
A Nara with a Level System, Ten Shadows & Shadow Extraction In Naruto.

Our aloof and stoic protagonist, Kai. A handsome 14 year old, finds himself at the hands of death. He accepts his death, only to be awaken to the sound of crying, whose source was he himself. Apparently he is now in the world of Naruto and is a member of the Nara clan, Nice. He is a baby as of now. Great. And he hears a 'Ding!' sound as a screen appears in front of him. [ Player Name : Kai Nara Player Level : 1 (0/50) Shikigamis : Divine Dogs; Level 1 {0/90} Abilities : Shadow Extraction; Locked. Shadow Summoning; Locked. EXP : 000 ] Well, Damn. No Romance but might have lemons. No pairing for MC. --------------------------------- Disclaimer : Will contain explicit description of violence and gore and underage aspects. ----------------- Approximately one chapter every 1 or 2 day. Minimum 4 chapters a week unless taking a break. ------- Slow progression at first but will get faster after academy arc starts. ------- I won't drop this like my other stories since I studied enough fanfics and gained enough writing experience. I'll definitely get this over a 100 Chapters.

sPenK_XD · Komik
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12 Chs

The Academy

𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

It was 6:00 when I opened my eyes and looked out the window, admiring the morning view before getting out of the bed.

I went into the bathroom and took off my clothes and turned on the shower.

Today was the day I enter the academy, it would be a big step in my life as I would officially be enlisted as a shinobi of The Leaf after I finish the academy.

After I finished showering, I put on a pair of black shorts and grey t-shirt and wore blue shinobi sandals.

It was 6:20 now, so I still had 40 minutes left until I had to head for the academy. I had something different in mind today.

I quickly snuck out of my room and left the orphanage.

I headed towards the Nara Training Ground. 7 ( Siu!!!! ) Since what I was about to do wasn't something I should do in the orphanage's training ground.

'Sprint' I said in my mind.

Activating Ability : [Tier C: Sprint] MAX.

I started running and my speed increased and I quickly zoomed across the streets at the speed a normal genin would have when running.

You might be wondering; What are the tiers? Well I don't really know much about it myself, but I know that they are like levels of an ability and can be increased through continuous training. I reached the max level this tier had to offer and I don't know when I am going to get the next tier.

Speaking of abilities, I got some new abilities and maxed one.

I maxed out the acting ability which now made my lies much more plausible and made me very good at faking emotions and lying.

As for the abilities I got,

[Tier D: Weapon Throwing] MAX.

The ability to throw Kunai, Shurikens, Needles, ETC. Effects the accuracy, power and curving ability of the user's throwing ability.

[Tier C: Reaction] Max. [Added Bonus: Instinct (Active) Ability.] (you know what it is.)

The ability to dodge and react to the enemy's attacks, weapons and ninjutsus. [Instinct] can be activated to highten the user's instinct and dodging ability.

[Tier -D: Taijutsu (No Style) ] MAX.

User's ability of Physical Hand-to-Hand combat.

Currently Unrefined.

[Tier D: Kenjutsu] MAX.

User's ability to use swords and kunais.

We still weren't taught any taijutsu style Or kenjutsu style yet so that was the reason my kenjutsu Or taijutsu were so low.

I also learned the three basic jutsus which probably every clan kid and ninja descendant would have learned before the joining the academy.

I looked and saw that I had arrived at Nara Training Ground. 7 and quickly entered.

What I was about to do was something I wanted to do for a long time but couldn't.

I formed a wolf hand sign and whispered, "Divine Dogs."

I felt a portion of my chakra get used up as a dark pool of black goo formed in front of me.

Out of the black goo, two figures formed, one was a white wolf and one was a black wolf.

Ding! Shikigami: Divine Dogs Unlocked!

The two wolves looked at me, waiting for my command.

I had done it. I had fucking done it!

I looked at the wolves and I felt a mental connection with them, 'Run south' I order mentally.

The wolves immediately darted in the southern direction, leaving me in dust.

I was barely able to see them move.

As the two divine wolves darted off into the distance, leaving me behind in awe of my own accomplishment, i couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through him. I had finally unlocked the ability to summon the Divine Dogs, a feat i had been striving towards for so long.

With a sense of pride swelling within me, i couldn't wait to see what else i could achieve with my newfound powers. But for now, i needed to focus on my upcoming journey to the academy.

Quickly checking the time, i realized he needed to head back to the orphanage to prepare for my first day at the academy. With a stoic expression, i turned on my heels and sprinted back towards the orphanage, the image of the majestic wolves still fresh in my mind.

I quickly reached the orphanage and snuck into my room and saw the matron there, "Kai! Where were you! You know what? I don't even wanna know. Good, you are ready! Get to the kitchen for breakfast, you need to go to the academy for the opening ceremony." She said.

I nodded and headed downstairs towards the kitchen.

I quickly entered the kitchen and saw all the kids were sitting at the table and I enjoyed them shortly and sfafted eating the breakfast, tuning out the boy who was trying to talk with me.

After I finished the breakfast and got up, I went to my room and got the backpack and the notebooks along with some pencils which were given to us for the academy and headed out of the orphanage.

As I began walking towards the academy, I saw the teriyaki stand of Aiki, who was standing there waving at me.

I approached Aiki and she said, "Going to the academy, Huh? It's like you were so little just tommorow and you are this big now already. Here, have a plate. Consider it as my good luck wish for you."

I smiled at her and said, "Thank you, Granny Aiki." I quickly took the teriyaki plate and gobbled it down as Aiki watched me with a smile.

"By the way Kai, I am gonna make a bigger stand here. Can you help me out with moving around the materials after the academy? I'll pay you for it." Said Aiki.

Ding! World Quest Detected!

Objective: Help Aiki with moving around the materials for her new stand.

Reward: 450 EXP, 500 RYO.


I rose my eyebrow at the pop up but quickky accepted and nodded at Aiki, "Sure. I'll be here after the academy is finished." I said as I placed my plate down. "Cya Granny Aiki." I said as I turned around and started heading towards the academy.

After sometime, I was out of the clan compound and in the village now as I continued to walk.

When I was walking, I saw a blonde haired boy running towards the same direction in me, he looked disheveled and in a hurry.

I continued walking and soon reached the academy.

Outside the academy, I saw two familiar figures.

Uchiha FUCKING Itachi, Uchiha FUCKING Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Sasuga- Sasuke.

I saw Sasuke turn around and he waved at me with a happy expression.

He waved at me.


What the fuck?