
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

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77 Chs

Chapter 66: Fighting Robotic Monster?

In the dimly lit, abandoned factory, Sarada found herself in a precarious situation, shielding Tentou from the clutches of a menacingly large and obese man with an insatiable appetite. Surrounding them were four of the man's henchmen, ready to do his bidding.

Sarada couldn't help but feel a mix of disbelief and determination. She had never imagined herself in such a bizarre scenario. The only reason she was here was because her bodyguard duty had ended for the night, and she had decided to stay a little longer, a decision that now seemed to have paid off.

Letting out a tired sigh, Sarada turned to Tentou, her voice laced with a hint of caution. "Don't blink, you might miss it," she warned, her eyes fixed on their adversaries.

With lightning-fast speed, Sarada summoned the power of the Chidori, crackling blue energy pulsating in her hand. Activating her Three Tomoe Sharingan, her vision sharpened, allowing her to perceive every move with extraordinary clarity. In a flash, she darted towards the group, her movements a blur as she swiftly dispatched each one of them.

Tentou stood there, wide-eyed and filled with a mixture of excitement and awe. "Woah," he exclaimed, his voice filled with amazement. The sheer speed and skill displayed by Sarada had left him mesmerized, realizing that he was in the presence of a true shinobi.

The Following Days,

Boruto and Mitsuki found themselves in the midst of a synchronized yawn, leaving Naruto perplexed by their simultaneous exhaustion.

"Don't pay them any mind, Nanadaime. Why did you summon us?" Sarada inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Naruto's face lit up with a smile as he revealed the purpose of their meeting. "I have a new mission for you all, and I believe Boruto will find it quite exciting since it takes you outside of Konoha," he announced. Turning his attention to the person waiting outside the door, he beckoned them to come in.

In walked Doctor Tono Katasuke, extending his hand for a handshake with Boruto. "Nice to meet you all again, but this is my first encounter with you, Uzumaki Boruto," he greeted, a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Boruto simply ignored the doctor's gesture, causing Naruto to let out a weary sigh as he witnessed the awkward exchange. Dr. Katasuke couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment at the cold reception.

Naruto proceeded to explain the mission, handing over a case to Boruto. "Your mission is to deliver this technology to Ryutan City," he stated, his voice filled with confidence.

Boruto accepted the case with a nonchalant response. "Sure," he replied, his tone devoid of any complaints. Sarada and Mitsuki exchanged surprised glances, unaware of the underlying reasons behind Boruto's sudden compliance. Little did they know, Boruto was well aware of the potential consequences if he refused to go on this mission.

The four of them boarded the train, their journey taking an unexpected turn when they encountered someone already seated. It was Ao, Terumi Mei's former assistant.

Ao greeted Dr. Katasuke warmly, their past acquaintance evident. He engaged in friendly conversation with Sarada and Mitsuki, but when he attempted to speak to Boruto, he was met with a stern warning.

"Shut your mouth before I take back the Byakugan you stole," Boruto retorted, his words laced with a hint of animosity.

Ao was taken aback by the sudden threat, but he understood the underlying reasons behind Boruto's hostility. Boruto simply wanted to expedite the mission and avoid wasting time on unnecessary conversation. He was uncertain of Ao's true intentions, which fueled his caution and led to his sharp response.

Boruto's lack of information about this particular encounter became apparent. As he had only skimmed through the manga in the past, paying little attention to the details, he found himself navigating through unfamiliar territory, relying on his instincts to guide him.

After a journey of about 20 minutes, the train finally arrived at its destination. Boruto, Mitsuki, Sarada, and Katasuke disembarked, leaving Ao behind on the train.

The mysterious figure, sitting directly behind Ao, spoke without even glancing in his direction. "Uzumaki Boruto, the son of the Hokage. Quite the impressive, isn't he?"


Boruto, Mitsuki, and Sarada followed Katasuke's lead as they entered the spacious laboratory. The room was filled with various scientific equipment and monitors displaying complex data. They found themselves in the waiting room, patiently awaiting the arrival of someone important.

Just as they settled in, the door swung open, revealing a young woman. It was Inuzuka Akita, known for her expertise in animal-based jutsu. She entered the room with a confident stride, her eyes immediately locking onto Boruto.

With a mischievous smile, Akita appraised Boruto from head to toe. "Well, well, quite the cute and charming guest we have here," she remarked, her voice filled with playful admiration.

Meanwhile, Katasuke handed the case containing his latest work to Akita. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly took hold of it. "Ah, your latest creation. I've been looking forward to seeing it," she exclaimed, her curiosity piqued.

Engrossed in their conversation about the new technology, Katasuke and Akita delved into the technical details, discussing its potential applications and advancements. Boruto, on the other hand, found himself drifting off into his own thoughts, his mind already elsewhere.

Unbeknownst to the others, Boruto was communicating telepathically with his clone back in Uzushiogakure.

'Boss, we made an interesting discovery while digging,' the clone reported.

Boruto's curiosity was piqued. 'That's great! What did you find?'

The clone hesitated for a moment before responding. 'It seems to be an ancient scroll, Boss. The content is a bit unclear, but it mentions a deity known as Jashin, a death god. There were also references to other gods, although the details were not entirely clear.'

Boruto's was surprise. The mention of a death god intrigued him, and he couldn't help but wonder about the potential significance of the scroll. 'Interesting. Keep digging carefully, there might be more to uncover.'

'We understand, Boss. We'll proceed with caution. Over and out,' the clone replied before the telepathic connection between them was severed.

Just as Boruto was processing the information, Sarada interrupted his thoughts. "Get up, Boruto. We're about to test some new ninja tools."

Boruto snapped out of his reverie and nodded. "Oh, okay. Let's go then," he said.

In the testing room,

A fierce battle unfolded as Boruto squared off against Mitsuki and Sarada, their skills and determination on full display.

"Why are you two ganging up on Boruto?" Akita questioned from the observer room, her voice filled with concern.

Sarada, determined and confident, responded, "Because he's the strongest among us, and he's already a Jonin."

The revelation left both Katasuke and Akita visibly surprised. They hadn't expected Boruto to possess such impressive abilities at such a young age.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Akita offered a solution. "If that's the case, the two of you can utilize the special tools I provided you with."

Sarada and Mitsuki swiftly maneuvered around Boruto, their movements calculated and precise, aiming to make it difficult for Boruto to anticipate their next moves. However, their efforts were in vain as Boruto's Rinnegan activated, granting him a third eye that allowed him to keenly observe the battlefield.

Undeterred, Sarada and Mitsuki unleashed a barrage of kunai and shuriken towards Boruto. To their astonishment, the projectiles merely bounced off his body, failing to pierce his skin.

"What?" Akita exclaimed, her surprise growing even more palpable.

Unfazed, Sarada and Mitsuki pressed on, closing in on Boruto. At the last moment, they dropped a smoke bomb, engulfing the area in a thick cloud of smoke, temporarily obstructing Boruto's vision.

Yet, despite their strategic maneuver, their attack proved futile. In a display of incredible reflexes, Boruto swiftly caught both Sarada and Mitsuki by their necks, leaving Akita and Katasuke dumbfounded at his ability to overcome the visual impairment.

With a firm grip, Boruto released his teammates, allowing them to drop to the ground, landing on their backsides. Sarada and Mitsuki massaged their necks, feeling the lingering effects of Boruto's grip.

The intense battle had showcased Boruto's exceptional skills and resourcefulness, leaving everyone in awe of his prowess.

"Give us the next set of ninja tools," Boruto demanded, his voice filled with determination.

They proceeded to test each of the newly acquired ninja tools, putting them through their paces. Once they had finished experimenting with the tools, Boruto excused himself and headed to the restroom, ensuring to lock the door behind him. Inside, he activated his Rinnegan, tapping into its extraordinary abilities.

Using his enhanced vision, Boruto peered into the future, foreseeing a battle against many robotic monsters. The strain of his power caused his eyes to bleed, a testament to the immense toll it took on him.

"Damn, I can only glimpse a few minutes into the future," Boruto muttered, frustrated by the limited scope of his precognition.

He carefully wiped away the blood using water from the sink, taking a moment to compose himself. Exiting the restroom, Boruto was met with Sarada's words, "Let's go. We have a mission at the Land of Fire border."

As Boruto made his way towards the mission, he noticed Katasuke, the doctor, donning a suit of armor. Approaching him, Boruto firmly stated, "Don't follow us."

"I can help," Katasuke insisted, his voice filled with determination.

"No, you're not an Iron Man who can aid us," Boruto retorted, dismissing Katasuke's offer.

The mention of "Iron Man" left everyone perplexed, unable to comprehend the reference.

"If you're going to be stubborn, then I have no choice," Boruto declared, flicking the armor on Katasuke, causing it to crack and shatter. "Don't worry, I'll compensate you later. But for now, stay here. If you genuinely wish to be of assistance, then construct a fully operational fighting suit and ensure that you are physically prepared for the task at hand"

Katasuke stumbled backward, landing on his backside, his towering suit now rendered useless.

Leaving Katasuke behind, Boruto turned to his teammates and commanded, "Let's go." With unwavering determination, they set off on their mission, leaving Katasuke to ponder his choices.

As Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki continued their journey towards the border, Mitsuki couldn't help but be curious. Turning to Boruto, he asked, "Boruto, what exactly is this 'Iron Man' you mentioned earlier?"

Boruto shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, it's nothing important"

Mitsuki decided to let the matter slide for now, but he couldn't help but notice that Boruto often made references to things that were unfamiliar to them, as if he had glimpsed a different reality.

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In pat_reon, the story is at Chapter 77

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