
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

Interlude:A Talk Between Demon Lords

Currently in an area far away from humans, there exists a white palace completely made out of ice. This palace is under the dominion of the oldest of the Demon Lords.

Inside a room of this palace their are two individuals sitting at a table silently eating. At the edge of this room lining the walls are two women in dark red maid outfits. One with short blue hair blue eyes and the other with long green hair and green eyes.

The two people sitting at the table are male and female. The man has long red hair and red eyes. He's wearing a open shirt, exposing his well toned body. The woman has long white hair paired with her sky blue eyes. She's wearing a decently long blue dress with a necklace that resembles a snowflake.

The two people eating together are two of the strongest existences in this world. They are Demon Lord Guy Crimson and The White Ice Dragon Velzard.

Everything was peaceful in this castle, up until...

"Hello Guy!"

Guy Crimson heard a troublesome voice. The voice was coming from a nearby open window to the castle. He looked to his left to see the person who spoke. Not to his surprise it was Demon Lord Milim.

"Well Milim, to what do I owe this visit?" Guy asked her. Whenever she stops by it is to brag about something or just something she found excited and fun, truly a childish demon lord.

"Well you see there is this guy, he seems about as strong as Carrion if not stronger. But he needs souls, so I came to ask if you had some to spare." To this Guy Crimson raised an eyebrow.

"How rude Milim. You came here abruptly and didn't even greet your aunt." Said Velzard as she was smiling at Milim. It was not a friendly or joking smile at all. Milim got frightened a bit from this smile.

"H-Hi Aunt V-Velzard." Milim said terrified.

"Thats much better." Now Velzards expression was that of a happy smile.

"Anyways back to your what you said Milim, this guy is stronger than Carrion you say." Guy asked Milim.

"Yes! Just imagine how strong he will be if he evolves and join us! My bestie is amazing!" Milim shouted to the heavens. But to these words Guy Crimson was thinking how useful this person they might be.

'This person Milim speaks of, if he is as strong as she says, he may prove to be a great pawn against Rudra. Milim may be childish, but her intuition is nothing to underestimate. I must have him join us.'

"Milim how many souls were you looking for?"

"Uh, well he said he needed about 60,000 souls to evolve." This further proves what Guy thought so so far.

'If he needs this much, it's possible his strength will be 5th among our ranks.'

"Very well Milim, I shall give you the souls for this. But make sure you convince him to join our ranks." Guy proceeded to transfer her the necessary souls for this guy.

"I don't think that's necessary, he said he would evolve if he could but he didn't want to go on a killing spree."

"Oh very well. Also Milim what is this guys name?"

"He lives in the Jura Forest and his name is Rimuru Tempest, and he's my best friend!" After saying such things Milim went on her way back to Tempest, leaving Guy in his thoughts.

"It looks like a Walpurgis will be held soon. Would you like to accompany me when it's held?" Guy asked Velzard.

"Hm, if this guy is based in Veldoras forest then I would like to ask him if he knows anything. As you know it was too soon for Veldora to dissipate. So this Rimuru might know something."

"Very well." Guy said grabbing his chest in excitement.

'I have not felt my heart racing like this in centuries!"