
Found Chp 1


"The Beyonders have been defeated and I have claimed my place as the ruler of everything," said an armored man in white

"I can reshape everything yet," He says as he stands up

"What is this feeling of dread," He wondered

He turned to look at the two 'heroes' approaching as he knew about their infinity gauntlet

He prepared to help them restore the multiverse to what it was due to boredom

A few minutes later he faked being defeated and they began to restore everything while using every bit of power they could get. The white armored man senses something entering their multiverse.

"Wait, stop," He screams at them to stop as he believes that it is more Beyonders but he stops as the multiverse is reformed and his omnipotent powers stripped from him.

"No, you fools something just entered the multiverse," He said as he closed his eyes, and his memories of the events were wiped out alongside his but that feeling of dread was replaced by an emotion that made him confused as he woke up to his mother's voice

Hope for a fun day


Flying through the stars is a ship surrounded by items of incredible power and potential as it enters the multiverse

However, as they enter the lump of metal goes through the chest of a powerful being with a crown with 7 gems on her head.

Even though she wanted to die from loneliness she did not want to be killed in such a way

The white-colored lump of metal begins to be going slower but still at a considerable speed as it slowly over the ages begins to take the shape of a blade suited for its owner as it becomes a symbol of power for the child due to the cosmic energies it takes in.

The future blade will stay on its course and as it sinks its power into that of the universe and beyond

But it does not go unnoticed as its uniqueness in this multiverse is noticed, but no one can claim it for themselves as the blade will only respond to one even as they tried to teleport it or get their hands on the lump of metal.

Civilizations rose and fell fighting meaningless wars trying to claim it for themselves

Beings of incredible cosmic power tried and failed, and the power of the metal rejected them.

So, it continued its course and it would arrive for the star child at his darkest hour.

An emerald green light flew through the cosmos as it followed the star child at his destination.

The suit was with the child as it drew upon an inconsequential amount of kinetic energy to form a seed of a force that would rival if not surpassed most in creation.

As for the star child himself

He sleeps peacefully in a new multiverse filled with dangers most would cower away from.

After, sometime he would reach his destination as his ship breaches the atmosphere no one senses his arrival as he lands north of the planet.

As it nears the ground it opens up the glass allowing the child inside to feel the rays of the sun.

The child begins to cry at the noise with senses being increased.

The ship turns horizontally to slowly let the child fall to the ground. But with the sun empowering the child he wouldn't have been harmed anyway. The ship camouflages itself until the child is twelve years old when it would call upon the child.

Somewhere a man near him hears his cries of pain.


"Today is a good day," I said

I managed to get the first payment for my new house with the money I saved up with some left over for the next few years of payments.

I also got a date with the pretty elementary school teacher

As I stop at an intersection I roll down the window to smell the forest that is mostly free of pollution.

I see the light change and nearly step on it as I realized that I had smelled the air for a bit longer than necessary.

As I begin going I hear a child screaming a sound I recognize very well from my time in multiple wars.

I get out of my car and head over to the noise.

I reach him after half a minute

I approach him to see him covered in a red blanket with a yellow diamond shape with an S inside.

He is still crying while I grab and look him over

His palms are open as I move my finger over to one of his open palms he grasps my finger breaking it.

I try to pull it back and as I do it off the skin exposing part of the bone underneath. I hold my scream of pain as the skin regrows at a speed not known to many.

"Are you like me?" I asked as the baby lets go of the skin hanging on his hand and continues to wail.

"I don't know what to do?" I said lost as I know what will happen the moment I take him to a hospital.

I sigh as finally, the child starts to calm down and goes to sleep after around half an hour.

During this time of which I realize what I may have to do

I look at the baby in my arms and watch as he sleeps

"I guess it's just you and me now... bub," I said as the baby sleeps peacefully unaware of the impending struggles he will go through

Not even time can tell what is in store for this mistake