
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

Meeting the Dragon

As the drowsiness faded, I began regain myself.

This is weird... I can't see. I tried my best to yell for help. But nothing came from that either. My fear began to take over. I can't see nor can I speak.

What the hell was I reborn into that I cannot even speak?

{Individual, is a slime.}


I can't speak, but someone responded to my thoughts.

Where are you? And who are you?

{I am the unique skill [Great Sage], I am the individuals skill.}

Great Sage?

If I remember correctly, that voice I heard before I died did say something about that before I died. I thought I was something I would become, not a skill.

Should have paid better attention.

Anyways Great Sage do you know where I am currently?

{Insufficient information. More information is needed to identify the area.}

Well that was just great.

I have been standing in the same area all while having this conversation.

Or so I think.

Because I cannot feel anything. Not my arms or my legs. I don't even know if I am standing or not. But Great Sage did say that I am a slime...

A Slime!!

Aren't those the little blue blobs that roll around everywhere eating things like dirt? As well as being just about the weakest race in fiction?

Those slimes?!

Not only was I not reborn as at least a humanoid type of race, but as the weakest race ever.

My luck can't get any worse.

Well, determined to get out of wherever this is I tried my best to move forward. It took awhile but, I felt something move.

I... moved?!

Keeping this up I got into the habit of moving in this legless body, until I was moving fluently. But then I had a few thoughts.

'Hey [Great Sage], what other skills do I have?'

I asked this, because I vaguely remember that voice saying something about acquiring other skills.

{The individual has two other skills besides me. Do you wish to know the other two?}


{The first master possess is called [Predator], while the other is called [Destruction]. Would you like to hear the breakdown?}


{Firstly [Predator]

Predation - Absorbs the target into the user's body. The chance of success is lowered if the target has a consciousness of any kind. "Predation" can be used on organic, inorganic, and non-physical objects.

Stomach - Stores the predated target. It can also store materials created via Analysis. Items stored in the user's stomach are unaffected by time.

Analysis: Analyzes and researches targets taken into the user's body. Lets the user create craftable items. If the required materials are present, a copy of the item can be made. Successful Analysis of the casting method allows the user to learn the target's Skills and Magic.

Mimicry - Allows user to reproduce the form and Skills of absorbed targets. Only available once the target has been fully Analyzed.

Isolation - Stores harmful effects that are incapable of being analyzed, neutralizing them and breaking them down into magicules.

Secondly [Destruction]

Eye of Destruction - Allows the user to gain access to an arsenal of magical eyes to inflict different statuses or harm the target. Effective as long as the target is as strong as or weaker than the user.

Source - As long as the skill is active, allows to user to regenerate from nothing, once per year.

That is the breakdown of masters skills.}

Wow. That was all I could think, wow. I was basically the equivalent to a newborn here, and I have a decent kit here. Hell, if I die I can even come back once a year.

How is that not a cheat code?

As I was lost in my thoughts about these skills, I felt the area I was in change.

What is this? it feels like some sort of plant or flower.

{Insufficient information.}

Well, Great sage did say that [Predator] can absorb and analyze things right?

If that's the case. [Great Sage] use [Predator] and analyze!

{Acknowledged. Activating [Predator]. Success. Beginning Analysis.

Analysis completed. The object is called the 'Hipokte Grass. Only grows in areas with abundant magical energy. If grass's sap is combined with magical energy, an energy restoration pill can be created. If the grass is ground up and combined with magical energy, an ointment to stop bleeding can be created.}


Sounds intriguing. Well there may be more in the area, lets take as much as we can.

'[Great Sage], activate [Predator] on any Hipokte grass we come across.'


With that done, I began to move around collecting any and all grass that I came across, Until I felt something different. I was simply rolling across the ground and ran into something. It could just be a wall, but it might be something valuable!

'[Great sage] use [Predator].'

{Understood. Activating [Predator]. Success. Beginning Analysis.

Analysis completed. The object is called 'Magic ore'. It can only be spawned in areas with very high concentration of magic energy. Can be used to create weapons and armor.}

Hmm. If it can only be spawned in areas with high concentration of magic, that would mean it's valuable, right? Well I'm not taking the chance.

'[Great Sage], activate [Predator] on any Magic ore we come across.'


Once again I began eating everything in my path, such is the fate of a slime. I was eating so much and getting so excited I was gonna be rich after I got out of here, I did something stupid...

And now I'm at the bottom of a pond.

But as the intelligent slime that I am, I thought of an Idea with my nonexistent brain cells.

'[Great Sage], predate the water and use it to propel out of here.'


Upon giving that order, It felt like I was getting fatter, not that much but still fat as my [Stomach] was filling up with water. Once enough was absorbed I was propelled out of the water at a very fast speed.

{Skill [Hydraulic Propulsion] has been acquired.}


I guess I hit a wall or something. But when I made contact it had hurt for a second but then the pain was suddenly gone. Do I not feel pain anymore?

{Solution. Due to having acquired pain resistance, you do not feel any pain. Due to physical attack resistance damage has been reduced. Currently, the damaged area is only 10%

Slime specific skill [Regeneration] has activated. Will you assist it with the unique skill [Predator]?}

I guess there is no pain but the damage is there. I don't fully understand it but I'll say yes for now.


Once said, it felt like the damaged part of body completely healed. No sort of damage left at all.

(Can you hear me little one?)

Hmm? What was that voice? It didn't sound like great sage at all. But it seemed to call out to something. Was it calling me?

(Hey! You can hear me can't you? Responding would be nice!)

I can hear you! But I lack a voice so don't blame me!

(Shut it baldie, I'm trying to think!)

(Ho! To call me a baldie. You have guts for a mere slime. It's been centuries since I even had a visitor, but it seems you are eager to die!)

That was bad. How did he hear that one?

(I'm sorry! I did not know how to respond, so I just said what seemed appropriate. I apologize! On that note, I must say that I do not have eyes, so I am unable to even look at you.)

With those words said, I prayed my hardest that I subsided his anger. I mean I'm a cute slime right? How can you get mad at this?

(Fufufu. Kuhaha. Kuhahahahahahaha!)

I think my praying did the trick.

(Interesting. Truly interesting. Slimes are typically a mindless species, capable of only three actions. And here I have one leaving their territory.)

He someone began telling me a story? Or giving info on my kind?

Did I perhaps, interest him? My being an intelligent slime would possibly be interesting, I guess.

(When a slime suddenly rammed into me, I found it rather strange. At a exceptionally high speed for a slime at that. Are you perhaps a named monster? Or a unique on at that?

What is this about being named? I don't understand this at all.

(I apologize once more, I don't know what you mean. What do you mean by unique?)

(Unique monsters are those who have going through some sort of mutation and possess unusual powers. Rarely, such are born in areas with high magical energy density... Your birth was founded on magical drawn from myself!)

Is he basically saying he is my parent?

For awhile after this he began telling me much more information about this world as well as him teaching me to use [Magic Sense]. Information about such things as the other races that exist in this world and things called majins. In the end I learned he was one of four dragons that exist in this world. He is called 'The Storm Dragon Veldora'. A being of pure magical energy, so in the end he has no need for children.

A world where strength dictates everything. Well fighting strong people would prove to be fun, once I get stronger that is.

After his explanation, I was prompted to explain myself as well. There seemed to be no point in deceiving him, so instead I just told him everything that I went through.

(A/N: We all know how this goes so I'm just gonna skip it)

In the end I received an abundant amount of info. As I said my goodbyes and turned to leave, I noticed he looked kinda sad. I mean he's been trapped in here for over 300 years, who could blame him for being bored and lonely. And as such I thought of an idea.

(Hey would you like to come with me? I have an idea for getting you out of there.)

(Hoh! You do! *ahem* I mean what is this idea?)

Hoh. Already this dragon seems like a tsundere.

(I can absorb you with my skill [Predator] and while I analyze from the outside you can do it from the inside. I don't know how long it will take but it's better than being in here.)

At my words he seemed to be quiet for what seemed like forever. I understand why, I basically said 'I'm gonna eat you. Get in my stomach'. To someone that's a dragon that might be insulting.


Uh oh. I guess it didn't work.

(That Idea is so crazy, it just might work! Very well I shall accept this!)

This is one weird dragon.

(One last thing, how about we share names to show that we are friends?)

(Hoh! to be given a name by a mere slime! How preposterous!)

(If that's how you want it, then fine.)

(Wait! I said it was preposterous but not a bad idea. Lets do it.)

Definitely a tsundere.

(Alright, I think I have a perfect last name for you. How about 'Tempest'?)

(Kuhahahaha! That name sounds powerful!)

seems like this tsundragon already took a liking to the name.

(From this day forward, you shall be known as 'Rimuru Tempest' my sworn brother.)

At that moment, I felt something within me change. It felt as if the name was being engraved onto my very soul. My connection with one of the strongest beings in this world started today.

(Well I'm gonna eat you now.)

With everything said and done I used [Predator] and my size expanded like crazy. I fully covered Veldora in seconds. It took about 10 seconds to full devour him along with [Unlimited Imprisonment].

The area was finally silent as I was alone again, with nothing but my thoughts. I turned around an hopped away, determined to leave this cave.

(A/N: We all know what happens after he eats Veldora. So instead of writing that next chapter I'm just gonna skip to after he leaves the cave.)