
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

Paying the Consequences

The holy knights day of reckoning has arrived.

According to Ciel they should be arriving today. And she would be correct about that. I have my [universal sense] surrounding the entire jura forest, so I would know exactly when they step foot in my territory.

They have already entered my forest and are on their way here. That Hinata woman appears to be with a group of people. Meanwhile there is a completely separate group coming here on riding horses.

Ciel had told about this beforehand, so I set up a trap for them to enter.

You see whether I had my Universal Sense active or not I would have been able to sense their arrival. That is because the moment they entered my territory, they had stepped foot inside my [Imaginary Space]. With that I also detected 3 others hiding themselves among Hinatas group.

Their reasons for such a tactic. I am unsure, but it must be bad if they are hiding from her.

But it was as I thought. Without an Ultimate Skill they were unable to detect what had happened. So as things go right now they still believe they are walking inside the genuine jura forest.

I don't wish to use any of my troops for such a weak opponent, hopefully I will be able to use them later. But for this opponent... I want them to regret ever making an enemy out of me... I want to make them fear what will happen if they try something like ever again. I had sent out a few of my strongest to decimate them.

Diablo is a no-go since I sent him else where. That elsewhere is to deal with the foolish brother of the king of farmus. I sent Him, Hakarou, and Souei to deal with that nuisance. But for this attacking force, Shion will take the on alone. I will have Zegion, Benimaru, Sakame, Kiyoko take on the four nuisances with Hinata. The three tailing them Carrion and Frey will decimate. And for Hinata... the fourth strongest existence in Tempest will take her on.

'Heh, I can already see how this will play out. Everyone is ready and waiting for you to arrive.' I thought as I disguised my presence over where the battle is suppose to take place.

'Give my subordinates and Velraiha a good fight please.' I thought with a evil smirk, waiting for them to arrive.

Third Person Pov:

The day has arrived for Hinata and her group of knights to arrive in the Monster Nation of Tempest. The trip itself went smoothly but as they closer approached their destination, they didn't feel fear of going into enemy territory or even a hint of nervousness.

They were merely confident that if things took a turn for the worst, they could defeat the newborn demon lord as well as his country.

All of the holy knights apart of the "Ten Great Saints" felt this way. They were all under the misguided delusion that they were the strongest after True Dragons. They even believed that together even a single True Dragon would fall before them.

Hinata felt that confidence radiate from them and it was for this reason she pitied them. They were never fortunate enough to feel the might of a True Demon Lord, much less a True Dragon.

'They have no idea what we are getting ourselves into.' Hinata thought to herself. But she could not be angry at them for thinking this. If she herself had not met Demon Lord Luminous, she would have been the same. Deluded into thinking she could beat anyone.

But here they are entering the territory to someone even a True Demon Lord is afraid of angering. As well as a person who Luminous called a True Dragon. Unlucky for them, they had already fallen into a trap. Set by the very person they are going to see.

"Listen up! If this ends up as a fight, I do not want you to harm innocents." Hinata said towards her fellow knights.

"But Hinata-sama!" A male knights by the name of Arnaud shouted.

"That is an order Arnaud. If we lose and do such a thing before that, we may incur their wrath onto Lubelius." Hinata said sternly. This could only make Arnaud shut his mouth.

"Hinata-sama, I know you prefer to be cautious about our situation. But we are fighting a newborn demon lord. How strong could that guy be?" A grey haired knight named Fritz asked.

"You forget that the newborn demon lord has the storm dragon by its side. As well as a bunch of majin that can be considered A Rank. As well as former demon lords Carrion and Frey. We cannot underestimate them, but remember we are not here for a fight." Hinata said sternly again.

"I would have to agree with Hinata-sama on this matter. Even if we have them outclassed in power, we do not have the numerical advantage." A female knight called Litus said. The final Knight was a blonde and beared man named Bacchus who merely nodded to his companions words.

"Let us continue. I would like to finish this as soon as possible." Hinata said as she began to ride her horse forward.

15 minutes:

The knights had been riding their horses in the direction of tempest for sometime now. Until Hinata felt the presence of someone familiar and abruptly stopped her steeds movement. This action caught the others off guard and stop as well.

"What is it Hinata-sama." Litus asked.

"I feel Leonards presence nearby. He is with plenty other knights including Garde."

"He disobeyed your orders and came as well?" Bacchus asked.

"There is a chance yes, but I doubt that he is that stupid." Arnaud voiced his thoughts.

"Lets go." Hinata said as she picked up the pace on her horse in the direction of Leonard. The others followed suit.

The were moving faster on the horses than they were earlier wanting to stop Leonard before Rimuru gets the wrong idea. After a few minutes they arrived at where Leonard is supposed to be. And to their surprise he was there, so was the other knights Hinata sensed.

But there was also someone else standing in front of those knights. Appearing to oppose them. It was a woman. A beautiful and busty one at that. She had long purple hair tied into a ponytail and a single black horn located in the center of her forehead. She wore a completely purple pantsuit. In her hands was a Ōdachi.

"I am the first secretary of Demon Lord Rimuru and Lady Ciel! My name is Shion. And I have been tasked with giving you a message!" She shouted towards the knights. Her voice was powerful, even Hinata felt intimidated by her.

"And what is that message monster?" A blonde man with long hair said back to her. This was none other than Leonard. But to these words spoken from the man, Shion merely smirked.

"Kneel or Die." She said as she lifted her Ōdachi and placed it on her shoulder.

"Well tell your leader to screw himself. Attack her!" The man yelled back.

"Dammit! He's gonna get himself killed, lets go help." Hinata said as she was about to abandon her horse and assist Leonard in the mistake he just made. But she didn't go.

"Halt!" A voice shouted out towards her. The moment she heard this voice, she felt like it had immobilized her completely. She felt as if she took another step, that would be the end of her life.

Hinata and the others all turned to the direction the voice came from.

They were petrified.

Too afraid to move.

In the direction was a group of people standing on a mountain, looking down at them as if they were nothing more than an annoying insect. They each had a neutral expression on their face.

'These people are higher than A rank.' Hinata thought to herself in fear. She observed the people before her and was able to get a pretty good representation of what they were against.

A Oni

Three Beastmen

A Insect

And a Harpy

And she was terrified.

Judging from the energy each of them released, some appeared to be on the lower end of an awakened demon lord in power.

'That red haired ogre... even he would be a good match for Luminous-sama.' Hinata thought to herself while gulping nervously. But he wasn't the most terrifying among them.

That would go to the girl at the front who released more energy than them all combined. The amount she was releasing was putting massive pressure onto them, they felt like they were gonna pass out if this kept going further.

"So you are the insect that challenged Uncle. Im not impressed." The blonde girl at the front of them said with a disinterested tone. She then raised her hand as if to indicate something. Once they rest saw her motion, the pressure on the knights disappeared as if it never happened. But one thing could not escape Hinatas mind.

'Did she just say Uncle? If what she says is true... would that means she is a true dragon as well.' That one word clouded the holy knight leaders thoughts. She was now completely afraid of this monster.

"Who are you exactly?" Hinata asked the mysterious girl with a hint of fear in her voice. Velraiha sensed this fear radiating from her and proceeded to smirk.

"Me? I am the daughter of Storm Dragon Veldora, as such that makes me the niece to Void Dragon Rimuru. I am Velraiha Tempest. And you will be my opponent." She said confidently while pointing at Hinata.

"Don't fool us. That new demon lord is not a true dragon." Arnaud stepped up and denied her words. But her smile simply grew.

"Believe what you wish, only the citizens of Tempest know how powerful Uncle Rimuru is. Unfortunately for you, he is not here. He left me to clean up this insect who came back for more. I almost feel sorry for you... I am not as kind as Uncle Rimuru." She said as her face changed from that confident smirk to a sinister expression.

"We simply came here for a talk." Hinata said. Velraiha proceeded to turn her head towards Shion.

"It does not seem that way to me. How about this? Withdraw you men and we can have a 1 on 1 talk?" Velraiha suggested.

"That is ludicrous! As if we would leave Hinata-sama alone with the likes of you." Arnaud said. The other knights nodded in agreement.

"Watch your mouth, this is a talk between your leader and Velraiha-sama." Benimaru said towards the holy knight.

"Oh, is that—— so!" Arnaud said as he struck Benimaru with his sword. The knight thought his attack landed. But to his surprise, Benimaru blocked it with his sword, still in its scabbard.

To this display, Arnaud backed away before Benimaru could counter.

"Who are our opponents, Velraiha-sama?" The red

haired oni asked.

"Carrion and Frey, Uncle Rimuru has already told you your opponents correct?" The blonde girl asked the two.

'Carrion and Frey? Wait... those are the former demon lords.' Simultaneously, the group of holy knights had the same thought.

"Of course, Velraiha-sama. We will take care of them." Carrion said before both him and Frey departed to a different area in order to wait.

"Benimaru, you take that guy." She said pointing her finger at Arnaud.

"Understood." Benimaru said before pointing to a location to take their battle to.

"Zegion you take that bearded man. Kiyoko take blondie. And Sakame you take whoever that is."

"Understood Lady Velraiha." The three said in unison before departing with their opponents. Although the knights felt an intense nervous feeling for the first time, they reluctantly followed their opponent.

"I guess it is just you and me now." Velraiha spoke up.

"I merely came here to talk to Rimuru." Hinata said calmly and casually. But this only angered Velraiha further.

"Don't speak so casually about my uncle! Although I have only been the way I am for a short time, I know that my Uncle is a great man. And you tried to take what he cared about away from him and destroy it. I will make you pay for your actions." Velraiha said angrily as her aura began to leak out. Noticing this, Hinata grabbed her sword 'Moonlight'. Removing it from its scabbard.

"Very well. I will defeat you and talk to your 'Uncle'." Hinata said, defying the very True Dragon that stands in her way.

"Hahahahaha! You think yourself strong enough to defeat a member of the strongest race in this world? Although I can somewhat be considered the youngest of us, I am certainly not the weakest." Velraiha said with a both sadistic and excited smile.

And so the fight between Draconic and Holy has begun.

Shion vs Leonard & Garde:

"You are foolish for attempting this." Shion said casually as she effortlessly dodged every attack the knights threw at her.

'Dammit! We are making no progress at all.' Leonard thought to himself.

"Is this all you are capable of?" Shion asked the holy knights in an attempt to anger them.

"Don't mock the ingenuity of us humans! Deploy the Holy Field!" Garde shouted towards some mages. Other knights made sure to attack Shion to prevent her from getting the chance to disrupt their plan.

But Shion stopped dodging their attack entirely. She now stood in the same spot and simply deflected all of there sword strikes.

"Whats going on? Your not gonna stop our deployment?" Leonard asked curiously.

"Why would I? I want you to realize the futility in your plan. I am one of the top retainers to Demon Lord Rimuru-sama. And you pitiful knights believe you stand a chance against me.

"Leonard-sama, Garde-sama, the Holy Field is deployed." A knight said.

"Hahahaha! You fucked up! With this deployed you will continuously grow weaker. Even if we can't beat you without it, you will grow weaker until we win! And after you, we will kill that incompetent demon lord! Attack!" Garde shouted at all of his knights to attack Shion. But Leonard was still uneasy about this entire thing. No matter how hard he would try to shake that feeling.... It would not waver.

The knights continued to hurl magic spells as well as attacking her with their weapons. But it was all futile.

Even without her unique skill she simply deflected every fireball coming her way towards other soldiers, killing them from the impact of the fireball.

However the holy knights didn't stop their assault on her. Of group of 30 knights charged her at once, but Shion simply sliced the air in front of her. The result was horrifying. All 30 of the knights had been separated from their waist.

Blood covered the ground, without a single drop of it even staining Shions clothes. It was as if the blood itself was afraid of her.

"What the hell! You should be weakened! How the hell are you not weakened?!" Garde shouted at her.

"Even though you dared to insult my wonderful master in front of me, I guess I can tell you. You have been inside our masters trap for quite sometime you see." Shion said with a smile on her face.

'In a trap? What the hell does she mean?' Leonard thought, trying to process this information.

"Look around you. This is nothing more than a false forest that resembles the jura forest due to our masters infulence. The moment you entered the actual forest you were transferred to this false forest." Shion said nearly laughing.

"All our master did was put us inside this space and told us to wait for you to appear. I am sure our master finds you all not worthy of his time, so he sent us as his faithful subordinates to deal with the nuisance. It does fell great to be needed by him." Shion finished her explanation.

"T-This is a F-False s-space?" Leonard said while being overcome with fear.

'He set a trap for us the moment we entered the forest. We had no idea we even entered a trap. Just how powerful is he?!" Leonard thought panicked.

"You..... YOU DARE TO MOCK ME! I WILL KILL THAT PETTY DEMON LORD IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO!" Garde roared while getting ready to attack Shion.

Garde donned his Spirit Armament to use his the full power of his elemental of flame. He gathered all of the spirits power into the tip of his spear.

"[Inferno Flame]!" It was an attack that utilizes spiritrons which in turn allowed it to pierce through just about all defenses.

This attack headed towards Shion, although it was an attack that is supposed to be able to kill her if not leave her near death. She simply stood there, sword in hand.

"Too weak." Shion simply spoke, Garde and Leonard were unable to hear her.

Shion raised her sword into a swinging motion as well as utilizing her unique skill [cook]. She swung her sword as soon as it got close enough to come into contact with.

The sword collided with Inferno Flame. Garde believed he had won this duel and was about to go off to kill Rimuru.

"Where are you going?" A dead voice rang out from behind Garde. He turned around to see if what he heard was true. And there it was, to his dismay Shion was standing there completely unharmed.

"How.... How are you alive?!" Garde shouted while Leonard looked at her with fear in his eyes.

"Oh that! I am great at getting the desired outcome out of any situation. I would say I am second to Rimuru-sama. Oh well." Shion said casually.

Faster than both Garde and Leonard could perceive, Shion moved toward Garde and pierced him through his midsection with her sword. Raising him up into the air before swinging her sword down which sent his lifeless body flying into the distance. Shion then turned her attention to the last remaining knight.


"So you are the last one huh? I will ask you one more time. Surrender or Die. Which is it?" Shion asked threateningly as her sword was covered in blood.

"In normal circumstances I would have surrendered. But you killed my allies. I also have my pride as a holy knight and I would never surrender to a monster." Leonard said as he drew his sword. The sword that Hinata denied to take from the seven luminaries. It was call Dragon Buster.

"I admire your resolve, but you will not win." Shion said.

Leonard merely ignored her words and focused his energy into the gifted sword. It was coated with the energy of light. The sword shined brighter and brighter to that point that a normal human looking at it for merely a second could blind them. But with that intense light came a even more intense heat. The heat coming from the sword was as hot as the very core of the sun, if not hotter. If they were not inside this separate space it would have caused a-lot of damage to the surroundings.

"[Core Incinerator]!" Leonard shouted. This move was a dangerous one at that. Using the light energy gathered into the sword he could pierce through and/ or destroy the astral body with its intense heat.

Leonard ran the attack towards Shion but the result was the opposite of what he expected to happen.

Shion met the sword head on with hers. Not even the blades collided, it was merely the tips.

(A/N: Think of it like this)

But through this exchange the attack of Leonard completely extinguished.

"That was a nice attack and it might have done considerable damage to me. But like I said, I am good at getting my desired outcome!" Shion shouted before countering his blade and shattering it with her swing. Leonard could only fall deeper within the infinite pit that is despair as he lost his weapon.

Shion decided to end this and ended up aiming an attack towards his stomach, eviscerating him. He could only cough up blood as he fell to the ground in pain.

"I-I have a-a single r-request." Leonard managed to get out while his mouth was filling with blood.

"What is that request?" Shion asked with a disinterested tone.

"P-Please spare L-Lady H-Hinata." Leonard dropped his pride and basically begged and pleaded with Shion.

"You have no right to make that request. You dared to attack us and even then that decision is up to Velraiha-sama. She despises your leader so I doubt she will live." Shion said before walking away, leaving Leonard alone as he bled out from his injuries. He could only reflect upon his actions as he thought about how events would have turned out if he hadn't came. With these regrets filling his mind, he died on a battlefield which could have been prevented.

Sakame and Kiyoko vs Fritz and Litus:

The two teams were at a standoff with one another. Although it would have been fun to fight alone, Sakame and Kiyoko liked working together, ever since before meeting Rimuru, they did a lot together. Always in sync. So they decided to team up and allow their opponents to do the same in order to at least make it somewhat fair.

To start the battle off, Fritz charged at Sakame with his twin swords causing Sakame to draw his new blade gifted by Kurobe and Kaijin. He called it "Requiem".

Meanwhile Kiyoko charged at Litus with her claws. Litus dodged backwards and fired multiple water blades with the power of her contracted spirit. Kiyoko simply dodged the attack as they were far too slow to hit her.

With Sakame, their blades were crossing back and fourth getting even more violent with each swing.

"Ack!" Fritz cried as he was sent flying back through multiple trees. In the distance a lone figure could be seen. It was Sakame with his sword in hand with red lightning radiating around him.

"Damn, I thought the people who defied Rimuru-sama would be strong. Guess I was wrong." Sakame said with a disinterested tone. In the distance Fritz could be seen struggling to stand up.

"Don't mock me monster." Said the holy knight as he finally found his footing. Using the power of his wind elemental, he made the focal point of where this energy to hold was his feet. Using his elemental this way he could move faster than he is now.

However just as he was about to make his move, he heard a loud voice headed towards his direction.

"Gahh!" The voice was screaming in agony as they made contact with Fritz, sending him and the person to the ground. Fritz managed to get a look at the person, to his surprise it was Litus.

"Litus! What happened to you?" Fritz yelled confused.

"That would be me." Another voice rang out. Sakame however looked up as that is where the voice came from.

Above the three of them was Kiyoko standing on a red magical circle as a platform. Her arms crossed as she looked at the two disinterested.

"You seem to have had some fun." Sakame said as he greeted his friend.

"Not really. She was pathetically weak, all she did was use water based magic. It wasn't a problem but certainly annoying." She said with a bored tone. Not giving them a single thought or glance.

Unaware of what the two were planning, both Fritz and Litus tried to blitz Sakame and decapitate him with both his twin swords and water blades.

Although he was greeting his ally, he never dropped his guard. But now he was furious that they tried to attempt something so underhanded.

"Too slow." Sakame said simply. He dropped his sword and found this as the opportunity to use his newly acquired skill [Bane] to enhance his physical strength and durability. He blocked both swords catching them in between his hands while the water blades hit him they did no damage.

Litus was shocked by this outcome and didn't notice that Kiyoko had attacked her. Kiyoko used her tails to pierce through the abdomen of the female knight. Causing her to cough up blood... dying on the spot.

"LITUS!" Fritz shouted out the name of his friend, hoping she was still alive. There was no response.

"I SWEAR I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU— GAHH!" Fritz was shouting in anger at the beastman. But Sakame cut that short as he lifted his foot and kicked him in the stomach. With this enhanced strength to add to the force, he coughed up large amounts of blood and was sent back even further.

In the distance Fritz tried to stand up, but he struggled and fell back onto his knees.

Sakame could be seen far away, but in less than a second he closed that gap. He was now standing at least 25 feet away from Fritz.

"No you will not. In this space, Rimuru-sama reigns supreme...." Sakame said to him. His sword, now located in his right hand was glowing a black color with swirls of red lightning around it.

"You went against our master, I hope you have already said your prayers." Sakame said as he raised up his sword with both hands. He violently swung the sword down towards the earth. It was as if his goal was to destroy it.

"[Catastrophic Roar]" A large bolt of black and red lightning bolted straight from the sword. In its path, all it touched was evaporated. The slightest graze would evaporate a tree. And at the end of its path... was Fritz. He could only look on in horror as Sakame prepared the attack, but... he died.

He died before he could know what the attack was.

He had evaporated into nothingness before he could even see it.

Benimaru vs Arnaud:

An intense battle purely with swordplay was taking place.

To normal humans the would be able to see nothing, that is how fast they were moving. They would be unable to tell who was who or who had the edge over the other.

In that battle, a few words were being exchanged.

"Hm... interesting, I believed only my allies could match at least this speed." Benimaru said to Arnaud.

"What do you mean by that?" Arnaud asked as their swords met once again, creating a massive shockwave that uprooted dozens of trees. Upon that clash, they both jumped back to distance themselves.

"I mean what I said... I was only aware of my allies and friends could match that speed. But I guess I'll ramp it up." Benimaru said with a evil smirk. But his words caught Arnaud off guard.

"You lie! There is no way for someone to be that fast!" Arnaud shouted at Benimaru. But Benimaru merely looked on at him in silence.

Benimaru then made his move. He took a single step forward and disappeared right before Arnauds eyes. He frantically looked to the left, right even towards the sky in anticipation for an attack. But he didn't look in one direction... behind him.

(A/N: Sorry for the low qual gif. It was all I could find.)

Luckily for Arnaud, he managed to sense Benimaru right behind as he was getting ready to strike. He successfully blocked the strike but got knocked away like nothing more than a fly.

He was rolling on the ground and then regained his footing. He was still sliding back but in a kneeling position, he looked up to see a foot headed towards his face.

Benimaru once again sent Arnaud away like an insect. Arnauds face was a bloody mess, but he used regenerative magic to heal. Although he healed himself, he was still feeling the effects of Benimarus assault.

"It does not matter if I lose here. All that matters is Himata-sama slays your leader." Arnaud said determined to at least do some damage to Benimaru. However the words he spoke just now were hilarious to Benimaru.

"You really think your leader can beat our master?" Benimaru said on the verge of laughing.

"Of course. Hinata-sama is the strongest. Even the True Dragon will pale in comparison to her." Benimaru tried to probe Arnaud for his true feelings, but he was shocked beyond belief.

Arnaud was serious.

He truly believed Hinata could defeat a True Dragon. That one sentence was the highest form of blasphemy to Benimaru.

"You truly believe that. Currently your leader is fighting a True Dragon. She would be the 8th if I don't include Milim-sama." Benimaru said casually.

"You lie. There is no way that child is a True Dragon." Arnaud said.

"What I say is true. She is the daughter of Veldora-sama. Veldora-sama is the older brother to Rimuru-sama, so naturally that makes her our masters Neice."

"You lie again! From our intel he is a slime! How can he be a True Dragon?!" Arnaud shouted with contempt in his voice.

"We don't understand it either. One day it just happened." Benimaru shrugged his shoulders as he was talking.

"And you just believe that?"

"Of course. After all our master is the personification of the impossible. I believe that anything he wishes will come true. But I guess it is time to end this." Benimaru said as he raised his sword and coated it with flames. He specifically fine tuned it so that the target would not combust with a single scratch. Arnaud raised his blade, preparing for the attack.

"You know what? I'll give you the first strike." Benimaru said with a taunting tone in his voice. Although his words made Arnaud angry, he did take the offer.

All at once he summoned up the power of all his contracted spirits.






All these forces were united in a last ditch effort to eliminate Benimaru. His resolve strengthened and a gift came with it.

<<Notice: The Individual has obtained the Unique Skill [Fight On]>>

This new unique skill of his allows the user to covert his resolve into power. As well as giving him a solution for nearly any problem. For Arnaud, his resolve in this situation was higher than it has ever been.

But Benimaru kept standing still with a smirk on his face. Why is he so calm in a situation he could fall in? Simple he already had another Unique Skill. It was called [Will]. Similar to Arnaud, except he converts his overall willpower into strength for his flames. If his will in his flames was powerful enough perhaps they could even cut fate itself. It was a skill in terms of effect was comparable to that of Shion, perhaps it could overpower it if his will is strong enough.

So, to say he was confident in his power was an understatement.

"[ETHER BREAK]!" Arnaud shouted. The speed of this attack from Arnaud, amplified by his unique skill. Its speed surpassed that of light.

His resolve made it that way.

But to Benimaru...

"Slow." Benimarus perception was out of this world. This attack itself was already strong but it was further amplified by Arnauds resolve. But to Benimaru, the attack was still slow.

"I will show you how my Willpower trumps your Resolve." Benimarus began to be covered In flames the same applied to his sword. Similar to the move Leonard used on Shion exempt of the Holy Element.

Benimarus flames surpassed that of the core of the sun by leaps and bounds. His will was strong, so strong in fact that he would have harmed his allies if he went any higher.

The attack to Benimaru perception, was still on its way to him. But eventually it made contact with him. Destroying hundreds of trees and reaching the false Tempest, destroying its buildings as well.

Arnaud however, fell to the ground as he could not fully control the power.

He looked on at the destruction he caused and marveled at it.

"I did it! I killed that monster!" Arnaud shouted in triumph.

"Who is dead exactly." A calm voice came from the dust still surrounding the area of his attack. The dust dissipated with a single strike of that voices sword.

Arnaud was stunned. Completely in nothing but disbelief.

He was terrified.

"N-No! How are you still alive?!" Arnaud shouted in fear towards the figure standing there.

Benimaru was standing there with flames surrounding his entire body.

Completely unharmed.

"That was a nice attack. I may have died if I didn't have this skill. But I hate to admit defeat after all." Benimaru said casually as his flames were still radiating around him.

"ANSWER ME!" Arnaud shouted with a mix of anger but most mostly fear.

"Simple. My unique skill [Will]. It acts in correspondence with my willpower. In short if I willed it... my flames will beat it." Benimaru said, smirk still intact on his face. However Arnaud was taken even further aback. There was no-way he could hope to beat this absolute beast. He tried to stand but he was exhausted, so he tripped over himself.

"Well this is goodbye, I shall remember your name." Benimaru said as his flames shined even brighter. A barrier also raised surrounding no one else except the two of them. Looking on in pure, unfiltered horror, Arnaud was still struggling to stand.

"[Apocalyptic Incineration]!" Benimarus flames ran wild. The heat on the inside was strong enough to even make it past the barrier as well as causing cracks in the barrier as it was struggling to keep everything in.

From the outing of the barrier it looked as if someone set off a massive hell flare.

After the flames were up for a minute, Benimaru made them dissipate because if he hadn't the flames would have raged on. The entire area within the barrier was burnt to a crisp, and Arnauds body was missing from this hellscape.

"Hm... lets head back now, I would like to see how powerful Velraiha-sama is." Benimaru said as he re-sheathed his sword as well as dispelling the barrier and leaving to watch Velraihas fight.

But above this fictitious forest, there was a lone being watching as Benimaru left to watch another fight.

That person was Rimuru.

"Goddamn! What the hell was that?! But I have to admit, that was sooooo coooool!" Rimuru shouted with excitement.

"I definitely I have to fight Benimaru now. He might not be as strong as other True Dragons but lets see how far his will goes."

{Rimuru} another voice rang out, but only Rimuru could hear it. It was Ciel

'Yes. Is something the matter?' Rimuru asked Ciel.

{Nothing is wrong, But I am in separate part of the [Imaginary Space] training the girls again. Just stop by when you get the chance.} Ciel said, then as quickly as she called she cut the communication.

'I wonder what that was about, but I guess back to the show.' Rimuru thought as he turned his attention to the next battle.

Zegion vs Bacchus:

Like all the rest, a one sided battle was taking place, Zegion was throwing Bacchus around.

From the current display, Bacchus is bloodied and bruised all over. But all the damage he built up was gone due to his recovery magic.

His opponent was slowly approaching him, noticing that he kept healing himself. His opponent was a humanoid looking insect. That would be Zegion.

"All your doing is prolonging the inevitable." Zegion said as he approached Bacchus.

Bacchus was preparing to attack Zegion with his mace that was imbued with holy energy. But thats when he saw something terrifying.

A dome of completely red flames lit up in the direction to the west. Although it was encased within a barrier, he could still feel the heat from here.

"W-What was that?" Bacchus said with a hint of fear.

"It appears Benimaru is done." Zegion said.

"B-Benimaru? That ogre?! There was no way that was any of you!" Bacchus lost his composure and shouted at Zegion.

"Believe what you will, it won't change the truth. And that truth would be... your friend has met his end. As will your leader." Zegion said as he tightened his fists and closer approached Bacchus.

"You may mock me monster, but don't belittle Hinata-sama. For she will be the end of you monsters." Bacchus said as he regained his composure.

"Out of us on the battlefield, she is fighting our strongest. She has no hope."

"Well, I'll be damned if I can't do anything before I go." Bacchus said as his hands glowed a mixture of white and gold. He clasped his hands together in the activation of a spell.

Zegion stopped and waited for his supposed attack. The ground beneath Zegion glowed the same color as his hands. The ground carved itself out of the very earth, lifting itself into the air. It proceeded to turn over onto Zegion before smashing straight back into the earth.

Bacchus let his naïveté take over as he began walking away from the area, certain of his victory.

But he heard a rumbling coming from behind him. He frantically turned around to see the "boulder" he crushed Zegion with shaking. Until.

It exploded.

Sending the debris everywhere, even destroying trees in the vicinity with the sheer speed.

Bacchus was now in nothing short of complete fear. Because now standing outside of that crater, without a single scratch on him was standing there and looking at him.

"It was a pathetic attempt." Zegion said as he moved towards Bacchus far beyond what he could hope to perceive and decapitated him with nothing but his hand.

"Although you may have been weak. Your determination was admirable." Zegion said, looking at his deceased body before turning away, heading for Velraihas battle.

Velraiha Tempest vs Hinata Sakaguchi:

The battle was going as expected, Hinata was being completely toyed with. Except now they have spectators. Everyone who has finished up their fight, has returned to watch this. And Hinata could not get her mind off of why they were here.

"Focus!" Velraiha said, as she dropped down onto Hinata from above, creating a deep crater.

"To think you are this strong." Hinata said.

"What can I say, I have good genetics." Velraiha said as  she flicked her wrist towards Hinata. She felt a sense of danger from that indicator and dodged backwards multiple times. Her intuition was correct, because multiple lightning strikes assaulted her location.

Hinata, now relieved she escaped looked to Velraihas position. But she was gone.

"Gahh!" Hinata received a punch to the stomach by none other than Velraiha. It was not enough force to send her backwards but solely to drop her to her knees with a few drops of blood.

Velraiha simply looked down at her prey in amusement, she took joy in causing pain to this woman.

"I'm enjoying this so I will give you a moment." Velraiha said to Hinata while jumping back a considerable distance. Although in pain, Hinata pushed passed it and managed to regain her footing. She wiped the blood leaking from her mouth and once again raised her sword in defilement.

"Are you ready? Well here I come!" Velraiha shouted in excitement as she pounced for Hinata. Her fist headed towards her face with incredible speeds. Hinata made full use of [Thought Acceleration] to dodge but just barely. She escaped with a cut on her cheek.

Not wasting the chance to attack, Hinata did not back down and rushed toward her opponent with her sword in hand. Each strike Hinata took looked majestic, even those who don't practice the art of the sword would be able to tell. But these beautiful strikes were effortlessly dodged by Velraiha.

It had been 40 minutes and Hinata has yet to make a dent. Among Velraihas dodging, she was not paying attention and lost her footing for a second. Hinata saw this opening and striking at her neck.

But that also proved to be futile.

Velraiha caught herself and grabbed the blade, in the middle of Hinatas strike.

"I have told you. We are not in the same league." Velraiha said mockingly.

She pulled her fist back getting ready to knock Hinatas head off.

Hinata used her skill [Mathematician] to make a visual path of Velraihs attack and dodged her attack. The result of it was devastating.

The punch itself created a shockwave that uprooted hundreds of trees behind Hinata and made craters.

Hinata shocked from the damage of the attack, stumbled backwards in slight fear. But she did not lose her will to fight and succeed.

'No-way, if she is this strong but listens to Rimuru, does that mean he is stronger than her?' Hinata thought.

"Aww man! I missed. If it was father or uncle they wouldn't have missed." Velraiha said in slight disappointment.

"Father? And who might that be?" Hinata questioned. This only irritated Velraiha as she hates repeating herself.

"Were you not listening? I am the daughter of the Storm Dragon Veldora. I live in Tempest with most of my family. So don't expect me to forgive you for attempting to destroy my home." Velraiha said with an evil smile. Hinata noticed this and prepared for another attack.

Velraiha rushed towards Hinata at a speed she could barely follow.

"NOW!" Another voice rang out. A man at that. But when that voice rang out, multiple portals with chains of various colors sprang out of them and wrapped around Velraiha.

Velraiha looked up and noticed three men completely clad in white robes.

"Can't honor a fair fight so you called for backup, huh?" Velraiha said slightly irritated.

"Huh! No, I had no idea they were here." Hinata shouted. Velraiha could not deny her claims because of her expression, which displayed nothing short of confusion. But specifically to Velraiha she heard another voice.

(Velraiha sweetie, can you hear me?)It was Veldora.

(Father? And did you call me sweetie?) Velraiha was surprised by the nickname her dad gave her. But she was glad nonetheless.

(Hm... I guess I did! Kuhahahah! Ahem! Never-mind that, Rimuru told Frey and Carrion to hold off on these guys so they can be a challenge for you.)

(Really? Tell uncle I said thank you.) Velraiha said as she was engulfed in happiness for being relied on.

(Now go show them the might of the Storms Successor!) Veldora shouted before cutting the thought communication. A sweet, genuine smile could now be seen on her face.

"Hinata while this monster is trapped, use your might to slay it!" One of the robed men shouted. Hinata still caught of guard snapper out of it and heard their plea. Although she does not trust these people, their assistance in winning this was a must.

"I apologize for their interference. But I cannot let this chance slip away." Hinata said determined as she equipped her Holy Spirit Armament. She then prepared her strongest attack.

Hinatas sword began to radiate a dazzling glow, which took the interest of Velraiha.

'These chains are nothing to sneeze at, but they are definitely breakable with my skill. But this attack.... It better be amazing.' Velraiha thought as she took an interest in it.

Hinata with her attack ready, charged forward at the young dragon.

"[Melt Slash]!" Hinata shouted. Melt slash was an attack that coated the holy magic known as disintegration onto her sword. The speed at which she rushed at Velraiha surprised them both. She moved faster than light towards the excited dragon.

A massive blast shook the area and even surprised the onlookers. They looked on in awe but also hoping their other master was alright. But one person was not worried... Benimaru.

He wore a confident smirk on his face, he believed the only person capable of beating her were apart of the True Dragon Family. Though he was still impressed by the attack.

As the dust died down, people could see Hinata standing in place... or what it seemed.

In truth, when more of the dust from Hinatas exceptional attack faded....

Velraiha could be seen, standing in place. With her hand around Hinatas neck, gripping it tightly. Hinatas armament shattered not from the energy output due to her attack.

"H-How?" Hinata managed to get out, although being strangled.

"Simple. I can find the weakest point in my target. Any target. He moment your attack was about to connect.... I moved even faster. Faster than you could perceive... faster than your movements in that state. During that time I shattered those measly chains, shattered your sword without your knowing, and shattered that metal you call armor." This statement caused Hinata as well the three clerics from Lubelius to fear her even more. But the clerics were not deterred.

"What do you intend to do with Hinata?" One of the clerics asked Velraiha.

"Hm? Lets see." Velraiha struck a pose with her free hand on her chin, as if thinking of what to do with her.

"I know! I will kill her." Velraiha said with a smile.

"You dare to attempt such a thing, if you kill her, Lubelius would be against you. Your kingdom would fall in short time. Are you sure you can do something even your leader wouldn't dare?" Another one of the clerics said. Velraiha was stunned for a second not due to their confidence, but rather... she received another message. The contents of that message shocked her, but shortly after a smile was plastered on her face.

"It looks like were fine with that." Velraiha said, as her hand started glowing with a mix of different colored lightning. Golden and Black. That lightning grew even more intense by the second. Next thing, Hinata was engulfed by this attack. She screamed out in complete agony. After a fee seconds... it stopped. Her screams completely silenced. All that was left was a charred corpse.

'Damn. Looks like I left that open. Oh well. No problem in the long run.' Rimuru thought as he sensed someone else enter the [Imaginary Space].

Coming back the clerics were taken back by her actions.

"You dare!"

"This means war!"

"The wrath of our god will be your ruin!" All three of the clerics shouted their distain at Velraiha. Although on the inside, they were glad. They believed that with Hinata gone, their plan was complete. Now Luminous would destroy the nation as a form of revenge.

"Now, this is beneficial to you correct?" Velraiha asked. But this made the clerics suspicious.

"What do you mean?" One of them asked by playing dumb.

"With her gone you get all of your masters attention. But what if that master found out you led her to her death." The clerics were shocked. They simultaneously thought 'How does she know!' But they believed that Luminous would take their word over hers. They really thought they could get away with it.

But suddenly... a massive aura was radiating from behind them. And the pressure was suffocating the clerics. However it had no affect on Shion, Benimaru, Sakame, Kiyoko and Zegion. Carrion and Frey had a little but it was tolerable.

The clerics tried their best to turn their heads and see who it was. Their eyes widened in fear at the shock of who was their.

It was Luminous.

She wore a furious expression on her face. She was angry enough that she could not hold back her Haki. It was terrifying to say the least.

"You..." Luminous said as silent as ever.

"M-M-My lady..." One of the clerics tried to explain.

"YOU DARE TO BETRAY ME?!" Luminous shouted furiously.

"M-M-My lady, I-It was n-n-not a b-betrayal." Another clerics tried to explain.

"You betrayed me the moment you began plotting." Luminous said as her Haki began to take a shape.

"[Death Blessing]" Luminous used her skill. Her aura to the shape of a pair of hands from above the clerics. They were large enough to grab their entire body. And that is just what it did.


"Please forgive us!"

"We had a reason!"

The clerics pleaded as the hands were sapping their life force. This caused them to scream out blood-curdling screams.

At last... the hands dropped their bodies to the ground. Their lifeless bodies simply lied there, in a few seconds their bodies began to disintegrate/disappear... leaving nothing more than their white robes behind.

Luminous looked at the cloaks and scowled. But in front of her, the sound of clapping could be heard. Velraiha was standing in front of her clapping at the show.

"Interesting show. I think I see why he found you a decent playmate." Velraiha said in genuine praise. Or that is how she heard her words herself.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you?" Luminous said, nearly growling at the young dragon.

"Lets see... you can't. And even if you could, my father and uncle would have you on your knees in less than a second." Velraiha said with a devious grin.

"And who might they be?" Luminous asked before she attempted to kill the girl.

"I would be that father! Kuhahaha!"

"And I am that uncle."

Luminous looked above to see the people who spoke as she recognized both voices. They were Rimuru and Veldora, upon that realization she scowled even further.

"Lizard... newbie." Luminous said as a greeting.

"Please do not call me that. I will be going by the "Nhility Emperor" no thats bad.... The "Chaos Creator"... maybe." Rimuru said indecisive. Next thing he knew, Luminous was grabbing his collar.

"What gave you the right to kill her?!" Luminous shouted at him. Everyone behind him including Veldora got ready to fight her if things didn't settle. But Rimuru raised his hand to tell them to calm down.

"Listen. You can attack me and they remain dead or you release me and they come back." Rimuru said casually.

"What do you mean?" Luminous asked still with a scowl on her face.

"That is up for you to decide. Attack me and they stay dead or release me and they live." Although still furious, Luminous reluctantly released Rimuru.

"I knew you would not be dumb! You have made your choice, so I will assist you." Rimuru said. He took a glance at Hinatas charred body and got a bit angry he would be bringing her back. Rimuru then walked a few meters away from the group and prepared himself.

'Alright Ciel... lets do this.'

{Understood.... Performing retrieval of the souls of the dead.... Success.... Using materials to reform physical bodies.... Success.... Due to contracts with spirits ending upon death, using magicules to create identical spirits.... Success.... Now placing souls into physical bodies.}

A sight like no other has occurred right in front of the spectators.

The ground in front of Rimuru was glowing. Similar to the entrance the demons made when Rimuru summoned them, dozens of black cocoons formed. The cocoons dispersed revealing the bodies of the soldiers, the members of the ten great saints... Hinata as well.

Luminous was shocked by this display. She looked towards where Hinatas body was lying only to see it was no longer there.

She turned her attention back to the sight before her, completely stunnded and in awe. Rimuru turned around to see everyone except Veldora in some kind of shock and let out a smile before speaking.

"Haha! The show has not yet begun folks!" Rimuru said as now multiple purplish orbs were glowing all around him.

"Are those-" Luminous was speaking but then got cut off.

"They are souls." Veldora said, surprisingly without a laugh. Usually Luminous is annoyed by every noise that comes out his mouth. But Luminous didn't care enough to give him a piece of her mind right now.

Now before their eyes, the souls began to enter the bodies. Upon entry the lifeless bodies began to glow a mix of purple and gold before the light died down, signifying the end of the revival.

'Yes! I believe that was a success!' Rimuru thought to himself proudly. As he was soaking in this success, Luminous rushed him and grabbed his shoulders.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Luminous demanded.

"Simple. I revived them. Or is it recreated?" Rimuru thought while putting a finger up to his chin.

"HOW?! WHEN DID YOU HAVE SUCH AN ABILITY?!" Luminous probed for answers further.

"I do and don't." Rimuru said casually.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean what I said. Look since you don't have a skill that can copy others, I don't mind telling you. Right now you are inside my own personal space. Once you entered the forest, you were dragged here. The real jura forest lies on the outside. Plus anything and anyone in here are under my rule. In here whatever I say... goes." Rimuru explained. For Luminous it was a lot to take in at once. She was listening intently but it was still too hard to grasp.

"Wait wait.... So how did you revive them through this exactly?"

"Simple they died in here, that makes their souls my property to do with as I see fit. I simply remade their bodies and just took their souls once more." Rimuru explained with the shrug of his shoulders. Luminous however was deadpanning at him, still at a complete loss.

"Never mind that, look.... They are waking up." Rimuru said as he pointed towards the bodies. Luminous did so as well. The only person she had her eyes on was Hinata.

"W-What happened?" Arnaud questioned.

"I swear... didn't we die?" Litus questioned as well.

"Hinata-sama, do you know what happened?" Fritz questioned. Hinata on the other hand simply looked forward to see someone giving her a mischievous grin. That was Rimuru.

"I will give you one guess." Hinata said to the other knights. To her words they also looked to where she had her eyes set. But they froze in fear.

"T-The Demon Lord!" Once Fritz shouted in panic, the other knights began to panic as well. Not knowing if they would live or die again. Some were beginning to stand up and run away. But Rimuru stopped that as he had a statement to make. So he turned on his Haki, just enough to make them feel discomfort and kneel.

"Listen up!" Rimuru shouted. The knights still filled with fear.

"Everything that you remember has happened. You all died, but I resurrected you. Ever since you dared to step foot in my forest, you were doomed for death. But because of a certain someone begging me... I revived you. I hope you all take this as a lesson to not antagonize us ever again. Or you will have the same result." Rimuru said in a slightly threatening tone.

"Now... lets get out of here." Rimuru said as he transported all of them out of the [Imaginary Space].

"Hold it." Luminous said, grabbing Rimuru by the shoulder. At this point he was pretty annoyed and brushed her hand aside.

"What?" He asked.

"If whoever dies in there has there soul trapped under your domain... does that mean—"

"Yes." Rimuru said plainly with a smirk as he cut of Luminous' words.

In the [Imaginary Space]:

Still inside the Imaginary Space, there were three cloaked individuals waking up.

"Where the hell are we?" One of them said.

"I am unsure." Another answered. As they all looked around they noticed one thing.

They were in Lubelius.

With some crucial differences.

The city was on fire. The buildings were destroyed. There were screams filling the area. Painful screams. As if people were being tortured in the worst imaginable ways.


Bodies filled the streets. People were trying to flee, but they were dying from unknown causes.

"What the hell is this?" The final man asked.

"Did lady Luminous transport us?" Another one asked.

"But why... why is the city completely destroyed. There are people dying left and right."

"Maybe it was Tempest." As one of the cloaked men voiced his thoughts, the other two proceeded to think about the possibility.

"You would be right about that." Another unfamiliar voice rang out. The three clerics looked around frantically to see where it came from.

But as they were looking around, they noticed the area changed.

They were now in their mistresses inner sanctum. But it too was filled with the corpses of Vampires. The bodies were burning.

The three rushed to check upon their mistress, rushing to her throneroom, where she always meets with Hinata and Louis.

After a second, they arrived at her throneroom. But the scene was the same.

Both Louis and Roy were pierced on two statues, with both of their arms and legs missing. While Gunthers corpse was burning with black flames on the rug leading up to Luminous' throne.

But the worst one for them was Luminous.

Her body was placed onto the throne. In truth it was pinned to the throne with daggers of light. Including one in her private area. Her body was missing her head, but it can be presumed, it was the object burning with black flames on the back of the throne.

The three clerics dropped to the ground in despair. They were horrified by the sick and satanic display.

"This had to be Tempest!" One of them shouted.

"They will pay!"

"Oh will we?" There it was again. That same voice from earlier. The clerics put up their guard. They all huddled against one another, backs touching each-other.

"This wasn't enough to deter you? Fine, then you will face true horror. Hahahahahahahaha!" The sadistic voice laughed manically. Near the throne, the space began to distort, but they sensed something from the distortion.


That was all they felt.

Evil in the truest sense.

Out came a majestic long blue haired being. Their skin was as smooth as pearls. That person was Rimuru Tempest. Except he was covered in blood. He appeared from the distortion on what looked like a magic circle.

He was crouched down with his elbows resting on the crouched legs.

(A/N: Like this)

"You will learn from your actions." Rimuru said with a sadistic grin, before taking them somewhere else to be faced with nothing but horror....

For all of eternity.

(A/N: For webnovel please note that any notes I left in this story were written on wattpad and because i cant add images here. So please ignore them.)