
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

Interlude: The Four Demon Lords

(Really Short Chapter)

Switching our view from the battlefield, we pan out to see a small crystal ball. Matter of fact four crystal balls lined up on a table, in front of four currently unknown beings. Unknown to the forces opposing forces below including a certain slime, these four beings were watching the bloodbath before them.

"I have told you. Arent there some interesting things going on inside the forest?" One of the figures spoke. It was a man wearing a completely white suit, as if he just came from a dinner party. He had a pair of shiny red eyes, his hair is lavender in color. This man is Demon Lord Clayman, one of the newest generation of Demon Lords.

"I have to say Clayman, you weren't wrong. Everyone on the side opposing the orc lord was decently strong."

"I have to agree with the muscle head. But that platinum haired one has me a bit wary of him."

These voices that responded to Clayman were also fellow Demon Lords of his and apart of the newest generation. The 'Beastmaster' Demon Lord Carrion and 'The Sky Queen' Demon Lord Frey.

"Interesting! Very Interesting! I would like to check out this now plaything personally."

The final person in the room had a very childish personality. In reality she was also a Demon Lord, but unlike the other three she is not of the newest generation. Rather she is apart of the first generation of Demon Lords.

This girl is wearing a rather obscene outfit, covering almost nothing. She had bright pink hair tied into pigtails paired with her bright blue eyes that resembled a certain slime. With that age she has over the rest comes with unstoppable and destructive power. This girl is known as 'The Destroyer' Demon Lord Milim Nava.

"Now, Now Milim. You know we cant move around in the forest due to the pact with Veldora." This information made the demon lord pout a bit. Until her facial expression changed like she just had a brilliant idea.

"Why don't we just abolish it? We have 4 Demon Lords here and it only takes three of us to pass something." Her response made the youngest demon lords put on a somewhat surprised expression. Even though she can act quite childish, she is actually very smart in some aspects.

Considering her idea, the other demon lords finally went on board with her plan. They each signed a document to abolish the pact that they have with Veldora. Upon doing this would mean all the Demon Lords can move freely in the Jura Forest.

With this pact abolished, they decided to make a game out of this. To see who could take in the orc war survivors as their subordinates, with the exception of taking action against each other. And so Demon Lord Milim flew out the window and began her trip to Rimuru.