
A New Novel

Yey, this is it.

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2 Chs

The Vow

"Young Master, are you seriously considering me?"

A lady with out of the world beauty spoke, her alluring expression illuminating the rather peculiar hallway. Her golden hair trembled ever so slightly as her bright red lips curled upward, rending its beholder unable to look away. Her big green eyes shone brilliantly, casting a heart-trembling gaze that made one feel like fluttering in the clouds.

The recipient of her question was an extremely handsome silver-haired boy. He was roughly 13 to 14 years old and had skin like snow, seemingly devoid of blood. His countenance was serious, showcasing the would-be man out of his young face. He stared at the lady in front of him with fire burning in his eyes, which was contrary to the coldness he normally exhibited. "Whatever I said, I mean it. However, I am too weak. Too weak that I am ashamed of myself. 10 years, give me 10 years, and I shall return."

After those words escaped his mouth, he walked away, no longer looking back. What he promised was a vow, a promise that was never meant to be broken.

The long and wide hallway seemed an endless tunnel leading to the abyss. Its end was nowhere in sight, and the blistering silence could make anyone feel terror to the depths of their soul.

As the boy walked away, the lady only looked on with a cold smile on her face. A being as powerful as her, her eyes could vividly see things kilometers away, but in this seemingly endless hall, her powerful vision was rendered ineffective as the boy vanished after walking for a hundred meters.

A light sigh escaped her lips. Although her strength had been sealed and was made into a nanny of the boy since young, she had indeed grown fond of him. However, the affection she had showered him seemed to have deeply rooted in the boy's heart, and whatever its effect in the future—whether it would bring good or disaster—was something unknown.

"10 years it is then, if you go further than that, don't blame me if I start a massacre. Hahahaha!"


An earth-shattering power left her body as the sound of chains being broken apart echoed in the horizon. Today, the Dusk Continent began to witness a month devoid of sunlight. Even the most terrifying creatures hid deep in their homes, terrified of what was to come. The boy who caused all this, on the other hand, watched as this scene unfold, his expression menacing to behold. There seemed to be a distorted smile plastered on his face, but it was unknown whether this smile portrayed extreme fear or excitement.