
A Naruto Fan ends up in BNHA

Guy gets reincarnated into the wrong world. Disclaimer: None of the characters written in this fanfic are mine. It belongs to Horikoshi-sama. Disclaimer 2: I don't own the Cover Pic also...just an FYI head-up.

mugen95 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Chapter 20

My consciousness was fading, I was getting ready to fight of the small fry, who where charging at me. when... when I heard an explosion and acrash, everyone got distracted, myself included. In came a figure that filled me with relief.

"I'm here-" "What 'I'm here'... took you long enough... sen..sei" I had to make fun of him, before I passed out.


I opened my eyes and saw few familiar faces, a few unfamiliar ones looking down at me. "Am I that handsome?" I croaked trying to get up, when I felt a smack to the head. "You will not move, unless I say so. You are a patient, atleast act like one." the unmistakable voice of Granny Chiyo was heard.

"Do you always go around slapping your patients' heads?" I groaned. All the guys started, "Hoh? So you were just acting like you were hurt is it? You seem well enough to talk smack to your elders?"

The drawling voice came from my side, I turned my hear to look at a half mummified Aizawa. "Aizawa sensei, did you tangle your capture threads around yourself? You look more handsome this way." I tried to prod him, He just smirked at me and said, "You too, you brat.".

I looked at myself, I was totally mummified with bandages, gauze clothes and casts supporting my arms and legs. Even my face and my left eye was covered in bandages. I tried to use <heal> on myself, when I felt another smack on my head.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, <heal> takes your stamina as a cost, to speed up your recovery and heal. You have no stamina now, I suggest you rest and then I will do it. Your quirk activation of <heal> is sloppy and takes three times more stamina than necessary."

I just nodded, who I my to disagree when the owner of the quirk herself is advising against it. I saw All Might in the corner of my eye, he was standing in the back of the crowd that formed around me and Aizawa. He looked worried, biting his non-existing fingernails.

I sat up slowly, wincing at the sharp pain in my back, "Aizawa sensei, can you tell me what happened after I passed out?" I asked kinda curious as to what had happened. He told me when All Might had arrived the NOMU, as that was the big brain guy's name was tried to break out of the huge metal rod I had run it through the ground with. Turns out he was not even a real human being, he was made!

All might had some trouble taking him down, it seemed the hand guy, Shigaraki started bragging about his quirks, "I knew it! It was <shock absorption> and <super regenaration> wasn't it?" I asked, "Yeah, I suppose you would know, you fought it after all.... So after that the Pros and teacher had arrived with the principal. They were escorted by Asui and Iida. Seems like Asui got there first and brought them here joining Iida halfway. Good thinking, sending her there."

With that said, it seems like the hand-guy, Shigaraki and the warp-guy, Kurogiri had escaped, leaving the rest of the small fries behind. And I was all caught up. They told me, they did not want to move me, because I had internal blood haemorrhage.

I was healed as soon as Granny Chiyo came to the site with the principal Nezu and the other Pros. The NOMU on the other hand was still alive, its head was blown off and it still regenerated a child like body too small to even support its big bird like head and stopped moving after the hand-guy escaped.

I was transported back to the infirmary room in the UA campus. Toshinori was there waiting with a guy in a beige trench coat and a matching hat. He introduced him as Mr.Tsukauchi. He also knew All Might's secret and is his friend. The guy immediately started talking. "Monoma-san, what you did was reckless and stupid. You might have gotten killed or crippled. What were you thinking?" I got irritated by the new guy real fast.

"I did what I had to do. I have no reason to sit hear listen to your complains. I couldn't sit back and watch Aizawa sensei get crushed without being able to do anything. The hand-guy, Tomura was it?was planning to torture the students until All Might got here." I retorted.

He paused for a second and then gave a small smile, "I just needed to confirm something, you see my quirk is <human lie detector>." "Ahh... so that's why. Sorry for getting angry." I said bowing a little.

Even if I think that he is egotistical and extremely vain, he was not a bad guy. I had to agree on one thing he said, "The villains made a big mistake attacking the kids. The students who had a carefree attitude, have witnessed first hand the dark side of society. I have full confidence that they will be all the more wiser now they have witnessed the horrors they will face in their future careers."

"But most of all they witnessed Monoma-shonen go above and beyond his limit to fight impossible odds and still stand tall. This will push them harder to do the same and improve. I'm sure they feel ashamed and frustrated of themselves that they had to rely on their classmate to protect them.

Even in the worst situation, there is a light of hope that this situation will toughen them up. This class is strong. I have at most confidence that they will become fine, strong heroes."

*sigh* Why does he have to turn everything so corny.