A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I flipped Wendy over my shoulder and slammed her on her back. She grunted and I twisted her arm and smirked. She grunted and panted. I let her arm go and she held her arm then she stood up.
"Fuck...Now that one actually hurt." She smiled at me and pushed me playfully.
I chuckled and stretched. "You've hurt me so I mean it's only fair that I do the same."
"Ryder." Charlotte called my name and smiled.
I looked at her then walked over to her. "What's up?"
"You've earned this rest of the week off. You've made fine improvements and next week should be no different. Go enjoy yourself tonight and for the rest of the week." Charlotte smiled and held my cheek.
I looked at her and nodded, smiling. I hurried over to the elevator and got inside the elevator to get to floor one.
"He's really been working hard as of lately and been managing his time here and his time at college. He's living the double life for sure." Wendy smiled.
"He still has ways to go before we can send him out on a mission, but I can see his improvements. He's gotten you on the floor multiple times now. He's gotten the hang of fighting now." Charlotte nodded and smiled.
Wendy nodded and they both went to the elevator and got on. They went to Charlotte's office and the Agent's Meeting began once Charlotte got to the office.
I was driving home and stopped at a red light then got a text from Penny.
Penny: Heya, babe! Me, Abby, and the others are already at the Karaoke Bar. We're waiting for you.
I looked at the message and smiled. I set my phone down then continued to drive home once the light turned green. Once I made it home, I parked my car outside my house and hurried to my front door. I unlocked my door and walked inside, seeing Rebecca laying on the couch and watching TV.
"Hey sis." I said walking past the couch to go upstairs.
"Hey, love bug." Rebecca responded, flipping through the different channels.
I picked out some new clothes and went to take a shower and get ready for the Karaoke Night at Eli's mom's karaoke bar. After taking my shower, brushing my teeth, and everything else, looked at myself in the mirror. I put on my earrings and bracelets then fixed my black hoodie. I walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs.
"Bye, Rebecca." I said.
"Ah ah ah. Come here." Rebecca smiled and sat up.
I looked at Rebecca and smiled then walked to her then kissed her lips and she kissed back. I pulled away and flicked her her forehead. "Happy now, dear?" I teased.
"Yes, love I'm happy now." Rebecca smiled and laid back down.
I smiled and walked out of my house then locked the door behind me. I hurried over to my car and got in then started it up. I drove off and went to the karaoke bar.
When I made it to the karaoke bar, I parked my car next to Nina's car. I got out out of my car and noticed the others outside and walked to them. They looked at me and smiled. Penny hopped over to me and held my arm happily.
"You made it." Penny smiled happily.
"I did make it." I chuckled.
"Come on in, we already got the room and everything!" Penny said then began to drag me inside of the karaoke bar.
I followed everyone inside the karaoke bar and went to the room that Eli rented. The room already had drinks and food prepared on the table. I sat on the couch and Penny sat beside me.
"Who wants to start us up first?" Noel asked.
"Me! I wanna go first!" Penny said excitedly. "I want Ryder to join me though."
"Eh?" I looked at her.
"Come on!" Penny smiled and me then stood up and pulled me off the couch.
I allowed myself to be pulled to the stage by Penny and blushed in embarrassment. I grabbed a microphone and Penny picked a song.
"I really love this song and I wanna sing it with you!~" Penny smiled. "Don't worry it's a good song I'm sure you've heard it before."
I listened to the song start and noticed it was a kpop duet song called Come My Way that was sang by two upcoming artists named Yun Hyonu and Hwan So-Yi. "Really?"
"Mhm!~" Penny nodded then began to sing Hwan So-Yi's part of the song in perfect Korean.
"Your sister can speak Korean?" Jazlynn asked and looked at Nina.
"Yep. Japanese and Korean." Nina smiled.
After Penny got done singing, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then began to rap Yun Hyonu's part of the song in perfect Korean and Nina cheered. Penny looked at me excitedly and slightly danced then we both began singing together, harmonizing.
The song finished and everyone clapped. Nina smiled and looked at me.
"I didn't know you could sing~" Nina said.
"I don't sing." I put the microphone down and walked back to the couch, blushing. I sat down and Penny giggled sitting beside me.
"It wasn't that bad~ You were amazing up there!" Penny smiled.
"Thanks." I said and exhaled.
"My turn~" Nina got up and skipped to the stage. "I'm gonna be singing Yummy by Justin Bieber~"
The song started then Nina began singing and...she's tone deaf.
"Oh god, she can't sing." Noel said and covered his ears. "Who would've thought someone like her couldn't sing..?!"
Penny smiled and clapped to the beat and cheered on Nina, singing along with her. At least Penny and Nina were very supportive with each other. I was pretty used to tone deaf people since Rebecca was also tone deaf. Eli, Noel, and Jazlynn covered their ears as Nina was lost in her own world singing her heart out. Abby was just confused and didn't know how to process this.
The song ended and the three uncovered their ears and Nina smiled at us. I gave a thumbs up and Penny cheered.
"No. Do a different one. No singing!" Noel said.
"Oh okay! I can do that." Nina smiled and picked a different song.
"Now she's gonna show you her real skills." Penny smiled.
Eminem's song, Godzilla featuring Juice Wrld, began to play. Nina began to rap the song and Penny began to bob her head to the music. When Juice's part came on, Penny sang that part then Nina began to rap once again. Penny sang whenever Juice's part came and Nina rapped when Penny stopped singing. Nina took a deep breath then began rapping the fast verse perfectly.
Noel made a stank face and bobbed his head when Nina began to rap quickly. "Holy shit..."
"She's that good at rapping..?!" Eli said surprised and made a stank face as well.
"She's articulating every word perfectly and not sounding like she's speaking gibberish!" Jazlynn said in shock.
Nina finished rapping and took a deep breath and exhaled. "Trying to do that in one breath is harder than it seems."
"How are you able to rap that fast? I've tried to do that since the day that song came out and I can't even manage that." Jazlynn said.
"Well, I used to freestyle a lot with Rebecca back when we worked together and she would compete with me to see who could rap faster." Nina smiled and went to sit down. "I would always win because of my ability to speak different languages and I talk fast when I'm speaking German and Russian or when I'm excited I begin to speak faster than normal. So basically for me to do that when rapping, I have to hype myself up and get excited."
"Wow." Noel smiled and looked at Nina.
After Nina got done, Abby went up to sing a song. I noticed she picked a song I recognized well. It was a song by Jaiden called 1+1 Is Us. The entire song was a vibe and I remember hearing it for the first time when it came out on radio. Jaiden said he wrote the song when he was thinking about a girl he met while he was with his friends. I smiled as I listened to Abby singing it and it really sounded like a different perspective when Abby sang it.
After Abby got done singing, the three got up to sing Breakthrough by Elements of Insanity. It was Noel's idea to sing the song as he loved the song and band. I could tell that him and Jade would be best friends. I noticed Jazlynn looking indifferent when she sang the song. She only got up there to make Noel happy, who was having the time of his life. I smiled and closed my eyes then felt my phone buzz. I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed I got a message from Jaiden.
Jaiden: Hey, is it alright if we schedule for next week? My producer had a change of plans for tomorrow.
Me: Yeah That's alright with me, no worries.
Jaiden: Thanks man.
Our text conversation came to a quick end then I put my phone back in my pocket and focused on Penny and the others.
"I can't wait until you all are 21 so we can get drunk together." Nina sighed and sipped on her whine. "Especially you Ryder. I really wanna have drunk sex with you."
"Nina!" Penny said and looked at her.
"What? It's true. I wanna get drunk with him and just let loose. I'll even let you join in and we can have a good ol' threesome." Nina teased.
"E-Eh?!" Penny blushed hard and covered her face.
Abby smiled and looked at them. "Speaking of sex, I haven't had it yet. How does it feel?"
"If you got the right person then it feels amazing." Nina smiled and looked at Abby. "If you ever hear a woman say size doesn't matter then she's lying and most likely using a dildo to have sex with instead of her man's own cock plus there is a such thing as too big and too small."
"I have to agree with Nina here. When me and Eli-" Noel started then Eli covered his mouth.
"That's between us..! Don't blurt out our business like that..!" Eli blushed.
Jazlynn's cheeks slightly became rosey at the topic of sex. "I haven't had sex either and my rental boyfriend is too stupid to understand that I wanna do it."
"I mean you can't force him." Nina said.
"That's the whole reason he rented me out. To have sex and the entire time he's just been in his room talking to some people. He's kinda scary too...One time I overheard him talking about the Dark Web." Jazlynn said.
Nina stopped sipping her wine and looked a bit serious. I looked serious as well then looked at Jazlynn. Penny noticed me and Nina looking serious.
"What's the Dark Web?" Penny asked.
Abby looked confused and tilted her head. "Yeah I'm confused as well. This is the first I've ever heard of the Dark Web as well."
"Let's just say it isn't a pretty place." Nina said.
"Changing topics! I hear that there's a new movie coming out that may be the biggest bit of 2034! It has Rachel Ayami in it and also Melissa Angels." Noel said.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"Rachel Ayami is the sister of a woman who went missing 10 years ago named Ashley Ayami and Melissa Angels is Coach Mark's half sister. It's still freaky on how so many people went missing 10 years ago. The FBI are still trying to find leads on how it happened, but nothing comes up." Eli explained.
"Who all went missing?" I asked.
"There was that teacher from Matsugaya College named Akira Okabe and the famous stripper named Chloe Wise." Noel started.
"Then it was Coach Caroline's younger sister, Chelsey La Rosa. Who else...There was also Shiro Moji who went missing. Gloria Aoi...Whitney and Krystal Dawn...Aubrey Acacia, Faith Winters..." Jazlynn said.
"Naomi Haruna." Nina said. "No one has an answer to how they went missing, only theories and speculation. Well...the strange part about this is the only one seen returning is Chloe Wise. That's why she was all over TV. No one knows how she came back and whenever they would ask her, she wouldn't answer. She would always say she forgot or just go quiet."
"Chloe Wise.." I said to myself and crossed my arms. "Where is she right now?"
"In Texas. She's the owner of a strip club named Strawberry's Phatcakes." Nina said.
"What?" I rose an eyebrow.
Nina shrugged and smiled. "I don't know either, but if you wan a try your hand at asking then go ahead. Trust me, you're not getting any answers."
I looked at Nina then looked at the ceiling. After a bit of talking amongst each other, we all decided to pack it up and leave the karaoke. I went to my car and drove to HQ.
I parked my car in the Agency section of HQ and got out then walked to the elevator and got on. I rode up to the 100th Floor then once the elevator stopped and the door opened, I got out.
Charlotte looked at me and took off her glasses. "Ryder? It's late, what's up?"
"I want to know if you know where Strawberry's Phatcakes is located." I said.
"You wanna go to the strip club?" Charlotte asked.
"It isn't for my own pleasure, but for my own curiosity. I heard after 10 years of being missing, Chloe Wise came back to Earth. I want to meet her." I said.
Charlotte looked at me and closed her eyes then smiled. "Chloe Wise...34 year old woman who's looked up to by many women who wanna strip and learn to dance erotically. She's actually an associate of mine. I can take you to her personally."
"Really? Can we go tomorrow?" I asked.
"Sure why not. I'll come pick you up at your house." Charlotte smiled.
I nodded then smiled at her. "Okay."