
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

Date Night

(I would like to make a quick announcement. The next chapter will contain what is called 'Lemon'. I dont know why I put it. Maybe because I wanted to try my hand at it so there. But if you expect me to constantly write this. I wont. Only sometimes and when I am feeling it. Thank You and Goodnight.)

I have since returned from my announcement to the demons. Since then Diablo and the demoness trio had also returned from there, with their chosen ones. I proceeded to give them their names and bodies created courtesy of Ciel. So now I am back in my office. Doing what you ask? Just enjoying the sleeping faces of my two daughters.

"You seem to be really enjoying yourself Rimuru." Ciel had teased me.

"Can you blame me? I wish they could have been born the way that I am used to." I said. Which in turn caused Ciels face to emit a bright red color. Hehe, she really thought she can tease me anymore. I am immune to that now.

"Anyways, is there anything you would like to do Ciel?" I turned towards her and asked. She seemed confused as to what I was asking. But she answered anyways.

"Whatever master wishes to do I shall obey." She answered in a way like she used to. Even went back to calling me master. Why did she revert back into the person who's sole purpose is to keep me happy. I got up from my position and walked over to her. She was sitting on a couch so I bent down enough so that I am eye level with her. This of course caused her to blush.

"Ciel. I am asking you what you want to do. It is something for you to decide for yourself. I will not make the decision for you." Ciel appeared a little flustered from what I had done, but I don't care right now. As someone who will be by my side for eternity, she will have to make her own decisions and choices at times.

"I-I would like to go on a walk around Tempest." She answered shyly. Is that really all she wants to do?

"B-But not right now. I have to think about something." She added on.

"If you have to think about something, I recommend going into the hot springs." I said.

"T-Thank you for your concern." She got up from her seat and walked over to the door about to leave. As she opened it, I saw another presence on the other side.

It was Veldora.

"Yo Ciel, How ar-" He said to her, but she simply brushed him off so he turned towards me.

"Did I come at a wrong time or..." Veldora asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"No, I don't think so. She probably just has some stuff to work out." I responded to his worries. He walked inside the room and took a seat on the couch across from where Shinsha and Shalsha were sleeping. I took a seat at my desk.

"Are you sure something didn't happen between you?" He asked. This is weird, I have never seen him act like this before.

"Well, she is a manas after all. I'm sure it's nothing big. Now what are you here for?"

"Oh, Ramiris told me about her plan of living here now, so I thought about bringing it up to you." Veldora said.

"Hmm? Unless her living here brings some sort of benefit, then the answer is no."

"I thought you might say that, but what about her labyrinth skill?"

"Her what?" I asked.

As soon as Veldora arrived, a discussion about the problem of Ramiris has taken place. In the end both were in agreement that she can take up residence in the nation of Tempest, since her presence does come with benefits for all three of them. Ramiris gets a new place to stay, the same goes for Veldora. But for Rimuru, this labyrinth would be a way to obtain money inside of Tempest.

3rd POV:

Ciel had took Rimurus advice and headed over to the hot springs. She wore a expression of someone in great mental distress as she was washing herself off before entering the bath. Upon entering the bath, she was supposed to have all of her worries drift away. But for the ever so thoughtful manas, she could not forget her problems.

'How could I ask master such a thing. There is no need for him to care about me.' Ciel had thought to herself.

Even though she has been expressing herself more openly towards Rimuru due to Velzards influence on her. She does not completely understand her emotions on this matter. She merely imitated what people who do experience emotions do. All this time she has been having a conflict with herself.

"Oh, didn't expect to see you here." Ciel looked up to see a woman who resembled her. With the difference being the other womans hair style. It was twin tails.

The White Ice Dragon Velzard has stopped by at Tempest.

"Velzard? What are you doing here?" Ciel asked the dragon.

"I just wanted to stop on by. I have been here twice and I didn't get to enjoy myself. So I thought I should just drop on by unannounced and enjoy what you guys have to offer." Velzard said as she got in the bath next to Ciel. Velzard had already washed herself off, but Ciel was so deep in thought she didn't even notice.

"So, how are things going with my little brother?" Velzard asked Ciel, curious about how she has succeeded in taming him.

"I-I don't know." Ciel answered honestly. Velzard became concerned by her answer and her honesty.

"What do you mean? I saw how you were presenting yourself during that demon lord meeting. Is he not responding to you?"

"H-He has, but.... I am not sure that I am worthy of his affection." Ciel answered with a troubled expression.

"Why do you think that?" Velzard asked.

"I am a Manas. Whatever Rimuru-sama wishes I shall do. I am but a servant, as long as I am by Rimuru-sama I am happy." Ciel had answered. But this answer was not good enough for Velzard.

"So what." Velzards words surprised Ciel a bit.

"So what if you see yourself as a servant. It should not stop you from achieving your desires. You should try your best to obtain what you wish to have. Whatever the goal may be, you owe it to yourself to try."

"Now tell me this. Do you truly love Rimuru?" Velzard asked with a more serious tone.

"As long as Rimuru-sama is happ-" Velzard cut her off.

"That is not acceptable. Do your best to learn your emotions and act on them. Only then will you stop being this confused manas you are and become someone who can properly marry my brother." Velzard said. Ciel seemed to understand what Velzard had meant. She wanted to see Ciel become a person in soul as well rather than just a servant.

The sun was beginning to set, revealing the shining stars in the beautiful night sky. With night approaching both Ciel and Velzard decided to get out of the bath.

"I wish you your best in your endeavors sister-in-law." Velzard said which caused Ciels face to turn red. This reaction made Velzard giggle a bit.

"I will be accompanying you up until we get to Rimurus office. But please do not lose your nerve." Velzard said in order to try and calm Ciel down.

"I will do my best." Ciel said with a slight hint of nervousness in her shaking voice.

As such the two women who could be mistook for sisters began walking to the King of Tempests office. Passing by many interesting looking places, Ciel had decided to take note of these places and their locations so she can choose where to go during their outing.

In a few minutes they entered the building and were at the door to Rimurus office. Ciel could sense four other individuals alongside Rimuru in the office. With these other people inside, she could not help but be further nervous.

Noticing her unease, Velzard put her hand on Ciels shoulder to calm her down. Surprisingly it did in fact work to calm her nerves. Pushing that aside, Ciel grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it open.

Inside the room there were four people on the couches, two people on each couch.

On the couch to the right was Benimaru and Sakame. While on the Couch to the left was Veldora and Guy Crimson.

Rimuru POV Hours Earlier:

After Veldora and I finished discussing about 'The Ramiris Problem, we were just chilling in my office talking about manga. That was until we got an unexpected visitor.

"Yo Rimuru, care to talk for a bit?" A crimson haired demon once again showed up on my doorstep.

"I guess. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Of course, it's related to Raniris." Ramiris? Did she do something idiotic?

"What about that problematic pixie?"

"You see, Demon Lord Leon Cromwell needs a favor of Ramiris and I guess since she is apart of your territory now. I come to you with this favor." Leon? If I remember he is the one who put Shizu through all that pain. Which does seem weird, he don't seem like that kind of guy. Just quiet and keeps to himself.

"And what exactly does Demon Lord Leon need?"

"You see, Leon has just picked up some kids from a school in Ingracia. Although he had to go through a troublesome grandmaster in order to get them. But he lived in the end, the guy fled like a coward."

"I take it that grandmaster was Yukki Kagarakuza?"

"Oh, you know him?"

"Of course, that bastard was Claymans boss after all. I planned to take him out as soon as possible. Just never got around to it."

"For a reincarnated human, you surely don't play around." Guy added.

"Of course I did keep most of my humanity from my past life, but acting the way I did on my home planet surely would not work as well over here. Please continue."

"Yeah, yeah. Leon picked up those kids because he was after one of them. But those kids are otherworlders. Through there transport here their bodies are overflowing with magical energy. With no way to channel that energy..."

"They would end up dying. Poor kids."

"Correct. So they need a way to channel that power. And Ramiris is just the person who can help with that in the form of spirits."

"So if I understand this correctly, you want Ramiris to summon some spirits for these kids and have them inhabit the kids bodies. All of this is Leons endeavor to save them. That correct."

"That about sums it all up. So are you willing to help Leon out?" Guy asked. All that I seem to be able to gain out of this is a favor from Leon. But I can't sit back and let innocent children die.

So be it.

"Fine. I'll help him. But that guy has to owe me after this."

"Well then, I shall tell him the good news once I go back." Guy said. But that last part confused me.

"Once you go back?"

"Of course! Were friends right lets hang out for a bit." He suggested.

"He is correct, Rimuru. Today we should enjoy eachothers presence." Veldora added from the couch. They both seemed to be in agreement with one another.

"Fine. I guess it's alright." I said but the moment I responded to their requests, a knock came from the door.

"Enter." I said. The door opened to reveal a red hair man with two black horns on his forehead and a beastman with wolf ears.

Benimaru and Sakame.

"Oh, we were unaware that you had guests Rimuru-sama." Sakame added.

"He was kinda unexpected so don't mind it. Anyways, what are both of you here for?" I questioned the pair.

"Sakame and I wanted to see if you were down to get drinks." He said as nonchalant as ever. I'm glad both of them talk to me like a friend more than that of a master.

"If you are bust we will come back another time." Sakame said as both he and Benimaru turned around for the door.

"Wait!" Guy shouted towards the both of them. Causing them to turn around in a hurry. What is he planning to do?

"We were just talking about hanging out just now anyways. Why don't the both of you join the three of us?" Guy had offered to them. Of course as Benimaru and Sakame were still unaware of who this was, they accepted without anything like fear.

"Sure thing." Benimaru responded.

Of course they all sat down on the couches Benimaru and Sakame to the right and Guy to his seat next to Veldora on the left.

"Rimuru, if you would provide the drinks please." Guy asked.

"Huh? Why should I do it?"

"I agree with Guy brother. The alcohol you have stored is always good." Veldora added. Not helping you idiot. But fine, I guess I'll humor them. So instead of taking out the Brandy that I usually drink, I decided to bring out the whiskey. As well as taking out five glasses and filling them up.

Everyone now had there glasses in hand.

"To an everlasting friendship between fellow demon lords." Guy said supposedly as a toast. Guy, Veldora and I raised our glasses. Benimaru and Sakame however....

"Wait a minute...." Sakame

"Demon Lords? Plural?" Benimaru

"Oh right. I have forgot to introduce myself... ahem! I am Demon Lord Guy Crimson, nice to meet some subordinates of Rimuru." Guy said so casually. Benimaru and Sakame just proceeded to look at eachother, then back to the group.

"Well, Lord Rimuru has tamed Demon Lord Milim." Benimaru said.

"Thats right, don't forget he also became a True Dragon. I think I am all out of surprise because this is normal now." Sakame said.

"Good. No need to be afraid of this passive demon." I said which caused Guy to raise an eyebrow. But he dismissed it nevertheless.

Benimaru and Sakame finally raised there glasses to Guys toast and we all shared a drink.

We were talking there for hours about various topics, including Guy sensed his "friends" here and ended up meeting them before he came to me. He was kinda annoying about this topic until some other topic came up as we were like 6 drinks in each.

"So Rimuru, why was your wife all, how do I say it "Obsessive" during Walpurgis?" Guy asked

"Hm? I am not completely sure. I believe Velzard did something though."

"Why would that demonic dragon give Ciel some advice?" Veldora said.

"Firstly why are we focused on my love life? Why don't we change the target to someone else? How about.... Benimaru."

"Unfortunately I cannot say anything. I have no romantic interest. Why don't we move over to Sakame?" To this Sakame did a spit-take. He took a few seconds to recover.

"U-Unfortunately I-I am not interested in a-anyone either." Sakame said with a slight blush.

"You are terrible at lying." Guy said towards Sakame with a smirk.

"If I had to guess.... Kiyoko." Once I said this Sakame seemed to freeze at the name I dropped. I hit the nail right on the head.

"I-I have n-no idea what you mean." Sakame said still with the bright blush on his face.

"You really are terrible at lying, hehe." Benimaru laughed directly at his friend, whos face was still red.

"Alright alright now lets move onto.... Guy." I decided to switch the targets to give Sakame a break.

"Hm?" Guy questioned.

"How are things going with Elder Sister?"  I asked.

"Oh. Were not together and I don't think she has any feelings for me either. But she may reveal herself sooner or later." Guy said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay, I guess that is a satisfactory answer. Lastly Veldora. Now don't hold back on us, I know who you have feelings for."

"Hoh! But I am not interested in anyone." Liar dragon.

"Are you lying?" I pressed further.

"Of course not. The closest I love anyone is my little brother and his family. The other two..... they are monsters in every sense of the word." Veldora added as I saw he was visibly shaken.

"Hm, well I guess you do have no reason to lie." I added.

"Now lets go back to Rimuru shall we?" Guy suggested.

""I am in agreement."" Benimaru and Sakame said in unison.

"Huh? Why? What did I do to deserve this?"

"Well you are the only one here to have a wife." Guy added.

"Rimuru-sama, if I may where exactly did Ciel-sama come from as well as Shinsha-sama and Shalsha-sama? When we met you, you didn't have a wife or daughters." Benimaru questioned.

"Thats true." Sakame added onto Benimarus question. Should I even tell them? Guy won't be able to copy my skills if I just tell him that instead of showing it off. But even then, I don't like revealing my hand. But I doubt Guy and I will ever and up being enemies. So I might as well, but not tell him too much.

"Alright fine, I will tell you." I said which instantly gained the attention of the three of them. Veldora on the other hand had no interest but he seemed to listen anyways.

"I was born into this world with a skill called [Great Sage]. That skill assisted me in things such as using my skills and analysis. When I evolved into a Demon Lord thanks to Milim, that skill then evolved into an Ultimate Ski-" I was unable to finish my explanation because there were two individuals outside of the door.

The door opened revealing two women who could be confused for twins. The first one was Velzard in her typical getup. The second was a woman who looked identical to her.

It was Ciel.

Today she was wearing a a black sundress that stopped just short of her knees. The black dress in contrast with her snow white hair only further enhanced her beauty. To add on she was wearing a black choker and a black headband with what seemed to be a flower in her hair. Like most of her outfit which was black, the flower was as white as her hair. She even changed up how she had her hair. She let her hair down from the ponytail she always wore.

Her beauty was on another level. When my [Parallel Existences] traveled outside of Tempest they were highly praised and complimented on their beauty. If I supposedly had looks of a goddess then Ciel's was even further beyond that.


Damn it! She ensnared me in her looks again. How am I so susceptible to her?


"Huh?!" I jumped upon hearing my name called. I looked up to see Velzard covering her mouth with her hand, probably hiding her laughter.

"Are you that entranced by your wife's beauty?" She said mockingly. I looked over to Ciel who was just standing there with a massive blush on her face.

"W-Well it's only natural." I responded to Velzard. I looked around the room to gauge everyones reactions. As I expected, both Benimaru and Sakame were stifling their laughs and Guy was on the verge of bursting out laughing.

"Well.... Aren't you going to change for your date?"

"Well then.... Aren't you going to change for your date?" Velzard asked. Oh right, I cant wear what I normally wear. So I used [Material Creation] to make a new outfit for such occasions. I made a grey button up shirt with a black tie and paired that with a black vest. I also decided to change my hair style, so I made a black hair tie as well to give myself a ponytail.

'I hate to compliment myself so much, but damn I look good.' I looked over to gauge Ciels reaction and she was furiously blushing and turned her head away.

"Oh, looking good my friend." Guy complimented.

"Kuhahaha! Of course, my brother can pull of any outfit!" Veldora boasted. Of course I just ignored them and approached Ciel.

"Shall we go?" I said as I held out my hand for her. She looked at my hand with her blushed mess of a face before the redness began to die down. Now on her face was a satisfied and happy smile as she took my hand in hers.

(Of course I don't have a picture for how I changed her appearance. I suck at art.)

"Keep the fort secured while were gone." I said to everyone as Ciel and I departed from my office.

On the streets of Tempest:

Ciel and I were now walking the streets of Tempest arm in arm. It was a beautiful night like always. The denizens of Tempest were still out. Not surprising though.

Ciel and I passed by so many interesting things. How do I know? Because of Ciels reaction to some of the things we passed. It was cute to see this side of her so I couldn't help but giggle a bit. But she was so entranced by the interesting sights that she didn't notice.

"Ciel, where would you like to go first?" I asked her but she seemed confused again.

"Wherever Rimuru wishes to g-" Ciel was speaking like that again so I cut her off.

"Ciel, I told you, you have to choose things for yourself. You wanted to come out so you choose where to go." I said with a smile. She blushed a bit once more and turned her face away.

"I-I would like t-to go there." Ciel said while pointing towards a restaurant. I don't think I have been to this restaurant in Tempest, so it will be a good first time experience.

"Sure, lets go." I said as I looked over to her with a smile. I held her hand as we headed inside this establishment.

Once we were inside, I was amazed. The place looked like a five star restaurant. It was definitely a contender for one of the fanciest restaurants in Tempest. As we headed inside, the woman at the podium greeted us.

"Rimuru-sama! W-what are you doing here my lord?" The hobgoblin woman asked us. Following her outburst about everyone in the restaurant looked in our direction. Some who were residents here were surprised to see me here. Some of the visitors on the other hand looked at Ciel and I with lust written all over their faces.

'You can look at me all you want, but Ciel is off limits!' I shouted in my head, but I have to remain calm under these circumstances.

"I'm just here for dinner with my wife. So a table for two please." I requested, trying my best to uphold myself of my status.

"R-right away. This way my lord." She said as she guided us towards our table. The building had a total of three floors and she les us up to the third floor to a window seat. The view from the window was beautiful to say the least. I could enjoy the view of seeing everyone in town enjoy themselves. Of course we were not alone on this floor.

"Y-your waiter will be here shortly. Here are your menus." She said as she quickly stammered off after giving us our menus.

And I have to say the menu was quite huge. It had a total of 5 pages. I am pretty sure this is the biggest menu here. Just where do they get everything to make all of this?

"What would you like to order Ciel?" I asked as I looked over to her. As she looked at the menu, an expression of amazement could be seen all over her face. It was the first time I have seen her so childish. I could tease her about this but lets leave it alone.

"I would like this." She said proudly as she turned her menu towards me all while pointing at what she wanted. It was something called "Flame Broiled Dodo". I assume it's the same a flame broiled chicken since a Dodo is a bird.

"Greetings, Rimuru-sama, Ciel-sama. I am here to take your orders. But first may I get you started with some drinks?" Another hobgoblin appeared this time, it was another woman but she was more level headed and not nervous.

"Sure thing." I said as I turned my attention to Ciel.

"Ladies first." I offered. She blushed in response and gave the waitress her order.

"I-I-I would like the P-Passion T-Tea and F-F-Flame Broiled D-Dodo" She stammered repeatedly. The waitress giggled a bit to her nervousness but tried to stifle herself. Ciels face got even redder due to this.

"And for Rimuru-sama?"

"Yes, I would like the Tempest Ale and for my food the Bulldear Steak." I said as I handed my and Ciels menu back to the waitress.

"Your drinks will arrive first, but your orders will be out shortly after." She said before taking her leave.

"You know all that nervousness just made you cuter." I said in an effort to tease her. And it absolutely worked, as she hid her face inside her hands.

"Come on, no need to be so shy. We are married after all." I said in a attempt to comfort her. She moved her hands to the side a bit to look at me before taking a big sigh.

"T-Thank you, for hearing out my request." Ciel said, still in a somewhat shy voice.

"No problem. I am glad you chose this place after all. I'll treat you later." I said with a somewhat devious smile.

Soon after our drinks arrived, like they said before the food.

My drink tasted different from anything I have recreated here or drank in my past life. It tasted highly bitter but had a sweet aftertaste.

"Ciel, you want to try this?" I offered.

"Alcohol is poison. It should not be consumed." She said as she continued drinking her tea. That previous nervousness in her was nowhere to be seen. But I had a wonderful idea. I filled my mouth with a large amount of my drink, reached over to her and pulled her towards me. Next thing followed, I gave her a kiss while letting the drink enter her mouth. She had no choice but to swallow it.

(For scenes like these Rimuru will be bold towards Ciel when she is shy like this and Vice Versa. Just wanted to clear that up since he is not like this.)

I will say, I was surprised by my own actions. I did not think I could be this forward, but hey, new world I guess. Ciel on the other hand went back to a blushing mess surprised by my actions as well.

After a few seconds we separated and sat back down. I didn't want to bother the other patrons so I put up a barrier to make sure they did not see what truly transpired. Only after I took it down was then they could see Ciels reddened face.

"Its bitter." Ciel said still red in the face while covering her mouth.

"Your welcome." I replied to her. Soon after our food had arrived. We simply ate it while reminiscing about the past. Both the events that happened here as well as some mentioning of my past life. About an hour later, we left the establishment, not forgetting to leave a well deserved tip in the process.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Ciel as we exited the restaurant.

"Yes, through this experience I have realized one thing." She said.

"Hmm? And what would that be?" I curiously asked her.

"I am experiencing this emotion called 'Love' and.... I love you, Mast-... Rimuru." She said with a bright smile, before something unexpectedly came from her actions.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her body against my own. And planted a kiss directly on my lips. I didn't realize it at first when I teased her, but her lips, they are as soft as silk. Her body felt warm all pressed up against me. It was a surprise to say the least.

But I reciprocated these feelings as I wrapped my arms around her waist and leaned into the kiss. It was a sensation that I have not felt even before I reincarnated. We stood there, directly outside the restaurant with the moonlight shining on us, while locked in the others arms.

'This is what love feels like, huh?' I thought to myself while we were still in each-others embrace.

A few seconds later we separated, a blush apparent on both of our faces.

"Ciel. Thank you for embracing those feelings." I said as soft and thankful as possible. As I looked at her I noticed something. Her eyes seemed like they sparkled. They seemed wet. It wasn't long until I realized...

She was crying.

Not tears of sadness.

Tears of Joy.

It filled me with joy to see her embracing these emotions.

'I truly do love this girl.' I thought to myself as a smile overtook my facial expression. I approached her and wrapped my arms around her. Holding her tightly as she sobbed into my vest.

A few minutes of her sobbing into my vest, she seemingly stopped and pushed away from my hug. But I decided, lets make her a little bit happier. Following my thoughts, when she pushed away I grabbed her and lifted her up into a princess carry. Following that was her getting embarrassed again.

"W-W-What a-a-are you d-doing?" She asked seemingly terrified.

"What, I am simply carrying my queen back home." I replied. After hearing such she only got even redder. Man is it easy to mess with her. But after saying what I would do, I acted on it. I carried her like a princess all the way through Tempest until we got home. While I was doing such, a lot of eyes were directed onto us. That just embarrassed her even further the entire walk home.

Once we got inside, I simply walked to the bedroom and laid her onto the bed and dropped a blanket over her.

'This should work. I was planning to go to sleep anyways.' As I was retreating from the room so I could let her rest from todays events... she stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Can you perhaps.... Stay with me?" She said somewhat nervous as she held up the blanket to her mouth. I could not help but to show her a smile due to how cute she was being.

"Sure thing." I said with my smile still apparent on my face. She seemed to get excited at my answer and jumped out of the covers onto me with a big hug once more.

But something.... felt... off?

When she jumped out and hugged me, her thigh touched up to my.... "private area". Usually that is not a problem, since there is nothing there. But her leg... touched something.

"Ciel.... What is that?" I asked a bit nervous as I tried to confirm my suspicions.

"Well... ever since I became Raphael.... It was possible for you to obtain your.... Penis. S-So I gave y-you it back n-now." She answered still nervous for some reason. But why did she give me it back now?

Then it hit me.

"Ciel, did you g-give it back, b-because y-you want t-to-" As I was speaking she only got even redder in the face. But she also began to slowly nod her head up and down with her cheeks still red.

I am a virgin that knows nothing about sex and here I am. Well she wants to... so I should oblige.

I will try my best here.

(Lemon Starts Now: Keep in mind this is the first one I have ever written.)

Rimuru grabbed Ciels right hand and pulled her towards him. Interlocking their lips into a kiss. Their tongues constantly exploring the others mouth with no sign of stopping. They held onto the other for dear life, as if seeing who would give up first. Finally they separated with Ciel being the loser.

"You were enjoying that very much, weren't you?" Rimuru whispered in Ciels ear.

"No fair. You were so aggressive." Ciel said with a slight pout.

"Not that I don't mind." Ciel said again but this time in a whisper. But thanks to Rimurus stats he heard it easily. To respond to her words he would be even more aggressive.

Rimuru spun Ciel around, pressing her plump and soft ass against the forming tent in his pants.

"If you want me to be aggressive, you only had to ask." Rimuru whispered in her ear again with a seductive tone.

He pushed Ciel onto the bed, using his strength to pin the down to the bed. Under this force the bed should have collapsed, but both of them were reinforcing the bed so that would not happen.

While pinned down, Rimuru began to use his fingers to rub Ciels pussy which was still covered by her panties. Causing her to moan loudly.

"Haaah!" Ciel moaned from the extensive amount of pleasure she was feeling.

Rimuru lifted his hand up and looked at his fingers. As to his expectations, there was no liquid on them due to them being Spiritual Lifeforms. Rimuru looked down at Ciel who was still panting, like a dog that hasn't drank while in the hot sun.

"You seemed to have enjoyed that. Lets go a step further." Rimuru said as he moved his hand towards Ciels panty's and moved them aside.

"W-Wait, I'm not ready!" Ciel said for Rimuru to wait. But he ignored it. He stuck his fingers into her as she let out another loud moan.

"Ahhhh!" Ciel shouted all while filled with another pleasure.

In and out, Rimuru constantly and consistently fingered his wife, showing no sign of letting up.

"Lets go faster." Rimuru said as he leaned in, closer to her ear and said these words.

Rimuru went from a steady pace to fast and harder.

"Hah! Hah! Hah!" The count of Ciels moaning further increased with Rimurus aggressive movements. Rimuru leaned into Ciel causing his fingers to go even deeper inside her. He moved his head over to her ear, and bit it. While simultaneously he moved his hand over to her firm but soft breasts.

Once her breasts were in his grasp, he moved his hand even faster. Ciel moaned even more and louder making it difficult for her to stay quiet.

Rimuru now determined she had enough and took his fingers out of her. He brought his hand up and examined his fingers.

"That was quite exciting." Rimuru said as he licked his fingers that had just been inside her although there was nothing on them. Ciel had turned around to see this, and shook from excitement.

"I think we are ready. What do you say?" Rimuru asked Ciel as he began to undo his tie.

"Of course, darling." Ciel said as she got up and repositioned herself on the bed. Sitting on the edge facing Rimuru with her legs crossed.

To speed up the process, Rimuru simply used [Void God Azathoth] to remove their clothes. Rimuru was stunned as he looked down to see his dick was now 10 inches.

But he was even more stunned as he looked at Ciel. Her body was purely magnificent. Her smooth and soft skin, the firmness of her breasts, along with the seductive smile that was across her face, all of it simply aroused Rimuru to levels he didn't think were possible.

Rimuru approached Ciel as she stood up from the bed. They took in eachothers embrace again, sharing another passionate kiss. Her left leg wrapped around Rimuru. Rimurus erect dick rubbing right against Ciels pussy. Grabbing her other leg he lifted her up, hands gripped her plump ass until finally sticking his dick right in her causing her to let out the loudest moan yet.

"Ahhhhhh!" Ciel shouted in pure ecstasy. Rimuru with Ciel in his grasp moved towards the wall, pinning her between him and the wall. There he proceeded to ram her pussy like it was his last day to ever do this.

"Haah, haah, haah, haah, haah." Rimurus deep thrusts only made Ciel begin panting as she looked directly into his eyes as he looked back as well. Once again they shared another kiss. Their tongues fighting for supremacy once more.

But that was canceled due to Rimurus aggressiveness as he pushed his dick even deeper.

"Haah, haah, haah, haah!" Ciel let out, like a tired animal. To say she was enjoying herself was an understatement.

Next thing, Rimuru while still fucking Ciel moved over from the wall to the bed and laid her on it, looking each-other in the eyes. He cock fell out so he had to reinsert it. Once he did Ciel closed her eyes as if in pain from the sudden thrust. His and Ciels hands were interlocked, not letting go from the other.

Rimuru could see it all. Her well toned body as well as her smooth skin. The firm yet soft breasts which were bouncing were within his grasp. So that is what he did.

"Mmm!" The noise Rimuru made as he began to suck on her nipples.

"Aah!" Ciel let out at his sudden actions. She wrapped her arms around his head, not letting go, like a breastfeeding mother. Unknown to Ciel, Rimuru fell on the ground and out of her out of mental exhaustion.

"Haah! Keeping this up is ridiculous." Rimuru complained.

'But this is the best moment of my life!' He said inwardly. As his eyes were closed and senses off, he was unaware of his surroundings.

"Mmph!" He heard a sound and felt something on his dick. He looked down to see Ciel, gulping on his cock.

"Nngh!" Rimuru let out.

"This is payback for earlier, mmph!" Ciel said before sliding his dick back into her mouth.

Slurp after slurp only made Rimuru feel more ecstasy. He was trying to grip the floor, his toes were curled up. She was sucking the life out of him. He wishes he could cum if he was human once more. But he thought of a substitute.

The constant slurping of his dick was nearly driving him insane. He could not hold himself as he had climaxed into her mouth. But instead of cum he replaced it with magicules, as they entered her body through her mouth.

"Mmm! Master magicules are delicious ♡" Ciel said as she slapped his cock against her face and licked the tip once more.

As mentally exhausted Rimuru was, he had to fully satisfy her. No stopping until then.

"Next round, shall we." Rimuru said as stood up grabbing Ciels hand and leading her back to the bed.

"All fours, and against the headboard." Rimuru whispered into Ciels ear simultaneously as he fingered her again.

"Nngh!" Ciel let out. But Rimuru removed his fingers causing a pout to appear on her face. But she obliged to his request.

She got on all fours and against the headboard. Rimuru had on hell of a view. He climbed onto the bed and approached her.

From there, both of their waists met as Rimuru rammed his cock into her, causing her to make an Ahegao face.

He pounded Ciel relentlessly. It is certain to say her ass would be red by now. Each thrust coming from Rimuru excited her for what is hers now. It means she has obtained her master for herself.

"Ma-aster, please fi-nish" Ciel said, seemingly about to pass out from the intenseness of their steamy session.

"You got it." Rimuru responded as he began to speed up his thrusts. Pounding both her pussy and ass harder than he has so far. Ciel was gripping the bedsheets from the pure pleasure as she had a wide smile.

Rimuru nearing his end spoke up.

"Ciel, I love you."

"I lo-ve you too, Ma-aster!"

Upon such words both Rimuru and Ciel climaxed at the same time. They fell on the sheets next to eachother. Rimuru glanced at Ciel to see her twitching.

"Hmm, I did well for a first time." Rimuru said aloud.

"I'll say." Ciel said as she crawled over to Rimuru and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She had now entered his embrace as they lay where their lovemaking has just ended.

"We will go at it later." Ciel said as she now closed her eyes, with a satisfied smile on her face. causing Rimuru to shiver.

'Well, it was fun.'

(There we go, I have been putting this off for the sole purpose of school work needing to be done. So here it finally is. Also like I said earlier, this is the first time I have ever wrote something like this and I can't confirm whether I will again or not. But I would say that the Lemon scene was horrible.)