stays with me." Tony glared.

"I came with her, I'm leaving with her." I said and snatched my arm away from Tony.

Matt got closer to us and noticed Tony staring at me. I noticed Matt getting closer and looked at him then he stopped. Everyone was worried about what was going to happen next. I closed my eyes then something in me made me stand my ground. I knew my next move would be stupid, but if I just left I wouldn't be doing anything but making myself seem more like a loser.

"Listen Tony..." I started then noticed his glare and instantly wanted to back out of my action. He was a better built man than me, he was stronger than me, more menacing than me. I was at a clear disadvantage.

Allie looked worried and walked over to me and grabbed my arm. I looked at her and she shook her head. She mouthed the words, "Don't do it" at me and looked afraid.

"What mother fucker?! Why are you still here? Your bitch ass needs to leave, I don't want you here infecting my party so leave!" Tony pushed me.

I closed my eyes and felt my anger building up inside. I kept my cool and began to walk towards the front door and Allie followed. Tony followed us and I looked back noticing some people recording. Tony pushed me again and chuckled knowing I wasn't going to do anything.

"Oh yeah and like I said before, Allie stays with me bitch." Tony said and grabbed Allie's arm, pulling her behind him.

"You can't...take her!" I said trying to grab her arm then he pushed me back.

"Or what? What are you going to do about it?" Tony asked and pushed me again.

Matt began pushing himself through the crowd of people instigating for a fight to happen to get to me, so he could protect me. Jaiden followed Matt and squeezed his way through the crowd.

I looked at Tony and his drunken eyes then looked at Allie and her worried expression. Who knew a night where I just wanted to party and hang out with my friends would turn into this. I put myself in this situation to make myself seem cooler than I actually am. My mind told me to walk away but my actions spoke differently. I reached for Allie again and Tony pushed me back then stepped outside as I was pushed outside.

"You must be hard of hearing, bitch." Tony said and pushed me to the ground.

"Beat his ass Tony!" One of his friends said.

"Show that loser his place!" A girl laughed.

"You hear that, Ryder? They are all rooting for me. There's no one on your side. Now I'm giving you one last chance to walk away before I really beat your ass." Tony said.

I looked at Allie then stood up. My mind was set. The only way I was getting her back...was to fight my way to her. I dreaded the day I had to fight because in actuality, I didn't know how to fight. I was never taught how to fight. My parents didn't think I needed it since everything was so peaceful where I grew up at. I looked at Tony, obviously nervous, and put my fists up.

Tony looked a bit surprised then laughed a bit. "You want to fight me? Do you know what the fuck I can do to you?! I'll fuck you up boy, get to steppin'"

"I'm..." I started and gulped. "I'm not leaving out of here without Allie."

Tony glared at me then put his fists up. By the way his stance was, he knew how to fight. He knew the ins and outs of fighting. After all he is an actor and he's most likely gotten the training he needed. I wanted to chicken out and run so badly. I wanted to just bawl my eyes out. I wanted to give up then and there, but I couldn't leave Allie.

"Come on, show me what you got." Tony said.

I took a deep breath then ran to Tony and went for a punch. He dodged my punch and gave me a right hook to my jaw. I groaned and stumbled back. He hit me with a left hook, causing me to fall. I grunted then he grabbed my shirt and punched my face, breaking my glasses. I pushed his face back trying to get him off of me, but he kept punching my face.

"Stop it! Leave him alone!" Allie screamed and ran to Tony, trying to pull him off.

Matt yelled and kicked Tony's cheek, causing him to lose a tooth. Tony dropped me and spit out some blood and Matt began to beat Tony's ass in pure rage for hitting me. Jaiden pulled Matt off Tony and noticed Tony was knocked out cold in his own front lawn. I held back my tears and slowly got up.

"Ryder! Are you okay?!" Allie asked worried and got down beside me, holding my shoulder.

I felt my lip quivering and got up slowly then walked over to my car. Allie followed me and we got in my car then I hurried to start it then drove off back to campus. Matt and Jaiden hurried to their car and got in then drove over to campus as well.

I stopped my car and parked it then got out of my car to hurry over to my dorm and Allie followed. I went inside of my dorm and slammed the door shut and crawled on my bed and cried. I let it all out and Allie rubbed my back. She had a few tears running down her cheeks as well. Matt and Jaiden hurried inside of the dorm and noticed me crying and went over to comfort me. It was the first they had ever seen me cry.

"I don't belong.." I cried softly.

"You do belong man. You didn't get accepted here for no reason, plus you managed to get Allie back even if you did get your ass beat.." Matt said.

Jaiden smacked Matt on his head for saying that last part. Matt held his head and looked at Jaiden.

"That party was a disaster and now everyone on campus will view me as the loser who got his ass beat...I am literally the odd one out." I said.

Allie rubbed my back gently then ran her hand through my hair. "You are talented. You're the smartest guy on campus. Even the professors know that. No one can beat your scores on major tests and things like that no matter how hard we study. You're gifted with knowledge. Charisma. You've got a big heart, you fought for me. You tried to prove yourself. You've proved that you have what it takes to stand up for yourself big time."

"She's right. I never thought you would actually fight Tony. You proved you can be strong too. Come on, your pretty face isn't meant for tears. It's meant for smiles." Jaiden said and gently squeezed my shoulders.

I sat up and sniffled then wiped my eyes. Matt and Jaiden smiled at me. They gave me words of encouragement and reassurance. Allie rubbed my shoulders and smiled as well. I calmed down after a bit and smiled at them. Matt went to get some of the weed he had and we went outside to smoke a bit of it.

"After you got beat up, Matt literally fought three dudes before getting to Tony and beating his ass. He was yelling, 'Ain't no one putting their hands on my bro!'" Jaiden laughed as he smoked.

"I got my priorities straight. We are bros until the end man. I gotta have your back when you got mine. I'll beat another hoe ass bitch's ass for you Ry." Matt smiled.

Allie wasn't smoking as she didn't like to smoke. She witnessed first hand how close of a bond all three of us had. She heard her phone beeping and looked at it. Her time with me came to an end, but while she wasn't my girlfriend, she was my friend and we sat outside for the rest of the night talking and smoking...except Allie. The rest of the night was very peaceful.