
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

Charybdis Arrives

After that talk I had with the idiot trio and their guildmaster, I said my goodbyes to them and retreated towards my office. Upon entry I saw Veldora laying on a couch fast asleep. Taking advantage of this, I silently crept towards the unknowing dragon and lowered my mouth to his ear.

"Wake up you lazy dragon!" I shouted directly into his ear. While he did wake up, he was more confused as to why I did it.

"Rimuru! Why did you do that?!"

"Your not doing anything, that's why." I answered him calmly.

"What am I suppose to do?! All I did was read the sacred texts in your stomach!"

"Oh right." I wonder if this will work.

'Raphael, are you able to recreate a manga from my memories?'

{Yes, but that is a waste of my abilities.}

'No it isn't. This is one of the best ways to use it!'

Well in the end Raphael obeyed my commands and with the paper I had store in my stomach printed the manga for Dragon Ball Super. I took it out of my stomach and flaunted it off to Veldora.

"Is this something you wanted Veldora?" I asked him with a somewhat wicked smile. He saw what I had in hand and started holding out his hands as if he gonna pounce on it.

"I'll give you this if you promise to fight me later. I want to see how I stack against a True Dragon, understood?"

"Hm? Is that all? Kuhahaha! Very well Rimuru, I would also like to see how strong you are compared to me!" Hearing his answer, I tossed him the manga to which he caught with a satisfied face. I went to go take my seat at my desk, but out of nowhere I felt an ominous presence.

Then it appeared in front of me. No it looked more like a person. Similar to that of Treyni but she has shorter hair and has an ominous aura around her.

"Who are you exactly?"

"Rimuru Tempest-sama I am the younger sister of Treyni, my name is Trya. I have come to warn you of an approaching calamity. The monster Charybdis has been revived."

'Treyni has a little sister? Also, Charybdis? What is that? Ugh! To many questions in my head.'

{Answer: Charybdis is a creature born from a cloud of the individual Veldoras magicules.}

'So in a sense it's like me. Wait does that mean we are kinda like siblings?' Well anyways lets just get back to the problem at hand.

"Hoh! That child of mine has returned? I thought it was sealed away. Rimuru we must kill it!"

'He sure is gung-ho about proposing the idea of killing something that can be called his own child.' Well lets just contact Benimaru.

(Benimaru, gather the executives and meet in our designated meeting room.)

(Hai! But is there a problem Rimuru-sama?)

(I'll inform everyone once were all in the same place.) After saying such I cut the line and motioned for Veldora and Trya to follow me. We arrived in short time since the meeting room was in the same building as my office. I took my seat at the head, Veldora took up a couch and started reading his manga, while Trya took a seat at the end of the table.

As we waited one by one my executives were entering the room and took their seats. Well except for Shion, she just stood behind me.

The participants of this meeting were,


Milim who came in earlier after all her eating.













And screw it the idiot trio and Fuze as well. Once everyone was seated, it was time that I began the meeting.

"With everyone present, I will now begin the meeting by saying a monster named Charybdis has been revived." I looked around the table to see that everyone other than the trio,Vesta and Fuze had a neutral expression. This naturally surprised me a bit.

"You all don't look that shocked. Care to explain?"

"Well Rimuru-sama, everyone in this room is pretty strong." Geld responded.

"I agree with Geld. Plus we have not one but two demon lords present along with the storm dragon." Kiyoko added onto Gelds words.

"Yeah, to be honest I don't see us losing to much people." Sakame voiced his opinion as well. Once they were done everyone nodded to their words.

"How could you all be so calm?! Charybdis is a monster as strong as a demon lord! The only reason it's classified as a calamity class is because it is incapable of rational thought."

"Well it's like they said Fuze. If that is the case and what it is ranked as I see no reason why we can't beat it." I answered him full of confidence.

"Lets get back to this, Trya do you mind?" Proceeding with my request Trya got up and began to speak.

"Not at all, Rimuru-sama. *Ahem* To start off Charybdis is a spiritual lifeform so in order to manifest itself it needed a host or any sort if body in general. As well as being highly resistant to magical attacks due to a skill called [Magic Jamming]. One more thing due to it originally being from the spirit world it is accompanied by some megalodons."

'Just as I thought. Of course something born from Veldora would end up being powerful, it has a nice kit to be honest. Not to overestimate us, but I'm sure one of them could take it out. But I would like to face this thing for myself.'

"Is that so, so magical attacks are just about useless to use on it. Still it shouldn't be too troublesome." I said full of confidence once more.

"Of course, Rimuru-sama could destroy it in one punch if he wished." Shion said with a confident expression.

"Yeah, I am sure of that as well." Sakame added.

"Hoh, why's that Sakame?"

"Well for starters, You were trading blows with Lady Milim. If that is not impressive I don't know what is." Everyone nodded to Sakames statement.

"Well then I guess your right. But with everything revealed I will start assigning roles." Everyone proceeded to look forward with anticipation, hoping they get to fight.

"Facing the megalodons will be Benimaru, Geld and his men, Gabiru and his men, Shion, Ranga, Kiyoko, Sakame, Souei and his men and Hakarou with his chosen Goblin Riders. I will be using Charybdis to test my new power even further." Everyone who had a part in this battle was grinning in excitement, meanwhile Fuze thought I was crazy for wanting to face it alone.

"With the roles assigned, this meeting is dismissed. So go prepare if you feel the need to." With those words everyone gave a slight bow to me and left the meeting room. Everyone aside from the trio and Fuze. And of course Veldora was still on the couch reading.

"What are you four still doing here? The meeting is dismissed now."

"Currently I don't know why you don't want any more assistance." Fuze said as he rubbed his head as if he had a headache.

"Fuze, I am a newborn demon lord, now I am not overestimating my power. I merely feel that this is nothing to worry that much about. The lineup Tempest has for this battle is already enough if we need help. I'll do you favor here, you can watch the battle and judge our strength for yourself."

"I-I-I guess I will observe." Fuze answered hesitantly.

"Trya?" I called out to her, she reappeared right in front of me.

"When do you think this Charybdis will arrive here?"

"Well my sisters are currently doing all they can to hold it back and but they are struggling, so it might be here within a few hours."

"Well then, if you don't mind I will be off now." Turning my back I walked towards the exit leaving them behind.

'Well that is that. I guess I'll just wait till it's time.' And so like that I just waited for this calamity to approach us.

Timeskip: 2 Hours

Finally this Charybdis beast has arrived. I just know everyone is eager to test out their strength. The battle was to begin soon, Charybdis is not here yet so everyone is waiting for it to approach a little more.

Even though I am going to face this monster, currently I am standing on the sidelines watching the showdown against the megalodons. The people here with me are Veldora, Milim and Shuna, the trio and Fuze.

One of them was already taken down by Benimaru who used his signature skill [Hell Flare]. At this point even with that [Magic Jamming] skill, he still managed to destroy it completely. Benimaru regrouped with us after he killed his.

Moving on, another megalodon has spotted a group to attempt to devour below it. That group was geld and his fellow orc warriors. They lured it towards the ground in order for Geld to subdue its movements, this part went successfully. The next part had also managed to make some headway, as the orc warriors were able to deal some damage to it, but they were a far cry away from killing it. Even though some damage was done, that wasn't enough for it to stop resisting as it knocked away the warriors, keeping Geld in place holding it down.

"I shall assist you!" Luckily for Geld, Gabiru had come over to assist by using his art [Vortex Crash]. Once it connected the megalodon died instantly. Nice to see those two working together, even though previously they were on opposing sides of war.

Next battle I took a look at was Hakarou with the Goblin Riders. They used the same strategy that Geld and his men used, except they could not hold it down. They were attacking it and doing some damage, but unable to kill it.

"Haha! The Goblin Riders are incapable of killing a single megalodon, how disappointing." After saying such words as the Goblin Riders got throw away, he then proceeded to kill the megalodon with relative ease. Simply diced it into mince meat.

The next battle was, if I had to put it into words. A concerning battle that wasn't even a battle. Souei and his Shadow Squad have been one a single megalodon. Souei proceeded to use his strings on one of the fish to attack another. Which gave the chance for the shadow squad to kill one while Souei took the other. It was a devious plan if I say so.

"Cool! He used his strings to make them fight eachother!" I could hear Milim to my right getting excited over the sight.

Well focusing on the next fight, I observed the area for where Shion is. Until I saw her standing in the air. Not so much standing as she was standing on Ranga who was running in the air.

"Huh, since when can Ranga run on air?"

"Also when did he and Shion team up?" I heard Benimaru questioning this as well.

But in the end they made short work of their two megalodons. Shion my simply jumping off Ranga and slicing it in two. Ranga on the other hand turned his fish into fried fish with black lightning. It was quick like the others and just as efficient.

Kiyoko on the other hand, I saw her just standing on top and center of her megalodon. She raised her hand in air, ready to kill her prey.

"[Calamity Slash]!" I heard her voice ring out as she performed her attack. From what I saw, she slashed in one direction which created 5 slashes in the air, splitting the megalodons head in 5 pieces.

There were 9 megalodons in total and now there was only one left and that was Sakames. Turning my attention to him, I noticed he had his hands covered in red lightning similar to how his nodachi was covered with it during the orc war. But in that moment his hand pierced the flesh of the megalodon.

"[Charge]" Was what I heard him say. As such it seemed like the megalodon was getting charged with this lightning from the inside and it taking the voltage all until the point where it exploded. It looked kind of like that of a mortal kombat fatality from Raiden.

Well with that kill all of the megalodons were done for, solely leaving Charybdis. I guess now it's my turn, but first I want to see what charybdis can do. Bringing out my wings I proceeded to fly up to Charybdis, staring it straight into it's eye. But something..... weird happened.

"MI-MIlIM!" What? Did this thing just speak? And it said Milims name.

'Raphael analyze it.'


Analysis complete. Charybdis cannot survive without a host body, the host body in particular is a beastman known as Phobio.}

'Phobio? Wasn't that name of that Demon Lords subordinate that came here? He is the host of Charybdis? Well I guess I'll help him out. Don't want a problem with his demon lord.'

While I thinking this over, scales flew off of its body and shot them at me. I just stood there to see if it can cause damage but it didn't manage to get past my [Multi-Dimensional Barrier]. But from what I can tell these scales seem like a good material, so I used [Beelzebub] to store them for later and the ones that hit the ground we can recover them later.

I guess after seeing it's attack fail, Its eyes glowed red as it fired a massive beam of energy at me. But once again after it connected, nothing happened.

'Gah! I thought it would be a stronger opponent. Well I guess it will be fine, Veldora promised to fight me anyways.' But I guess this is also a good test subject for one of the spell I created via [Anos, Lord of Destruction].

"[Elemental Chaos]" Elemental Chaos is a spell that assaults the targets physical and spiritual bodies leaving no time for any sort of regeneration. While it can kill a target, I don't want anything to happen to this Phobio guy. In no time at all fire, ice, wind, and earth elements covered Charybdis' entire body, destroying just enough for Phobio to be freed.

Soon after I flew over to catch Phobios body, but Charybdis will so takeover Phobios body again.

"Ugh! I am gonna have to fix this too." I complained.

(This chapter will just end here and the next one will start at removing Charybdis from Phobio.)