
A night with 'Ella' my hot sis

Matured content 18+ Falling in love is something everyone wished for. A chance to be with the person they love. But for Ella, it wasn't so. SHe fell for someone he shouldn't have. SHe fell for her brother. A feeling that's forbidden. One frowned upon by the society. Keeping it a secret became difficult when he found out her brother isn't truly her blood. Not only that, the love she once thought one sided proved to be more than that.

Okeke_WolfGang · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


The next day, Alex woke up late due to the fact he couldn't sleep the previous night thinking about what transpired between him and his sister. He heard a knock on his door and his  mom came into his room.

  "Good morning sleepy head, wash up quickly cos breakfast is ready and I want us to eat with your father." Anne said.

  "Okay mom." He replied.

  She went out of his room and closed his door. After two secs, "Now Alex!, get your lazy butt up." She shouted through the door.

Alex jumped off his bed, washed his face and went down for breakfast.

  "Good morning son, you look pretty tired. What happened last night?" Mark asked with a raised eyebrow.  Alex looked at Ella while she shook her head meaning 'I don't know what he meant'

Alex replied, "I don't know actually, probably the driving to and fro to pick you up at the airport yesterday."

"Oh honey, you should have told me, I would have driven the car instead." Anne said worried.

Alex said, "Its nothing I can't handle." He sat down to have his breakfast.

"Lets go to the beach today, I am in a fun mood recently due to I just go a promotion as the Editor-in-chief at Skynet Daily News." Mark said smiling from ear to ear.

His wife and kids looked surprised, "Wow, congratulations Dad, you really surprised us." Ella rushed to her father and kissed him on his cheeks. "congrats Dad, I am so happy that I don't have to work this (coughs)...…. I mean, that you for promoted." Alex corrected himself.

Anne stared at him, "Ohh, you are so happy that you don't want to work this summer right?" And turned to Mark, "Congratulations dear, you could have told me or given me a heads up. So that's what the conference you travelled for was all about."

"Not really, we had the conference to discuss about work related event. Then during the end of the conference, the previous editor-in-chief officially resigned due to he had gotten a better offer at another newspaper company." Mark said.

"Well this calls for a celebration, we will go to the beach, eat dinner at a restaurant, come back home and pop some champagnes." Ella said joyfully.

Mark agreed with her suggestions, "we're moving out in the next one hour." Alex and Ella ran up to their rooms, preparing themselves to go to the beach.

Ella was in her room picking out her swimming suit, she had a devilish idea and decided to invite Mia. She picked up her phone and dialed. After a few secs.

 "Yo gal, wassup?" Mia greeted.

 "Are you busy right now? Would you like to come with us on a trip to the beach?" Ella asked.

 "I dunno gal, I am kinda not having a free time today, I have a tight schedule on a project that ama need to meet up soon." Mia responded.

 "Come on girl, it's going to be fun I promise." Ella persuaded her.

"Babe, it's not that I don't wonna come along with ya but..." Mia said with a sigh, trying to make Ella understand.

"Oh, okay. Well I am just going to tell Alex that you would not be coming due to you having a tight schedule." Ella said sadly with a smiling on her face.

Mia quickly asked, "Wait.....ya mean Alex's gonna be there?"

"Of course, why won't he? We're all going together with mom and dad."

"Why don't ya tell me this right at the beginning, ama clear up ma schedule right now. Ya a really bad friend, ya know that right?"

"Well I know and you know. And that's what make us friends." Ella said playfully while laughing.

 "Ama gonna be there soon, y'all better not leave me." Mia said and hung up.

50 mins later, the whole family meet up at the car. "Is everyone set?" Mark asked.

"Nope, I invited Mia also and she said she'd soon be here." Ella said.

"Who is Mia?" Mark looked at Anne. "She's her friend and colleague at school." Anne replied.

After a few mins, Mia arrived. "Hello, I am Mia." Mia greeted Mark.

"Hi, you can call me Mark. How do you do?" Mark said.

"I'm cool." Mia said and getting in the car. Mark drove to the beach. The kids get off and went to change while their parents decided to relax and play at the edge of the water.

When Alex saw Mia and Ella's costumes, his 'junior brother' started responding. He was staring at their breasts bouncing while they were jugging towards him. Ella saw him and decided to toy with him a little bit.

"Hey, a fly is going to enter your mouth. Like what you see?" Ella asked giggling.

"What...… like what? Who is looking? I am going for a swim." Alex said while running to the water. Ella and Mia laughed at the running figure.

Ella and Mia stole the limelight because of their beauty. They had many guys coming at them. Alex thought, 'why can't these guys find other ladies? Are they (Ella and Mia) the only ladies here? Alex then asked himself, 'Why do I feel like this? Is this what is called jealousy? How can I be jealous? He decided to approach them.

"How do you guys feel when you are been surrounded by flies?" Alex suddenly.

"Ohh, looks like someone is jeeaaloous." Ella said teasingly.

'Oh shit, she is right on track. How does she know? I think I should mind my words around her.' Alex thought to himself. "Who is jealous? Of who? Poof, not possible?" He said.

Ella and Mia didn't reject the advances of the hot-blooded males which makes Alex more jealous and mad. They swam, rested, Played a little bit, hang around people, laughing and gisting. A few hours later, "Kids, it's time to go home. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves?" Mark said.

Ella replied, "We sure did, right Alex? Looking at Alex mockingly.

"Yes and can we just go home already, what's with all these questions?" he said and walked towards the car, got in and slammed the door.

"I think someone is having a bad day, Mia." Ella said to Mia. "What do you think is the problem, I thought we were all having fun?"

"I dunno also, do ya think it's cos of that? Mia asked forgetting their parents were there.

"Because of what exactly?" Anne asked Ella inquisitively.

"Nothing to worry your pretty head about mom, maybe he was rejected by a lady or something, I don't know, let's just go home." Ella lied.

"Okay, Let's go home." Mark interrupted before his wife asked another question. They all boarded the car and left for home. On getting home, Alex alighted from the car, unlocked the front door and headed straight to his room. The whole family including Mia looked at him and at themselves. They came down, unpack everything from the trunk of the car and carried it inside.

"Mia and I are going to prepare dinner so you two should rest up, I will come get you when it's ready." Ella told her mom.

"Are you sure hon, do you need my help? I know that you girls must be pretty tired after all the whole swimming and stuffs." Anne asked  Ella.

"Actually, I want to prepare Alex's favorite with Mia, I am guessing we are the reason why he is behaving like this but we don't know what exactly we did or how we made him mad." Ella truthfully told her parents.

"I know you care so much about your brother, (sighs) okay, the kitchen is all yours." Anne said and hugged Ella while Mark kissed her forehead saying, "I know you guys would figure it out yourselves. Call me if your mom if you need anything okay?"

"Sure Dad." Ella and Mia prepared Alex's favorite food which is spaghetti while discussing.

"Due ya think cos he was jealous that's why he is giving us cold shoulders?" Mia asked.

"Yes, I think so to but I don't understand why, I mean why he should not talk to us?" Ella said.

"Do ya think he's in love with either of us?" Mia asked, "I heard guys does that when they are in love."

"Honestly, I don't even know and recently can't understand him anymore. He's like a different person entirely."  Ella replied.

"Did something happened recently between y'all?" Mia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, nothing." Ella denied and changed the topic, "I think it's time to put the spices in."

"Really gal, don't think I donno what ya did there. Come on, answer me." Mia persuaded.

"It's nothing that important, but don't think I can easily say it no offense."

"Ya mean something like ya love ya brother?" Mia asked again.

Ella was shocked, she instinctively looked back to check if her parents are close by, "When.....how....what do you mean?" she stammers.

"Come on gal, I am ya friend so I shoulda know, don't think I don't see the way ya be looking at him when he's ain't looking or staring at his back when he just passed or smile when he's close by or says something to ya, actually am a little sad that ya can't tell me but I understand. You donno what my reaction would be." Mia told her, "it's cos of ya I ain't going at him and ya know me gal, I always go for whoever I set my sight on not minding anything."

"So you do know all these since and kept it to yourself. Well…..actually, he doesn't love me in return. Only sees me as his sister no matter what I do." Ella confessed, "I know you like him too. I am the possessive and jealous type but if by been together with him would make him like me then I give you all my blessings."

"Ya know what, as your friend, ama gonna help you but I can't promise not to get something from him if ya know whatta mean." Mia said with a devilish smile.

"As long as he doesn't see me as his sister, I don't care what you guys do." They continued cooking. Half an hour later, Ella went to call her parents who were cuddling on the sofa while watching TV. "Mom, Dad, dinner's ready. Honestly you guys make me jealous, I wish to find a man like Dad so I can have a bliss life like you Mom. You still act as newly wedded couples even after many years of marriage."

"Well, what can I say. Your father Is one of a kind, he makes me feel special. I hope you find that person who makes you feel the same, who won't stop loving you no matter what and who makes you feel like you are his world. I hope you find that person sweetheart." Anne said looking at her.

Ella said in a low voice that's barely audible, thinking of Alex, "I hope so too."

Seeing the expression on his daughter's face, Mark said to her, "Don't worry, you don't have to think too much. There is still time for that, you are still young. Go call that young man that dinner's ready." Changing the topic. Ella went up and knocked on his door but received no response. "I know you are in there and can here me, if I or we did anything that made you act like this, I am sorry Alex, (sighs) dinner's ready....and its your favorite." Ella said with a sad tone and left.

Alex listened to her but didn't say anything, after she left he head down to the dinning table.