
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

The Octagram Begins

After these events were over, I guess it was time to resume the meeting till it is officially over. Every member of the Ten Great Demon Lords converged back to the newly replaced roundtable and took their seats.

With both problems for why this Walpurgis started being resolved it was time to get back on track with, whatever happens at these meetings.

Except now, Ciel is sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck all while wearing a satisfactory smile. Shinsha and Shalsha were back to sitting with Velzard eating more cookies.

I'm going to need a better understanding as to why she is behaving so boldly. It wasn't that long ago when she was nervous of calling me Rimuru rather than Master, so what changed?

'Maybe it was something she talked about with Velzard back at the ice palace.' As I was thinking of why she was behaving so openly, Guy began talking.

"With both issues for why Walpurgis has been called being resolved, our time for meeting is over. But before I call this meeting over, I would like to give anyone else the floor to speak." Guy said.

Responding to his offer, Demon Lord Carrion raised his hand.

(A/N:Here comes another change😄)

"If I may." Carrion said. Guy simply gestured for him to state his reasoning. I began to sip on some tea I took out of my imaginary space.

"These past few days up to now were nothing short of great battles. During that time I fought Milim and found out just how weak I truly am. Compared to the monstrous battle Rimuru gave her and came out on top, I am out of my league. So I would like to denounce my status as a Demon Lord to serve Demon Lord Rimuru." I just about did an entire spit take from hearing this.

'He wants to serve me?! Why would a demon lord want to serve me?!'

"Carrion, what is this?! Why haven't I heard about this?!" I shouted at the beastman in confusion. Ciel was still holding onto me tightly, with her expression remaining as someone who is in nothing short of bliss and ecstasy.

"Because I just thought of it. Serving a friend wouldn't be so bad. Plus when you sent that Benimaru and Sakame to Eurazania, I took a liking to them." Said Carrion as he strolled around the table and put an arm on my shoulder.

"I would like to add on to that." The Harpy, Demon Lord Frey proceeded to speak next.

"After witnessing the battle that took place earlier, I have come to the conclusion that I find myself to weak to be a Demon Lord."

"Frey, you specialize in high speed aerial battles. Theres no need to depreciate yourself." The one who spoke up was Dagruel.

"Thats true, but as Clayman was while fighting that woman sitting in his lap." She pointed towards Ciel before continuing.

"We would have equally matched. But against how Clayman was when fighting him, he would have destroyed me. A Demon Lord does not pick their battlefield, so it is not an excuse for me. So I would also like to serve Demon Lord Rimuru."

"Pfft! What?!" I performed another spit-take upon hearing this.

"I apologize for surprising you, but please hear my reason." She said while taking a slight bow.

"Alright, I'll listen."

"Thank you. You have already heard how I feel unfit in the strength department for being a demon lord. Through the battle I just witnessed between yourself and Milim, I came to that conclusion after my many thoughts on the matter. I had already thought about serving Milim if I made the choice, but due to the relationship between both of you, I believe it does not matter who I serve. So I have chosen you to serve while I can keep my eyes on Milim." She finished.

Damn. This is a lot to process. But I really don't understand as to why she chooses to serve me over Milim. I guess I will never understand women.

"Hahaha! Looks like your responsible for us now Rimuru." Carrion said as he let out a loud laugh.

"Milim! You will take them as subordinates right?" I frantically turned my head in her direction just to be met with the back of her head. It seemed she was shaking.

'This child is ignoring me! No honey for you for a whole year!' As I thought this Milim seemed to tremble even more.

"Are you both sure about this? I liked you Carrion, I expected you would awaken after a few more centuries." Guy spoke honestly.

"I'm not saying I wont be the king of Eurazania anymore. I just want to forge a new system with Rimuru at the top." Carrion added.

"Fine, do what you want. I hereby revoke Carrion and Freys Status as a Demon Lord." Guy announced.

"Fine! I'll take both of you as my subordinates." I looked up and was able to see two grins appear on their faces. I looked down to see Ciel glaring at Frey. It did not look like Frey had noticed it yet, but she did look a bit nervous.

{She shall not move in on my territory.}

'Did you just-'

{It was your imagination darling.}

'But I swea-'

{It was just your imagination darling.}



Damn this girl can be terrifying. Note to never anger her, that will be a mistake where even death won't save you.

"Also I have a question Guy."

"Is it about that Vampire over there pretending to be a maid?"


Upon Guy saying that, I felt a minor killing intent directed towards him. I know he noticed it as well, but he paid it no mind.

"Damned crimson demon, I'm starting to think your as bad as that damned storm lizard." The Vampire maid said as she was walking forward. He body glowed a pinkish color. Once that died down it revealed what I can only describe as a gothic lolita dress.

"Oh! So you were the real demon lord!" I shouted out. Frey and Carrion seemed surprised. I guess they didn't know that the guy vampire wasn't the real one. But for some reason she was looking at me intensely. But upon further realization, she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at the white haired beauty in my arms while wearing a lustful smile.

"Nope nope nope nope nope nope. Go lust after someone else." I said while I covered Ciel in a cloak. They way she looked at her made even me uncomfortable. Is this how all husbands feel when their wife is ogled at?

"So territorial. I'm sure you don't mind if we share her do you?" Said the lustful vampire. But once that vampire made that comment I proceeded to hug the wrapped up Ciel even tighter. Ciel peaked her head out of the cloak I put on her.

"Actually I do mind, now please look somewhere else." I said to this horny vampire. She grinned and took her seat. With that also revealed, Guy began to speak again.

"Now, as much as it pains me to say it. We are no longer the Ten Great Demon Lords." I felt the atmosphere tense up from this realization.

"To preserve our dignity, we have to think of a new name." Said the giant Dagruel.

"Well were fortunate enough that all the demon lords are present. I am sure a good idea will come up." Said the Horny Vampire.

"Well you guys can think of a name while I sleep." Said the fallen angel as he layered forward on the table.

"Now now, I am sure it wont take long. So Rimuru, as the newest Demon Lord, I am bestowing you the honor of naming us." The crimson demon said something quite absurd.

"What if I say no?" I pressed further.

"Come on. I've been to your territory. Every monster in your territory has a name. If you could name thousands of them, then you can name us." As I listened to his words, he did make a fair point.

"Ugh, fine. But if you don't like it, don't complain to me."

"Alright." Guy said as he say back down and sipped his drink.

"How about Eight-Star Demon Lords or Octagram for short?" They all closed their eyes in thought of my suggestion. Before...

"Its great! It is the start of a new era!" Milim shouted to the heavens.

"Hmm, I guess I'll give you credit, even though I will steal your wife away." Said the plotting vampire.

"Do whatever you wish." Said the quiet and stoic blonde man.

"I can see why Guy recommended you, both brains and brawn." Dagruel complimented.

"Huh? That fast? Last time it took multiple meetings just to try to find a name." Said the sleepy man. Have they really done that?

"Then it is settled. Our new name, is 'The Octagram' ." Guy spoke with a soft smile across his face.

After such, the banquet part of the meeting began, I left after all the courses were served. Not forgetting to analyze the meals for later use. Since I wasn't the only one enjoying the meals. Ciel, Shinsha and Shalsha enjoyed all the courses, so me copying them is for us to enjoy later. When I arrived back at Tempest with Carrion and Frey in tow, I found something quite weird.

"Welcome back Rimuru-sama, Ciel-sama!" Rigurd had greeted me.

"I wish to congratulate your ascension into the Octagram, Rimuru-sama. It is truly a joyous occasion!" Said Diablo.

"I could not agree more with Diablo." Said Testarossa.

Where exact did the two of them come from? I figured that both of their tasks would take a while. But the more shocking thing was when I arrived.... I found everyone kneeling in place. Lined up the path into Tempest.

'What the hell is going on?'

In Lubelius:

The Holy Empire Lubelius. The birthplace of the western holy church.

The very people who claim all monsters are the enemies of humanity.

They were still suffering from the defeat they got dealt from the hands of Tempest.

Many soldiers were handed over the Farmus to subjugate and destroy the monster nation.

Many people from their side has died, thus began a wave of resentment from the holy church.

The only survivor from this attack on Tempest was the nations strongest holy knight.

The woman dubbed the savior of humanity.

Hinata Sakaguchi

She didn't live because she was lucky enough to get away.

She didn't live because she succeeded in her task.

She lived because the monster ruler was feeling benevolent.

Thats all there is to it.

Currently this holy knight was going off towards her masters place.

In her way there she ran into an acquaintance of hers.

The Holy Emperor Louis Valentine.

Although this man appears to be human, in actuality he is the brother to the stand in demon lord, Roy Valentine. His twin brother to be exact. The leader of a nation who believes monsters are solely evil is a monster himself.

"Hello Hinata." Louis said.

"Nice to see you too Louis."

"Last night I heard of a commotion, do you know anything about that."

"As a matter of fact, Yes I do. An intruder broke in last night. Lucky enough for him he scurried away like the insect he was."

"Good. If you had gotten a hold on him I might have pitied his fate. Anyways how are you after everything that has happened?"

"I'm fine I guess. But that monster leader wont be." Hinata said in a frustrated voice. This caused Louis to raise an eyebrow.

"Why is that?" Louis questioned.

"Simple, I will return to his nation and slay them. I'll be bringing a better force with me since Farmus was far too incompetent for their own good." This statement caused Louis some inner distress. He is able to tolerate Hinata but he is not distressed for her safety. Rather he is in distress because he can't imagine how his mistress will feel if Hinata dies.

"Your going to have to talk with Luminous-sama about that first." Louis said with slight worry in his voice.

"I intend to, is she back from Walpurgis yet?"

"She should be back soon. Lets head to Luminous-samas inner chambers."

As such they headed to their mistresses chambers and waited for her. After waiting about 10 minutes a door opened revealing Luminous Valentine and Roy Valentine.

(A/N:I decided to not kill him here.)

""Greetings, Luminous-sama."" Said Louis and Hinata simultaneously.

"If I may ask, what happened at Walpurgis?" Asked Hinata as Luminous lied down on a couch.

"Hm? Oh yes, we are no longer called the ten great demon lords, but rather the Octagram." Luminous answered.

"Octagram? Why is that the name now?" Hinata pressed further.

"Through his schemes Clayman got himself killed and demon lords Frey and Carrion let go of their titles." Luminous answered.

"That leaves seven, the numbers don't add up. Who's the other one?"

"Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest. You are aware of him, right? He's the one who left you in that horrible state. Exhausted and bleeding from the mouth."

"There is something I wish to ask concerning him." Hinata said.

"Thats fine but I have to say something about him first. Thats to never and I mean ever try to antagonize him ever again. Do you understand?" Luminous said with a hint of worry in her voice. Hinata and Louis were quite shocked by their masters words.

"Luminous-sama, the way you speak of him... almost sounds like your afraid of him." Louis added.

"If you saw what I did at Walpurgis you would say the same." Luminous said with a hand on her forehead.

"What happened exactly?" Hinata asked even though she now felt a bit worried. She knew something was bad if the person who not even she could beat was worried.

"You are both aware of the strongest demon lords, Guy Crimson and Milim Nava right?"

"Of course." Hinata and Louis answered.

"Those two have strength that is equal to if not greater than the True Dragons. I believe they both represent the pinnacle of power. Those people are strong enough to destroy stars with a flick of the wrist. Any number of forces are meaningless in front of them. True Catastrophes are what they are." This was Luminous' way of answering her question. But they were wondering why did she mention them in a question about Rimuru.

"Now imagine one of those people being defeated. In a one on one fight. Matching blow for blow and coming out victorious. That was Rimuru fighting Milim." Hinata could only be shocked from the answer. The person she planned on going back to kill has strength far beyond what she could ever hope to achieve.

"Guy Crimson recommended him to join us and was back by both of his fellow ancients. Clayman antagonized him and died as a result.

DO NOT go against him ever. I would hate to lose you."

"If I may, how do you think you would fail against those people?" Hinata asked with a more worried but relieved expression.

"Against a simpleton like Milim, I believe I could get something off but I would never win. With Guy I would simply die on the spot. And this new guy, I believe it to be the same as Guy, he would kill me instantly."

"Thank you for telling me this but I am pretty sure he already has a terrible impression on me for my actions. Are you sure he won't do anything rash?"

"From how I saw him during Walpurgis, he seems like a pretty reasonable and level headed person. But that does mean he doesn't resent the church for their actions. But enough about that, we have the Storm Dragon and a new True Dragon to figure out how to deal with." Hinata and Louis became confused. Another True Dragon? Who? Wouldn't the VOTW announce its birth?

"Luminous-sama, who is this new True Dragon?" Louis was hesitant to ask.

"Hm? It's Rimuru." She answered as nonchalant as ever.

"Huh? If I recall from the intel I have on him, isn't he a slime? How is that possible?" Hinata asked.

"I am unsure about that, so asking me is useless. Now I wish to forge a alliance with Tempest." Luminous said.

"Why is that milady?" Roy finally spoke up and asked a question.

"I wish to stay on his good side and a alliance would have a good chance of doing so. Luckily we have not officially declared that all monsters are the enemies of humanity. My other reason for why, Demon Lord Rimuru has a wife, I wish to take her for myself." Hinata could not believe her ears.

"So your reasoning is lust?" Hinata said with a deadpan expression.

The discussion went forward with the main topic being about Rimurus existence and how to deal with it.

Back to Tempest:

"So I take it to mean your both done with your tasks?" I asked Diablo and Testarossa. We are currently back in my office, they were giving me a debrief of their finished tasks.

"Of course Lord Rimuru." Testarossa answered.

"Testarossa, how did your task go?" I asked curious. With the job I gave her it should have took awhile or she probably just thrusted Youm onto the throne.

"Youm has not become the official king of Farmus yet." She proceeded to give us a retelling of everything that happened in Farmus."

(I wont be typing that, as its the same thing Diablo did.)

"What about you Diablo?"

"We have succeeded in obtaining demons to serve you. The ones apart of Rouge, Vert, and Bleu did not wish to serve you. They paid for their insolence. But the worthy ones apart of Testarossas, Carrera, Ultima and my lineage are ready to serve you master."

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They are waiting in the demon world with Carrera and Ultima supervising them." Diablo answered clearly. I just had an Idea.

"Take me to them." I told Diablo up front. He seemed taken aback for a second.

"Master wishes to travel to the demon world?" Diablo asked with a hint of surprise yet admiration in his voice.

"Yes of course. So please take me there."

"Understood master." Diablo responded with a excited grin. Testarossa and I went next to Diablo, and a magic circle appeared beneath our feet. In a moment, I noticed that we were are not inside my office anymore.

The demon realm looked exactly like I had pictured it. It resembled that of a barren wasteland. The sky was blood red as if painted with all the inhabitants blood.

"If you would follow me Lord Rimuru." Diablo said as he began to fly in the direction I sense Ultima and Carrera in. Of course Testarossa and I followed.

Once arriving, I saw a massive amount of demons along with our beloved Primordials arguing.

"How dare you insult me your violet freak?!" Carrera threatened.

"Oh? Is the nuclear airhead upset?" Ultima teased. We slowly approached the demonic comedy duo. Due to their arguing they didn't notice a single one of us.

"The both of you are being highly disrespectful." Testarossa said to her friends.

""Butt out whi-"" Both the demons retorted at Testarossa. But they soon regret what they said as they noticed their master in between both Noir and Blanc.

"M-Milord!" Carrera said in a panic.

"I apologize Rimuru-sama! It's all this nuclear maniacs fault!" Ultima passed the blame onto Carrera.

"What!" Carrera shouted in resistance. Simply like that, their argument resumed. Rimuru simply ignored it and walked over towards the demons. The demons were looking onward at the two of seven Primordials who were seemingly afraid of their behavior.

Those demons now noticed Rimuru walking towards them. That's when they felt a massive amount of fear of this being. Someone who could reduce their progenitors to such a state with nothing more than his presence.

Carrera and Ultima noticed Rimuru approaching the demons and followed suit. Their argument ended as fast as it had started.

With all four of his subordinates behind him, Rimuru proceeded to cover his subordinates with a barrier and released his aura. Not all of it, but just enough to inflict a massive pressure over the demons. And now, he will begin to address the demons.

"I understand that all of you have been chosen by these four to serve me. I have no intention of forcing you to serve me. So those of you who don't wish to, this is your chance to leave." Rimuru said while lowering his aura." Although a lot of the demons present were afraid of Rimuru due to how he made the Primordials submit before him, none of them had the nerve to even stand in his presence. As such, none of the demons left from Rimurus presence. He waited a few seconds before resuming.

"Since no one has left, I shall accept you all as my subordinates. With you all as my subordinates all of you shall receive bodies and names." Every demon became surprised to their new masters words.

The only ones who were not surprised were the four Primordials, as each of them wore a excited and satisfactory smile upon their face.

"Diablo, Testarossa, Carrera, Ultima. Choose a few trusted demons from each of your lineage. Once done meet me back in Tempest with them."

"Understood, Rimuru-sama."