
A Naruto Novel, Maybe

Hiro is a middle aged man. After cuckolded by his wife, he had a accident and died. Then he reborned to Naruto World. INO X OC NO HAREM BECAUSE I HATE IT.

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19 Chs

Chapter Five: Destroyed Clan and Learning About Enemy (EDITED)

Hi there! I am your awesome author!

Next, I wanted to say: If 15 different person comment on this chapter, I will post a chapter tomorrow too. I wasn't planning to post a chapter tomorrow. So, show power of readers!


There was a child who was sitting on his bed and writing something in Hidden Leaf's orphanage. The child was looking troubled. He looked like something was bugging him, but he couldn't find what was bugging him. He looked dejected, then he suddenly throw his paper and pencil on his bed.

"Fuck! Why isn't there something about my past? It seems like I appeared suddenly in this orphanage. I was excited that I was an offshoot of some big ass clan, but it looks like that my station is only a mutation or something; otherwise It won't explain how I can be better than other children in my age group... I am growing stronger, faster, my reflexs are getting better and better day by day. Furthermore, I am only 11 years old, but my chakra reserves are fucking KAGE LEVEL!"

(AN: Well. Chakra level is a bit too much, but Naruto has more, probably a few hundred times(?) XD, than this. I wanted to reminder you about this...)

That mysterious child was Hiro.

Hiro felt that he was different from other children from the start, but he only said, it was because he was working out more than other children. But with time passes, he noticed that his chakra reserves were huge and really fucking HUGE!

It wasn't a normal thing. So, he decided to search about bloodlines and about his ancestry tree. He discovered an extraordinary thing here. There wasn't an ancestry tree of him in the documents of the Hidden Leaf. There wasn't a single thing. His parents were unknown. Even his mother was unknown.

Hiro felt that his whole family line went to buy milk.

Surely. He has suspicions too, especially about Aki-nee. At first, he couldn't sense, but with time that he sensed someone every time he went out of Aki-nee's room. It was only for a moment, but he could sense that someone always protecting him from shadows. Why does he say the word protects? If someone only watches him like a creep every time, I mean every hour of fucking day that he could say word the protecting. He tested this shadow more than a few of times.

At first, he felt angry toward Aki-nee. He thought that Aki-nee was selling information to some of pedos. Then he discovered that his shadow was never leaving him. Even when he was asleep.

Next, he started to place the missing parts of puzzles. Why was he so close to Aki-nee? Yes, it was for his secret causes at first, but he always felt a familiarity toward her. She was like his close relative. This wasn't normal, he knew it.

He made a theory about this. Aki-nee was his super secret relative. She brought him here because of some short problem with his clan. She has the same bloodline as him, so that's why he felt closer to her. Like how animals felt close to each other. As for his shadow, he didn't felt that much familiarity toward him, it is like a far away relative.

"Hımm... I need to question her about this. If I couldn't take an answer, I need to make escape plans. Yeah, in fact, let's do that today!"

He then proceeds to collect himself and started to go to Aki-nee's room. He felt anxious about this. 'If she attacks me and kidnaps me? No, no. Let's not jinx.'

When he arrived, he clicked the door and entered the room without waiting to take permission of his Aki-nee. He frowned and made himself look, though. He looked the Aki-nee and see that she was looking to him with her usual smile.

When he looked her smile, he felt relaxed at first, but he immediately toughened himself. "Hello, Aki-nee. I wanted to speak with you." Aki-nee looked confused. "Okay, Hiro. Take a seat." She pointed to a random chair. Hiro took a chair and sat on it. "I wanted to speak about my ancestry line, also about your little spy. It was starting to annoy me." He said to directly face of Aki-nee.

When he said this, Aki-nee's face was blank. Hiro felt nervous, but after a while, Aki-nee cracked a smile and got into a fit of laughter. Hiro felt confused. "Hahahahaha. You need to see your face. Hahahahaahahahaha. So, you only decided to come here. Oh, my little pervert, you are killing me!"

"What?" Hiro felt more confused. "What are you saying, Aki-nee? What game are you trying to play?" He got angry. His mind was a mess now.

"Haha. Did you place puzzles? Oh. My. I felt you are smarter than kids in your age group, but apparently you are alot smarter than that, young master."

He felt more confused. "What? Aki-nee, you are confusing... What! Young master?!" (AN:badum tısss)

"Umu, young master. You are also my cousin. I will answer your questions, but let's go to our little dirty secret place, huhu..." Aki-nee said mysteriously.

Next, Aki-nee went to the bookshelf and brought a book down. The bookshelf shook and slid to the back. Aki-nee and Hiro entered the secret room. Soon, Aki-nee illuminated the dark room and sat on a soft cushion. Hiro sat on a cushion across Aki-nee.

" Where should I start? Our old clan's name was Doragono. Our clan has a bloodline, it's name is Dragon Blood. As the name suggests, It is about a legendary lizard. After our bloodline develop, we can enter Dragon Transformation. Like this..." Hiro looked Aki-nee with a amazed and terrified glance. Aki-nee's some part of clothes destroyed by spikes and scales which grew from her arms, her legs and her cheeks. There were spikes on her elbows. She closed her eyes for one moment and when she opened them her eyes like lizard eyes. Golden irises...

"What is this?! Holy, shit! This shit looks so cool! Hey, Aki-ne, can I touch your scales? They are super cool!" Hiro looked agitated. He was trying to touch the scales and spikes of his Aki-nee, but Aki-nee slapped his hand away and looked him with an amused glance.

"Hur. Hur. You are really a pervert. Whatever. This Dragon Transformation's first phase. In this phase, you will gain more double of what you have before. Also, this form absorbs so much chakra. I have Kage level chakra reserves. I can only open it for half a hour."

"What do you mean about double of what you gained before? Is it because of our bloodline that I have stronger physical strength than children in my age group?" Hiro looked focused on Aki-nee when he asked this question.

Aki-nee smiled. "You are smart. Yeah, it is correct that our bloodline simulates growth of your body much better than a normal human. Including your massive chakra reserves, but you have to train so much to make this happen. You are an anomaly even among of our clan, my little pervert. You are so hardworking that I suspected you are possessed by middle-aged office man."

Hiro felt cold, that cold sweats were sliding from his back to his ass crack. ' Is this legendary woman intuition? It is scary...'

"It is a joke, joke. Anyway, our bloodline's second part more mysterious than the first part. Only a handful of experts from our clan attain this power. Even if you attain this power, you need to train it so much. Ah, about experts... Your parents were two of the experts that our clan nurtured. Your father attained power of kage level with second part of our bloodline. Your mother was also kage level..."

Hiro felt shock travel from his core to every

inch of your body. ' So I am really an offshoot of some powerhouses. But why am I in Konoha orphanage?'

Hiro looked to Aki-nee with more confused eyes. "Then why am I in Hidden Leaf?"

Aki-nee's smiling expression crumbled for one moment. Hiro felt that horror was filling his blood vessels.

Aki-nee soon collected her expression with a forced, sad smile. "Our clan destroyed by the enemy forces. Our clan was a hidden little clan. Our members had quality over quantity, but the enemy force had both of them. Our last two members are me, you and the man who protects you from shadows, Yutaka. Yutaka, you can appear. Apparently, Hiro knows you. Introduce yourself." When she said this, a shadow rose from her side. The shadow takes shape of human, with a puff It appears.

Hiro looked at the man in front of him. His appearance was entirely black. He had black eyes, black easy hair, even his clothes were black. "Hello, young master. My name is Yutaka. I am an orphan who adopted by your clan. I was assigned by clan to protect you along, my lady." His voice is straight and cold, but Hiro could sense a hint of happiness from it. "So you were my stalker. Oh, man, I was hoping that my stalker was a woman... Anyway. Nice to meet you, Yuta. Can I say Yuta instead of your name?"

"Yes. Young master. You can."

"Okay... Now, which motherfucker destroyed our clan?" He turned toward to Aki-nee and said. He felt troubled by the situation.

Aki-nee was silent for a moment. Like she was considering whatever, saying or not saying. After a moment, she started to speak. "Our clan destroyed by Sannin Orochimaru and his allies. Your parents destroyed the Sannin, but his allies attacked your parents at the last moment when they were about killing him. That BASTARDS couldn't take our members for their experiments because our clan members , when they were about to die, they launched a suicide charge to enemy. All of them died." she said with tears on her face.

Hiro looked dejected. "Well, they killed even babies, huh..."

"No... There wasn't a baby at that moment in clan. There were adult and teen ninjas. Our numbers were about fifty..."

Yutaka interrupted her. "Young master. Don't need to feel down. You will take our revenge eventually. Even if you don't want to take, they will come after your bloodline. You need to be strong."

Hiro thought. "Who was allies of snake bastard?"

Aki-nee answered. "From what we collected, their name was Akatsuki. They were a new mercenary group, but they had enough S ranked rogue ninjas to flatten a village..."

"We need to plan Aki-nee. Did you have a plan, right?"

Aki-nee smiled and took a scroll from her selves. "Yes. We have one. This scroll is a secret agreement from time of 1. Hokage. Our clan was invited by the Senju clan to leaf. But our clan head didn't accept this, but the Senju clan insisted an agreement between us. With this, we can come to leaf when our clan damaged or attacked by others. We can build a different from the old clan we have, but when we do this, we will be leaf clan."

Hiro felt relaxed when he heard the plan. "So... We can enter the leaf as a clan. It is a good thing, but why are you hiding?"

Yutaka looked to him and said. "Young master. Leaf had plenty of crouching tigers, hidden dragons and scorpions.

We need to nurture you silently and safely. You remained only one as main branch of your family. You need to be strong when the time comes. Your talent is shining in the dark like a star. Others will envy it and will try to take it for themselves." Yuta said with a serious expression. Hiro also thought like him.

"You are right, Yuta-nii. I have to be strong when the time comes. Our clan's jutsus with you, right? If I want to be strong, I have to learn them."

Aki-nee smiled. "Yeah, we have them. With your talent, you can learn what you need in one year. After that, you need to be cautious. If someone invited you to their Anbu, you mustn't enter it because if you enter it, they could control our fragile clan which we will form after your graduation from academy."

"So, our plan is this, right? Then let's do this!"

"Yes, young master."

"Umu, my little pervert!"

-Total word count is 2000.