
A Noble Goal

Everyone has some kind of goal they deem noble. But does everyone see it the same way? To achieve your goal, what are you willing to do? Sacrifice your life? Or the lives of others? Would you do anything to achieve it? Going as far as to start a war? For this Noble goal, how much are you willing to offer? _____ “Chosen ones? That’s a fancy title, but in the end. It’s just a title.” A long time ago, innovation and creation ruled the world. Technology was everywhere, robots and holograms were the norm. However, creatures seen as demons and angels invaded. Human technology is unable to keep up with the supernatural. From manipulating elements to summoning weapons, they slowly lost to the invaders. However, all hope was not lost when humans themselves started to manifest such said powers. Even if it's weaker, they have technology to help them. Right? "Now now, why should I bow to others when I can make others bow before me!" Slowly, the divided human race started to show more cracks. Humans with different mindsets split, all having their own goal in mind, with new powers to back them up. Threats everywhere, but the solution for them doesn't seem to increase any time soon. "I don't want to live so divided anymore! Not only between humans, but the world as a whole." Such a bold idea was spoken after countless years, receiving little to no approval. However, that didn't discourage the brave soul. Causing him to keep finding like minded people. A demon heard of his action, and was fascinated by such a noble yet foolish mindset. "Human, your lifespan is limited. Leave it to the next generation, I shall help you search for those with such a mindset." Without thinking much, he agreed to pass on this Noble Mission to the future generation. Unaware of the demon scheme. ———————————— Chapter will be published every weekday 9 o clock GMT +8 , let me sleep in peace thank you. Save it to library to get notifications when I upload. Thats right, two chapters a day! If you enjoy what you read, comment or give a review. I want funny comments >:( gimme funny comments to reply to

ViYongRay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Glimpses through the smoke

The smoke continued drifting across the city despite the rain.

Most citizens stayed in their homes, while some continued roaming the streets even after the explosion.

Cough cough cough

A man roaming the streets started choking on the smoke, as his son tugged at his hand.

"Dad, are you okay?" His son asked worryingly.

He stopped coughing and patted his son's head, "Let's go home. Mom will be worried."

His son tightened his hand, "Dad, mom is no longer here. Did you forget?"

The man stopped walking, 'Dead?'

Similar events happened across the city. Many of those who breathed in the smoke lost their memories.

In a meeting room, a long rectangular table is in the middle of the room. With eight chairs at each side and one chair at both ends.

Only five chairs at the right side were filled, the left side had one filled, and the top closest to the door was empty.

Ignatius was sitting on the right side, with four more others at his left side.

Opposite them sat Lux, while at the end of the table sat a man.

The man has only a few strains of light green hair in the forest of light grey hair. He's light green eyes staring at Lux.

He is wearing a dark green button shirt with dark blue jeans, he sighed as he closed his eyes.

"What are you thinking? We don't owe Duerrin anything." The man started the meeting, "Nor do they owe us. The education provided is enough. Why do you wish to send the students there?"

Lux slowly explained, "I feel another war is going to happen. I rather the students provide support than fight directly face to face with the enemy, sir. "

"What made you think Duerrin will accept students from this city?" Someone beside Ignatius asked.

"The fact Duerrin didn't send soldiers to attack us is a miracle. Our students won't even be qualified for their high school examination! No one in this city will even catch the eye of them!" Another member slapped his arm on the table, "You wish to have our city bow and beg them to be taken in? How shameful!"

Lux silently gritted her teeth, looking down at the table.

"Sir," Ignatius raised his hand before anyone could open their mouth. He glanced at the people beside him and looked at the man, "I suggest we just detain Mdm Lux."

Lux slowly looked up at Ignatius, who glanced away from her.

The man took a breath and replied, "Very well," He commanded, "Officer Sam, I will leave Lux in your prison."

Officer Sam, who sat right opposite Lux, stood up.

He slowly walked beside her and held a hand out, "Prison won't be comfortable, but it's safer than in the wild."

Lux looked at the hand for a moment and slowly pushed it away. She stood up on her own and walked out.

Sam didn't take offence to it and just followed behind her.

When the door closed again, the man issued another command, "Everyone else, go back and gather those you deem fit to defend this city. Dismiss."

The two other people quickly left, leaving Ignatius and the man alone.

"What made you change your mind, Ignatius?" The man asked as he placed his elbow on the table, his head resting on his hand,

Ignatius slowly leaned back against his chair, his head looking up at the ceiling.

"Gunnar, why choose such a name for yourself?" He changed the topic, "You ain't worried Seiza will ruin your plans?" He glanced at Gunnar.

"Our goal is the same, but the approach to such a goal is different." He slowly shifted his body back, clasping his hands together and placed on the table, "Ignatius, I'm sorry for the loss of your wife. It's due to my negligence that she is gone now."

Ignatius' eyes slowly closed, "It's only a matter of time this happened."

"It's still my fault." He sighed, "I never wish to gain your help this way either." He slowly stood up and sat opposite of Ignatius.

Ignatius changed the topic again, asking, "Do you know what's Sezia plan?"


Gunnar took out his phone and saw the message from her. He chuckled and replied, "Let see."

Walking outside, Lux and Sam headed towards the prison on foot.

Sam caught up and walked beside her, "Say, can't you control whatever you eat?"

"Depending." Lux answered, "I can't clear this much smoke, but maybe given time. I could."

"Why not try it?" Sam asked, "Even if it's a few people who get affected, it can get troublesome. Who knows if it will get worse."

"I'm afraid of what I will forget. Maybe I will forget who I am." She casually gave an excuse, which Sam caught on.

Silence emerged between them for a while, when Sam broke it with a question, "Say, who are you?"

"Don't tell me the smoke got you?" Lux turned and looked at Sam.

"No no, as in. I know who you are." He slowly explained, "You're in charge of education in this city, you provide light to students who seeks it. But, besides that. Who are you? Before being in charge of this city education."

Lux was unable to reply.

"Lux, do you even remember your family?" Sam glanced at her for a moment before looking back at the streets, "You done working? Cause my legs are tired."

"I will see you at the station." She continued walking while he stopped. He looked at the police car that had been driving near them and strolled towards it.

When he got on the passenger seat, his assistant, who was observing them, asked, "You are really going to let her walk like that?"

Sam leaned against the window and looked at Lux, who looked like she was taking an evening stroll.

He nonchalantly asked, "Do you remember who caused Zone G collapse?"

"Yes, Sir, it was the subjects from one to ten. Including a few others who was nearer to them, and a few outsider helper." The assistant replied, "Sir, do you feel guilty about it?"

"Don't you?" He glanced at the rear mirror.

"Do you plan to help them get revenge? Sam?" His assistant looked over his seat and stared at Sam.

"It's their revenge, not ours. However, when the time comes," He looked at the other window, looking at the buildings ever so high, "I will help them protect what they have built."

His assistant turned and faced the steering wheel, "It's time to clear the pollution." In the side view mirror, he has a smile on his face.

A fortress floating above the sea could be seen, with occasional beam of lights connecting the sea and fortress.

"Captain, why did you let the survivors from Zone G off the hook?" A soldier wore what looked like a high tech armour, facing a figure who had the back facing him, "You should be aware of what happens when you don't put out the fire. It will only grow stronger and spread. Till we no longer have the ability to put it out."

The figure faced a window. The window showed looked like a painting. With the sea and sun slowly setting down, the contrast of orange and blue.

The figure slowly turned and stared at the solider, through the mask, a muffled voice spoke.

"Because of those cunning demons."