
A Naruto Fan ends up in BNHA

Guy gets reincarnated into the wrong world. Disclaimer: None of the characters written in this fanfic are mine. It belongs to Horikoshi-sama. Disclaimer 2: I don't own the Cover Pic also...just an FYI head-up.

mugen95 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Chapter 33

Todoroki- 4123

Monoma- 3810

Bakugou- 3556

Tokoyami- 360

Iida- 345


"How the hell did Todoroki get more than Monoma?" Sero asked, still sour about the way he lost to him. "Its probably my damn old man's doing. He must have flexed, pressuring them to not take you. I'm sorry Monoma." Todoroki replied, to which I just nod and shrug it off.

Aizawa was getting prickly for getting interrupted, "Keeping these results in mind whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in the internship with heroes. Yes, internships.

At USJ you have already experienced combat with real villains, but it will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand."

Everyone started discussing among themselves, Aizawa just sighed and continued, "While these hero names are temporary, if you are not serious about it-" he was interrupted by a wild THICC R-rated hero shaking her boobs provocatively, entering the class "You'll have hell to pay!" Seriously, how the fück is she allowed to teach in a school?

She walked in while doing some kind of erotic cat walk, "Because a lot of hero names used by students are recognized by the society and they end up becoming their professional hero names.

Aizawa chimed in as if nothing just happened, poor guy must have gotten used to her antics, "Well that's how it is. Midnight here will be making sure your hero names are okay. I'm going to sleep, the granny used her healing on me too much and now I'm tired."


We were given white writing boards and markers to write down our hero names and given half an hour to decide. I looked around me seeing almost everyone in some sort of mental dilemma to think up a name. I took but a moment to write down my name. [ KAKASHI ]

After about 20 minutes Midnight said, "Okay let's start presenting names starting with those who are ready. I got up and went to the front oc the class and presented my hero name, every person there was confused. Midnight then spoke, "Monoma-kun, why have you chosen this particular name."

Ehh?! I can't tell them the real reason, so... "I chose this name to be a deterent for villains. Kakashi means Scarecrow in 'Engrishu'." Midnight gave it a thought and said, "The name is too generic. But you could use Scarecrow instead right? Either you give a proper hero name or you give your own name if you cannot think of anything."

I went back to my seat, if I can't pick the name 'Kakashi' then there is no point using that name. I don't want to be called 'Scarecrow', although it does sound cool... but NO! I have to think of another name.

Meanwhile the others have started going up to present their names. It started with stupid ones like 'Alien queen' and 'I can't stop twinkling', but started getting better until Bakugou came forward- 'King Explosion Murder'. *sigh*

There were 2 more minutes and I was the only one still thinking. Everyone turned to look at me patiently thinking. I was about to give up and just give 'Scarecrow', when I got an Idea. What about 'White Fang'... But I don't have white hair. Then I remembered my new ANBU hero costume.

I wrote down my name and went with a smile...


Aizawa woke up from his sleep, "Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we'll go back to talking about internships. As for where you'll have them... those who had offers will be given your own lists, so you can choose from those yourselves. Those who didn't get any offers, will choose from among forty agencies around the country, that will be accepting our interns.

They all work in different places and have different specialities. For example take 13 the space hero, she is a hero who is specialized in rescue. So choose carefully where you wanna specialize." And with that the bell rang.


"Aizawa-sensei, you called me?" it was after school and Aizawa asked me to stay back. I was in the teacher's lounge with Aizawa and Toshinori, I joined them at the table they were sitting and discussing something.

Aizawa gave a serious face, pushed a file towards me to take a look. I saw it was Four-eyes's file. He gave a pause and said as I was sifting through the file "I called you here for a favour. I wouldn't do this if I wasn't absolutely certain of your abilities, also Toshinori vouched for you. Okay, The reason I called you over is because I want you to keep an eye on a person. Namely Iida Tenya. His concerned parents had come and talked to us about his current unstable behaviour.

We believe he has chosen an agency exactly in Hosu city because he wants to avenge his brother. And after losing to you.... to put it frankly- quite easily and as if he were nothing. I'm not blaming you, infact its the opposite. Atleast they will learn the difficulties they will be facing.

Back to the point, we need you to tail him and keep him out of trouble." Aizawa then pulled out an Identity card and gave it to me, "I have pulled a few strings and got this for you. This is a Temporary Quirk Usage card. It is given to heroes who are new in other countries and are given special permission to use quirks.

Now, I'm trusting you with this. Although I don't like it, Toshinori has full faith in your abilities... me too. For the duration of this week you are going to be in an internship with a pro hero called Gran Torino. He won't be in contact with you much, but has agreed to let you stay with him for the next week."

At this Toshinori started trembling and said, "He was my home room teacher when I studied here in UA. That man is truly terrifying." I just smirked, the man must have left big scars for even All Might to tremble in fear. My thought were interrupted by Aizawa once more.

"Before I forget, if you're asked about why you are using your quirk just show the working Inspector or hero in that area your Card. They and a few more like Tsukauchi have already been informed of this. You will leave together with the others as per the original plans, but you gotta be inconspicuous about it. Don't draw too much attention to yourself and stay low."

After the meeting Toshinori came upto me with a conflicted expression, "Monoma-shonen, I don't approve of this, but I was the one who gave the idea in the first place. If by chance he does go after him, I want you to only get him out of there. Do not engage the Hero Killer. That monster of a man, is highly dangerous and will kill you without mercy or hesitation. I cannot stress this enough." I just gave a nod.

"Oh nice name by the way, is it because of the costume?" he asked. I nodded looking at my name tag...

[Ninja Hero: Fox Fang]

With that I went home, *sigh* I have so much to think about. Is this guy the main villain or is that the other guy with the white hair... Shiragake? Shigaraki? Stain felt far more dangerous than the hand-freak.