
A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Being reincarnated by a couple of God-like being, Silviana finds herself on the world of Tensura. In the forest of Jura she comes to join Rimuru and his nation. Little does she know that in a desert somewhere in the world some evil force has appeared, a force from a 'game' called Yggdrasil... Join Silviana in her new life as she tries to live a better life than she experienced in her last. Join her on her exploration and discovery of the truths of reality and the current situation of the world.

Alex_Simmonds · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
152 Chs

What the fuck is going on?

|⚄ You have rolled a 5, You will gain a spell|

|Congratulations! You have rolled a 6, You will gain an OP Spell|

|Spell you have gained is: Phoenix's Resurrection|

|Phoenix's Resurrection- Is passively active at all times. When the holder of the spell dies to spells or physical attacks they will resurrect and gain more MP based on the amount of damage inflicted upon them. Become stronger from the ashes.|

'What the fuck am I gaining this early in the morning!?' I summoned the status screen and watched the spell take affect. Within moments all of the fire Magicules around me change their hue, becoming a colder red, a darker more subdued colour. Looking at this occurring I was a little stunned that this type of thing could be achieved. I had witnessed Magicules change states but I assumed that it was because of the natural process of the world.

'The Magicules themselves can be used to effect other Magicules... There is something about this that seems broken but I can't put my finger on it.'

As a consequence of this change around me Milim soon woke up, her dragon eyes picking up the slight fluctuations. She shifted behind me and froze a few moments later as I could feel her heart pick up in pace. At the same time Shuna opened her eyes sleepily, looking into my eyes and smiling.

"Morning honey..." She snuggled into me more and even sneakily slid a hand between my thighs, suggesting we do something. I blushed and kissed her on the forehead, whisper just after finishing the kiss.

"Milim is behind me, we can't... Tonight, okay?" She looked frustrated but nodded, her hand still laying between my thighs as Milim sat up and thrust herself over the top of me.


"What are we doing!? I wanna join in too!"

I blushed even harder as she excitedly started to jump jump up and down on my left arm like it was a horse. Despite her looks I knew she was old and had probably knew exactly what she was doing.

'She's teasing us again... haha'

"Knock it off Milim, I need to go to the toilet." She looked at me and smirked, stepping away into the air before dropping to the floor lightly, her bright blue sparkling eyes glowing in the low light of the lounge room. 

I got up and walked away, Shuna being harassed by Milim as I went to the bathroom. I had a feeling that today was going to be fucking weird.


"M-MILIM....!!!" Charybdis screamed out loud as I watched from a nearby hill. Yeah, my day had become fucked... An hour after I had woken up we got the message from Souei that something monstrous had appeared deeper in the forest of Jura. From the detailed explanation I immediately knew that this was Charybdis. From that we all hurried to organise, me, Shuna and Milim moving ahead of the main force to scout the scene.

From the anime I knew that Milim could one shot Charybdis but I wanted to siphon stats from it... Maybe I could even share it. Shuna had felt like she was slipping behind me in power. If I could manage it, it would alleviate her worries and potentially allow us to siphon even more. A limit would no doubt come to the amount I could absorb, the excess could then be siphoned by Shuna.

'Rip-off, is it possible?'

|Yes, if you use your connection as a family member and your Anti-magic spell siphon, you could easily redirect stats to her.|

'Awesome... So i don't even need to do anything?'

|No, due to the nature of naming your strength is directly connected to the strength of the named person or monster. Using that I can simply channel half of the stats you gain to a specific relation.|

'Please do it when it is time then...' I looked back out towards Charybdis, the monstrous and serpentine amalgam of flesh, sinew and scales roaring out as waves of scales swarmed through the air around it. The size of it could not be understated as it took up a massive swathe of the sky above the forest.

Shuna looked concerned at the pressure it was emitting, her face scowling and becoming more concerned with every passing second. Milim was the exact opposite, her face lighting up in extreme excitement.

"Silviana-san! Can I!?" She jumped up and down energetically as her eyes gleamed. Naturally I could let her handle it, especially considering the fact that her actions were what caused it, but... It wouldn't allow me to do what I wanted.

"Milim, I want to face it first... I have a way of becoming stronger from it..." Her eyes gleamed even brighter before she nodded, her jumping now ceasing and switching to a sway backwards and forwards. 

"Cool! Let me see!" Shuna looked at me oddly as I began to step towards Charybdis. My perception extended through space until it surrounded Charybdis, the monstrous dragon by-product. That was when I sensed the presence of someone on its back, taking no damage from it. Red and white hair whipped in the wind as the velocity of Charybdis was rather fast. Focussing in on that figure I quickly saw the feminine jawline of a woman, her eyes a bright golden, her figure relaxed and tall. Her clothes were reminiscent of a trench coat mixed with several goth-like features. On her back was a massive sword that kind of looked like Guts' sword from Berserk. 

I used my newly gained wind spell to step into the sky, small platforms of pressurised air meeting the bottom of my feet and allowing me to climb. As i got closer I noticed a thin shield, gold and red in colouration, that just slowly rotated around her form. Numerous scales slammed into it before bouncing off. Seeing the madness of the situation I was a little blown away...

'Who the fuck is that? They weren't in the anime...' I walked higher up, reaching to an equivalent height to Charybdis. Shuna and Milim were still below, watching what i was about to do. That was when the figure on the back of the monstrosity unsheathed her sword and clasped it in both hands, a large wave of magic spilling from her body and great sword. Suddenly she released the energy and drove it down into Charybdis, stabbing into one of its wings so hard that it tilted to that side slightly. Unfortunately for her however she was then flung off, the gravity and momentum carrying her into the canopy of the forest, her figure disappearing within seconds.

"Milim, please check on that woman... It seems she tried to take it on by herself." I noticed a small group of people not far away from where the woman had disappeared, among them being a small little boy who was crying and trying to get to where she fell.

"Please also keep those people safe." Shuna ran to the people as Milim disappeared into the forest, no doubt going to check on the strange woman's status. I turned at this moment, seeing the gestalt and disgusting singular eye that made up Charybdis. Phobio was also in there somewhere but that was of little concern to me.

I cracked my knuckles and stopped walking, the platforms staying completely cemented under my feet. The mana drain was inconsequential now that I had my new 'Unique Skill'. My Dantian spun and the magicules around me began to coalesce into a complex pattern of spirals, these shapes forming around my hands as I pulled back my arms and hands, raising them above my head.

"Anti-Magic Area!" A bright and dark ball of purple sprang from my finger tips as I dragged my hands down from their upraised positions. The ball expanded until it was the size of a car, growing further with each metre it traversed. Next it became the size of a jumbo jet, then a Galaxy Aircraft... Until finally it reach 1.5 times the size of the Galaxy and encompassed the entirety of Charybdis. 

The scales still moved, magic still working internally in the mighty life form but it's abilities to regenerate and damage the forest were all but gone. I could tell this as the stab from the woman previously was still embedded in its form, the wound struggling to heal. Grinning, I began to sap the stats from the entity known as Charybdis.

Feeling became emotion and emotion drained into sensation as the act of siphoning this thing's stats was like drinking Ambrosia. My entire body was simultaneously on fire and freezing, my face entering various shades of red and pink at the same time. Hair, skin, nails, eyes, mouth, nose, arms, legs, genitals and every other part of the body all began to moan out in happiness at the sheer evolution they were undergoing. Even my Dantian was crying in elation, the spin of it increasing to an even higher pace. My perception and abilities strengthened in correlation to the stats being gained as every draw of stats felt like sucking juice from a juice box with a straw. 

|+100 Stats|

|+100 Stats|

|+100 Stats|

|+100 Stats|

|+100 Stats|

The draining continued as half of what I was gaining was transferred to Shuna, 200 stats being sucked out every second in total. My attention struggled to focus on Shuna but I could tell, through our link, that she was also feeling this emotion and sensation. My Magicules coagulated within my Dantian, as it refined further and further, becoming a bright silver-gold in colouration. My nerves began to jitter in pain as, moving my senses inwards, I could see the growth of Meridians, the spiritual veins for the collection of Qi, Chakra or Spiritual Essence; Which ever you wanted to call it. 

My heart beat heavily and fully, the blood throughout my body becoming purer and purer to my genetic bloodline. The heart itself was condensing in size as it became half of what it used to be but ten times more capable of doing its various tasks. My organs themselves cleansed and healed as any small build up of dead cells, imperfections or dirtiness was incinerated in the process.

With my body evolving it was time for my soul, the addition of this level of power granting more room for greater Skills and Magics. Some of my pre-existing Unique Skills expanded somewhat as they stretched their bodies so to speak. Avatar pulled my body into oneness with nature, allowing me to feel the life around me and communicate with it fully. Hecate became even more effective at what it already did, connecting some of the other Unique Skills under its domain and enhancing them. Then, just when I thought I wouldn't gain anything new from this process a new Unique Skill manifested.

|You have gained the Unique Skill: Paragon of Cultivation|

|You are the first to uncover Cultivation within this world... This unique skill will be boosted by the system as a reward for gaining a truly powerful achievement.|

In several instants of time I had gained and then got enhanced in the same skill. My Dantian Rumbled as it broke into thousands of pieces, the shards scattering into my body. I panicked in that moment, frightened at my own possible death, the shards poking into my internals. Seconds passed as more stats shot into me, my limit soon going to be reached.


With a crackling pop those shards of my Dantian broke further and further until they were but little grains of crystal. Feeling around with my mind I could sense their presence morphing, becoming stronger, liquidising. Soon the grains became waves, waves of pure Magicules that began to suffuse my body.

'Holy shit...'


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