
Chapter 20 What Went Wrong?

My mother has always been the one to wage war first but in this situation, for the first time in the history of my parents. Both my father and mother had come together and unanimously decided war was the only option. My mother's magic allows her to summon an army of undead solders to her command. While my father is the perfect support/control variable needed to keep the enemy at bay. They're the reason why I was able to train in peace. No one in their right mind would dare challenge them. "Mother, Father. There's something I need to tell you." I sat down on the nearest seat as I braced myself for this. "Can it wait honey?" My father was visibly pissed as he opened the door for my mother. "No it can not!" I firmly voiced as I stared at them intensely. "Alright, we can spare a couple of minutes." My mother who was already out the door came back in. "I....I brought my parallel universe self to this realm. This is why I am this way." There was no way I could or would tell them the truth. Having them die at my hands would be too much of a pain that I could not bare. So telling them what started it all would be better for all of us. "Nina, have you lost your mind??!!" Both of them yelled at me. "I know it's hard to believe that there is another me and uni-" "Going across universes is the most dangerous thing there is." My father interrupted me. "And to bring back yourself...What were you thinking young miss?" My mother finished his sentence. "Wait, stop right there. You guys believe me?" I was confused as to how they were able to firmly talk to me without laughing or being too shocked to say anything. "You think you are the first one to travel across dimensions? Your mother and I fell in love because of the ordeal we had to face to safely get back." My father crossed his arms. "We had burned and restricted every book that encouraged such actions after that." My mother walked up to me. I was in shock, they traveled across dimensions before and hid the information from me! How could they do that to me? I, their only child, as powerful as I was, they didn't trust me to venture out for new exciting adventures. Was their trust in my power a lie? Just when I opened my mouth to voice my concerns my mother landed a clean slap on my right cheek. I was left with my mouth open and right hand on my now burning cheek in utter surprise that she dared to hit me. I looked back at my mother with fury clinging to my eyes. I saw tears run down her face as she looked at her hand in horror. "We warned you, never to venture out of this world everyday after training." My father spoke for her. He rushed to me sat me down and hugged me. "Your mother is feeling betrayed and confused as to what to do now. So am I." He spoke lowly and calm so I didn't get any more angry then I already was. "I don't remember you guys warning me about that!" I could feel the tears rushing and building up in my eyes as I spoke through my teeth. "Huh!? So you don't remember the phrase we always spoke to you when you came back to rest?" My mother's anger did not quell as she looked me straight in the eyes. I started thinking back to my training days when I was a small girl. I would come home after fulfilling my objectives they would welcome me in then ask for a report. Once i gave a report one of them would say a phrase. "Stay strong, stay smart, only in Taher." What!! they were expecting me to understand not to travel across dimensions off of that?! "But, how was I to know what that meant?" I screamed pushing my father away from me. "I didn't expect you to find a way to do it yourself, so explaining it was...pointless." My father got up and backed away from me to give me some space. "I'm going to die, because I was so thirsty for knowledge. How about next time when you have a child, don't hide everything you know. After all children are only curious creatures." I got up and stormed all the way to my room. I was mad for receiving a slap to the face while being expected to know their oh-so vague warning. It was as if they didn't care about how their actions and decisions affected me. I sit down on my bed angrily and try to communicate with my human self. I close my eyes and go deep within my mind. I began calling out to her, no response. So I try to sense my magic flow the only thing connecting us together. The flow was cut. I opened my eyes now worried as to what happened to her and where she could be. I got up and started pacing. If I am to leave my home and find her, how would Dan know where to look? I only have a week left and have no way of contacting Nina. I stopped pacing as I realized a key component and simple solution to my problem. "Lily!" I said out loud as I recalled that I left her with Nina so she can guide and keep her safe. I race to my closet and grab a pen and paper. This is the old way of summons but it requires little to no magic so it's also the safest way. I draw four circles on each of the corners and then a rectangle in the middle. After that I write the inscriptions in a circle around the rectangle. "Done." I take out my old wand from my kindergarten shoe box and start to focus. I don't want to bring Lily here, I want to communicate with her. So I need to concentrate a bit more for this. "Lily, can you hear me?" I say after 5 minutes of only thinking about talking to her. No response, I relax my muscles a bit and focus more on communicating with Lily. Another 5 minutes go by before I repeated my words. Still no response. I didn't think it would be this hard to preform simple acts of magic, for those with small amounts of magic. I repeated my actions once more after yet another 5 minutes. "Nina?" Finally! A response. I never thought that I would be so happy to accomplish something so small. "Lily, how is the other Nina? and where are you guys?" I was starting to feel the toll on my body already. I really wanted to cry from all this new found struggles. "Why didn't you just speak to her?" "Just answer my questions!!!" Lily doesn't know of my dire situation, but I had no time to explain. "We're looking for you. Right now we are going to the old cabin where you had first entered her world. And she's fine, I'd say she's more than fine. After all, I can feel her body brimming with magic. Not just-" I couldn't hold the connection any longer. I fell to the ground coughing up blood. Crap, this is frustrating. I guess now I would have to suck up what's left of my pride and get my parents to get her. After sucking up the remainder of my pride I was able to convince my parents to pick her up. While I stay home and out of trouble. In the time my parents were gone I learnt how to make simple meals. I remembered from one of the television shows that taking a bunch of weed and grass can be healthy and tasty. However, they lied. It was not tasty and I doubt something so plain could have such benefits on the body. The plants tasted like they were made for medicine to be applied on the body not eaten. How Could humans stomach this? I return the plants back to the wild and go to my room to sleep. Energy conservation works best when you are sleeping. "Wake up" I heard a voice from my subconscious peek through. "Why?" I questioned out loud. "She's here. That's why." I opened my eyes quickly to see an empty room. I stared out my window to see my parents arriving with Nina. She was accompanied with the group. So they're finally going to meet me. Oh Ann must be excited to see me the most. I studied the group more to find the one person that mattered wasn't there, Where is Kevin?