
A night with 'Ella' my hot sis

Matured content 18+ Falling in love is something everyone wished for. A chance to be with the person they love. But for Ella, it wasn't so. SHe fell for someone he shouldn't have. SHe fell for her brother. A feeling that's forbidden. One frowned upon by the society. Keeping it a secret became difficult when he found out her brother isn't truly her blood. Not only that, the love she once thought one sided proved to be more than that.

Okeke_WolfGang · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Mom came into the bedroom

   Ella bent and put his cock in her mouth. Bobbing up and down, deep throating him. Alex had never felt this kind of pleasure before, he let his sister take full reign while enjoying the pleasure, moaning, hard breathing just looking at her face.

   Then they heard a footstep close to the door. "Fuck" they both said. Ella jumped into the bed and covered herself.

     Anne knocked and entered, "hey hon, just checking on you. Are you okay? You didn't come down for dinner? Are you sick?" She asked with a worried face.

    Alex heart beating so hard, stammers, " ya..ya mom, I.. I was not that hungry anyways".

    "Are you sure? Your face looked pale".

   Alex then shouted, " yeeessss!!" Because Ella had started to jack him off while he was talking to their mom.

    She then asked him, "are you on drugs? Is that what this is? You know you can tell me anything right?" Then she started moving close to the bed.

     "No, no mom. I am not on druuggs. It's just that I am trying to figure myself oouut, you know. Both education and relationship aspect." He hurriedly replied trying to get her to leave.

    Anne came close and sat at the edge of the bed, meanwhile Ella was still under the covers jacking off Alex feeling the adrenaline of getting caught. Alex was using all his willpower not to show any sign or expression.

    "Ohhh, you know you can always come to me anytime you need me and just know I would always be there for you if you wanna talk things out". Anne spoke gently to him.

    "I know mom, if there is anythingggg. You will be the first to know abooouut it". Alex replied with a scared expression on his face but can't reply properly due to the pleasure he way deriving from his big sis.

     "So do you wanna talk about it right now or do you want to wait for your Dad to tell him?" Anne asked him.

     Alex sharply replied, "Ya I thiiink it will be best if I discusssss it with Dad, no offense mom".

    "None taken and I understand, call me if you need anything okay hon?" Anne said.

   "Okaay mooomm".

   "Remember I love you and I am always there for you", Anne said while moving closer to me. Her hands were almost at my waist where Ella's hand was still jacking me nonstop. She stared at me for like a dozen seconds and stood up to hug me and kissed my forehead.

   " Love you too moomm". He said.

   "Goodnight dear".

   "Goodnight mom".

   While my mom was going out, an 'uhhh' sound which I think she heard, he turned around looking at me. " you sure you are okay hon?" Anne inquired

   "Ya mom, never better". He replied, " goodnight ".

   After she left and shut the door. Series of fading footsteps could be heard. Ella came out of the covers smiling. "That was close", he told her.

   Ella said smilling, "Relax, can't you feel the thrill of almost getting caught. You are always acting like a perfect mama's boy. You know you have to take risks sometimes because only then have you fully experienced life itself".

   She then started to give me headjob. He love the way her mouth feels on my cock. While he was almost at the climax. They heard a soft knock at the door. Ella hurriedly dove under the covers. Anne poked her head in and asked, " hon, do you know where you sis is? She isn't in her room. Did she tell you anything?

   "No mom, she did not. And I am not sure either. Maybe she went on a stroll in other to digest her food, you know for her to keep that her body shape". Alex replied. 

  "You might be right. Okay, goodnight honny". Anne said closing the door while leaving. After their mom left. Ella gave him a seducing look and asked teasingly, "what have you been up to recently, bad boy. Have you been looking at my body? Do you like it?".

   Alex lied, " yes you do have a great body shape, likewise Mia also but I have not been doing any bad things recently or looking and thinking about it".

    Ella smiled at him and said, "who said anything about thinking of it? I know that's what you have been doing right. Honestly, I am delighted that you think of me like that".

   Alex defensively replied, " who thought of you like that? Stop putting words into my mouth. You're my Sis ". 

   " ohh now I am your sis. So, what do you think of Mia?" Ella asked.

   "She's okay, I guess", Alex said, " she is friendly, funny, cute, with her funny accent, but above all, she's hot and sexy".

   "Then what about me? What do you think of me?" Ella inquired.

    "Ella, I have said this before. You might be hot and sexy but you are still my sister". Alex said.

   " So what about what just happened now?" Ella asked, "sisters don't blow their brothers".

   "We didn't cross the line, we didn't commit incest technically". Alex told her.

   "Then finish up by yourself if that's what you think!!!" She said angrily and stormed out of his room.

   Alex shook his head and wondered what was in the head of ladies. He tried to masturbate only to find out that he didn't derive pleasure not as much as Ella's headjob. He practically had to force himself to cum and he slept off.