
A New World: Antarisna

Antarisna A fantasy world that is very much different from the world we live in. A world where there are swords, magic and other supernatural powers. The world is inhabited by creatures of different races. Humans, Demi-Humans, Demons, Elves, Giants, and more. Besides there are animals and plants there, there are also creatures called monsters. In that world also has a power that is different from magic, a power that only has in that world. The power is called Elemental Power. That world was once ruled by the eight elemental gods. And also was replaced by a group of heroes known as the Knights of Light. However after a long time had passed, they all disappeared from that world. Causing the world to become unbalanced and out of control. There are wars, racial discrimination, greed and destruction. When no one controls and protects that world, troops from other worlds come to Antarisna and bring destruction to that world. Causing misery everywhere. They intend to take over that world. And the beings of the race must fight to defend their world. On the other hand, a 17-year-old teenager named Kira, was involved in a plane crash and stranded him in an unknown place. And it turns out he was stranded in the world of Antarisna. Together with five other people who met the same fate as him, also accompanied by a fairy. Kira must fight against the invaders who want to take over the world and destroy the destruction. The wolrd fate is on his hand

Taufikira · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Where is this?

A few hours ago.

I woke up opening my eyes. when I just opened my eyes. I felt pain all over my body, like after being hit really hard. My breath is short and messy, my head feels dizzy.

"Cough! Cough! Ugh…"

I try to calm down and slowly catch my breath. When I felt a little calm, I realized that I was in a very dark place. I couldn't see anything at all, and I was currently lying on the cold floor. For some reason, the floor felt a little slanted. And it's definitely not my room.

I slowly sat up. I looked around me, but I couldn't see clearly at all.

"Dark." That's the first word I said. I'm confused to know myself in a very dark place like this. "Where is this..."

I then fumbled in my trouser pocket. And took out my phone, and tried to turn it on.

"Still working."

I immediately turned on the flashlight on my cellphone and illuminated this dark place.

By the time you can see clearly. I was surprised to find myself in this place.

"This... Inside a plane?"

I found myself inside a plane. More specifically the plane that had crashed.

"How did I get here? I... Can't remember anything."

I wondered to myself, how did I get to be in a place like this. I don't remember anything that happened and when I try to remember it, my head hurts. It feels like it's unreal. I initially thought this was just a dream. But the aches and pains I felt were so real.

I then stood up.


While enduring the pain, I held on to one of the airplane seats so I could stand up.

When standing properly. I can see the whole plane that was destroyed and messy.

Suitcases and bags and their contents were scattered everywhere. The airplane window shattered and the shards covered the floor. Several aircraft cabin seats were detached and crushed. There are some holes and scratches on the plane wall.

"This is terrible," I said when I saw it.

Am I a victim of this plane? That's what first came to my mind. But there's absolutely no one else in here besides me, there's just a lot of messy stuff. Also, I don't remember anything at all. No matter how hard I try to remember, there's absolutely nothing I can remember. My head hurt even more as I forced myself to remember.

"Agh... My head." I held my head, enduring the pain for a few moments. Until the pain has subsided.

I don't know what to do in a situation like this. Maybe I'll explore this plane first.

After having looked around, I slowly walked through the plane and also wanted to find the exit.

But just after walking a few steps, I noticed something twinkling on the floor. Covered by scattered stuff on the floor.


I was curious about what it was and immediately took it. And it turned out to be a necklace that gave off a golden light.

"This... My necklace."

I realized that this is my necklace. A necklace in the shape of a golden rectangular star, the rope is made of black thread. This necklace is have been with me since I was a child. And what surprised me, I had no idea that my necklace could emit light like this. I put on the necklace, and when the necklace was attached to my neck. Suddenly the light emitted by his necklace disappeared.

"The light is gone."

Don't want to stay in place for long. I immediately went back.

As I walked, all I saw was scattered stuff. There was absolutely no one else on board this plane. And in the end, I've almost reached the end.

I can see the exit door of the plane that is still tightly closed on the left side. And right in front is the room where the pilot flies the plane.

I was still curious about why I was here, so I decided not to go out first and check the pilot's room. When trying to open the door to the room, the door was unlocked and could be opened easily.

I walked into the room. And I didn't find anything. The room is empty and nothing. There was only a broken front window of the plane and a large tree branch that went inside. There was no presence of pilots and co-pilots at all, not even their remains. It was as if they had just disappeared without a trace. Not only them but everyone else on the plane as well. There was no sign of the people leaving and it looked like they just vanished.

I saw a flashlight lying on the floor and picked it up. Make sure it's still working or not, and it's still working. I took it just in case, in case my phone battery runs out. Because my Phone battery is less than half. And it's really dark in here. I barely saw anything. What will happen if there is no lighting.

I didn't feel so panicked and scared. Like I know what to do. I don't even know why I'm like this, maybe because I'm used to going through dangerous experiences like this.

Feeling that there is nothing more to do. I left the pilot's room and headed for the exit. Standing in front of the door I saw the door was still locked.

"Hm... How to open it."

I don't understand how to open this door. At first, I had trouble because I didn't know how, until finally I was able to unlock it. When the lock was unlocked, I tried to open the door. I've tried pushing, sliding, and even pulling but it doesn't move at all.

I kicked the door, and it still did not move. I kicked harder and the door started to move a little. I took a few steps back.


Take a breath. And ran through the door. Finally, the door opened slightly. I pushed the door open but the door is very heavy. With all my might I pushed it until the door was opened.

When the door opened, I accidentally lost my balance and fell forward.



There was a loud crash.

I fell pretty hard, luckily not too high. It's just that my body, which was pained before, became even more painful.

"Agh... My body."

I try to get up. And when I stood up, I saw something I couldn't believe.

All that was in front of me were a lot and thick trees surrounding me.

"This is in the middle of the forest!?"

I can't understand at all, how can I be in a place like this. When I try to remember again, I still can't remember anything. A lot of things that don't make sense in front of me, make my head want to explode.

I don't know what to do at this point. I'm in a place I don't even know where. It's night already, everything looks dark. My head feels so dizzy thinking about all this, and my body feels so sore.

I walked to one of the trees in front of me. I sit under that tree to rest. And still thinking.

"What happened here? I... Don't remember anything at all. I hope this is just a bad dream. Huft..."

Sighing, I closed my eyes. Trying to relax and calm down with everything that's going on.

I sat up for a few minutes, and by then was almost asleep. A strange sound was heard from a short distance away.

"What sound is that?"

I opened my eyes and looked around me.

"Ksk! Ksk!"

The voice sounded again. And this time at close range, from the bushes not far from where I sat. The bushes were moving like something was in them.

When I saw the bushes moving, I immediately stood up and was alert.

Until the bushes stopped moving and the sound disappeared. I ventured to check what it was in the bushes. Trying to walk without making a sound, I opened the bush and shone a light inside the bushes. And apparently, there's nothing in it. But it looks like something red on the ground.

"That... Is a blood?"

It was a large splatter of blood, and the blood headed deep into the forest.

I thought it was the blood of an animal. But on the other side, I also thought it was someone's blood. The blood still looks fresh, something just goes into the dark forest in front of me.

I want to follow where the blood goes and find out whose blood this is. Thinking, maybe someone who was injured went in there. But going into the forest at night like this wasn't such a good idea. Don't know what creatures live in there. Just sitting here and not coming up with anything isn't a good idea either. Stuck in a situation I don't understand, it feels like it could slowly kill me. Anyway, there's nothing I can do right now. Who knows I might find an answer.

And also... It felt like a voice was calling me to go in there.

I prepare myself.

"Huft..." Sighing once more, I stared confidently at the dark forest in front of me. And in the end, my feet stepped into that forest.


Walking at a night, I explore the forest with only a flashlight. The leaves of the trees here are so dense that it makes the surroundings very dark. Like closing the light from outside to enter inside.

I walked following the blood I had found earlier, hoping I found something. I've been walking for a long time, I don't know how far I've walked. It feels like I'm just walking in the same place. I might get lost in this place if I don't follow the blood that I'm currently following.

After walking for a few more minutes, I finally reached the end of the blood.

"The blood stop here."

I looked around, looking if I could find anything. Looks like something under one of the trees. I approached it and saw that it was the body of a dead deer. His stomach was injured until his internal organs came out and it looked like they had been torn to shreds and eaten by something.

"It's just a deer huh... Well, what can I hope for? What was I thinking, who would anyone enter the forest at night like this."

Feeling disappointed, I decided to just go back to the previous place. It's also not good to be in a place like this for a long time. Looking at the body of the deer that was torn to shreds. I can't imagine what kind of creatures are in this forest. The injured on the deer's body didn't look like they were from a normal animal like they were something else.

I immediately left from there. Just stepped foot, I saw something moving between the trees. I became curious trying to see what it was, walking closer slowly until I stood in front of it.

And I saw things I couldn't believe anymore. This time it made me even more in disbelief.

I'm not surprised because it's just a wolf. But the wolf has three heads. Also, its body is bigger than the average wolf's. I really can't believe what I saw. Seriously, there are creatures like that, don't they only exist in fairy tales and stories? Also, it would be inappropriate to call a creature like this an animal. More like a monster. The wolf is seen eating another deer. It tore the body of the deer with its three heads. Looks like the deer that I found earlier is been killed by this monster.

Immediately, I took a step back. Trying not to make a sound, and trying not to let my flashlight hit the creature.


Suddenly there was a loud sound. I accidentally stepped on a branch because I didn't see the road behind me.

Hearing a loud noise, the three-headed wolf immediately stopped and looked back. Standing looking at me, revealing three bloodied heads. The wolf howled so loudly made the trees tremble. The wolf looked at me sharply.


The wolf still looks hungry, he looks ready to hunt me. Really look like a monster.

I couldn't move see the stare of the creature. I was filled with fear. My feet froze and couldn't move at all. My hands were shaking, cold sweat started to wet my body. I don't know why I suddenly felt this fear.

The three-headed wolf drew closer to me. And I can only be speechless looking at the creature.

"Kh-- My legs... Cannot move..."

I tried to move my legs. But can't be moved at all.

The wolf was getting closer and closer.

I was still trying to move until I realized that my hands could be moved even though they were shaking. I raised my hand, and slap hard my own face. After slapping myself in the face, my legs could finally move. I immediately turned around and ran away from the wolf.

By the time I had run far enough, the wolf started running after me.

"That... Wolf."