
A Multiversal Journey! - Rise of A True God

!! WISH FULFILMENT !! - DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY TO HEART, THE STORY IS PURELY FOR ENJOYMENT. Dying from cancer was one of the most painful things Simon Kilmonger had experienced in his quick fifteen years of life. His last five spent battling for his life against an aggressive form of cancer. However, before he could even grieve his own death, he was met with an opportunity that came once in a life time... Literally. "And who are you supposed to be? God?" - Simon. "That, and your one last chance at an enjoyable life." - TOB.

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4 Chs

Scythe [Chapter 3]

'Scythe Cadell is the right hand man of Agrona Vritra. I don't remember much about him from the novel, but I do know that his soul fire could pose a potential threat to Sylvia.' Simon mused, deactivating the runes that ran over his body.

Feeling a piercing gaze, Simon locked eyes with Cadell, completely ignoring the presence of the other four scythes with him. They weren't important.

Though he was confident in his strength, staring into the eyes of the unknown variable in front of him, Cadell was at a loss for words. He tried to pierce into the power of the boy before him, but it was as if there was a wall.

The longer and harder he tried, the more strain that was put on his mind. However, he intended to give one last push. What he saw completely unnerved him.

A shadow extended behind the boy, numerous piercing blood red eyes stared back, hundreds of them. Cadell felt a shiver run down his spine as he instinctively reeled his head back, his lip twitching in disgust.

'How revolting…' Hearing the thoughts of the Vritra blooded bastard, Simon only scoffed. Leaning back in his throne further as he rested his chin in his hand.

"Sylvia." Simon called out once more. Finally putting Cadell back on target. "I understand." The dragon replied, flaring her wings, her runes glowed as did her eyes.

Cadell squinted, preparing himself to face the one worthy to be his lords wife. He was well aware of the Asurans control over Aether arts, however, he has yet to experience it himself.

And he's a man that prefers to experience things for him to believe it, rather than rely on the words of another. In those terms, he was much like the young God spectating from his throne.

[Two of you stay back and ready yourselves to aid me. You others… Kill that boy and the one beneath the cloak. They're unsightly.] Telepathically giving orders, the Scythe and his retainers gave a stiff, almost unnoticeable nod.

Simon, however, heard it all. Shifting his hand to cover his face, he couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh. 'Are these so-called 'deities' incapable of sensing my power? Or is it that I'm so powerful they can't comprehend it?'

["Come then. I'll give you a glimpse."] Invading their minds, Simon sent his own message. Startled, Cadell frowned while his jaw clenched, his retainers were a bit more on edge.

[Ignore him. Stick to the plan.] Without so much a word, he dashed forward, calling forth his "Void Black Sword" molded purely out of his soul fire and resembling the endless night sky.

Sylvia ignored the retainers as two split off to apprehend Simon. Whether it was his previous display in completely immobilizing her or due to the bond they now share, she held no fear or worry for him, or for Arthur.

Instead, she flew forward, preparing to meet her executioner head on.

Swinging forth her right paw with a downward swipe, a trail of purple motes followed along, only to be intercepted by Cadells weapon. The two flames clashed, sending out a moderate shockwave, shaking the foundation of the cave.

Stalactites fell one by one, the exotic fruits hiding within said cave shook as well. Some even falling and plopping open.

Arthur hugged the cloak that was given to him for dear life, feeling his footing begin to slip and soon enough give away, threatening to send him ragdolling.

But contrary to what he expected. He felt the inviting warmth from the cloak be stripped away and his position to be anchored. The waves from Sylvia' and Cadells battle no longer bothering his tiny, powerless stature.

Looking over the armrest of Simon's throne, Arthur was met with the sight of two towering figures with rough faces. They were identical, no doubt twins.

The only way one could tell them apart physically was the difference in scars. One sported a whole slew of them all over their face while the other carried a giant birthmark- or burn scar, enveloping their right eye and half their forehead.

They dawned black knight-like armors, though less bulky and stiff. The joints were made of high-tier hides from terrifyingly strong mana beasts, the rings that adorned their fingers were to aid in boosting the overall fire power of their corresponding elements.

As well as grant a connection between the two, linking them by soul.

"For a kid, you sure are arrogant. Tell us, how old are you?" The one to speak was the one on the right of Simon, his face being the one carrying the burn mark.

Simon hummed, interlocking his fingers as he slouched into a comfortable position. "Fifteen and counting." Nodding sage like, the two retainers placed their hands on the hilts of their weapons, their free one raising towards Simon.

"A shame, really." The one on the left spoke, his hand glowering with a purple hue. The one on the right followed suit, shaking his head as his hand enveloped itself in darkness.

Simon chuckled slightly, though his gaze never left Sylvia and Cadell. The two were practically dancing in place, with how big Sylvia's dragon form was, she was restricted as she dared not to harm nature's treasure.

That only served to give Cadell a sort of edge on her, but to Simon, the retainers, and the young reincarnator, it was clear that Cadell was struggling regardless.

Spewing a blast of Soul Fire straight towards the elderly Dragon, Cadell tightened his jaw with irritation. With a single Aether infused swipe of her wing, the flame was extinguished, proving to be nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Sylvia snorted. "One of Agronas strongest yet this is all you can manage? Oh my, what do I say?" With a sultry, teasing tone, Sylvia retreated.

Having practically switched places with the Vritra, Sylvia was just beneath the open hole that Cadell and his squad formed. The two retainers that remained behind to help the Scythe had been dispatched throughout the little roundabout greeting.

Cadell was greatly surprised. He never expected Sylvia to be this big of a threat. And she has yet to utilize her Aether arts. The Scythe now understood why it was so crucial to make sure that she was dispatched while she was still wounded.

The fact that she was fully healed was answered within Cadells mind with a simple assumption. 'The young boy.' He was an unknown variable, an entity that had an extensive, overwhelming presence, yet seemingly held no power.

Cadell frowned.

[Kill him, now!] Glancing over to see that his retainers and Simon were watching him duel the Asuran, he grew frantic. He needed to throw Sylvia off course; Killing her companion would do just that.

Shaking his head slightly, Simon let out a tiny smirk. Glancing over towards the retainers, he raised his hand. "Well, your commander has spoken. Your time is up." Before a word could even be spoken, Simon simply pointed a finger and the top half of one of the twins completely disappeared.

Before the other could get a word, his body combusted into a mass of blood, as if he was just… Popped. His blood went everywhere but not a single droplet stained Simon's perfect skin.

Cadell and Sylvia were both thrown completely out of rhythm. A power so great it seemed almost Omnipotent- it was something Agrona just HAD to know.

Glancing between Sylvia and the young God, his best bet was to retreat. Even if Simon honored their one on one, Sylvia had yet to utilize her Aether Arts, meaning she wasn't even trying.

Gritting his teeth, he tried his best to calculate his best way out. With Sylvia guarding his entrance and exit point along with Simon finally beginning to get active…

'This complicates everything…!' Until his eyes landed on Arthur… The lone cub being protected by two monsters. His eyes glinted, his intention clear.

Sylvia glowered, her eyes squinting as she instantly picked up on it. "Don't you dare. This is between us!" She shouted, her runes ready to show off just why she was so feared amongst her enemies.

Cadell ignored her however, pointing his blade towards the young boy hiding behind the Throne a spout of pitch black soul fire raced towards its target at terrifying speeds.

Sylvia grunted and the world went monochrome, as if everything had been inverted.

Cadell froze in place, completely stopped in time. Sylvia rose to her full height glaring down at the Scythe before her. Flapping her wings once, she dashed soundlessly in front of the soul fire. Her claw clad in Aetheric Essence in preparation to deflect.

"Don't bother. I want to see something." Her eyes widened like saucers. Spinning around, she furrowed her brows seeing that Simon was completely unaffected by something as Divine as halting time.

Though she said nothing, her thoughts were clear. Standing up, Simon instantly appeared in front of her, catching the Asuran off guard once again.

'His speed is extraordinary…! Among other things…' Reaching his hand out, he grasped for the flame as he snapped his finger. Time began to flow normally but the flame had been snuffed.

Cadell had expected something along the lines of what just occurred, so when he simply saw Simon be the one to undo his trick, it bothered him, but he didn't let it get him killed.

Instantly flying for the hole in the roof, he attempted his escape. But Simon had another plan. With a simple thought, Cadell had been teleported in front of the Gods throne. His knees practically fused with the ground.

Grunting as he began to panic, the Scythe glared hatefully at the young boy. "-Just what are you!? This type of power is unheard of, even for the lord of the Asurans!"

"Then don't confine me to such small scales. I'm much more." Sitting down, Simon placed his hand on Arthurs head, ruffling his hair a bit.

Though he knew Arthur was the furthest from being truly terrified as he was actually a forty-year old veteran, the fact his heart was beating at an astronomical rate proved that he had been feeling something.

Sending a wave of vibrations through his spine, his muscles and mind relaxed, putting him to sleep. "Cadell, dog of Agrona. You're not much in person. It's quite disappointing." Choosing to stay quiet, the Vritra continued to glare.

Sylvia had settled next to Simon, her Amethyst eyes glowering full of spite. "But, you are promising. So I'll cut you an offer- only once. Refuse and you will die." Raising a brow, Simon soon smiled, patting Cadells cheek.

Grunting, Cadell spat towards the young God. "I will not betray Lord Agrona. Save your tongue." Simon scoffed. "Pity." And with a single thought, Cadell just disappeared.

Ceasing to exist as he was completely erased- Soul and all. The room fell silent, with destruction from Cadells and Sylvias clashing decorating the cave, it was more lively than before.

Sylvia shifted her attention to the sleeping Arthur, picking him up and sliding him on her back. Simon tapped his finger on the Throne as he took a moment to ponder.

"Hey Sylv?" A slight pause ensued. Tilting her head as she spoke, Sylvia replied. "What is it, Simon?"

"Should I just kill Agrona and Kazess? Or make them my pawns?" Sylvia's eyes widened in surprise, her mind forming thoughts she'd rather not have Simon hear.

'H-He's completely serious… He's extremely powerful- Wielding strange magic… But the two pinnacle powers of this world…? He'd find himself in a struggle.' Shaking her head, Sylvia replied hesitantly.

"I'd rather we avoid a war with my father… Agrona may be a questionable existence, but I do not wish for his death either." Simon hummed.

"...How borish." Sylvia held her tongue despite her emotional state. She was outclassed and by the looks of it, the God before her was irritated.

"Fine. Let's see what else I can come up with before we leave." Standing up, Simon appeared in front of Sylvia with his hand on her snout.

She blinked, and within the next moment they found themselves in a scorching desert.