
Chapter 7: A Surprise Visit 

Summer passed in a joyful haze as Erica and Oscar prepared for their wedding. Traveling to meet Oscar's wider family in neighboring Florida proved the perfect pre-nuptial getaway. His close-knit community embraced Erica as one of their own, showering her with gifts and advice. 

Contentment swelled in Erica's heart amidst the bustling preparations. Perhaps for the first time since youth, her future appeared utterly bright through the blessing of Oscar's devoted partnership. Returning home energized, the wedding countdown entered its final weeks.

One sultry afternoon, Erica's serenity shattered with an unwelcome phone call. Her former mother-in-law's abrasive tone carried down the line. I've come to see my grandchildren. Your inappropriate behavior ends now - those girls belong with their true family, she snapped.

Erica's stomach dropped at the interfering woman's gall. How dare you insult my character and disrupt my home! The girls are well cared for and love their new life, she retorted firmly before hanging up, hands shaking. 

Though grateful for Oscar's calming embrace that evening, dread lingered at old insecurities resurfacing. Erica had never felt adequate in her first husband's critical mother's judgmental eyes. What if her poison grew the seeds of doubt in impressionable young minds?

The following day, the matriarch arrived uninvited with stern façade and lavish gifts. Watching her daughters chatter excitedly despite the tension sent pangs through Erica's heart. Could another truly care for them better? Provide the stable family she herself never did?

Thankfully, Oscar refused to let toxicity fester under their roof. With gentle firmness he escorted the woman out, making clear her interference would no longer be tolerated. His steady support helped Erica find her backbone, sure in the love surrounding her present family.,,