
66. Epilogue


February 21st, 2007

His footfalls echoed through the hospital corridor as Castle ran down the endless tunnel of white. Alexis had called him twenty minutes ago and he had made it across town in record time, his heart pounding wildly as he'd stormed through the doors in search of his wife and his daughters. When he finally came to a stumbling halt in front of the reception counter he had to frantically gulp down air before he could even try to get a word out.

"Detective Beckett," he finally exhaled, leaning heavily against the desk, trying to tame his furiously pumping heart, realizing he should probably work out more often in case he needed to do this again any time soon.

The nurse scanned through a list on her desk and then shook her head, "I'm sorry, there's no Detective Beckett on the list. Are you sure this is the right hospital?"

He stared at her confused, trying to make sense of what he'd just been told, being absolutely sure Alexis had told him to come here when it struck him that she probably had used her - , "Katherine Houghton Castle?", he asked hopeful, realizing it made much more sense than Kate using her work name.

The nurse's face lit up with a smile when she nodded, "You're Mr. Castle?"

"Yes," Castle nodded eagerly, "I'm her husband."

The nurse got up, grabbing a file and stepping around the counter, "Follow me please.", she told him as she pushed through a door to their right, holding it open for him, "I'll show you to her room. We just got her settled in."

"Jamie Rowan Castle," Alexis' stern voice called out to her sister, "you're staying here."

"But I want to go and ask where Mommy is," the six-year old pouted, stepping out of her sister's reach and starting for the door of the waiting room - again.

"They told us to wait here," Alexis growled, sometimes her strong-willed sister could really be a handful.

"But I don't want to wait Lexi, it's boring," Jamie stomped her foot. "I want to see Mommy."

"Dad will be here any minute, I'm sure and then we can go and see Mom," Alexis told her, this time succeeding when she grabbed for her sister's arm and pulled her back. "Gotcha!"

"Let go Lexi, let go," Jamie whined, trying to get out of her sister's arms, twirling and whirling as the door opened.

"Jamie!" Her father's stern voice made the girl stop.

"Daddy," she exclaimed, for now unfazed by the unpleased look on his face as Alexis let go of her and she could jump into his arms to let him scoop her up.

"Jamie, what did I tell you to do when you're alone with Alexis?" Castle gave his youngest a disapproving look.

"To do as she says," Jamie mumbled, looking down at the floor in shame, knowing exactly that she had misbehaved.

"That's right," Castle nodded, "So - you promise me to do so next time?"

She nodded and then looked at her sister, "Sorry Lexi."

"It's alright," Alexis smiled, taking her sister's hand when her father sat her down again.

"Can we go see Mommy now?" Jamie asked quietly, cuddling into her sister's side, not wanting Alexis to be angry with her.

"Yes," Castle nodded with a smile, "But only until your grandparents come to pick you up."

"But we want to stay," Jamie protested.

"Yes Dad, please," Alexis begged him as well.

He sighed, "Look, this could take all night and you can't come in with us once it really starts. But I promise we'll call you as soon as the baby is here."

He waited until they both reluctantly nodded before he pushed open the door of the waiting room, leading the way, "Come on, let's go find your Mom."

"Hey," Kate greeted them happily when she saw her family entering the room, the girls immediately running to her side as she was lying propped up in the hospital bed, looking content and relaxed at the moment.

"How are you feeling?" Castle asked, leaning down to kiss her on the lips and brushing his thumb under her eye.

"I'm good right now," she smiled back at him, touching his cheek gently, happy that he was finally here. "They say it's still going to be a while."

"Does it hurt?" Jamie questioned, pointing at the belt that was pulled around her mother's belly.

Kate laughed, "No Baby Bird, it doesn't hurt, not right now anyway," she tapped at the fetal monitor with her fingers, "this thing tells the doctors when the baby is ready to come."

"Oh," Jamie stared at the belt with wonder in her eyes, "how much longer?"

"It's still a couple of hours," Kate told her youngest, smiling when she saw the disappointment on Jamie's face. She knew the girl couldn't wait to be a big sister.

"Hey Alexis, are you okay?" Kate turned her attention to the redhead, pulling her to her side. "I hope I didn't scare you too much back at Macy's?" She knew it couldn't have been easy for the 12-year-old to kind of be in charge to get all of them to the hospital after Kate had felt the first contractions right in the middle of Macy's, about two weeks too early. Alexis had hailed them a taxi, told the driver to head to the Presbyterian Hospital, had called her father and promised Kate to watch Jamie until their dad would get there.

Alexis shook her head, "No I'm good, just excited," she grinned broadly, relaxing into Kate's side.

"Thanks for taking care of me," Kate told her gently and pulled her down to place a kiss against the girl's cheek. "And thanks for looking after this one," she pointed at Jamie who had crawled onto the bed in the meantime, her small hands pressed against the big swell of her mother's stomach and talking nonsense to the baby, a habit she had picked up quite early during her mother's pregnancy.

Alexis nodded and then placed her hand on Kate's belly as well, "I can't wait to meet her."

"Him," Castle corrected from the other side of the bed. "You can't wait to meet him."

"I'm telling you Dad, it's a girl," his daughter disagreed sternly. "I know it is."

"No," he shook his head, "there are way too many women in the family as it is, Jim and I need some male support."

"Why don't we just wait and see, huh?" Kate suggested, since they had decided they didn't want to know the gender until the baby was born and she was not in the mood to hear her family fight about it right now. Personally she couldn't care less, a boy, a girl - healthy was all that mattered to her, but she knew how much Castle wished for a son and she wouldn't mind a little boy with his father's charms either.

"Did you call your mother?" Kate asked, taking Castle's hand in her own, pulling him closer.

"Yes and your dad as well, they are both on their way and will take the girls home with them," he said, squeezing her fingers gently, sitting down on the edge of the mattress at her hip.

"Good," she sighed, resting her hand on his upper thigh to run lazy circles on it.

"Richard," his mother called out to him from across the hallway, finding her son fumbling with the door knob to what probably was Kate's room, balancing several beverages in his arms.

"Where's Jim?", he asked confused, stopping his attempts to open the door and waiting for his mother to get to him, "I thought you were coming together."

"He dropped me off and is parking the car," Martha reassured her son. "He should be here any minute. How is Katherine doing?"

"Good," he smiled, "Jamie and Alexis are keeping her entertained but the doctor said it's still gonna be a while until it really gets started.

His mother nodded, "The poor girl should enjoy the calm before the storm."

"What?", she raised her brows at her son's shocked look, "I've been there. 24 hours of you refusing to come out, believe me I've seen better days."

"Mother," he scolded her, glad that the door was closed and neither Kate nor his daughters had to hear his mother's words.

Martha raised her hands in surrender, "I didn't say it wasn't' worth it," she told him with a gentle smile just as Jim appeared in the hallway.

"Hello," Kate's father greeted them, excitement written all over his face. "I can't believe it's finally time for her to join us."

"Him," Castle corrected Jim, just as he had corrected Alexis earlier. "For him to join us."

Martha and Jim exchanged a knowing look. The two of them shared a strong agreement about the baby's gender and the fact that Castle was totally wrong when it came to this matter.

"Anyway," the older man finally said, winking at Martha and changing the subject, knowing no good could come out of starting an argument with the soon-to-be three times dad, "I would like to see my daughter now."

Castle stumbled through the door almost dropping his coffee and Kate turned her head to see Martha and her dad standing in the doorway behind him.

"Hey you two," she smiled at them. "Thanks for picking the girls up and taking them home."

"Ah, don't mention it," Martha waved her off, "Just make sure your husband calls us as soon as the little one is here."

"I'm sure he will," Kate smirked, knowing that Castle would hardly be able to contain his excitement and even if she tried she wouldn't be able to stop him from calling probably everyone they knew.

"Okay girls," Martha finally got them going, "say goodbye and goodnight to your parents. We'll be back in the morning."

"But won't the baby be confused if we're not here when it's born?" Jamie asked innocently, grasping for every straw so they would be allowed to stay.

"You'll be here soon enough," Martha reassured her, stepping forward herself and placing a kiss against Kate's forehead. "Good luck," she whispered. "I can't wait to meet her," she said quietly enough so her son wouldn't hear her.

"Thank you, Martha," Kate replied squeezing the older woman's hand before letting go and hugging first Alexis and then Jamie. "And you two be good to your grandparents, be a good example for your new brother or sister."

The girls nodded, hugging Kate one more time, before reluctantly letting go of her and taking their grandmother's hands after she had kissed her son on the cheek.

"Katie," Jim took his daughter's hand in his and then didn't know what to say, his emotions getting the better of him.

"I know," she smiled back at him, "Keep them occupied for me, would you?" She nodded at her daughters.

"You can count on me," her father smiled and then he turned to Rick, pulling him into a hug and whispered, "Take good care of her," before he, Martha and the girls waved at them one more time and left the room.

"Ah," Castle sighed, "Finally alone. How are you feeling, how's the pain?" he asked scooting down onto the bed next to her.

"Nervous, excited and not too bad right now," she smiled, snuggling into him, knowing to enjoy the calm before the storm. "Three kids and you're still sure you can handle the chaos at home once I go back to work?"

"I'm sure we'll be fine," he told her, his hand caressing her belly. "Montgomery agreed on cutting your hours when there's no active case. We have my mother, your dad and Lanie and the boys what could possibly go wrong?"

"Oh, so many things," she smirked, pressing a kiss to his shoulder, "you're involved after all."

"Hey," he protested, but was effectively shut up by the soft press her lips against his.

"God," she groaned, grabbing his hand tighter as the next contraction shook her body and she pressed her back against his front as he sat behind her, his legs framing her hips to give her as much support as possible.

"You're doing really well Kate," her doctor encouraged her, giving Castle a nod as well, "we're almost there."

"Almost there," Castle whispered into Kate's ear, while taking the washcloth to cool her forehead and wipe the sweat away, "did you hear that? Almost there."

"It's about time," Kate groaned, thoroughly exhausted after hours of being in labor. She didn't know how much more she could take. It was way past midnight and she was so tired, she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep.

"I know," he murmured, kissing her neck. "But you're extraordinary, you can do it."

And then everything went fast, she was ordered to push until she thought she had nothing more to give with Castle at her back holding her tight, encouraging her, and finally they heard the liberating cry of their baby.

"There she is," the doctor said warmly and then looked at Rick, "You wanna cut the cord?", he asked and Castle only waited for Kate to nod at him with an exhausted smile, before he scrambled out behind her and joined the doctor who was holding the baby at the foot of the bed. He took the offered scissors and quickly made the cut, before the nurse quickly wrapped the little one up into a blanket and handed her over to Castle who stared at the little thing in wonder.

"Come on," the nurse nudged him, "introduce her to her mom."

"A girl," Kate sighed, a smile blossoming on her face and she looked up at Castle who was beaming back at her like a Christmas tree.

He walked over to her side, gently sitting down next to her on the bed, before handing the little bundle over to Kate, "Hey, this is mommy," he mumbled, watching his wife cradle the girl to her chest, the little thing immediately calming down as she snuggled into her mother's body heat.

"A girl," she stated again, looking at her husband and half expecting to see him at least slightly disappointed as the news sank in, but all she could see in his dancing and shining eyes were happiness, pride and love.

"Yeah," he nodded, "she's perfect."

"You're not disappointed?", she still had to ask, while the doctor and the nurses quietly worked around them. "I mean you were so sure it would be a boy."

"How could I ever be disappointed," he asked, his eyes spilling over with love. "We made this. Look at these tiny perfect fingers, that tiny nose. She's our daughter and pure perfection. I could never be disappointed."

He leant down to kiss his wife, placing another kiss on the top of his baby girl's head, mumbling, "I'm so proud of you, both of you," before the nurse stepped in and held out her hands.

"I'll get her checked out and cleaned up real quick and then you'll get your daughter right back," she smiled, carefully taking the girl from her mother's arms to let the doctor have a look at her.

Fifteen minutes later they were sitting in bed together, all three of them, Castle and Kate unable to take their eyes off of their little wonder when the doctor, who had had to step outside to check on another patient, reappeared.

He checked the medical sheet the nurse had handed him, nodding at what he saw and then lifted his head to smile at Kate and Castle, "Everything looks great. Congratulations."

"Thank you," Kate whispered, not wanting to disturb her sleeping baby.

"A nurse will come and get you settled into your room in a minute and then you all can catch some rest," he smiled and then turned for the door, smiling at them one last time before he bid his goodbyes.

"Do you want to call them now?" Kate asked, without looking up, but Castle shook his head.

"When we're in your room," he told her quietly, "Right now I want to look at her for a bit longer."

He came back into the room with a smile on his face, "Your dad says there'll be no more sleeping at the loft tonight."

"That was predictable," Kate chuckled tiredly.

"They want me to tell you two that they love you and can't wait to see you both in the morning," he kissed her once more before his eyes landed on his daughter again, peacefully sleeping in her crib.

"Come on Big Boy," Kate patted the mattress, "climb in with me."

"Are you sure? I mean you must be pretty sore and -," she stopped him by pulling on his arm.

"I am, but I want to cuddle with my husband and watch our daughter before I fall asleep," she informed him and was pleased when he carefully got under the covers as well.

"Come closer," she told him, pulling his arm over her middle and snuggling against him. "We made her," she said in awe, watching her daughter's even breathing.

"Again," he added and then turned her head to make her look at him, "I love you, Kate."

"I love you too," she replied, but stopped him when he tried to kiss her, "Are you really not disappointed? I know how much you wanted a son and -," he cut her off, pressing his finger against her lips.

"Kate," he shook his head, "I have all I want and as you pointed out correctly years ago I'm the one responsible for the gender, so I would have to be disappointed with my little swimmers, but seriously looking at our perfect baby girl, how could I? How could I ever be disappointed?", he looked at his sleeping daughter and than back at Kate with a sparkle in his eyes and a smirk on his face, "Besides we could always try again."

Kate groaned. Seriously? She had just given birth, the last thing on her mind was getting pregnant again. She heard him chuckle behind her.

"You're impossible," she pouted, turning away from him.

"I'm sorry," he said, pulling the covers higher above them and waiting for Kate to close her eyes, they really needed to get some sleep. "It probably wouldn't matter anyway," he muttered when he felt her breath evening out.

"Mmmh?", came her sleepy reply.

"You know what they say about boys making boys and men -," she stirred.

"Men what?" she mumbled.

"Men make girls," he grinned and then yelped, "Ouch!"

She had jabbed him in the ribs, before she told him, "Shut up and let me sleep, big man."

He did just that, with a grin on his face.

"Jamie and Alexis Castle!", Martha called out after her granddaughters who were currently running down the hallway toward Kate's room – shrieking, "What did I tell you?"

The girls reluctantly stopped, guiltily turning around to face their grandparents who were following them.

"You can't burst in their like a thunderstorm and frighten your sister," their grandmother shook her head at them. "We talked about this."

"I know," Alexis hung her head.

"We're just really excited," Jamie chirped in, looking less troubled than her big sister about being called out on her behavior - as usual. Her pigtails bouncing around her head as she didn't seem to be able to stand still for a second.

"I know sweetheart," Jim smiled down at her, "but for the baby this is all new and you don't want to scare her, do you?"

"No," Jamie shook her head.

"Good," Jim nodded, taking the girl's hand in his and guiding her further down the corridor, while Alexis reached for his other hand, Martha following them close by.

"Hey," Kate beamed at her family when they all entered the room, quietly, while Castle and she sat in bed together, the baby sleeping in her mother's arms.

"Mommy," Jamie whispered, "Grandpa said we need to be very quiet."

Kate chuckled, "That's right, but you don't have to stand all the way over there at the door."

"Come on," Castle waved them over while he climbed off the bed to greet his mother and Jim, receiving hugs and congratulations from both of them while his daughters were already making their way over to Kate and the baby.

"Hey you two," Kate smiled at them, "ready to meet your sister?"

Two sets of blue eyes stared back at her in anticipation and Kate slowly turned the baby in her arm, watching Martha and Jim stepping up behind the girls while Castle sat down next to her again.

"Eleanor Hannah Castle, meet your big sisters Alexis and Jamie," Kate spoke softly, holding the little girl out so her dad and Martha could see her as well.

"And your grandparents," Castle added with a wink at the elders in the room.

"Oh Katherine," Martha gasped, finding her voice first, "she's precious."

Kate beamed up at Martha, her eyes sparkling as she nodded, "She is," she agreed.

"She's so tiny," Jamie observed, looking up at her parents with big eyes, "was I that tiny as well?"

"Yes," Castle nodded, "Alexis too."

"Wow," Jamie exhaled.

"Dad, do you want to hold her?" Kate asked, watching her father's eyes water as she held out his granddaughter to him.

With a nod he carefully took Eleanor from his daughter's hands, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Alexis sat down to his left, while Martha took the empty spot to his right, pulling Jamie into her lap so the girl could look at her sister as well. Castle leant back against the headboard, pulling Kate into his side as they watched their family stare at their latest addition in wonder and silence.

"When are you coming home?" Alexis wanted to know when it was time to leave two hours later. Kate was tired and Eleanor was getting hungry.

"Tomorrow," Kate told the redhead.

"Cool," Alexis smiled broadly, "can I hold her again then?"

"Of course," Kate laughed, "and now get over here and give me a hug."

Alexis didn't need to be told twice and she was quickly followed by Jamie, who threw herself into her mother's arms.

"Come home soon, Mommy," Jamie told her and then skipped off to throw her arms around her father's legs as he was holding Eleanor in his arms, "you too Daddy."

"I'm coming home for dinner tonight," he told her, carefully balancing the baby on one arm so he could pat Jamie's head with the other.

They all said their goodbyes, hugging and kissing each other before Castle and Kate were left alone again with the baby, welcoming the quiet after the storm.

"You wanna feed her?" Castle asked, settling down next to Kate again.

"Yeah," she nodded, "hand her over?" She held out her arms to take the baby from his hands and settling down against the headboard.

Castle watched fascinated while Kate fed their daughter, her moves expert and sure, and he had to remind himself that she had done this before, he just hadn't been around to witness it. But this time he would. He would be there for everything. And it would be different than with Alexis, when he had been mostly on his own, different than with Jamie where he had missed the first two years of her life. This time it would be as it should be, him and Kate together and he couldn't wait to bring them home to start this new chapter of their lives, together.

"Hey, what are you thinking?", Kate pulled him out of his thoughts, her right hand reaching out to caress his cheek, while her left arm held their daughter close to her.

"That I'm the luckiest guy in the world," he leant into her touch and then down to place a kiss against her lips before kissing his daughter's forehead, who had fallen asleep in her mother's arms.

"I know the feeling," she smiled back at him, "It's pretty amazing, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he sighed happily. "Amazing."


This story is now complete. But maybe I'll continue their journey in a new one, maybe this last chapter is just a teaser for what's to come. Thanks again for all your kind words, they mean a lot.

Until we meet again I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays - May the New Year be a good one for all of us.

Stay safe and take care wherever you may be.
