
A New World to Conquer

THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC. This work belongs to LordOfTheGrey, if the author wishes, I shall delete it. Reborn after my embarrassing fall at Godric's Hollow as the Potter brat was an interesting experience. Getting sorted into Hufflepuff, even more so. But reborn as the Lord of Winterfell in Westeros as my playground? Now that was new, even to a retired Dark Lord.

Dark_B3rry · Derivasi dari karya
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25 Chs

Chapter 15

Starfall, Dorne 296 AC.

I grimaced as Ramsay emptied his stomach's contents for the fifth time this day. It seemed that the rocking of the ship didn't agree with him.

Jon shot him a sympathetic glance and patted him on the shoulder softly, which just made him throw up again.

"We're not even using the sails," I said, rolling in my eyes.

Jon nodded, "I can't imagine he'll fare well in a ship across the narrow sea in a storm."

Ramsay turned green at the suggestion and almost puked once more but thankfully, he leaned back against the wooden bed and closed his eyes with a tired sigh.

"Come on, we're docking in a few moments." I said as I packed the book I was reading.

Having magic and just stealing knowledge from other people turned boring pretty quickly. Back in my world, I had to steal knowledge heavily in the first few years. Later in my life however, I chose to refrain unless I didn't have the time. There was something relaxing in reading a book. Now if I could only find someone to make me some decent tea, I would truly be content. No matter how much enchantments and taste-editing spells I cast on this medieval piss tea, I couldn't just get it right. Hundreds of years of knowledge and I still couldn't make a good cup of tea, I was too reliant on the small army of house elves I owned.

"It doesn't look very… Dornish." Jon said awkwardly.

I replied, "Starfall is on the far west of Dorne that it's almost a part of the Reach… with a ridiculous amount of mountains."

"Why is it called the Red Mountains though?" Ramsay asked.

I looked at him incredulously; all around us was colored red-stone and red sand.

Jon just shook his head amusedly and walked on.

"What?" Ramsay asked befuddled.

"So… How do you picture this going?" Jon asked me as we approached the gates of Starfall.

"Tears and hugs?" I muttered.

"Cold but polite?" He suggested.

"Flaying and flogging?" Ramsay suggested.

I closed my eyes and sighed tiredly.

No matter how much I'd alter his psyche whether it is subtly or a complete makeover, He just couldn't let go of his Bolton fascination and giddiness of anything Inhuman and degrading.

"No Ramsay, I don't think his uncle is going to bodily harm him in their first meeting." Jon said in complete seriousness.

"My father would…" He grumbled.

"Can we not speak of flaying and torturing inside Starfall?" I asked.

"Fine…" He said quietly.

We passed the white gates of Starfall with the Dayne Coat of arms; a white sword and falling star crossed on lilac hanging across the towers and along the walls. The castle shared similarities with the new Winterfell. While Starfall was made of white stone blocks of different hues, Winterfell was so smooth that it was practically a sculpture and shone against the sun. The white castle with its rusty red roof tiles and surrounding green landscape offered a comforting presence, while Winterfell with its pitch black gargoyles, tiles and snow-covered black towers in contrast to the grey-ish Northern hills gave a sense of amazement and fear.

It was a nice enough castle – for a children's book that is.

"Lord Stark," greeted Charlus Dayne in a bland tone, "Welcome to Starfall."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Dayne," I said getting off my horse.

He stood with a bored expression on his face as we brushed off the dirt from riding in the deserts.

"Will you introduce us?" I said, motioning at the young boy standing next to him.

"This is Edric, my son." He said.

"Hello," I greeted the 9 year old.

He waved back happily, "Hello cousin."

"Will you be staying here for long, Lord Stark?"

I raised an eyebrow. That was rude.

"Just a few days, I was hoping to meet my mother's family." I said.

He nodded, "Of course, a servant will show you your rooms." He replied, walking off inside the castle.

I managed to sneak a peek inside his mind while we were talking. Apparently, he couldn't bear to be in my presence for too long. I looked too much like the Stark that killed his brother and my eyes were the same as his dead sister.

At 16 and with the enhanced growth potions, I was mostly northern in appearance. Daynes were considered Stony Dornishmen, as they didn't share the Rhoynish looks with the rest of the Dornishmen.

I was 6'3" with broad shoulders and a slightly narrower waist, black long hair that was always tied in a ponytail, high aristocratic cheek bones and a sharp angular face with hollow cheeks. My eyes were the most prominent feature however; a pair of piercing violet eyes with specks of greys that distracted people often.

It was the first time that someone felt uncomfortable by my appearance in my entire life. Well, the family reunion was clearly not going as good as I thought it would.

I felt a pair of eyes on my back, and turned to see little Edric shuffling his feet and looking as if he wanted to say something. He looked a bit like me, the cheekbones and eyes perhaps. The rest of me was all Stark.

I stood and waited for him to talk until he finally mustered enough courage, "Did- Did you really fight when you were as old as I was in the Greyjoy rebellion?" He asked.

My lips twitched, "I did."

His eyes went as wide as saucers and he gasped, "Wow! Really? Can you tell me about it? Do you have a sword? If I'm good when I'm older, I'm going to be the Sword of the Morning and wield Dawn. Maybe I can fight with you…"

As the boy continued babbling and chattering excitedly a small smile broke out on my face. Believe it or not, I liked children. Back in my days as the Dark Lord, the only child I set out to kill was Potter- or me. It was a necessity rather than cruelty. Maybe I should spend some time with my other cousins when I go back to the North.

We spent about a week more at Starfall that consisted mostly of me teaching little Edric swordsmanship and sneaking a couple spells and enchantments that's going to help him on the long run and alert me if he's in serious danger.

My uncle however, got out of his way to interact with me as little as possible. He dined with us for appearances sake but that was it. No heartfelt reunions, nothing. I thought about going to the branch seat of House Dayne but decided against it at the end. I had enough cousins and family in the North and little Eldric here. If Charlus Dayne couldn't suck it up because my appearance conflicts him, he can go to hell.

Apparently my aunt Allyria was married to Beric Dondarrion, the lord of Blackhaven. House Dondarrion was a small house sworn to Baratheon's of Storm's end. According to Edric, She was a nice lady who smiled a lot and looked a lot like my dead mother. I would have to visit her when I visit the Stormlands.

Our initial plan to just cut through the deserts of Dorne all the way to Sunspear was also off. While it sounded adventurous in the planning, everything went to the drain after a couple of days in west Dorne. I barely managed with layers upon layers of cooling charms. Jon and Ramsay however, were not as lucky. They were both nearly drenched in sweat every day and could barely manage sparring for an hour in the hot sun.

Just the thought of having to travel through the hot deserts and live off the land was enough to make them blanch with horror.

So with our goodbyes to little Edric said, we booked a cabin in a ship that was traveling from Starfall to Planky Town next to Starfall.

If Lord Charlus didn't want to be on good terms with the richest and most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms who just happened to be his nephew, it was his loss. I wasn't annoyed. Not at all. Not even mildly irritated that my mother's brother was a dick.

It was to be expected, I guess; First Morfin and Marvolo Gaunt and then Petunia Dursley and her fat whale of a son. It was all another part of the cosmic joke that was my life.

Sunspear, Dorne.

"Ramsay if you get side tracked one more time, I'm going to leave you here to find your way back to the Dreadfort by yourself." I snapped.

He sighed as he caressed the cheek of another whore that seemed to pop out from under the rocks and jumped at the one that had a visible bulge in his pants. "I'm sorry sweetheart, they're just jealous. We'll get settled and I'll make sure to visit you."

She nodded at him and walked off to catch another customer.

"What is wrong with you people?" He said irritably, "Can't a man have some fun?"

"You've had fun in every single brothel we passed throughout Westeros." I said gritting my teeth. "The walk from here to Sunspear should've taken 20 minutes but we've wasted almost an hour and we're not even halfway there."

He kicked the dirt childishly and grumbled angrily.

"It's not my fault that you're virgins and don't appreciate the beauty of Dornish women."

I hissed, "I'm a what?"

That son of bitch that fucked his way through a couple of dirty whores thought he fucked more than I did?

I was 800 years old with the body of a greek god and an endless amount of Stamina. My immortal and status as a celebrity and fame got me laid more times than Ramsay thought of flaying. I had women of all ages and nationalities throwing themselves at me to have a taste of the Harry Potter Elixir of Life.

He replied, "Well not you, but Jon."

I looked at Jon; his face was a constant red color ever since we landed. I assumed that was from the heat but looking closely it was a blush.

"Have you ever fucked a woman, Jon?" Ramsay asked.

He sputtered embarrassedly, "What! Yea- Yeah, of course. I fucked a lot of women."

"No you didn't." I said looking at him with disappointment.

He looked like he wanted to argue a bit more but one look at our faces told him that we weren't going to buy it.

"It's just. I… I don't want to father a bastard. I know what it's like; to carry your last name with shame with nothing to it. I don't want to be the reason another child has to suffer shame and ridicule. I want to make my first time mean something too, you know. Not just a whore. Maybe when I get legitimized, I could stay faithful to my wife." He said passionately and looking proud of himself at the end.

We just stared at him for a moment and we cracked out laughing. I had to lean on Ramsay to stop myself from falling on the floor.

His face blushed even harder, "What?"

I laughed for a few more moments until I could take a breath, "You do know that- I'm sorry I can't hold it," I giggled once more that made Ramsay break out in laughter once again.

He still looked annoyed and angry.

I waved my hands at him, placating him, "Look it's a very… noble of you… to not want to father bastards. But saving yourself… seriously? Just give the whore or maid or whomever you want to fuck some moon tea after the deed is done. Your wife isn't going to really care if you've fucked before or not. What she's going to care about is if you're a dead fish in bed."

Ramsay giggled once again and before I could continue Jon walked off and muttered angrily, "Whatever."

I took one look at Ramsay and broke out in giggles once more before we ran off after Jon.

"Okay guys, this is the place where our family name isn't particularly hated but it's not liked either. House Martell blames the Lannister's over Elia Martell's and her children's death more than us but they still hate us nevertheless for our role in the rebellion and Rhaeger choosing aunt Lyanna over Elia."

"They're not going to poison us, are they?" Jon said.

I nodded at him, "It's very likely." I took 2 bezoars out of my bag and handed them over, "Carry these with you on all times. They can counteract most if not every poison here. We didn't have anything to do with Elia's death but they could think of it as exacting revenge in a sick twisted way."

Ramsay looked at it, rolling it between his fingers, "What is this thing?" He asked.

"That is a bezoar, and as I previously explained it can counteract most poisons." I answered him.

"How do you know that?" Ramsay asked.

"Ramsay, I just do. Just carry it on with you at all times and shut up."

He nodded as the guards allowed us entry.

The city wasn't practically a city. It was way smaller than Wintercity in the North or Lannisport but it still was the largest settlement in Dorne. The town was mostly made up of mud and straws with shops and bazaars and homes built sporadically and with not an inkling of order. Whereas Wintercity had equally spaced streets and organized concrete buildings. The castle however was another thing entirely. It was made of two towers, The Spear tower which was the Martells emblem and the Sun Tower which was Nymeria's emblem.

We were met by a man with a lined face with thin eyebrows, black beady eyes and a sharp nose. His hair was lustrous and black and recedes from his brow into a widow's peak.

He had a smile on his face, "Welcome friends, to Sunspear."

"Prince Oberyn," I said, "A pleasure to meet you."

"Ah you've heard of me?" He said shaking my hands back.

I smiled, "Of course. Who hasn't heard of the Red Viper of Dorne."

He laughed and clapped me on my back, "Who are your companions?"

"This is my cousin, Jon Snow and my friend," I said stressing at the world while looking at Ramsay pointedly, "Ramsay Snow."

Ramsay's face broke into a smug grin as he shook Oberyn's hand.

"My brother, Prince Doran, is unfortunately at the Water Gardens today. He should be back within a week." He said.

I waved him off, "We're not here on important matters. We're just travelling throughout the Seven Kingdoms and wanted to enjoy the beauty of Dorne."

He smiled mischievously at Jon and Ramsay, "You're dying from the heat aren't you?"

They both shook their head with sweat flying from their drenched red faces quickly.

He laughed, "The climate isn't as you're used in the North, I fear?"

Ramsay looked at him incredulously, "It's probably snowing right now, in the middle of the summer."

He frowned, "I've never been north, but surely it isn't this bad? We're at the peak of Summer."

I shook my head, "It's called summer snow. We get used to it."

"You're handling it better than them, must be your mother's hot dornish blood." He remarked.

I nodded without saying a thing.

"Ah well. This is my lover and paramour, Ellaria Sand," He said introducing a woman with black hair and an eye-catching exotic flair.

I kissed her knuckles and moved on to the next young man, "Prince Trystane."

He nodded at me as I shook his hand.

"And this is my niece, Princess Arianne Martell, the heiress of Dorne." Oberyn said with amusing flair.

The princess was short at 5'2" with olive skin, large dark eyes and long, thick black hair that falls in ringlets to the middle of her back. She was buxom and was wearing a yellow silk dress that was hugging her luscious curvaceous body tightly.

As Jon kissed her knuckles, I noticed that his blush increased and he completely avoided eye contact with her. I had an amused smile and from the way Oberyn was smiling, he noticed too.

Oberyn was hugging Ellaria tightly and said, "Perhaps you should get settled first in the Spear Tower and we can have lunch together? You could meet my daughters then. "

"That would be wonderful, Prince Oberyn."

We bathed quickly. Scourgify's were great and efficient but cleaning yourself with water was more refreshing and you somehow felt cleaner. We were offered fine silks and satin to better suit the weather of Dorne.

Walking through the hallways of Sunspear, I got the impression that the entirety of Dorne-Rhoyne architecture and culture was somewhat similar to the Middle East. Domes were used frequently and Marble columns and supports as well.

"Ready?" Ramsay asked from behind me, spooking the hell out of me.

I composed myself and nodded, "Jon's room is right down that hallway. We'll pick him up and eat lunch first."

We knocked on the door and a muffled come in was shouted from inside.

Jon was standing in front of a mirror and straightening his silk tunic and adjusting his hair.

"Do you think I should tie my hair or just leave it like this?" He asked without turning.

"Does it matter?" I asked.

"Yes, it does. Now answer," he said.

"Just tie it and let's get going."

"Fine," He said with a sigh and hesitated, "Are you sure? I think letting it flow freely would look better."

"Who cares how your hair looks, now move," I snapped.

He took one last longing look at his hair and huffed on his way outside.

We walked through the marble hallways admiring the tapestries that depicted Nymeria's War and the uniting of Dorne when we were interrupted by a voice from behind us, "Ah my friends, going to the Dining Hall are you?"

I nodded, "Indeed, Prince Oberyn."

"Come on then, it's just the next hallway."

"It's rare to see a lord from the north this far south," Oberyn said.

"As I've said, we were touring the Seven Kingdoms and Dorne is part of the Seven Kingdoms." I replied to the unasked question.

"I can't say that I've toured Westeros as you have but I've mostly visited every kingdom in my childhood," He shook his head, "I haven't had the chance to see the North in depth I'm afraid, only glimpses from the Iron Bank opening."

"You're welcome at Winterfell at any time, Prince Oberyn."

"I may take you on that offer in that future," He said as he opened a set of beige doors, "However, now is the time for food."

I smiled at him and walked inside patting my bezoar in assurance, I couldn't unfortunately finish the rest of the invulnerability rituals until I was 21. I could alter my physique to better suit my needs but it would render the ritual useless.

"These are my daughters," He said with flourish.

"My eldest, Obara," A big-boned, long legged woman with rat-brown hair nodded at us with a scowl.

"Nymeria," He said motioning to the olive skinned beauty with dark eyes and high cheekbones smiled and curtsied at us.

"And the sweet Tyene," He said motioning at the pale blond girl with blue eyes that looked as old as us smiled at us and curtsied as well.

"You already know Arianne and Ellaria. I'm afraid the rest of my daughters are at Lord Uller, their grandfather." He said.

We smiled at them, "You have a beautiful family, Prince Oberyn."

He smiled at me, "Thank you. Now, food!" He said clapping his hands as servants filled the room carrying silver plates and placing them on the table.

Everything from ribs roasted in a crust of garlic and herbs to ducks and lemons and a roasted snake was on the table and was so heavily spiced that I could taste it just from its smell.

I dove into the food eating without a care in the world. I actually liked the spices and exotic food. It couldn't be grown at the North cold climate. I was a wizard and I will not be stopped by silly stuff such as our subarctic climate.

Ramsay was eating without a care in the world as well. Jon however wasn't as lucky.

His face was so red and every bite he drank almost an entire goblet of wine to cool his burning tongue. Everyone was amused and I was almost going to hit him with a cooling charm to ease his suffering when Princess Arianne, unexpectedly, intervened.

She laughed melodiously, "You shouldn't drink after every bite, Jon. You have to savor each bite and eat it slowly. Here like this, "She took a piece of lamb on her fork and guided it to his mouth.

Jon meanwhile was looking even redder and I wasn't sure that it was just from the spices. He opened his mouth and ate the lamb slowly while looking anywhere but at Arianne.

He chewed slowly and swallowed and nodded appreciatively, "Thank you, Princess."

She smiled at him," Please, call me Arianne."

He flushed even more and nodded quickly which I thought wasn't even possible. I've tortured people who weren't that red.

Luckily, Prince Oberyn was engaged with his lover and snogging her quite inappropriately at the dinner table.

I cleared my throat, "When is Prince Doran going to be here?"

Oberyn looked startled and kissed his lover one last time, "We sent him a raven and he said he should be here tomorrow from the Water Gardens."

I nodded at him.

"In the meantime, perhaps we can show you around Sunspear," Nymeria said excitedly.

Obara looked like she wanted nothing to do with us while Tyene looked as cheerful as her sister.

"We'd love to," I said with a smile.

"This is the Stranger Garden, the most dangerous part in Sunspear," Nymeria said, guiding us through the rocks into an old temple that stood alone with no one living nearby.

"Why is it called that?" Ramsay asked.

As soon as we passed the temple's door it was clear why it was called that.

Cobras, Black Mambas, Pythons, Anacondas and a hundred more species of snakes of different colors were writhing all over the ground and the broken columns.

It was beautiful, just like my mother's old home.

Jon however, disagreed.

"Fuck… Fuckfuckfuckfuck," He kept muttering while walking backwards so fast that he almost slipped and crashed.

I ignored him however and walked inside with the Sand Snakes and the Dornish Princess into the podium that overlooked the courtyard that was full of snakes.

"Legend says that Queen Aliandra Martell walked end to end through it barefoot to win over the Dornish in a rebellion some centuries ago," Arianne said.

"You do realize that some snakes are surrounding us and some are extremely poisonous." I remarked nonchalantly.

She waved her hands dismissively, "We carry antidotes on us at all times. Don't worry."

"Think you can walk barefoot all the way to the end?" Ramsay asked amusedly.

I nodded, "Most likely."

They all looked at me in shock until Ramsay laughed, "I sincerely doubt that."

I broke my gaze off the snakes and looked at him, "Want to bet on it?"

He looked incredulous for a moment and nodded, "If you get bitten, I get to cart behind us a flayed man."

I rolled my eyes, "And if I pass through it without a scratch in nothing but my breeches, you go celibate for 6 moons."

His eyes almost fell out of their sockets until he regained his senses and smiled, "Deal," He shook my hand.

I began to take off my shoes and tunic when I was interrupted, "Are you out of your mind," Tyene screamed.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "You can't possibly be serious about this!" she said.

I frowned at her, "Why not?"

She looked at me disbelievingly, "You're going to die! There is no way any antidote can save you if a few of them bite you at the same time."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't worry about it."

She huffed, "Fine, but we're not taking responsibility for this."

I jumped off the pedestal that was separating us from the poisonous courtyard and ignored the gasps and eyes that were fixed on my body.

"Food!" "Two-legged weakling" "I wonder if it tastes like chicken"

"I do not taste like a chicken you idiotic dunderhead." I hissed lowly at them.

The pair of pythons that were approaching excitedly stopped dead in their tracks and raised their heads and looked at each other.

"I told you these rats tasted funny," The male hissed.

The female hissed ruefully, "Hallucinating rats, what has the world come to?"

"You're not hallucinating," I rolled my eyes; "I'm a Parselmouth, the Descendant of the most Ancient and Noble house of Slytherin."

Both serpents stared silently, "So… You're not food?"

"No, I'm not." I snapped, making my way past them, "Now move out of my way."

They snapped into motion at the direct order from a Parselmouth and I continued on my way.

"Out of the way, Master of the Serpents passing through," I kept muttering lowly to the snakes in the pit, ignoring the gasps and staring from both the snakes and the women.

I was almost at the end now when I noticed a 5 foot female Black Mamba lazing in the sun. I approached her softly and nudged her with my foot.

She woke up with a gasp, "What the actual fuck?"

I crouched down to her level, "Sorry about that."

She raised her eyebrow – if a snake could do that, "You speak like a noble serpent, two-legs."

I nodded, "Yeah, What's your name?"

"Linda," she said briefly.

I blinked, "Oh-kaay, wanna come with me?"

She blinked back, "What do I get from it?"

"The best food that a snake could get and intelligent conversation," I replied.

She slithered up on my hands and twisted until she was comfortable, "Let's go two-legs."

"Just like that?" I asked surprised.

"I'm tired of these insufferable inbred idiots," she said nudging me, "Now let's get going."

I shrugged and started walking back, "Want a new name?"

"No," she said.

"Excellent, your new name is Severus."

"No, it's not." She hissed angrily

Next Day

The olives here were really good. It seemed that the Martells were generally quiet during breakfasts. No one said a word from the moment I walked inside with my new familiar around my shoulder.

"They weren't kidding," a voice muttered forcing me to look up from my plate.

Prince Doran was seated on a wheeled chair being pushed inside the room with a nervous servant that kept glancing at my direction fearfully.

Even here in Dorne my name was feared.

He was wearing the same yellow silks as his brother but that's where the similarities ended. His body was soft and frail, unlike his brother's strong body. His joints were swollen and red at knees and hands from the gout. He was supposedly older than Oberyn by 10 years but he looked as old as his father, grey hair with the few odd black hair and his face showed the pain he was.

I stood up, causing the servant to jump back a few metres, "A pleasure to finally meet you, Prince Doran."

He pushed his eyes off the Mamba and bowed his head towards me, "A pleasure to meet you as well, Lord Stark. I would stand to greet you, but my gout has been particularly painful these days. "

"Ah, I have heard. I actually have something for you here," I said pulling out two potions from my pockets, "These two should hopefully end any pain or swelling from the gouts for months or even years at a time."

"I have not heard of such a cure," he said suspiciously at the two vials.

I nodded, "That may be because I developed it myself."

"Very well, if I may?" He said extending his hands to take the two vials.

He removed the corks from both vials and quickly swallowed them with a sigh.

It was as if magic was at work. Spoiler alert; it was.

The two potions were actually an anti-inflammatory and a neutralizer that breaks down the crystals that were causing the pains in the tissues and prevent ulric acid from accumulating for a time. It was a NEWT level medical potion.

The swelling reduced visibly from his joints and his body straightened by itself.

He kept closing and wriggling his legs and hands to test if there was any pain and stood up, "Incredible," he murmured.

He closed his eyes with a blissful sigh, "You have my gratitude, Lord Stark. House Martell is in your debt."

I smiled at him, "It was no problem, Prince Doran."

He smiled back and walked towards the table, ignoring the astonished looks from his brother and daughters, "I trust you were entertained yesterday," He said motioning at Severus who was snoozing right now.

"Ah, yes. I have an affinity with snakes," I told him.

"I can see that," he said amusedly.

"He's insane," Tyene yelled but shrunk at the gaze of her uncle and remembered that she was talking to a Lord Paramount, "He walked in nothing but his breeches through the Stranger's Garden."

Oberyn laughed loudly and clapped me on my back, "I hope you're as good with a sword as you are with snakes, my friend. We're sparring after breakfast."

Obara had a curious look on her face and appreciating towards the Mamba on my shoulder, "Count me in."

"Very well, Shall we?"

I smiled at him tightly, "Sure."

I pretended not to notice Ramsay smuggling some olives in his pocket.

We were circling each other. Oberyn was pointing his 8 feet long blunted spear at me, while I just had a blunted longsword in my right hand and a dagger in my left.

"Your stance is terrible," He commented.

"I'm sure it is," I replied.

He looked annoyed at my nonchalance, "Are you sure you know how to fight?" He mocked, "Wouldn't want to hurt the Lord Paramount of the North in Dorne."

His spear came quick as soon as he finished talking, poised to skew me. I charged towards the spear, twisting my body around the spear and slashed my sword at his legs which he barely evaded.

Oberyn managed to regain his footing and kept thrusting his spear and slashing it at a ridiculous speed which I deflected and moved out of the way without breaking a sweat and looking bored.

Oberyn saw this and was getting angry at my dodging and deflecting, "Fight back!"

I smiled at him sinisterly, causing him to stumble at the change of attitude, "Gladly."

I parried his last slash and flowed through the distance between us striking at his head. It was only because of his helm that he was alive, but he was dizzy and I was planning on taking that advantage.

Slash, Strike, Blow, Dodge.

I fell into rhythm quickly, causing cuts and bruises to appear all over Oberyn's body.

He lost his temper after a while however and thrust his spear viciously towards me, placing all his weight on his right leg. I quickly pushed his spear and down and threw my dagger at his face, causing him to stumble in order to avoid it and falling on the ground.

"Yield?" I asked innocently.

He kept looking at my sword that rested at his throat and my unharmed body back and forth for several times, until he broke out laughing loudly.

The crowd that gathered around us in the courtyard cheered as well at the victory.

Oberyn said, "You are without doubt, the best swordsman I've ever seen."

I laughed and offered him my hand which he took graciously and pulled him up.

He offered me a wineskin which I took gratefully and swallowed the soothing liquid quickly.

"Perhaps we can spar again tomorrow. Do you know how to use a spear?"

I nodded, "Better than I can use a sword."

"Bold claim," he laughed, "I like you already. I'm going to make love to my lover and moan about my embarrassing defeat."

I laughed and waved at him as he walked away to his room.

Wait… Where was Jon?

*Warning SMUT SCENE*

Jon was too lost in his thoughts and too tired to notice the body sitting on his bed.

Princess Arianne jumped off the bed with grace and quickly entered his uncomfortable zone until their faces were almost touching.

She scrunched her nose, "You smell of sweat and blood."

He gulped and stepped back, "Well, your cousin Obara is a good fighter."

She nodded, "You need to have a bath, follow me."

Jon followed, eyes tracing her swaying hips and slender legs all the way up her luscious breasts and her alluring black eyes.

Black eyes?


Our eyes met and hers was twinkling with amusement as he kept his eyes to the ground and walked onwards.

We reached the connecting room that held a small pool with slightly steaming water.

Jon smiled at her nervously, "Thank you for your help, Princess. I can take it from here."

She rolled her eyes, "I told you to call me Arianne, Jon."

"It's not proper…" Whatever he was going to say died in his throat as she closed the gap between them and started working her way through his silk tunic.

She smiled at me, "Just a bath, right?"

He nodded hesitantly and allowed her to take off his shirt and turned around. She snaked her arms around his waist and began playing with his breeches waist as his ears turned a healthy red.

I could feel her black silken hair and warm breath on my shoulder and held my breath savoring her sweet smell.

She pushed me towards the pool and I got inside without looking once in the hot water. It was relaxing and warm. I would have preferred it a little cold though.

She started brushing the hot water through his dirt covered skin, sending chills down Jon's spine with every touch.

"You're a pretty good fighter Jon," She said.

He kept his eyes stubbornly in front of him, "Thank you."

"I was worried when you and Obara fought, she can get slightly overzealous." She said breaking the silence.

"She's a good fighter," Jon shivered as he felt her hands play through his hair.

"Jon," He hummed in response, "Look at me."

I turned around slowly and squeaked lowly.

It was as if looking at a goddess. Her slightly tanned skin was perfect, completely smooth as if it was made of porcelain. Her hair was a little damp and clung onto her sweaty skin, which made her look more desirable. Jon wasn't an expert on such matters, but he thought that Arianne's breast looked perfect, perfectly shaped with dark and large. My eyes kept going down at her toned belly down to her most sacred place. She was bare as a babe, without a single strand of hair.

Jon's heart was beating so fast right now, "We- My… You're the future princess of Dorne. I'm a bastard from the North."

She tilted her heads sideways causing her hair to cover her breasts, "So?"

He held back the groan, "It's not proper."

"You don't want me?" She asked.

"Of course I want you. You're beautiful my princess but…" She smiled at him and claimed his open mouth instantly killing any other protests.

She tastes like sweet olives. Of course that may had something to do with the olives she ate but that was irrelevant. Her tongue was slippery and moist, fighting for dominance. Such warm, sweet moistness, but at the same moment the hand gripping my wrist guided my heated fingers to slide over the incredible smoothness of her left breast. She guided my fingers over a firm nipple, before releasing my hand, and some instinct beyond my own experience had my hand closing completely over that glorious globe. I was touching a real live breast! I've never kissed a woman before so I just acted on instinct. She groaned mid-kiss and I thanked the Old Gods that I was seated because I would've most likely fallen from my week knees.

She broke the kiss with a groan from me and looked at him with slightly hooded eyes, "Any more protests?"

Jon shook his head and followed her to the bed.

She climbed a top on the bed and lay down, pointing her finger towards her wet core.

"Are- Are you sure?" He mumbled.

She rolled her eyes, "Shut up and pleasure me."

Jon shrugged and dove inside her savoring the sweet taste.