
A New World to Conquer

THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC. This work belongs to LordOfTheGrey, if the author wishes, I shall delete it. Reborn after my embarrassing fall at Godric's Hollow as the Potter brat was an interesting experience. Getting sorted into Hufflepuff, even more so. But reborn as the Lord of Winterfell in Westeros as my playground? Now that was new, even to a retired Dark Lord.

Dark_B3rry · Derivasi dari karya
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25 Chs

Chapter 13

295 AC, The Reach, Highgarden.

It took us a week and a couple of days but thankfully, we arrived at the seat of House Tyrell with no notable incidents as the road to Highgarden was patrolled and heavily guarded.

It still looked like the silly castle it was. I don't truly fathom why they built it like that. A castle should inspire fear into the heart of your enemies first and foremost, not have them admiring its beauty. The inner rings of Highgarden were a complex of towers, courtyards, and statuary, and greenery is just as prominent inside the walls as in the fields outside. It was sickeningly green, sort of like the hanging gardens of Babylon of my own world.

I had that destroyed the moment I took control of the world.

Highgarden was the dwelling of chivalry and romance in the Seven Kingdoms, every maiden's dream.

Speaking of maidens, Jon was gawping at the vast colorful gardens and acting in a decisively un-stark manner. I nudged him as we approached the Tyrell family and he quickly schooled his features into the Stark grim face.

I noticed that even though Highgarden stood in an important crossing, it was more of a renaissance fair than a trading hub. 'What a waste of potential.'

I handed my horse to the stable boy and walked toward the Lord of Highgarden.

"I'm glad you accepted my invitation to visit Highgarden, Lord Stark." Mace said with a smile.

Wait… he invited me? I can't recall.

I smiled, "Well, I had to see for myself the beauty of the Reach, Lord Tyrell."

"This is my heir, Loras," He introduced a boy about two or three years younger than us, with brown curls and golden eyes standing proudly, "He's squiring for King Robert's Brother in the Stormlands in a few moons."

I nodded at him, "I'm sure you'll perform admirably."

His ridiculous grin never left his face.

"And my daughter, Margaery," A skinny girl, with curly brown hair, a sharp nose and a smile on her face curtseyed, "A pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Stark."

I kissed her knuckles softly, "The pleasure is all mine, my lady."

"My wife, Alerie," I kissed her knuckles as well as we moved to the most interesting family member of house Tyrell.

"And you of course know my mother, Lady Olenna Tyrell." He said hastily and tried to get us out before his mother could utter a word.

Oddly enough, Olenna was rather silent during the interaction.

I noticed them looking hesitantly and fearfully behind my back.

"Oh, right. This is Jon, my cousin and his direwolf Ghost." Jon bowed to the lord and Ghost wagged his tail.

"And this is my own direwolf, Nagini." I said as Nagini approached Mace slowly, she was now the size of a small horse- larger than even normal direwolves, with midnight black fur and bright grey eyes. She sniffed Mace for a while as he stood with fear and then licked his face in one sloppy swipe.

"Ramsay Snow, the Heir to the Dreadfort." I motioned to Ramsay.

"Shall we make our way to the great hall?" Mace asked.

I nodded and saw that they still stood in their places, "Are they going inside as well?" Loras asked with fascination.

I shook my head and whistled, "We'll leave them in the stables besides our horses."

I had to direct them to the stables myself before going to the Hall as everyone else was too scared to approach them.

"Shall we?" I asked Lord Tyrell as he nodded, looking more relaxed now that the wolves were gone.

It was an annoying walk to the Great Hall; Mace took a longer route and showed us the wonders of Highgarden babbling about the history of the castle and tapestries. If I ever hear him bragging about how the North's rugged beauty has nothing on the gardens of Highgarden once more I'll hand him over to Ramsay with a bucket and see how long until he dies from swallowing thorny flowers.

We were directed at the High table were we took our places beside Mace and began eating.

"And how is the North, Lord Stark?" Olenna asked.

I raised an eyebrow. What, no japes? "Not much has changed from the last time you've visited."

She hummed, "I hope the North can run on its own without you."

"I'm sure it will."

Before I turned back to talk to Mace she said, "And how are the finances of Winterfell."

I looked at her briefly, "It's considered rather rude to inquire about money and finances during dinner."

She shrugged and looked at me, waiting for my answer, "It's doing well. Is that all, Lady Olenna?"

"Not at all, no," She straightened up, "We tried to replicate your railroads, you know."

I sat my knife and spoon on the table and motioned at her to continue, "We initially tried using wood, it wasn't strong enough to carry the weights your rails carry. So we used iron, that too caused a fortune to make even a few feet and still wasn't as efficient as yours."

I saw where this was going and wasn't surprised. It was a wonder no one questioned where we got all the steel to build our roads.

"Then you tried to use steel and found that the cost was extraordinarily high and was a custom job because every track had to be identical and laid in pieces," I continued for her.

She smiled, "Why, that's exactly what happened."

"So will you get on with it?" I asked irritably.

"Now how exactly did Winterfell manage to finance laying thousands of feet of identical steel rails all over the north, grow their castle into the size of Harrenhall and lure the Iron Bank into their lands almost entirely on its own without a single copper borrowed?"

Was she a legilemens? I mean bringing up the topic needlessly to rush the thoughts into the front of my brain was the easiest way to find the answers in the mind without having to pilfer through the mind and search aimlessly.

I peeked through her thoughts and found out that no; she was just an annoying bitch who wanted to make me uncomfortable.

I looked her dead in the eye, "I have a magical stone that can turn anything into gold."

There was a certain beauty of telling the truth that was so incredible that everyone assumed you were joking.

She looked at me blankly, "How funny."

I shrugged and went back to my food, not noticing the eyes that were directed at me and kept widening with each word her grandmother said.

I looked at Mace and asked, "I was wondering why Oldtown was the biggest trading hub in the Reach while Highgarden is more beautiful and nearer?"

He stammered slightly, "Oldtown is the oldest city in all of westeros, Lord Stark."

"Still, Highgarden has an enormous amount of merchants and trade passing through it, paying a miniscule tax."

He nodded, "You must understand that Highgarden is exceptionally large, to be able to accommodate the large number of merchants and set shops here would be huge."

"Perhaps we could help you in that regard," I said carefully.

Olenna interjected, "Your house is rich, boy. But remember that House Tyrell isn't poor as well."

I sighed, "I wasn't talking about a monetary loan, Lady Olenna."

She raised an eyebrow, "You're going to throw merchants at us?"

I rolled my eyes, "No. I was going to suggest that the North takes care of building shops and trading districts. We will provide the bricks, our northern cement, labor force, builders and engineers for the building of the trading and shopping district in Highgarden."

Olenna looked surprised but she wasn't going to let it go, "I suppose this is going to be like the Northern Trading Post in the Westerlands."

"Not at all," I waved my hands, "If you're agreeable, I would like to open a Trading Center here as well to encourage trade here instead of Oldtown; Much less of a hassle and time than having to go to Oldtown. Ships can dock and transport their goods down the Mander through Highgarden and all the way to King's Landing."

She narrowed her eyes, "And what do you- pardon me the north benefit from all of this."

"Faster and better trade in the Reach for my ships in the Sunset Sea, and I'm ready to build them all for a 14% cut until the cost is repaid and from then on a measly 3% tax on the profits." I replied.

She stayed silent for a moment thinking it over. Why I was talking to her again? I was supposed to be discussing this with Mace. I looked over at him and saw him glancing at his mother waiting for him answer.

"That sounds acceptable," she finally said and Mace slumped with a sigh.

I nodded and she added, "Are you're sure your builders can finish such a job at an acceptable time and cost?"

I looked at her plainly, "I built a Westerosi Braavos in a year, you tell me."

She nodded her head sharply.

Mace smiled, "For future prosperity for our kingdoms, Lord Stark."

I smiled at him and said, "I assure you that within a few years, the trade route through Highgarden to King's Landing would bring as much as gold as The Gold Road in the Westerlands."

He nodded, "It's so simple, I've thought about it before of course, but before your wondrous creations we couldn't afford such a venture without drying our coffers."

So all I have to do is calculate the value of building a trading hub in Highgarden using the old techniques and I'll get an estimate of Highgarden's wealth. Thank you, Mace.

Olenna leaned in and whispered, "Don't think you've won this round. You're still young and are prone to mistakes. I only care for house Tyrell's interests and your little plan will benefit us."

I looked at her baffled, "What plan? Increasing trade for my ships through the West is hardly nefarious."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You're playing from an angle that I can't see but I promise you that I'll figure it out."

I smiled at her infuriatingly, "There was another matter I wanted to discuss with you as well."

"Another way to place spies in our castles?" Olenna asked.

Wha- She thought the Trading Center was to allow spies inside? Foolish woman. I had spies in every village and city in Westeros the moment I began actively ruling.

I smiled at her, "If I wanted to place spies in Highgarden I wouldn't waste that much time and money to build a trading hub, and contrary to your belief, the world doesn't revolve around Highgarden."

She replied, "I still can't figure what you're playing at. You haven't flinched or showed any reaction when I suggested spies so that's not it, or you're a particularly good actor."

I pinched my nose, "Can we get on with a conversation without mentioning conspiracy theories?"

She continued as if I hadn't said anything, "The only other reason I can think of, is that you want to actually boost trade and wasn't lying to me."

"Trade is critical for the North's, and the realm's continuing prosperity. We all desire wealth and the only way to do that is through exchange and trade. Having money constantly pouring through both our coffers is a more binding agreement and a longer binding alliance than marriage." I explained.

She scoffed, "And how is that true exactly?"

"If the trade between the North and the Reach is beneficial to both sides, there won't be wars over silly slights and disgruntled lords. War would mean for all us lost income and gold. While a marriage is a silly non-aggression pact that would last for as long as the marriage does, creating no true value or long term income."

"How wise of you," She drawled while subtly looking at her granddaughter and back at me.

No, that's not going to happen.

I rolled my eyes once more and said, "Now, I am aware that with the new canals and farming methods in the North you have a surplus of food that you have nowhere to send."

Olenna narrowed her eyes and looked about to say something but refrained and I continued, "The North has begun to show that same problem, so with the patronage of the Iron Bank, we propose that we start directing this surplus of food towards the East using our faster ships for more favorable prices."

"They'll get the same food from where they've been getting it for the past eight thousand years. What reason would make them buy from Westeros."

I nodded, "The food in Essos is scarce and is mostly brought through trade. They don't possess the same cattle, grains and wheat that we do. Merchants sell them in small quantities which cause their prices to grow quite high. They usually have to depend on either oases or exotic food, which are only available for the rich."

She nodded carefully, "You could do start trading on your own though, the North is closer to Essos than the Reach."

"I can, but what I want to do is start new trading routes dedicated solely for providing food, to make the Essosi dependent on us. By turning our surplus east and transferring them through cooled ships that can preserve any food for as far as the Jade Sea, we would gain an enormous amount of wealth and bring Essos closer to Westeros."

It would also give me a cover to have a large number of Westerosi ships in Essos. Journeys made to Slaver's Bay and Qarth were only done sparingly due to the distance. My ships could cover it in third of the time, even less with my personal ship.

"I assume you have the papers drawn for that?" She asked.

I replied, "A representative from the Iron Bank and Winterfell will arrive here if you agree, to negotiate and sign the contract."

She nodded sharply, "Very well."

Jon sat happily in the side chattering with Loras about sword fighting and giving him some tips.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked him taking a sip from my wine.

Why they even drink wine when I brought all the new drinks to Westeros, I didn't know.

He smiled and asked, "We're staying for a while here?"

I nodded and looked at him inquisitively, "Loras asked me to spar with him tomorrow, perhaps show him a thing or two."

I raised an eyebrow, "So you're teaching aspiring knights now. What are you, the new Arthur Dayne?"

He flushed, "No, but with the amount of bandits we've faced on the road, I think I've got a pretty decent idea."

I shrugged and looked over at Ramsay who was eyeing a maid with what I suspected was his lecherous grin. The maid was blushing and sneaking glances at him from time to time.

I guess the extra energy from his prior sociopathic tendencies had to go somewhere.

"How are you finding Highgarden, my lord?" A small voice asked from behind.

I blinked and turned towards Lady Margaery, "It's quite beautiful, my lady."

She nodded, "Highgarden has the most beautiful gardens in all of Westeros,"

Oh for the love of… was this a Tyrell thing? I resisted the urge to tell her that I got it the past 40 times her father mentioned it and just smiled politely.

Apparently she sensed my annoyance as she laughed and said, "I apologize, it's just one of the most notable things in Highgarden that we pride ourselves on."

Ah, sort of like my death eaters. I could understand that.

I nodded and answered briefly, "They're quite beautiful."

"If you don't mind me asking, but are you travelling alone? Shouldn't the Warden of the North be accompanied by a rather larger party…" She said eyeing my two frie… companions.

"We can't truly enjoy Westeros and the travel with a party of 500 men accompanying you. I wanted to experience what every other traveler experiences. The bandits and ambushes are just part of that." I replied.

"Isn't it unsafe though, you could be hurt," she asked in a concerned voice that was faker than Lucius.

I looked at her amused, "We can more than handle ourselves, my lady."

"Will you spar tomorrow with Loras?" She asked.

I nodded, "If the time permits, why not."

She flushed, "You must be a great warrior, my lord."

Peasents and lowly knights travel all the time all over a Westeros, what was so great about travelling on my own? Or did she think that her brother was that great?

From the way Olenna rolled her eyes, she must have thought so as well.

I just smiled politely and hoped that she would shut up,

She didn't, "Your direwolves are magnificent creatures, my lord."

I thanked her and she continued, "Aren't they dangerous creatures to have inside a castle though?"

I shook my head, "Not at all. They won't attack a fly without us ordering them."

"And if you do order them?" She asked.

I replied, "Then they'll rip a knight's head off his body in a blink of an eye."

She looked horrified, her brother Loras jumped into the conversation, "Jon tells me that they will grow as big as war horses in the future. Can you ride them?"

I nodded slightly; I had a breeding ground for direwolves back at the North for wars and battles. We had almost 50 young direwolves at the moment. "When they're fully grown and with the suitable saddle and armor, they could tear through enemy ranks almost effortlessly."

"Wicked…" He whispered.

"Can we go touch them?" Margaery said excitedly, "If it's no inconvenience to you, my lord."

It really was.

"Of course you can." Jon said.

Highgarden's Stables.

Jon walked in front of us with Ramsay and Loras chattering excitedly. Ever since he left Moat Cailin, he opened up and became quite friendly with all people. Now that he didn't get disapproving look for every action he did. None of the lords really cared that he was my uncle's bastard and if they did, none dared say a thing.

I accompanied Margaery as a proper gentleman would. She asked, "You must deeply care for your cousin, my lord."

I nodded, waiting for her to elaborate, "Taking him into Winterfell, I mean. Not many lords would've cared for their uncle's bastard in another keep."

I replied, "When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."

She giggled slightly, "And when are you planning to start a pack of your own, my lord?"

"Not too soon, I hope." I answered.

She looked at me oddly, "You're the lord of the wealthiest and largest kingdom in the Realm, some lords and heirs are already married at your age."

"They marry because they want men and gold, I have both. I doubt anyone can offer me something that I don't have." I replied.

She looked at me, "You want to marry for love then?"

I shook my head, "Not really, I just don't want to marry. Not a lady, princess, or even a wildling."

She asked, "How are you going to have heirs though?"

I shrugged, "I have an heir through Jon, Benjen, Uncle Ned and his children."

"You don't want to have children of your own?" She asked confused.

"I don't particularly care." I said moving faster.

It really didn't. If I absolutely had to, I'll marry. I prefer the single life.

"Here they are," Jon said, as Nagini and Ghost came barging out of the stables.

Margaery approached Nagini slowly, while Loras was already playing with Ghost.

Nagini sniffed her and nuzzled her cheek softly, "So soft," She whispered.

I stood bored at all the fluffy stuff going on as Margaery coddled and doted on the wolf that was thrice her size.

Nagini yipped and playfully nuzzled Margaery and looked at me and… was that a wink? I didn't even know wolves could wink.

I shook my head with amusement and walked away

Most of the castle inhabitants were gathered at the courtyard to watch the spar.

Jon and Loras were circling each other; both were wearing chainmail and using blunted swords, waiting for the other to crack and attack first.

Loras cracked first and charged forward with a swing of his sword, but Jon ducked underneath and slashed with his own.

Loras managed to evade the slash aimed at his leg but lost his footing. Jon however, chose to give him a chance to steady himself once more instead of going for the win.

Once again he swinged and slashed his sword with an impressive speed, yet Jon blocked, parried and dodged every time.

The two clashed swords and engaged in a battle of strength as they started to push against each other. Jon being the older one managed to twist his sword to the side, unbalancing Loras and causing his sword to fly to the other side of the courtyard.

He wasn't beaten yet as Loras jumped sideways in a roll and picked off his blade just barely blocking Jon's hit.

He was actually quite good. Given that he was almost 3 years younger than us he managed to keep Jon, who was one of the most natural swordsmen I've seen in this hovel, on his foot.

"Your son is a natural with a sword, Lord Tyrell." I said to Mace, not taking my eyes off the fight.

He nodded proudly, "Aye, he's going to be the greatest knight in the realm when he grows up."

I nodded, "If he keeps improving as he is, I'm sure he will."

We were interrupted from going on as Loras yelled.

Jon managed to swipe his feet off and was now holding his blunted sword at his neck.

I clapped and joined them down in the courtyard, "You're actually quite impressive." I complimented the boy.

He smiled grimly, "I still lost though."

I waved him off, "Jon couldn't beat you with the sword, so he used his body. I have no doubt that you'll manage to beat him in a year or two once you put on some height."

He nodded and Jon added, "You'll most likely always be lean though. Learn how to use that in your advantage, slip through the attacks while holding your foot in place. Your swordsmanship is amazing for your age."

The boy beamed proudly and blushed, "Thanks."

"Get up then, it's my turn." I said as I pulled him back on his feet.